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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Destrõy Me - Episode 87 & 88





Destrõy Me - Episode 87 & 88


 By Naomi Cindy B.


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, or reposted in any form, or by any means without a written permission from the author.

Copyright © 2024


"My big baby" she muttered, hugging him tighter and hiding the tears brimming in her eyes corner.

She fought back the tears, making sure they didn't fall till Slade broke the hug and held her shoulders.

"I'm not stupid,. You went for the laptop and suddenly zoned out for more than three minutes, and then you gave me this bull excuse?" He said suspiciously.

Twilight sighed. Of course she can't fool a Monster.

"Just that...I had a memory of when I was still in the moonclan, and how hard it was to survive over there" she replied, and his eyes calmed.

He turned her back to himself, lowering the hoodie from her left shoulder where the moonslave tattoo is.

He placed his lips on the tattoo, and Twilight closed her eyes, relaxing on him.

She knows exactly what he's gonna do, but it's sad that it'll amount to nothing.

It'd have worked if she hadn't signed the blood pact, but with the blood pact, she can't escape this cruel fate.

Slade sucked away the tattoo, and the ink disappeared into his mouth, then he covered her shoulder and made her face him again.

"You're not going back to that hell, ok?" He assured, and she nodded with a smile.

He picked the laptop from the ground, and it's luckily still intact.

He sat in bed and pulled her to his laps. Together, they began scrolling through the files, searching for the future plans she inserted.

Slade had to blink after he found it, and she started laughing.

"Seeing the sunrise and sunset with me every morning is your only future plan?" He faced her.

"Yeah, but I'll add one. I want a dinner date with you in this attic. I'll be the one to cook the meals. Let's do it in three days" she said.

"Why three days?" He held her waist.

"Cos I need to refresh my cooking skills so I won't cook rubbish" she replied, stroking his hair.

Despite the fact that he's in his human form, the white hair has refused to change, and it's obviously gonna remain constant at this rate.

"I'll brain your hair." She suddenly said.

Slade didn't argue. She sat on the bed while he placed his head on her laps, and she started work on the hair.

It took barely thirty minutes to make a neat all-back which looks too good on him, but he was already asleep surprisingly.

She lay down too, placing his head on her chest and stroking it dearly, shutting her eyes as his heartbeats coiled with her thoughts.

"Don't miss me too much" she muttered.



Ren looks tensive as he sat in bed, awaiting the entry of Imogen.

He was biting his nails repeatedly, and he almost bit into flesh till Imogen came in with the lawyer.

Lord Vann's lawyer.

Imogen displayed kindness by offering him water, but the man never touched the glass.

He went straight to the point, bringing out the needed documents.

Imogen sat beside Ren, and the man looked up.

"According to Lord Vann Wesley here, his properties belong to the school. He's dedicating everything to sponsoring, and some will go to the orphanage too" he said.

"What did you just say?" Imogen flared up.

"I think you heard me right, Miss Imogen. Lord Vann dedicated everything to sponsorship and the orphanage. He left nothing for neither you nor Tamlin" the lawyer said.

"I don't care about Tamlin. He's probably lost and I don't give a damn, just tell me about me!" Imogen snatched the document from the lawyer.

Truly, there's no Imogen nor Tamlin mentioned.

"Vann must be kidding me! I'm his daughter how could he do this shit!" She said breathlessly.

"What about Lady Lorraine's riches?* Ren asked, standing up.

"Lorraine had nothing, not even a bank account. Everything she spent, she took from Vann" Imogen snapped.

"And now the Lord Vann left nothing for you?" Ren said in disappointment.

The lawyer took the document and walked out of the room.

"Jokes on you and Vann! Renny is rich and can take care of me! Fine! I don't need your cash! You can both rot in hell!" Imogen shouted, facing Ren.

"After exams, I'm following you home. I'm carrying your baby anyways" she said.

Ren couldn't utter a word, just speechless stare which made her frown.

"What's that look?" 

"I'm..." Ren said, and the entry of someone made him stop.

Posey entered the room, and Imogen scoffed.

"What are you doing here?"

"He can't take care of you cos he's poor! The people he brought as his parents when we resumed last semester, he rented them to act rich. He's a fake!" Posey said.

Imogen gasped.

"Posey!" Ren cautioned.

"What? Aren't I right? Your mother is a drycleaner in the city, and your father died while working as a security! I kept all of these as your girlfriend, but now that she's your new girlfriend, she deserves to know too" Posey smiled.

