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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Destrõy Me - Episode 79 & 80





Destrõy Me - Episode 79 & 80


 By Naomi Cindy B.


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, or reposted in any form, or by any means without a written permission from the author.

Copyright © 2024



His blood flowed more as his lips closed too, and as the blood ran down the rocky area, strange purple plants grew from the rocks, spreading across the place.

Purple fireflies began flying, blinking everywhere, and the moon in the night sky disappeared, leaving just the scanty stars as the night breeze became eerie.

Lord Vann and Uriel were the first to rush out of the hall, and their eyes widened with the same width when they sighted the gory scene.

"Boss!!!!" Uriel ran down the bloody stairs, taking three stairs at a time.

"Mr. President!!" Lord Vann shrieked, rushing down too.

Miss Dora stepped out of the hall, and her breaths seized too. She started crying.

"What is this? What_what is this!!!" She screamed, seeing the bloody stairs and the bodies below it.

Aimee and Elijah staggered out of the hall, their mouths still bloody.

Elijah grabbed the pillar beside himself immediately, losing his mind.

"No...no. It shouldn't have been this way" he shook his head.


"Slade!!!" Aimee started running down the stairs, but she fell as a result of her weakness.

She rolled down the staircase, landing down.

She scurried up and knelt there, taking Slade's body from Uriel.

"Slade! Slade come on! Slade!!!" 

Uriel took Onyx, and Elijah eventually came down to take Slade.

Together, they raced with them to the infirmary.

Ruslan came out of the hall that moment, and when he saw Onyx in Uriel's arm and the arrows in her tummy, he balled his fists.

Posey came out from under the staircase with Molly who's badly wounded in the face.

"Is she ok?" Miss Dora asked tearfully.

"Bricks from nowhere fell on her when she was about to climb the stairs" Posey explained.

"Oh gawd..." Miss Dora gasped.

"Quick! Take her to the infirmary too" Lord Vann said, and Posey took Molly away in a rush.

Lord Vann rushed to the school announcement house in the middle of the tower, taking the megaphone...

"Check on your friends, roommates and course mates! If you notice anyone missing, report immediately!" He announced loudly, his voice going around the whole university.



Elijah and Aimee decided to bring Slade here while Uriel took Onyx to the infirmary.

Slade was placed in bed, and his blood wet the sheets.

Elijah proceeded to removing the four arrows in his body, and Aimee picked the arrows, checking them out.

"They're not ordinary arrows" she said.

"Of course they're not, fire was burning on the body earlier" Elijah replied.

"Rihannon? Isn't she a friend to the Damien guy? I can't believe we didn't suspect her, and could Greg be K?" Aimee said.

Elijah's eyes couldn't leave Slade's destroyed body on bed, so he didn't reply.

"Elijah." Aimee called.

"Don't call my name. Half of all these is your fault!" He faced her.

"What are you even saying?" She defended.

"Twilight was fighting for herself before her stomach began bleeding obviously because the Isobel girl is part of the devils' and she wounded herself! If you didn't link the two of them then it'd have been a different story! They were taking her away and Slade was fighting for her because of your silliness! Now she's taken, and we don't even know Slade's condition!" He yelled.

"No you're wrong Elijah. All of these wouldn't have happened if he hadn't fallen madly in love with that slave! Almost every bone in his body is broken cos of her! What fuçking insane love is that!" She yelled.

With the little energy in him, Elijah punched her, and Aimee staggered to the wall weakly.

Despite the fact that it was Elijah who hit her, he bled from the mouth weakly too.

"What would it take you to admit your mistakes! Why do you always think your plans are the perfect ones and any other plan is nonsense? Has your brain been eaten by termites? Come back to your senses Aimee!! He fell in love, so what?" Elijah said hurtfully.

Aimee stood straight, wanting to talk, but she couldn't utter a word.

"Now he's lying here without any breath him him, what are you gonna do? What's your plan!!!" Elijah yelled again, and she bit her tongue.

Elijah turned back to the bed and sat, beside Slade, picking up something from beside him.

It's one of the purple plants that grew from his blood on the rocks. Elijah took it with him coincidentally when he carried him earlier.

He was fuming as he viewed the plant very well, and his brows pulled as he stood.

"Monster's tears?" He said, recognizing it.

