Destrõy Me - Episode 73 & 74
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Copyright © 2024
Wrapped protectively in Slade's arms, Twilight couldn't stop looking at his eyes.
He's currently climbing the stairs, making his way to the door.
They had left the woods ten minutes ago, and he carried her in his arms throughout the journey back here.
She's still wearing just the bra and shorts, and his own clothes are completely dampened by the water.
Twilight couldn't bring her lashes together, and as he ascended the stairs as gently as he can, she brought an hand to his face, touching his cheek and rubbing affectionately, her eyes so full of soft sensations.
"I missed you" she whispered, and he stopped on the second to the last stair, holding eyes with her.
"When I heard you were sick in the hallway, I pretended not to care, but the truth is... I couldn't concentrate throughout classes. I kept thinking of your well-being despite the harsh words I heard last night. I dunno what you did to me, but whatever it is... it's damn potent and undoable. I fancy you" she said, rubbing his cheek with her thumb.
"So much" she whispered, making him smile, wider than the one she saw in his car the other time.
It was beautiful.
"I'll keep giving you the potion, till I'm engraved in every part of your memory. You can't escape this trap, for life, even in death" he said, and her own smile blossomed too.
Two minutes later, they were already inside the attic. He dropped her on the piano, then he got one of his black shirts and socks which he brought back to her.
She stayed still, but her eyes still didn't leave his eyes as he unclipped her wet bra, getting it off her breàsts, then he pulled off the soaked shorts too.
He was about to wear the shirt for her when she suddenly held his hand, so he looked at her.
"Still remember that night? You wrecked me on this piano" she said.
Slade's expression remained unchanged, so she smiled.
"You did it to share your physical energy with me, right? And you didn't tell me. I hated you so much for it. Earlier in class, I heard students talking about Arcade Home. You're not only sponsoring this school, but you're also sponsoring the orphanage. I also heard you have three more orphanages you're sponsoring on your own. Why do you do all these good stuffs and never tell anyone? Why do you only show your bad side to people? Why do you prefer people's hatred to love?" She said, bringing his hand to her face to touch.
"I didn't choose it. I was born this way" he replied, finally wearing the shirt for her.
"I don't mind though...I know you're a good person, you were only built differently, but so far you still have this face..." She touched his face again...
"I'll always fancy you" she smiled brightly again, illuminating the room with the radiance.
Slade leaned swiftly into her, capturing her lips.
She rested an hand on the piano keys, shutting her eyes as their lips went united in their mouths, bounding in sweetness like mild honeydew.
It was the gentlest kiss he shared with her, and it's totally different from all the kisses they've ever had.
Slade kisses like a madman, so the fact that he's slowing down this time means this kiss is a gift.
A gift she can't let go of.
She smoothly threw her arms on his shoulder, and Slade's right hand went to the back of her neck, holding her softly there as their tongues finally met.
Her butt left the piano, and what she felt next was a comfortably soft surface. His bed.
He had placed her on his bed, coming on top of her.
He kissed her again and again, repeatedly.
He went deeper into her mouth, and she opened up further, devouring the moment and giving him all of herself in the unmatched symphony of souls.
It was soft, yet intense.
Mild, yet gripping.
He grabbed her legs and wrapped them on his own waist, laying completely on her as her arms engulfed him completely too.
The sound of their soft kiss filled the room, and the burning candle slowly...
It went off, leaving the room in beautiful darkness
Twilight just knew they had made a bond.
An unbreakable bond.
"Why do we have to come here tonight? I'm already so pissed, I can't manage another one" Isobel said angrily as she stepped out of Tamlin's car.
She opened the second door and helped Tamlin out too, placing him in his wheelchair.
"You think you're the only one pissed off? I saw the scene too so stop acting like you're alone in this" He replied, and she quickly grabbed a stone lying in front of her.
She opened her palm and tried stabbing herself with it.
"Do that, and I'll cut my deal with you. Without me, you'll go back to the orphanage. Now I dare you to stab yourself" he replied without moving.
"Why can't I? Elijah would heal her again anyways. I hate her!! Baby? How could Slade address her as that, and you saw the way he held her like she's a treasure or something!" She snapped.
"She is a treasure, just in the wrong hands" Tamlin muttered effortlessly, and Isobel threw away the stone, coming closer to him.
"Why are we here?" She questioned.
Before Tamlin could reply, the cottage door opened, and Greg came out.
