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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Destrõy Me - Episode 81 & 82





Destrõy Me - Episode 81 & 82


 By Naomi Cindy B.


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, or reposted in any form, or by any means without a written permission from the author.

Copyright © 2024


"Damn, wifey!" Tamlin groaned in sweetness, going deeper...

Another tiny cry tore out of Twilight's throat, and she felt blood pouring out of herself as Tamlin took her forcefully, but he kept going on and on.

The tears is non-stop, it was burning her eyes as they slipped out of the balls, wetting the bedspread.

Can the tortures just stop already?

Can the punishment just get over?

Being a moonslave is a sin she shouldn't have ever committed at all.

When will her tribulations end?

Why is no one saving her?

She was nearly unconscious by the time Tamlin was done with her.

He pulled out of her bloody opening and chuckled as he got down from the bed, bolting his belt.

"Did you enjoy that? Don't worry, you'll get to enjoy more when we get married" he winked, leaving the room.

Twilight pushed herself to a sitting position, looking down at her blood which soaked the bedspread already.

She couldn't even bring her thighs together cos of the pains in, so she pulled her skirt down to cover her thighs, though the skirt is red with her blood too.

She rested on the wall, her body shivering and her head filled with his face, his small smiles and the little warmth he always gives her which is the most important thing she cherishes.

She hiccupped, snot coming out of her nose as she buried her face in her knees.

"I miss you...I miss you more than life itself. I do...so much" she cried into her skin, biting herself torturously.

There's no escaping this hell unless he comes for her. There's no escaping at all.

Greg came in with an emotionless look on his face, and he nodded when he saw the blood.

"He's brutal than I thought." he said in a tone of ridicule.

Twilight looked up slowly, unable to reply him as she's shaking too much, her teeth clashing.

"Don't worry. We're not gonna kill you. If I wanted to kill you, I'd have done that at the temple. I planned to take you and scare Slade with your disappearance that night, but the bastard had to come spend the night with you" he said, giving her a fake pity look.

Twilight hiccupped feverishly, blood still pouring out of her middle slowly.

"Or the illusions I always make you see in the bathroom mirror. I could have killed you with those too If I wanted to. You're safe here, so cheer up, it's your wedding tomorrow. One of these days, you'll get the complete moonclan memory back, and no one will tell you before you kill Slade" he said nonchalantly.

He removed his glasses, glancing at her blood that stained everywhere.

"You're probably the most pathetic thing on earth right now" he shook his head, walking out.

"Get her a change of clothes and get her water and soap to wash her blood from that room. It's disgusting" he told one of the staffs who immediately ran off to get the requested items.

Greg entered the main segment where he met Rihannon sitting, drinking again.

"What? Is your crush not giving you attention?" He asked, settling beside her.

"It's just the start anyways. I only have to traumatize him with some gore. He'll blend" she replied freely, and he smiled, stroking her hair.

"That's my daughter"

"By the way when is the Kontrol production starting? Our money should continue flowing. I can forgive you for anything else but if we go broke, I'll never forgive you" she replied seriously, and he grinned.

"Don't worry. Production will resume after the wedding, but we're gonna target the townspeople this time, not students" he said.

"And why the hell is K not coming?" She faced him curiously.

"That con artist is probably crying his eyes out right now" Greg laughed.



Since it's the best place for investigation and research, Elijah came with Timothy and Grandpa Cedric.

The two old men have been rummaging through journals and searching for more clues while Elijah is using the laptop.

His fingers are at the verge of breaking with how fast they're moving on the keys, and he's sweating a lot that hot night.

He has read close to twenty articles about the monster's tear plant, and everything is pointing at the fact that Slade is a Monster.

After reading the twenty second article, his fingers stopped moving on the keys, and he looked up.

"Monsters have natural long lifespan. They live thousands of years. Greg delivered us from our mother's womb 27 years ago, and he hasn't aged more than he was since then" he said, slowly coming to realization.

"Wait... Are you perhaps confirming that my grandson is a Monster, and Greg used him to expand his lifespan?" Grandpa Cedric stood.

"It's called longevity ritual" Elijah replied.

"But the curse..." Timothy said.

"Unless there was never a curse on Slade in the first place. I think he only cursed I and Aimee, and Slade's abnormalities is because of his stolen lifespan and powers" Elijah said smartly.

"Powers?" Grandpa Cedric and Timothy chorused.

