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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Symphony Of Hearts - Finale




Symphony Of Hearts - Episode 67 & 68

   { ....The Sparks Within .... }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.

Genre: Romance

Tags: Highschool, Fantasy, Musical, K-pop, S£x, Comedy, Love Triangle, Drama, Heartbreak, Secrets, Love At First Sight, Jealousy, Suspense, Bullying.

 © Ariel Mirabel

 ✧༺✰༻✧   ✧༺✰༻✧   ✧༺✰༻✧

                       ✰{ AT LAST }✰


Noah helped Maggie escaped from Jade. Lucia told everyone about her not being the real Lucia,and being a twins and their real mother is Vivian.

Finley and Quinn told Kyle about them and begged him to help talk to Mason. Kyle and Mason talked things out,and they are good now.

Jade has been arrested...



Thomas just finished dropping the call of his attorney when one of the maids came in with his food.

"Sir." She bowed and Thomas gestured her to drop it on the table.

"Where's Daphne?" Thomas asked.

"She left, and ask me to bring your food for the rest of the day." The maid answered.

"Did she say where she was going?"

"She didn't Mr. President" 

"Alright, you can take your leave now." Thomas said and the maids walk out. Almost immediately,one of the guard came in.

"Ms. Lucia is outside. She wanted to see you, she said it's important." The guard bowed.

Thomas went silent at first.

Let her in" He ordered. The guard left, and moments later, Lucia entered the room.

"Good morning,Mr. President," Lucia said with a light bow.

"Good morning,Lucia. How are you and my son?" the president asked.

"We're both doing well,sir" Lucia smiled.

"Please, have a seat" Thomas gestured, and Lucia sat down.

"To what do I owe this visit?" Thomas inquired.

"I know this might be hard to believe, but Mrs. Daphne has been giving you drugs that are slowly making you lose your mind and causing you to sleep more frequently. She's been doing this to steal all your money and leave nothing for Kingsley. She plans to take over your entire fortune after you die from an overdose of these drugs" Lucia explained.

Thomas gave her a peculiar look and nodded his head.

"How certain are you about this?" Thomas asked curiously.

"I just felt I should let you know. I understand that this is hard to believe, but I have a solid plan that will help you catch her in the act,allowing you to see the truth for yourself, if you're willing to cooperate,sir." Lucia said.

Thomas gazed at her intently.



Daphne tucked Thomas into bed and carried the tray of food out of his room with a smirk. She handed it to the maid waiting outside and made her way to her room.

As soon as she was alone,she dialed someone's number, and they promptly picked up.

"How did it go?" the person on the other end inquired.

"All is done. I'm sure he won't wake up tonight or even tomorrow. I just need to get to his safe and take out all his gold before morning" Daphne said with a smirk.

"That's great news. I'll send my men to help you with it. You just need to get rid of your maids and guards. Can you handle that?" the man asked.

"Trust me" she replied with a confident grin, hanging up the phone. She turned around and was met with the shock of her life, the president 

standing right in front of her.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked, horrified.

It turned out that the president didn't entirely believe Lucia, but he decided to find out the truth for himself. 

He had stopped taking the medication she brought him for the past three days,and he discreetly discarded the one she had given him tonights when she wasn't looking.

"Thomas,please,I can explain... Please" Daphne begged, sinking to her knees in tears.

"You'll have to explain all that to the cops,not me" Thomas declared. 

Her eyes widened in fear as three police officers entered the room and approached her.

"Thomas,you can't do this to me," Daphne pleaded as two officers grabbed her and forcefully pulled her to her feet.

"Take her away" the president ordered,and the officers began to drag her out of the room.

"Thomas,please,hear me out! I love you!" Daphne screamed, her voice echoing through the halls as they took her away.



Maggie was sitting in the visiting room when the door opened and Jade was brought in with a cop.

She looked dishevelled and it was hard to believe she was once that her classic looking and sophisticated mom. She was now looking so haggard and disorganized that one could mistake her for a psychopath.

Jade scoffed maliciously on seeing her there, like she so much dreaded her sight.

She hasn't visited her since she was tried and charged guilty, hence warranting 20 years imprisonment.