"What's it?" Aimee came closer.

"Read it in a journal before. This plant only grows when a Monster cries. It's called Monster's tears" Elijah replied.

"What do you mean Monster?" Aimee frowned in confusion.

Before Elijah could make another statement, their eyes darted back to Slade in bed, and they witnessed Slade's hair changing from black to pure white completely.

"What's going on?" Aimee asked.

Lord Vann entered the hall, and his eyes widened a bit.

"What suddenly happened to his hair?" He asked.

None could give him an answer.



When Posey came in with Molly too, Uriel was more than shocked.

He was still sorrowing about Onyx, but he stood and went to them, taking Molly to a bed.

He dialled Elijah's line, asking him what and what to use to treat her facial wounds.

Within twenty minutes, it was done, and he gave her a little smile.

"You'll be fine, but I'm afraid your face will scar" he said.

"It's fine, at least I didn't die. The rashes are still on your face" Molly replied.

"It's nothing" Uriel replied, leaving her side to go back to Onyx's side.

The arrows are out of her tummy now, but she's still bleeding heavily.

Miss Dora is beside her, wiping the blood with gauzes.

"I'm not sure if she's gonna survive" Miss Dora shook her head.

"She has to." Uriel replied dryly.

By the door, Ruslan stood, watching alone and unable to enter.

When he heard Uriel's statement, he turned around with difficulty, but he met Echo standing there.

He ignored her and walked past her.

"You can't ignore me forever" Echo talked.

He never turned nor reply. He continued his journey, and Echo pinched herself very hard, gritting her teeth.

She looked at Onyx's body in bed, and her hatred stemmed.

"Hope she dies" she said.



Every living thing in the cavern right now is in mood for celebration.

They're literally drinking themselves to death, clinking glasses and bottles, chatting and laughing in victory.

They had illuminated the middle room with enough lights than usual, and the room is very loud.

Greg sat on the front chair with different delicacies on his table which he's devouring, drinking good wine to flush it down.

Rihannon is sitting with him, drinking directly from a black bottle of wine.

She looked at the celebrating staffs and smirked.

"What?" Greg asked.

"They lost two of their own to Twilight's dagger, but they still don't care. Human nature is trash" She said, and Greg chuckled.

"Are you saying your father is trash too?" He meaningfully said.

"You're not human. You're a Curse-Weaver" she retorted, and he nodded with a little smile, eating beef with a fork.

A groan came from the far wall of the room, and Rihannon lifted her head to see the captive is awake.


She's chained to the wall middle, her legs aren't touching the ground at all. It's like nailing to the cross cos her arms are on either sides of her.

Her ball gown is gone, but her nakedness is covered with a short skirt and silk singlet.

Her bleeding wounded tummy is healed already. Obviously, someone healed Isobel.

"Look who's awake" Rihannon stood with a smile, walking down to her.

The celebrating staffs moved to one side, and silence reigned.

Greg rested back on his chair, ready to watch.

Twilight struggled with the chains, and they hurt her wrists, but she still kept pulling.

"I knew you're just as stubborn as your Kils" Rihannon said mockingly, tilting her head when she got close.

"How could you!! Just how could you turn out to be like this! How!!" Twilight yelled, sweat running down her face together with tears.

"How? I've always been like this, y'all are just too blind to see, or should I say my Astralbalm earrings deceived you all?" Rihannon replied, rolling eyes.

"And I've been living the life of a queen since I was born. Killing and seeing blood always is the real queen life if you dunno. I've been in the orphanage with Slade secretly without his knowledge, but even Damien thinks I came after Slade left, that is to tell you how hard I hid" Rihannon said.

"What did he ever do to you? He did nothing wrong!" Twilight shouted.

"He wiped out my father's clan 320 years ago during his first life! Father killed him back then but his soul was brave to roam the world till he forced himself into Stella's womb with Aimee and Elijah." Rihannon replied.

Twilight gulped, her lips shaking.

"He was determined to live again because he wanted to revenge my father for killing him, but too bad he doesn't even have the memories or powers cos father locked it. This time, we're going to make him get killed by the person he loves most so he won't have any will to come back for the third time" Rihannon said, sighing.

"Meaning... Slade isn't cursed, and I'm not his moonslave after all" Twilight muttered.