Imogen held her head. "No...it's impossible"

"Do you even know why he agreed to date you? Cos of your parents richness. He knew you'd get a large share of Lord Vann's wealth after his death, but now that you both met zero inheritance, you can both suffer in holy matrimony" Posey laughed, walking out.

"And oh...you might wanna buy insecticides before moving to his mother's house with him. It's a one room, and the mosquitoes are serial killers" Posey laughed again, finally exiting.

Imogen locked Ren's shirt in the front, crying already.

"You jerk!! You deceived me!!!" She cried.

"So what? You did the deception to Echo too by chatting her with Ruslan's phone. You ruined her life and now she's even dead without knowing the truth. You deserve everything I did to you" he replied, and she slapped him.

Ren returned the slap, shocking her to the bones.

"Posey was right. I live in a one small-room apartment with my mother, and you better get ready to work hard after break to feed the baby in your tummy. I'm the son of a drycleaner" he declared, walking out of the room.

Imogen was still holding her stinging cheek as she sat on the bare ground, sniffling.

"I'm...I'm ruined. I'm ruined!!! Tamlin where are you? I'm ruined!!!" She cried.



Molly's face is starting to heal, but there are still scanty patches there.

She's sitting on a chair, eating oranges and chatting with Miss Dora.

"You killed the walk during the contest. I was stunned" Miss Dora confessed.

"I knew I was a made model" Molly replied, and the lady smiled.

"Are your parents still bothering you over Mr. President?" She asked.

"No. Since I gave them a piece of my mind, they've known their place. I'm guessing they'd spoil me with apology gifts after exams" Molly replied.

Uriel suddenly sat with them, and Miss Dora excused the two.

"Your rashes are gone" Molly said.

"Luckily" he smiled.

"And I can still remember the first night you got here. I took you to your tower" she said.

"You still remember that?" he replied.

"Of course, that was our first meeting" she muttered.

"So... you're not mad about the deletion anymore?" He leaned forward.

"It was annoying, but what can I do? Everything is fine now" she said with a slow smile.

"I just hope Twilight and Mr. President get their happy ending, and as for Rihannon, I'll never forgive her for my face" she said, and Uriel grinned.

"Peel for me" she gave him an orange, and he took it gladly.

"At your service, Olly" he said.

"Love the nickname, Riel" she replied, and they both smiled.

Elijah is busy tending to the burns on White's body, and though his skin is ruined, at least it's still coverable with clothes.

"You might need to go see a potent dermatologist at this rate" Elijah said.

"I know" White replied, wearing his clothes back with a groan.

"How old are you?" Elijah curiously asked.

"19" White replied.

"I knew it, you're like a kid with lucky abilities" Elijah stroked his hair.

"Stop it!" White rolled eyes.

Miss Dora appeared, slapping Elijah's hand away from White's hair.

"19 is not child's play" she rolled eyes too, walking away from the bed.

Elijah smiled before making two cups of tea, taking one to her.

"You and your silly tea" she said, taking one cup from him.

"Tea is life, bro" he smiled again, and she chuckled.

"It's unbelievable that your grandpa is K, and your fourth sibling is our midnight tormentor" 

"I'm shocked too, but I'm glad i never had a bond with Cedric. He's serving his punishment already though, and as for Rihannon... she'd be lucky to stay alive" Elijah shrugged.

"Guilt kills" Miss Dora nodded, and he shrugged again.

"So... You're a l+sbian?" Elijah blurted, and she chocked on her coffee instantly.

"What the hell! L+sbian?" She gasped.

"Heard... rumours" He said.

Miss Dora hit his shoulder with an eye roll.

"Trash the rumour, I'm straighter than straight. Why would I be interested in girls? Eew" She made disgusting faces before dropping the teacup.

"Thanks for the tea, by the way" she said, walking out of the infirmary.

Elijah smiled, watching her backside.

His mind went back to when he was still lusting after Rihannon, and he made sour faces 

"I'm a bastard, right after Slade" he said, told himself.



Ruslan stood beneath a flower tree, taking off the necklace around his neck.

He dropped it on the ground and started marching it angrily with his shoe, soiling it so much.

Someone suddenly pulled him back, and he gasped when he saw Onyx.

"Chicken nugget, what are you doing?" She asked, and a tear fell from his eyes.