"You expect a Monster to be powerless? Greg obviously did something" Elijah replied, and Timothy held his head with his two hands 

"Then Stella...that night she was being too unusual. I mean...she doesn't even like ice cream. She doesn't take ice cream so why would she suddenly crave for it and act crazy bolting into the forest" Timothy said.

Elijah laughed amusingly, chuckling afterwards.

"Greg probably drew her. She wasn't herself" he said.

"What!" Grandpa Cedric gasped.

"Then we've been fooled by him since the begging? Since 27 years ago? We've been under his spell?" Timothy said and started crying again.

"He needs his monster power to survive right now. We have to meet Greg" Grandpa Cedric said impatiently.

"After he has disappeared into thin air? I sent guards to his cottage, and they already reported that the cottage isn't there anymore" Elijah replied.

"Isn't there?" Timothy said.

"It was an illusion all along. That man is an illusionist, and that talent is__"

Elijah's eyes flicked, and he started tapping his laptop again.

Grandpa Cedric and Timothy came behind him to watch, and by the time he finished his search, they were astounded.

"Curse-Weaver?" Grandpa Cedric said, his heart racing.

"They're a wicked race who're very potent illusionists, but they were wiped out by a Monster 320 years ago. There was a survivor though, and the survivor killed the Monster" Elijah explained from the old journal on screen

"Greg must be the only survivor then" Timothy said wittingly.

Elijah's eyes suddenly widened when he remembered something.


He spranged up.

"What's going on?" Timothy asked.

"When Twilight entered the recuperation hall earlier, she didn't smell like her" Elijah replied.

"Jasmine?" Grandpa Cedric asked.

"You mean she's an imposter?" Timothy said.

Elijah rushed out of the office, doing a long run back to the recuperation hall.

He bursted the door open, meeting Isobel where she's kissing Slade's hair obsessively.

"Get the f+ck up!!" He yelled, running to her.

Grandpa Cedric and Timothy ran in behind him.

Isobel stood with a squint, waving her hand forward. She poured camphor in the air, and Elijah smirked.

"That only works when I'm with my ring, but now that the ring is gone and I'm a normal human, quit the efforts I'm gonna kill you!" Elijah spat, but he couldn't help but feel the resistance in his system.

"It's not just camphor, it was mixed with Kontrol powder. Do you really think I didn't come prepared?" Isobel replied, and that instant, the three men went on their knees.

Elijah groaned as the powder messed with his brain, he couldn't move.

Isobel blew more powder, rendering them more useless.

"Now stay down there you three, and watch me claim him! When he wakes up and recognizes me as her, you'll all die" she smiled, sitting back.

Timothy and Grandpa Cedric fell unconscious as the Kontrol was too much for them, but Elijah stayed on his knees, eyes so drowsy as he looked on helplessly.



Imogen entered the empty room, looking around for any sign of him, but he's not in.

"Hope he didn't get killed last night. Though it's not my headache if that happens" she said, popping the gum in her mouth.

Today should have been her mockery day cos of what happened at the beauty contest, but thanks to last night's attack, she's free.

The gods are on her side after all.

She was about to exit the room when she saw a diary lying on his bed.

She went for it and took it,, laughing and feeling queasy as she read Isobel's confessions.

"If shameless was a person." she shook her head, but then her eyes caught the two middle pages gummed together.

She tried opening, but she couldn't.

"I better tear this and get whatever the f+ck is hidden inside" she muttered, then the door opened, and Lord Vann peeped in.

"Yoor brother left the castle before the attack last night. I dunno where he went but he left with Isobel, so don't worry about him" he said.

"I was never worried. Having him out of my life is a flex" she replied, and Lord Vann sighed, leaving the room.

Imogen returned her eyes to the diary, but before she could test the middle, she felt queasy again.

She rushed into Tamlin's bathroom and threw up for minutes, rinsing her mouth before looking up in the mirror tiredly.

Her pale eyes caught her attention first, then her swelling skin under her eyeballs.

Her eyes widened, and a gasp erupted.

"What the f+ck! I'm...I'm pregnant? No! It better be a coincidence. Ren!!!" She ran out of the bathroom.



Ruslan finally decided to enter the infirmary, and surprisingly, Uriel allowed him beside Onyx.

He settled beside the injured little cat and smiled slightly.

"I hope you get saved, for real" he said.

Posey is beside Molly, feeding her some cereal while Molly took it like a baby sis.

Her face is still plastered in various places, and they look hurtful.

Miss Dora and Uriel are standing, looking at everyone.

"To think that exams are supposed to start next week" Uriel said.