"You're still his moonslave, the thing is you're not meant to lift his curse since there was never a curse anyways. You're meant to kill him to make my longevity ritual complete" Greg replied from his seat.

"And who said I'm gonna kill him? I'll kill you both instead!!" Twilight cried, pulling the chains again and hurting herself more.

"Don't worry, you'll do it when the time comes" Greg said surely, clicking his tongue.

"Seems you got your moonclan memory back, but it's not complete, cos you obviously don't remember the last part. You came for a mission, and you must complete it" he continued.

"I'll kill you... I'll kill you animal!!" Twilight's tears dropped on the ground despite the distance from the wall, and blood dropped from her wrist as the chain dragged it.

Greg smiled lightly, drinking some wine.

"Shouldn't you be worried about your sweetheart right now? He's gonna stay dead for a while, and during that time, Isobel will have some fun with him. Your ball gown is gone if you notice" Rihannon said, and Twilight looked down at herself, realizing it's really gone, even the shoes.

"What did you do!!" She demanded.

"I just told you Isobel will play your role while you stay here with us. And I put some touches to Molly's face too since her prettiness is starting to piss me off. As for Damien..." Rihannon smiled evilly, and Twilight gasped.

"You witchy demon!!! If you touch Slade or Damien, I'm going to kill you! I will!!!" Twilight cried helplessly again, her shaky lips already getting pale.

"Kill me?" Rihannon laughed.

"Well Damien is mine, so why should I hurt him? Isobel will take care of Slade like I said, and another person will take care of you here" she said.

Twilight became speechless, cos someone else entered the room that moment.

Her eyes widened so much when she saw Tamlin!

He's not on his wheelchair, he's walking with his two legs, looking at her as he entered.

"Tamlin" she muttered unbelievably.

"As he's part of my plan, it didn't take much to heal his legs." Greg said leisurely from his seat, consuming the second bottle of wine.

"Finally I can get you to look at me, Twilight. We're finally together" Tamlin said, looking up at her.


Rihannon left the room, whistling as she made her way out of that angle, entering an iron door which led to the back view of the cavern.

In that area, there are lots of standalone rocks which are linked together by bridges, and on top of each rock, there are huge cages.

She climbed one of the bridges, the rhinestones on her body making faint noises as she walked slowly, looking lethal.

She got to one of the cages and opened it, meeting Damien inside. He's already awake.

The staffs brought him actually, following her orders.

"What's going on, Rihannon?" He asked, spranging up.

"What? You don't like it here?" She asked, moving closer.

"I just asked what's going on! One moment I was asking about the beeping bud in your ear, and the next moment, you did something to me__"

"I electrocuted you with my nails, but it was mild, reason why you're awake by now" she shrugged, and he swallowed, unable to blink.

"It's not what I'm thinking, right?"

"It's exactly what you're thinking. Do you seriously think I'm poor cos of my fake acting? Fine, everyone thinks my father Greg is a wretched herbal doctor but they're unaware of his riches. The Silver family is rich, Damien. We're involved in the Kontrol production, meaning unstoppable money" she replied.

"What!" He gasped, and she smiled, coming closer to place an hand on his face.

"You love me, don't you? I always smell the desire in you whenever you're around me. I read your thoughts once, and I was shocked to see you were thinking about how big my bôöbs could be. Who'd have thought you have such impure thoughts about me?" She whispered seductively, bringing her lips closer.

Damien folded his palms, gritting his jaws, and just when she was about to kiss him, he turned away, pushing her off.

"You're disgusting! Don't come close to me and let me go!" He shouted.

"Really?" She muttered dangerously.

"Let me go!" He spat.

"Impossible. You love me, and since I'm here, that's where you should be. Your home is here, Damien" she replied stonily, stepping out of the cage.

Before he could run out, she shut the door, and he started hitting the metals.

"Rihannon!! Rihannon!!!" He screamed after her as she walked down the stony bridge, but she never looked back.

In another one of the cages, far from Damien's, Owen is watching everything wordlessly.

Greg brought her here yesterday after taking her from white.

She sighed, sitting on her cage ground and hoping for White's safety.

She had actually secretly inserted the last divine pearl she has into his pocket, and she's hoping that'd be enough to protect him in the volcano.