"Despite the fact that she became a prostitute and left me with just this necklace. Despite the fact that people mocked me for being an escort's son, I still waited everyday for her to come back and tell me sorry. I was willing to take her back no matter the lateness, but she had to die?" He said.

"Your...mother?" She said pitifully, and he nodded.

"She died of cancer. Heard the news this morning" he replied.

Onyx pulled him into a hug, patting his back repeatedly.

"The hug I promised you, here is it" she said, and he smiled sadly, letting out more tears before tightening the hug.

"Please... don't die too" he begged.

"I wish" Onyx replied.



Immediately Twilight heard about the fair from a reliable source, she decided to come with Slade.

Spending all day in the attic kissing, laughing and chasing each other around like lovebirds is what they've been doing since two days ago, and though it's sweet, but there's a different thrill to coming out.

And besides, she wants to experience street life with him one more time.

He's holding a foil cake which he's eating from, and she has about five stick sweets in her right hand plus fish pie in the second hand.

She's eating the two together, and the feeling is bliss.

"Your combo is outrageous" he spoke up, and she laughed, linking their arms.

"Who knows when we're gonna be coming to this kinda outing again. I'll take all of my time" she said, crushing another sweet in her small mouth.

Slade smiled, leaning down to kiss her lips which tastes sweeter than before cos of the sweet flavors.

When he tasted it, he kissed her harder, not minding the crowd surrounding them.

"You should just say you want stick sweets too" she said.

"Nah, it's better taken from your lips" he replied, and she laughed, pulling him forward.

They rode couple bicycles together and even snapped several pictures in a photo booth.

They arrived at a gifts store, and the first thing twilight picked is a hello kitty headband.

She faced Slade with it, and he smirked.

"I'm not wearing that" 

"But it'll look cute" she pouted 

"You're not a kid, drop it" he said, and she swelled up within minutes, ready to cry.

He took it from her quickly and wore it, making her smile.

She picked one to wear too, and they were about to leave the place when he sighted a keychain that can accommodate couple pictures.

"How much?" He asked the man, paying twice the price and taking it.

"We can hang the pictures we snapped inside it and take it around" he said.

"Yeah... brilliant" she replied with a grin. Her happiness is contagious tonight.

They bought themselves drinks before moving forward, and then fireworks cracked in the sky, making them look up.

"Aww, cute" she said, her eyes radiating sadness as the sky got beautified by the cracks, splitting colours and patterns.

It's too perfect, and she can't help but feel melancholic that this is the first and last firework she'd be watching with him .

She looked at him and was surprised to find his face on herself already. He's staring at her with intensity, and she stared right back, both looking trapped in each other's heart.

The sounds of popping fireworks rented the background, locking them in.

"Kils" she whispered.

"I love you" he replied, making her heart race like crazy.

Tears came out of her eyes. She couldn't control the emotions that followed.

"I love you too" she said, and he kissed her again. Second time tonight, in the middle of unconcerned crowd.

She wrapped her arms on his shoulders, making sure to lock this moment securely in her head.

Even while serving her punishment in the moonclan, this will be enough to make her smile.

The ringing of Slade's phone made them break the kiss, and he retrieved the phone to see it's Elijah calling.

"We're ready to storm Rihannon's place,meet us on the way" Elijah said and hung up.

White found out Rihannon, Owen and Damien are staying at the hidden house just yesterday, and since then, they've been planning the visit.

"Are you ready?" Twilight asked him.

"Sure" he replied, taking her hand.

They left the trade fair together, taking an hour drive to the street.

Arriving at the house, they met Elijah, Timothy and Stella waiting in front of it already, with White himself.

It was Owen who opened the door, and when her eyes met with Slade's, she paused for a while before opening the door wider.

Damien is inside with Rihannon, feeding her some medicine.

"Why are there here?" Rihannon gasped, shifting back in bed.

"They're your family, you can't be in denial forever" Damien replied.

"Family? Are you serious now? I know my family when I see one and Greg is the only family I have. He's dead, and since my demonic powers are connected to him and they're gone, I'm bound to die too!" Rihannon argued.

"I know you feel guilty, but you can't keep up with this" Owen said.

"I don't have a family!!!" Rihannon shouted, getting down from the bed.

She was about to walk out on them when Slade pulled her back and slapped her, making her fall back on the bed.

"You killed too many students during your midnight killings, and you deceived your own family together with Greg. Fine, but now that fûcker is gone, you should at least try to make up for your mistakes and not be in denial" Slade said.