"Tell me about it, I just hope Mr. President and this cat are safe, and Miss Kent should better be ok. Rihannon didn't occur to me as evil at all. Indeed, evilness is not by face" Miss Dora replied.

"I'll go check on my boss at the recuperation hall" Uriel said.

"I'll stay here" Miss Dora replied, and Uriel nodded before leaving.

The walk to the hall was short, but immediately he entered, he inhaled the powder too.

His eyes grew dizzy as a result of his already-lingering sleeplessness, and he fell on the ground right in front of Elijah.

Isobel looked up from where she's sitting beside Slade.

She didn't even act like she saw him, she smiled.



Rihannon opened the small room door with her leg, smiling as she stepped in to see Twilight.

She has been forced into a flowing white wedding dress, and makeup was forced on her face too, though it's already ruined with her tears.

"Shouldn't you be happy? It's your wedding" Rihannon sat on the table in front of her.

Twilight continued her crying exercise, and Rihannon stood.

"You tasted him last night, pretty sure he's sweet, why are you pretending?" She teased.

Twilight sniffled.

"Now tell me, Tamlin and Slade's manhood, which is longer?" Rihannon asked, forcing Twilight's face up to herself.

Twilight pushed her, but it was Twilight who still fell.

Rihannon bursted into laughter, getting a phone out.

She squatted in front of Twilight, going to her gallery.

"Check out the fun Isobel is having with him" she said, showing him the pictures Isobel sent.

Pictures of her kissing unconscious Slade in bed.

Twilight's eyes widened, but it wasn't because of the kiss, but because of his white hair.

"Why is his hair suddenly white? What's happening with him? What's__"

Tamlin barged in at this point, dragging her up by the arm. He's already dressed in suit too.

"Time to get married officially, wifey" he smiled.

"No! Rihannon you have to tell me why his hair is like that! Rihannon!!!"

Her cries echoed on the cavern rocks as she was forced out.

Rihannon remained in her spot for a minute before stepping out 

Half of the staff went for the wedding, and the remaining half stayed back.

Greg also went for the wedding, so she felt bored and snapped her fingers at a staff.

"Follow me" she told him, walking towards the iron door.

The staff followed her, and they journeyed to the cages on the foggy rocks.

She opened Damien's cage, and Damien spranged up, looking pitiful as the cold in here is bad.

The plate of food that was brought to him last night is still there. He didn't touch it.

"Let me out" he said, his hatred blooming.

Rihannon smiled.

"You heard it loud and clear last when I told you you belong anywhere I belong." 

"I used to have a crush on you, but I'd be insane if my feelings didn't disappear after what I witnessed and heard yesterday. You disgust me once again. Let me out!" He snarled breathlessly.

Rihannon got retrieved a gun from nowhere, throwing it at Damien's feet.

She pushed the staff into the cage with him, and Damien looked up.

"Kill him, and I'll let you out" she said craftily.

"You must be insane!" He yelled.

"That's true, I am" she replied.

"I'll never do that. Though they're sinners like you who deserve death, but i won't kill a person just because you said so" he said.

"For real?" She blinked innocently.

"For f+çking real!" He yelled.

Rihannon picked the gun, shooting down the staff.

The poor guy landed dead on the rock top, and his blood flowed from his shot forehead.

Rihannon knelt beside the body and touched the blood with her finger, bringing it to her tongue to lick while looking at Damien who's overly traumatized by the sight.

He fell on the cage metals, shaking more.

Rihannon grinned.



White is currently at the verge of damnation.

The burns destroyed his body totally already, so even if he escapes this place, he probably won't escape death.

The shine from the pearl in his pocket is diminishing, and in like ten minutes time, it'd probably stop shinning completely.

He has given up already, ready to die and join his mother in the afterlife.

His eyes went shut, but the new feeling of a presence in front of him made his eyes open.

"Mo..mother?" He muttered, seeing Dr. Kali's face.

The woman smiled sadly, cradling his face in her palms.

"Remember why I named you White?" She said.

"You said I was pure, like an angel" he replied with difficulty.

"Angels don't perish, you can break through this. Use the entire energy in your core and break free. You'll be surprised the amount of energy you have. Believe you can, and you will" she said.

She left afterwards, and White shut his eyes back.

He concentrated as said, and the volcano got closer, ready to swallow and melt him in completely.

From the pit of his stomach, the energy surged and gathered, running up his entire body and giving him a push.

He slipped out of the middle, and the volcano closed up immediately.

White landed back in the unknown house, and despite his burnt body, he didn't wait to even change clothes.

He ran out of the house, taking his car on a killer drive to the university.