The university is obviously still in sorrow that night with nothing to douse it.

Isobel emerged from the woods, staggering weakly with Twilight's gown on her body.

Rihannon even helped change her hair to Twilight's hair color and length. She wore contact lens to match Twilight's eye color too and her heels.

Even her voice was altered to be as tiny as Twilight's.

There's no difference between her and Twilight right now, and a small drop of blood is riding down the corner of her lips 

She continued staggering,, her eyes lifeless till she got to the castle, and she was instantly sighted by some students in the lawn.

"Twilight? Twilight!!"

They rushed to her, quickly grabbing her.

"Slade... where's Slade?" She muttered, her eyes half-closed.

"He's not breathing...in the recuperation hall" one of them replied, and she quickly ran off, toppling on her toes as she did.

She pushed the recuperation hall door open widely, meeting Elijah, Timothy and Grandpa Cedric.

Grandpa Cedric is crying profusely like a kid, and Timothy is doing just the same.

"Twilight?" Elijah frowned surprisingly.

"Kils!" Isobel ran forward, sitting beside Slade in bed and hugging his body sorrowfully.

"Kils!!! I don't want this! I didn't hope for this turnout! I didn't!!!" She cried.

"Greg and Rihannon took you" Elijah said.

"I dunno why they dropped me in the woods. My tummy wound healed too, someone probably healed Isobel since she's part of them" Isobel replied.

"One problem solved then. Stay here" Elijah said and began walking out.

"Where are you going?" Timothy asked.

"Can't just sit here and do nothing. I got a clue with the monster's tears plant" Elijah replied, exiting.

Grandpa Cedric quickly followed him.

Timothy gave Slade one last look and wiped his tears.

Isobel's tears were still echoing in the hall as he exited too.

Two minutes later, Isobel raised her head, rolling her eyes aside to check the door in hindsight.

She smiled before looking back at Slade.

"Finally, handsome monster" she smiled, kissing Slade's lips deeply.

"You have an heart of ice, but your lips are so soft" she said, stroking his white hair with a lip bite.

"How could you still look hot with the white hair?" She smiled, kissing his lips again.

"Now I feel like braiding it. Just hang in there and survive. I'll be your Light from now on" she said, rubbing his brows before hugging him.

"I love you"



Aimee returned to the island at Elijah's orders.

Leaving Stella alone at home with the guards is dangerous, so she had to come stay with her.

She's in her room, and Stella is sitting up in bed, pillow behind her as Aimee paced the room.

"How is Killa doing these days? Why am I feeling somehow? Is he fine?" Stella asked.

"Elijah said I made a mistake" Aimee replied.


"Yes, and somehow, it got Slade hurt" Aimee replied.

"Hurt?" Stella gasped.

"Don't panic, he'll be fine. Like you always say, Greg is a bad man, a bastard" Aimee gritted, sitting beside her 

"I wish I could say what really happened on the day I gave birth at the cottage" Stella said, looking at her eyeball to eyeball.

"Now that I think about it, you've always wanted to talk about this, but..." Aimee gave her a curious look.

"I can't...I can't say it even if I want to" Stella shook her head 

"Could he have done something to you too?" Aimee frowned.

"He did more than something. He ruined my life" Stella replied.



As the stream of fire flooded every angle in the hellish region, White stayed trapped in the middle.

Though the raging volcano isn't touching him cos of the shinning pearl in his pocket, but the heat is making his blood dry, and he's got various burns on his body already.

If he spends one more day in here, even the pearl won't be able to save him anymore.

He'll melt with the volcano and will be forgotten like his mother, Dr. Kali.

He was constantly trying to force himself out, but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried.

The harder he tried, the hotter it got in there.

If he dies here without saving Slade, that only means his efforts and mother's death is in vain.

If he dies here without telling them that Slade's monster powers is trapped in his ring, he'd regret it.

Slade needs to destroy the ring and get his monster powers back.

He can't die here without revealing the truth.

Another volcano splash hit his skin, and he burned again.




Twilight's eyes opened under a peach tree, and she immediately sat up to see she's surrounded by Monster's tears plants, purple color.

She has no idea what it is, but she spranged up, looking around.

This territory looks like the area she usually dreamt about when she was still seeing Killa in her dreams.