Rihannon started crying bitterly.

"There's no forgiveness for someone like me, and no matter what I do, it won't be enough to drown my guilt" she said.

"But we're ready to take you in." Timothy spoke 

"You're my daughter, Rihannon" Stella went closer, but Rihannon quickly stood, breaking the medicine place on the ground and taking one of the pieces.

She placed the sharp edge on her neck, stepping back.

"Riri!" Twilight and Damien chorused.

"I'm not ready to forgive myself! It's not that easy. I'm a bloody sinner!!" She cried.

"Everyone is a sinner" Elijah spoke.

"But my sins are brutal" Rihannon shook her head 

"They're still forgivable" White talked.

"Drop that glass piece and come home with us" Stella stretched her hand forward.

"I'm so sorry, everyone" Rihannon replied, jamming the glass deeply into her neck, cutting her jugular.

"Rihannon!!!!" Stella and Timothy cried out.

"Riri" Damien and Twilight muttered.

"I knew it" White muttered.

Elijah and Slade just stood unmoved like they've been expecting this.

"It's even a miracle that she hasn't killed herself before now. I think she was waiting to meet y'all before dying" Owen said.

Rihannon fell into Stella's arms, and another round of sorrow started in the house.

Damien and Twilight joined the tears, and Timothy had to kneel and cry like a kid.

"Fates are different. She choose her path" White said.

Slade was about to walk out of the house when Owen suddenly pulled him back.

"Thanks for coming back, and thanks for choosing to love Twilight in this lifetime" she smiled.

Slade remained expressionless.

"And please...take good care of her like you've been doing. I'll rest in peace just by knowing that" she said, looking back at Twilight who's crying so much.

"Too bad I won't be able to give her a goodbye hug" she said sadly, releasing Slade's hand.

"I'm connected to Greg in the ritual 320 years ago, but since he's gone, the connection is broken, and now that I've set eyes on you, my time is over. I've been searching for death and finally found it" she smiled.

White started crying this time, cos Owen aged on the spot. Her face got heavily wrinkled, and her skin withered.

"Goodbye, first love" she said.

Twilight looked back, and her eyes widened when she saw her dissipating already.

"Mama!!!!" She screamed, running towards her, but before she could get to her, Owen was already gone.

Twilight fell on the ground, the tears unlimited.

The sorrow fed them full, forcing bitterness down their throats.

A little tear left Slade's eyes, and Elijah placed an hand on his shoulder.

"All good, bro" he said.



It's the last day, and Twilight spent half of it in the school kitchen, making dinner for their date night tonight.

She was sweating as she cooked, and Onyx is with her throughout, passing ingredients to her.

"Never knew you can cook" Molly said, entering the kitchen.

"Never knew we already became friends" Twilight replied knowingly, and Molly scoffed.

She picked a chicken breast from the plate of chicken, and Twilight smiled.

"Sorry about your face" 

"It's fine. After applying the right skincare, I'm sure I'll get my pretty face back" Molly said, touching Onyx's hair.

"Get your hand off!" Onyx slapped her hand away.

"Yoor bad scent is gone too just like Ruslan, but I still don't like you" Onyx said.

"It's mutual" Molly rolled eyes and started walking out.

"Molly" Twilight suddenly said.

Molly turned back.

"Take care of yourself" Twilight said, and Molly frowned.

"Whatever!" She said, leaving the kitchen.

As if planned, Damien came in too.

Since Rihannon's death, he hasn't been himself. This is the first time he came out since yesterday.

"Look who's cooking for a date night when exams are knocking" he said, and Twilight smiled.

She handed him a glass of juice carefully. "Make sure you eat well, always" 

"Why are you suddenly acting like a mother who's traveling?" He replied, drinking from the juice.

Behind them, Onyx went sad, cos she knows exactly what's going on without being told.



Twilight went extra s+xy with the dress she wore.

It's a backless elastic short gown that's simple but hot. Just like the masquerade ball night, she wore nothing under, so her n+pples are poking through, and her @s$ stood out too.

She set the table to the brim with different delicacies, all cooked by her, and when Slade appeared in his rich suit, holding a gift bag, he couldn't hide his surprise.

"Ta-da!" She voiced.

"You cooked all of these?" He gave her a look.

"Yeah. Rate me" she replied, pulling him closer to the table.

"I should taste it first, don't you think?" He replied, and she made him sit down.

She fed him the the pasta, and he chewed slowly.