"Hi mom." Maggie said with a faint smile which didn't reach her eyes at all.

"Bí+ch! Don't call me that! I did all this for you only for you to--"

"You didn't do anything for me mom! It was all for you! It has always been you, all about you! You didn't do anything for me, so don't blame for your own actions!" Maggie snapped at her, her eyes burning in rage.

Jade huffed underneath her breath before her raising her gaze up to Maggie again. She stepped forward towards her that the transparent glass in front from of them was what was separating the two of them.

"Even if I'm in Jail that doesn't guarantee me changing, trust me I'll come back and I'll kill you first..." She smirked and Maggie just gulp.

"I'll kill you Maggie! I'll kill you for doing this to me!" Jade started banging the transparent glass as if to grab Maggie by the neck and two cops immediately rushed to her.

"Time up!" 

"This is my last time seeing you and I was expecting us to say something more like a mother daughter discussion for one last time and it turns out like this... Anyway, do enjoy your stay in this hell hole and I hope to never see your face again" Maggie said,grabbing her bag. 

She stood up and left the visiting room.

"Maggie! Maggie come back here! Don't you dare walk out on me! Maggie!!!" She screamed like a mentally deranged woman till Maggie was out of sight.




Opening her eyes she find herself in beautiful garden covered lovely flowers. She smiled,crouching to touch the flowers in admiration but before her hand could touch it...

"Luciana..." She heard her name from behind and turned.

A surprise gasp escaped her lips on seeing her image in other self standing right in front of her. She was smiling and holding a flower in hand.

"You're... Are you... the real Lucia of Pinky pixie?" Lucia asked and the lady nodded with a smile.

Lucia gasped again. A cold shrill of anxiety ran through her body immediately. What if she said she wants back her body? What if she wants to return? Does that mean her life was going to go back to how it was before?

She know she was being selfish by wanting her not to return but she couldn't help the feeling.

"What... Why..."

"Don't worry... I like where I am and don't wish to return. It was hard getting you here, I only want to say thank you to you. For doing what I couldn't, and making Pinky Pixxie a successful girl group in Korea. Thank you Lucia." She said softly, her smile not leaving her face for once.

Lucia smiled as well, her eyes slowly getting wet as she was feeling emotional.

"I should be saying thank you. You changed my life and gave me a new chance. Thank you." She said and the two smiled.

"Here." The real Lucian said, handing the flower she was holding to her and she collected it.

"It's beautiful. I've never seen this flower, what's the name?"

"Pinky Pixie." She said and Lucia looked at her.

"Lucia! Kingsley is here!" Scarlett said walking into Lucia's room only to meet sleeping on her study table.

She probably fell asleep while writing a song.

"Seriously? How can you be sleeping by this time?" Scarlett asked completely surprised, then she tapped Lucia who woke up immediately.

"Where you really sleeping?" Scarlett asked and Lucia blinked and touched the back of her head.

"So it was a dream, but when did I fall asleep?" She wondered and Scarlett raised a brow.

"You seriously don't know? You're a character for real. Kingsley is he--"

"OMG! I completely forgot, we have a date! What's the time?" She squealed, rushing out of the room into the bathroom.

"Such a big deal." Scarlett shook her head, then her eyes caught the flower on the table and she raised a brow taking the flower.

It was rare flower, she has probably never seen it before her whole life. She doesn't know if it existed on not.

"Where did she get this?" She wondered and leave the room.

"OMG! Is that true?!" She met Lucia squealing,hugging and pouring kisses other Kingsley's face as she entered the living room.

She decided to ignore them thinking it's couple matter.

"Scarlett, guess what?" Lucia called out her name and she stopped.

"I'm not really good at guessing,just tell me" Scarlett said shortly.

"We've been picked to be one of the artists that will perform at a big annual award festival for the best artist of the year" Lucia broke the news.

"What the hell? That's not true?!" Lucia showed her the news on Kingsley's phone and Scarlett literally jumped on Lucia in excitement forgetting how tiny Lucia was for a second.

"I can't breathe" Lucia tapped Scarlett and Kingsley seperate them quickly.