He roughed it into the park, getting out of the car.

He didn't shut the car door before rushing all the way to the infirmary.

Miss Dora informed him he's in the recuperation hall, and she took him there 

Opening the door made them come face to face with Isobel and the people she trapped.

Miss Dora inhaled and went on her knees like the rest, but White didn't get affected cos of the pearl in his pocket.

He walked past to Isobel who looks shocked, and he literally knocked her away.

He searched Slade's pockets for the ring, but he couldn't find it.

He was already running out of patience when he finally saw his suit on the bedstand.

He took it and luckily found the ring in it.

He mumbled some words like a mantra for three seconds, and the ring exploded, breaking into pieces.

The pieces surprisingly became purple fireflies, and everyone of them flew to Slade's forehead in bed.

His head absorbed the fireflies, and his thick brows moved as the memories struck him unconsciously.


While human race has kings, divine races have emperors... The curse-weavers have Chief.

Chief Greg Silver, the wicked ruler of the clan, but wickedness can only be felt if the ones at the receiving end are frail.

The clansmen are even in love with his cruel ruling cos they're just as wicked.

Everyone in the clan is blessed with unmatched powers, and the powers ride them like alcohol every single time.

They take pleasure in kidnapping ordinary humans from the human race and bringing them into their clan as slaves.

The slaves do all their works for them, and they just kill some of them for fun, but as for the women slaves, they get sent to the Chief's palace to become sèx slaves for the chief.

That year, a woman slave was captured, and her beauty is blinding.

Chief Greg was out of the clan for a trip when the slave was brought to the palace, so she was kept in the chief's cage pending the time he'd be back.

The same night she got locked in the cage, she got a visitor.

She was already asleep when she felt the eyes of someone on herself.

She opened her eyes, and she almost screamed when she saw a strange creature in front of herself.

Long white hair, black cloak, even white eyebrows and several treasures in his hair. He's even wearing earrings, and he's sinfully handsome.

Definitely, he can't be a human. No human will be this unreal.

He's standing beside her cage, staring down at her with empty eyes.

"Who're...you?" She asked, shifting back on her bottom.

"Purple Monster, Killa. The richest Monster alive" he replied proudly, his voice ringing soulfully.

"Monster?" She gasped.

"Do I look like a lowly human?" He replied with an eye roll, and she shook her head.

"Are you part of this clan too?" She asked.

"They're too disgusting here, I only pass by sometimes like tonight, and I like the forest" he replied, the treasures in his cloak shinning.

"Disgusting because of how they kill humans? Isn't that what Monsters do too?" She asked.

"I kill humans, but only if they sin against me" he replied 

"How did you locate me in here? My beauty?" She asked.

He went silent, so she smiled.

"Was gardening with my parents in my home when I was taken by the slave masters" she said sadly.

"And now you'll join Greg's harem" he replied.

"Greg?" She blinked.

"That's the name of the lowlife ruling them here" he replied, and she nodded.


She couldn't say more than that when he left in form of many flying fireflies, their purple lights so beautiful.

"He didn't ask my name" she muttered.

For complete one week, Purple Monster kept coming every night, and they talk randomly each time.

Greg's journey took long, so even after two weeks, he didn't return.

Purple Monster started taking her out of the cage to the woods where she'd have the time of her life, play with his fireflies and even his hair.

They formed a bond within two weeks, and she began sleeping in his arms on tree branches. Sometimes, he spends the night in her cage with her.

He'd have taken her away and escape with her, but there's a barrier surrounding the clan, and only Greg can break it. No slave can escape it.

"Aren't you a powerful Monster? Why can't you break it?" She asked one night.

"I'm a twin" he replied.

"Monster twins?" She replied from his chest where her head is.

"Yes. It's a rare occurrence, but anytime a Monster twin is born, one is bound to be faceless since two monsters can share a face, but as for the powers, they'll share it in half. I ran away from the monsters clan because my faceless twin was trying to kill me and have all the power to himself" he explained.

"Meaning... If you want to open the barrier for me, you must go back to your clan and kill your faceless twin to get full power" she said.

"Yes" he simply replied.

"Don't go." She looked up.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because...I don't want your twin to kill you. If you die, who'd keep me company? No one can be like you" She said, and his eyes shook, showing through his lashes 

Their eyes locked, and she raised her head, pressing her lips on his.

His eyes closed, and he reciprocated like he has been waiting.

That night, they formed a strong soul tie, and their hearts became one.

One week after, Purple Monster widened their adventures, and she got lost in his unparalleled charms.