"Pretty sure you raked all online classes to cook this" he said.

"Can't you just compliment me?" She replied, and he smiled, pulling her to his laps.

"They're the tastiest meal I've ever had, I'll eat everything" he said.

Her smile swelled, and she started feeding him while eating from the same spoon.

When she took the plate of chicken, he took his gift bag too, bringing out a microchip pack.

"You got drunk the other night and talked about how you wanted a microchip on me too" he said, and she went silent.

He cut himself with a scalpel just like he did to her when he inserted it in her wrist 

He inserted the chip into his own wrist too, stitching it up fast.

Twilight checked her phone, and truly, his location is beeping on her screen.

She madly wish she could watch his location like this forever, but too bad it has to end soon.

"I love you" she said, crying again.

"Why the tears?" He asked, wiping them.

"I'm just feeling too emotional" she replied, and he smiled.

"Don't be. Your boyfriend can't gift you without seeing your tears now?" He said, and she smiled, sniffling.

"You don't like seeing your girlfriend in tears?" She said.

"At all" he replied, and she rubbed his braided hair, hugging him.

"And that's not all" he said, causing her to break the hug.

He brought another package out of the bag. A small velvet box.

She opened it, and she gasped when she saw a car key.

"It's yours, you'll see the car tomorrow, and your driving class starts after exams" he said.

"Thank youuu" she caressed his brows, kissing the two affectionately.

"You'll teach me how to play the piano too" she said.

"As you wish, baby" he replied, kissing her lips.

Twilight held on to the kiss like the remaining trace of her life, deepening it with him ri thru drew blood.

He carried her to the bed, and in the middle five minutes, her moans already filled the room as he made love to her, pouring affection into her body and soul.

He was gentle, and she received every ounce of pleasure she wanted, taking her time to seize everything.

There's no s+x with Slade in the moonclan.

There's no dinner with him.

There's no dirty words from him.

And his gummy smile will be nowhere to be found.

The sunrise and sunset she's wishing to see with him for the rest of her life is impossible too.

He'll be separated from her, for life.

They slept off at exactly past 11, coiled and wrapped around each other obsessively.

Several ravens toured the night sky, and the crows began crowing strangely that dark night.

The air turned ominous, and the moon disappeared into the clouds, taking the stars with it.

At exactly 12am, Twilight heart stopped breathing, automatically.

Despite Slade's sleeping position, he felt the stopping of her heart, and his eyes flew open.

He sat up, feeling her chest to see if he heard wrong, but for real, nothing is coming.

His eyes widened insanely, and he lifted her quickly, but her body slipped away lifelessly.

His heart exploded in it's confines, and his mind got lost.

"Light! Light!! Light!!!!!!" His scream almost fell the walls of the attic.

He was shivering fearfully as he carried her up again, but her body slipped back for the second time.

"Light!!!! Light!!!!!! No no!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The walls cracked, and he transformed to his monster form without planning.

His chest was splitting, and his ears banging in his head. He was sweating hotly as he held her body.

The body of his redemption, his salvation. His Light.

She's neither breathing nod moving nor talking to him. He ran mad without hesitating.


So this is the reason for her over-happiness?

The reason for her excess love.

The reason for the dinner?

The trade fair she pulled him to.

The reason she spaced out three days ago.


"Light!! Light please!!!! Light open your eyes for me!!! Light!!!!!" He cried, tears leaving his eyes like spring water.

He touched her head, trying to revive, but truthfully, Monster powers can't revive, it can only destroy and revenge.

His eyes glowed the purple, brightly like it has never been before.

The ravens flying outside multiplied, and some of them perched on the window, watching him and cawing as if to mock him for shedding the wings of their fellow members when he was a kid.

The piano began playing on it's own, and the room became colder than ice as a oddly cold breeze blew in.

Tears filled Slade's eyes, and they only made the orbs glow brighter.

"Light... Light... Light... Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  F+ck... please... Please don't leave me here!!! Baby please!!!"

His tears were unstoppable, making his head ring. His world shattered, and his heart followed.

His throat almost tore apart, and blood left his mouth as he carried her body in his arms, walking past their dinner table out of the room.

He went down the stairs, his legs shaking as he entered the elevator, going down.

When the elevator door opened, multitude of students even from the other towers were already lined up in front of it.

They heard his screams actually.

Immediately he carried Twilight's dead body out, the students bursted into sorrowful tears.


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