"Sorry babe, I was just too happy" Scarlett said emotionally.

"I know right, I never imagine this happening to us one day" Lucia gushed.

"You could have tell me first..." Scarlett faced Kingsley.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to tell Lucia about it first" Kingsley chuckled.

"That's not important right now, we've got to tell the others and celebrate" Lucia said.



Several music bands had already performed on stage,cheered on by numerous enthusiastic supporters in the crowd.

When it was Pinky Pixie's turn to perform,they were called up on stage. Nervously, they made their way under the spotlight.

Though they felt anxious,as this was their first performance in front of such a large audience, the loud cheers from their fans in the crowd and the supportive viewers helped them regain their confidence,replacing their nervousness with boundless energy.

Pinky Pixie gave an outstanding performance, covering the entire stage with their presence.

Upon finishing their set, they received thunderous applause,even louder than that for the more established bands that had played before them.

They could hardly believe their ears. As they left the stage,they were greeted by the guys who waited for them like proud boyfriends. Jayden immediately pulled Eva to the backstage area,and she glanced at him nervously.

"You look pretty tonight" Jayden complemented and she smiled. "Thank you" 

"I've something to tell you" He said.

"What is it?" Eva bit her lower lips anxiously.

Jayden held her waist and her breath siezed.

"This!" He brought his face closer and gently claimed her soft lips. Eva eyes went shut instantly as if she was already expecting it.

She wrapped her tiny hands around his neck and kissed him back.



Kingsley is showing Lucia his childhood photo album as they both lay on the bed. They just finished having dinner.

"You look cuter here" she said pointing at a particular picture of him naked as a kid and Kingsley's face flushes with embarrassment.

"That's enough for tonight," he says, snatching the book from her and attempting to hide it. Lucia tries to grab it back,and they start playfully fighting for the book.

Lucia's eyes widen when she realizes she's now on top of him. They stare at each other awkwardly.

Kingsley places the book on the bedside table. As Lucia moves to get off him,he pulls her back and kisses her.

"Daphne is dead" He said as he broke the kiss.


"I heard she poisoned herself even before she got to the station. She probably had the drugs on her" Kingsley replied.

"I'm glad everything is settled" She smiled.

"Me too" He grabbed her waist and deepened the kiss.


Kingsley tossed her and changed the position,him on top,still not breaking the kiss.

He kissed her forehead,her neck and earlobes sending a lot of shivers into her spines.

His tongue slowly crept out of his mouth and Lucia licked her lower lips,his eyes went back to her eyes and this time she was staring back at him, their eyes filled with lots of affection.

"I love you" She said.

"I love you too!!" H kissed her again and his hands find its way to her bare back,getting a hold of b+rest and feeling it's warmness.

"King...." She m0aned out and he broke the kiss.

"Are you sure? I can wait till you're ready...."

"Stop trying to hold it in because of me, let's do it tonight..." 

She held his face and kissed him once more before slipping his shirt of her body. She was only putting on a white panties.

Kingsley eyes roamed on her body and her face flushed in embarrassment.

"S+xy as always" He winked and she chuckled.


He kissed her neck and sucked on it. Lucia responded with a beautiful moans.

Kingsley trailed his kiss down to her to chest and without waiting time. He groped one of her br+ast into his mouth.

"Ouch!" she m0aned softly and gripped his hair and pulling him closer.

He sucked on it for minutes before releasing it and Lucia let out a grunt,wanting him to continue. 

His fingers trailed toward her flat tummy downward,igniting some tingling feeling in her 

His hands hovered above her p@nties liner before he slowly pulled it down,off her feet. He placed a kiss to her cleavage,her navels,tummy and then to her lips.

"Are you ready?" He asked and she didn't bother looking down at his length before nodding,her face hiding her nervously.

He intertwined their hands and his member slowly find its way inside her.

"King....sley!" Lucia screamed out madly and hots tears gushed out of her face,bitting her lips painfully. 

She expected it to hurts but not like this. She's going crazy with pain.

"I'm sorry" Kingsley kissed her tears away and stayed like that for a while,allowing her to adjust to the intrusion.