Unknown to her, he goes to the clan barrier every night, trying to break it despite his incomplete powers.

He did it for ten long nights, and this made him very weak, but he never alerted her about it.

"You look tired" she said one night when they're in the woods, on top of a tree branch.

His head is on her laps, and she's stroking his hair.

"Tired? That's meant for insignificant humans" he replied.

"So I'm insignificant?" He said.

"No! You're different. You're mine" he replied, and she smiled.

He sat up, taking his head away from her laps, then he brought pearls out of his pocket.

He wore the earrings on her ear, the bracelet, necklace and waist bead.

They're protective pearls, and they gave his palms burns as he wore them for her, but he didn't act pained.

"They're so.... beautiful" she said, close to tears 

"Don't cry" he replied, wiping the tears before they'd even fall.

"Thank you" she smiled, hugging him.

"I hate the sound of that" he replied, and she smiled, breaking the hug.

"Do you realize you dunno my name, and we've been together for a month" she said.

"That's... strange" he said, hiding his surprise.

"It's Owen. My name is Owen" she smiled, and this time, he initiated the kiss.

He kissed her first, and she responded, fireflies partying around them in a beautiful circle.

Unknown to them, that night was their last.

Purple Monster took Owen back to the cage, and unluckily for them, Greg is already back from his trip.

His guards told him about the beautiful slave already, and when he saw her, his lust germinated, but his anger grew too at the sight of the Purple Monster.

"How dare you barge into my palace to take my slave when I wasn't around! She belongs to me!" He yelled, trying to take her.

Slade pulled her to himself.

"I'll buy her if you want, open the barrier so I can take her" Purple Monster replied.

"You dare not! This is my clan!!" Greg yelled again.

"And she is mine! I can give you all the treasures you want, but I'm taking her" Purple Monster replied.

"Then don't blame for for this" Greg a angrily said, placing a curse on Owen immediately.

Owen disappeared with the breeze, and within a heartbeat, she was nowhere to be found.

The breeze curse is powerful, she'll definitely not be found ever again.

Purple Monster went insane and mad and wild together, demanding vehemently for her, but Greg couldn't provide her.

The killing spree started from the palace. Purple Monster angrily eliminated the guards before flying into town, killing every living thing he comes across with his sharp poisonous nails.

Within five minutes, the clan became a ghost town, filled up with dead bodies of curse-weavers.

With bloody hands and face and apparel, Purple Monster fell on his knees in the middle of the thousands corpses.

"Owen" he breathed out emptily.

He was stabbed from the back by Greg with a ritual knife, and his body shone bright.

The purple light nearly blinded Greg, turning his eyes to plain white. He barely escaped blindness.

Slade's soul became a small firefly and flew out of the clan, roaming the human world.

Going back to merge with his twin is never going to happen. He needs to revenge and kill Greg.

The determination made him roam for years, searching for a perfect womb, till he luckily entered Stella's.


Slade's eyes flew open in bed, and he stood as the purple in the orbs flashed across the room, neutralizing the Kontrol powder.

Everyone on their knees stood, and he literally jumped down from the bed, purple veins mapping his neck.

His nails fingers clawed, and the first person he grabbed was Isobel, tilting his head as his palm locked her neck in place, ready to break it.

"No! Slade! She's still linked with Twilight! You can't!" Elijah shouted.

"Not anymore" Aimee's voice said from the door, and they all turned to see her standing there.

When did she even arrive?

Aimee took off her long heel and stabbed herself on the chest twice, directly on the heart.

"Aimee!!!!!" Timothy and Grandpa Cedric screamed as she fell flat on her face.

Immediately her heart stopped beating, the link got undone, and Slade broke Isobel into two.

He threw her upper part to the right, and the lower part to the left, her intestines falling and messing up the ground.

"Ow...hell" Elijah muttered with his eyes wide as the others.

Slade's purple eyes grew brighter, and he roared ragingly, the sound shaking the hall to it's foundation.

A big raging storm started, blowing his white hair around as purple flames roamed his angry body.

Everyone had to cover their eyes to avoid blindness.

It's the scariest shit ever!



Owen is sitting, backing the cage wall.

Her smile is sad as she stared ahead into space, but then she looked down at her waist, opening it to reveal the pearl waist bead from 320 years ago.

Although she gave the earrings, necklace and bracelet to Twilight, the waist bead is still with her.

It's still on her waist, sitting pretty.

A lone tear left her eye, and she smiled sadly again.

"I'm your first love, Purple Monster. I survived the breeze curse"


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