She gasped, turning around. Is she in her Dreamland again?

She moved forward, and from walking, she started running, racing around the purple forest.

She was panting, sweating and crying at the same time, but she never stopped running.

She came to a stop when she suddenly saw someone in the far front.

He's wearing a dark-purple apparel like a cloak, but his hair is completely white, adorned with jade and pure gold.

His back is on her, and her heart was skipping beats as she walked slowly to him.

At each step, she felt his halo, his aura is so dark that it affected the trees around. Their leaves began falling freshly, but the moment they hit the ground, they wither and perish.

She got behind him, but he still didn't turn, so she raised her hand to his arm, tapping him.

"Who're...you?" She sniffled.

One minute passed before he slowly turned, and immediately she saw his eyes, she shrieked.

His eyes are bright purple, matching his cloak. The flash from his purple eyes carried her, flinging her backwards.

Her eyes widened, cos she'd recognize him in any form anywhere.

It's Slade.

Her Killa.

As the flash carried her farther away from him, her mouth opened...


She screamed his name back to life, and when she woke up, she has been unchained from the wall, and she's now on a bed, in a small room.

Tamlin is sitting beside her, smiling, but the smile on his face faded when she screamed that name and sat up in bed.

"You passed out immediately you were unchained from the wall, and I had to beg Greg to let me bring you here, only for you to wake up and call his name?" He said angrily, and Twilight's hand flew to his face.

She slapped him soundly, getting down from the bed 

"Get out of my face and let me go!" She yelled.

He stood too, smiling despite his red face from the slap.

"I was the one who took off your ball gown and wore you the skirt and silk singlet, and you're wearing nothing under? Did that bastard f+ck you inside the hall?" He demanded, and she sucked in a cold sick breath, facing him.

"Yes! He did, so what? I love him, not you! Leave me alone!!" She yelled, and he grabbed her by the hair, forcing her face to himself.

Twilight groaned in pains.

"Leave you alone? That's not happening. I already talked to Greg, and he has agreed to get us married tomorrow" he muttered.

"What are you talking about!" Her eyes widened as his hold on her hair sharpened.

"We'll visit a Catholic church in a secluded area of the town and get married tomorrow. Our priest is ready, and your wedding dress will be here before daybreak. You better be ready, you'll become mine completely!" He snarled.

"You do not love me. You're only doing this because I'm madly in love with Slade! You want me cos that's what you like! Possession and claiming ownership just the way you've been doing to Ruslan! Well guess what? I'm not your dog! And I will never be! I love Slade more than anything! More than anything ever! I love him devastatingly and there is nothing that'll make me stop loving him! I belong to Slade Killa Luther!" She snarled back.

Tamlin threw her down, but she stood immediately, going for the door.

When she opened it, two staffs came in, grabbing her.

"Bring her" Tamlin ordered, unbolting his belt.

"You should taste your husband-to-be, don't you think?" he said.

Twilight's eyes widened, she didn't miss the undertone of what he just said, so she gave the staffs holding her serious bites with her teeth, freeing herself.

They staggered away from her in astonishment, but another two came in, holding her in place.

One of them jammed a shot of Kontrol into her neck, injecting it into her system.

Since the pearls aren't with her again, she surrendered to weakness, tears rolling out of her eyes as Tamlin pulled down his pants.

His pènis bounced out, and he smirked, throwing her in bed.

"Open your damn legs, wifey" he commanded.

Twilight opened her thighs slowly, baring everything to his eyes since there's no underwear.

Tamlin licked his lips, his tongue riding on his lips as he stared at her opening.

He grinned in incomparable satisfaction before sliding his d+ck into her.

Twilight cried out. "Ahhhhnnn!!!!"

"Damn, wifey!" Tamlin groaned in sweetness, going deeper...


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  1. This is serious 😭😭i pray light saviour oo

  2. Light 🕯️🕯️

  3. so many plot twist 😎

  4. Pls I hope white survive

  5. Light😩😩😩😩 pls survive this

  6. Next pls from a fan ❤️much 😘💕

  7. Pls , pls, pls, 🙏🥺 next anxiety at its peak😭😔

  8. We want more pls 🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏

  9. Next episode please 🥺

  10. Sis Naomi pls next episodes