He started going in again while kissing her and strangely the pains fades away.

He kept going slow and Lucia felt her pains replaced with waved of sensation.

"Kingsley ouch!" she moaned out.

Kingsley kissed her lips and she responded to the kiss hungrily.

"Go more harder....I love you!!!!!" She screamed out and Kingsley chuckled.

"I love you more... Lucia" 



The guys graduation day is finally here. The atmosphere is electric as students,families,and friends gather to celebrate the graduates.

Finley, Jayden, Kingsley, Kyle and their friends are gathered in their graduation gowns surrounded by the girls.

"I can't believe this day is finally here! We made it, guys!" Finley said smiling.

"No more all-nighters in the library! Well, at least not for a while." Jayden laughed.

The girls were happy for them but also sad that they're leaving for college soon. They did their best to hide it but Quinn emotions got the best of her.

Finley hold Quinn's hand and she faced him.

"I promised you that I wouldn't look at any other girl in university. That promise still stands, even after we leave here!" He said sweetly.

Quinn pouts turned into a smile and she kiss him shortly.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Eva teased.

"But let's not forget who aced our exams without any help..." Jayden points at herself.

"Don't worry Jayden. We all know how brilliant you are" Kyle said and Jayden laugh.

"And to think we all picked the same university! We really are a great team" Kingsley smiled.

"We sure are!" They all laughed.

"To think we are also planning to pick the same school as you guys, isn't that wonderful?" The girls said and the guys looked shocked.

"Wow! That's amazing!" They raised their glasses of wine up and clicked a toast happily.

Kyle noticed Becky's unhappy expression and faced her.

"Are you okay?" Kyle asked Becky, whose eyes were already filled with tears.

"I'm fine" Becky said quickly,wiping the tears that threatened to fall.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Kyle said reassuringly.

"I can't believe I'm still missing Mom after everything she said to me." Becky said. "I mean, everyone else is here with their loved ones, and I'm all alone."

"You're not a loser,Becky,and you have me, alright? I promise I'll never leave you, ever!" Kyle said with passion in his voice.

Tears welled up in Becky's eyes as she listened to Kyle's words. 

She couldn't believe that he was so kind and caring towards her. She felt so grateful to have him in her life. 

She leaned into him and hugged him tightly, resting her head on his back. 

She could feel his heartbeat and it comforted her in a way she couldn't explain.

"Thank you so much, Kyle. I don't know what I would do without you."

"You're welcome,Beck. You'll always have me, no matter what." Kyle said and tightened his arms around her.

Maybe something are just not meant to be.. But she's glad that doesn't include She and Kyle.

"Awwwn! Another couple loading...." They all gushed dramatically.

          The end.... 💘




Three flashy cars drove into the school and the students couldn't stop gape in admiration and wondering who it could be? But whoever it was they were sure it was an influential personality.

The cars came to a stop in the luxurious garage in the BM Major. The first car door opened and Kingsley, Kyle, Jayden and Andy got out of it.

A loud scream followed as the crowd almost went crazy if not their bodyguards.

The second car door opened and the PP came out of it and the screams increased even more.

Quinn and Finley was the first to interlock hands, followed by Kyle and Becky, Jayden came with Eva too. 

Kingsley and Lucia stepped out last,rocking the latest couple matching outfits and all spotlights were on them.

* OMG! That's the girlfriend Kingsley always talked out.

* I never believed untill today.

* Me too,she's too pretty! No wonder he always turned us down!

Lucia smiled at the girl who made the last remark and sassily raised her hand up, Kingsley took it and kissed it.

* Awwn! So cute!

The year has indeed been a joyful and memorable one for them. Even if a lot has happened, they're happy to 

As for Jade she is still happily spending her life in jail.

Kingsley opened the back down and bring out Lucia's fancy bag for her and even carried it for her.

* Just kill me!!!

"Let's go guys! I don't think they are ready...." Jayden said and lead the way with Eva. The rest followed his lead.

Kingsley looked up to see them making their ways to the big hallway already....

"Guys! Wait for us!" He immediately grab Lucia hand tightly and went after their friends.

             💜 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑫 🖤

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