"F+ck! What's with his eyes!" Isobel gasped.
"Why are you both making a scene in front of my cottage at 10pm?" Greg said, but then he calmed down and viewed them very well.
"The fake ring boy? And..." He directed his eyes to Isobel.
"The... doppelganger. Twilight's lookalike" he said.
"I'm willing to forgive you for the fake ring if you're willing to help again, genuinely this time" Tamlin said.
"I've been expecting you. I knew you'd come, cos you're part of my plan, and thanks for bringing an additional guest. She'll be useful too" Greg replied meaningfully.
"What are you talking about?" Tamlin asked.
"We can't talk in person, I'm being watched by Aimee, so it'd be dangerous. We'll talk on video call, but for now... return" Greg replied.
"Is this another trick?" Tamlin asked, and Greg clicked his tongue.
"Trust me...the D-Day will arrive soon. I have a big plan for the founder's day. Return like I said, we'll talk on phone" Greg insisted.
Tamlin took his phone and typed his number, then Isobel took him back into the car.
"Who's he?" She asked as Tamlin drove them off.
"Someone we need. Now quit asking questions, I won't answer" he replied, and she scoffed.
"I just hope it's productive, cos I'm getting highly impatient"
Tamlin kept quiet, and throughout the remaining drive, they didn't talk to each other.
Two hours later, Tamlin pulled up in the university park.
Isobel helped him out of the car again, and she began pushing his wheelchair towards their tower.
The heavy falling of something made them stop, and her eyes widened as something rolled to their direction.
She stopped moving the wheelchair, and almost immediately, the rolling thing got to them, stopping at Tamlin's feet.
They both looked down, and their eyes widened at the same time when they saw what it was.
An head!
The head of a student!
"Shiiitt!!!!!" Isobel screamed, but that wasn't all, cos that instant, the body of the student fell too, landing in front of them like the head.
"Arhhhhhg!!!!!!" Isobel wailed, running crazily into the tower. She left Tamlin outside.
Tamlin stayed calm on his seat, but his throat was shaking as he lifted his head, slowly looking up at the tower top.
He couldn't blink when he saw the midnight killer. It's Slade.
He was smiling darkly as their eyes met, and Tamlin's eyes finally blinked.
His fists folded tightly.
"Bastard!!!!!!" He yelled loudly, his voice echoing throughout the castle.
Twilight woke up with a light yawn, and immediately her lips hugged back, her eyes faintly opened.
There are arms wrapped securely around her, and they're so tight that it's suffocating.
She opened her eyes well, and she slowly batted her lids when she saw Slade beside her.
He's sleeping, and it nearly felt illegal.
Slade is sleeping? She has never seen him do that before.
She smiled widely, inching impossibly closer to him.
She touched his brows with her index finger, caressing both before kissing them.
She kissed his nose too, then she ran his fingers down his face, touching his lips, then his chin, down to his bare chest.
His tattoos interested her, so she began studying them.
There's a large coiled viper snake on his chest, then a small snake at the back of his neck too. Constellations on his arms, stars and guns on his tummy, then on his waist, there are tattooed words.
~To hell~
She wondered what it means, and her eyes went back to his face, then she got an idea.
She took her phone, opening the camera.
She was about to snap him when his eyes opened, making her gasp.
"I...I just wanted to snap a picture of you...I want to ... Use it as my wallpaper" she stuttered.
"Don't stutter, ion have horns" he replied, and she bit her lip.
He sat up and took the phone, then he pulled her to himself again, making her head rest on his chest.
He snapped a picture of them like that, shocking her.
"Two is better than one, isn't it?" He said, and she hugged him.
"Thank you, Kils"
"You have an 8am class" he said, and she gasped before breaking the hug.
"It's true...you even know my timetable than me" she said.
He stood from the bed, carrying her in his arms. He started walking into the bathroom.
"But...your hair...it's growing longer than a male hair should be. Aren't you gonna cut it?" She asked.
"I kept long hair before, I braided too" he replied.
"Are you planning to do it again?" She asked.
"You want me to?" He replied.
"Yeah. It'll look insanely good" she said, and he poked her nose, making her giggle as the bathroom door closed.
An hour later, they left the attic together, both fully dressed for the day.
"Will you reply if I text you today?" She asked as they entered the elevator.
"Try me" he replied, and she smiled again.
Her happiness is too much to contain, and she made sure to interlok their fingers as the elevator went down.
They stepped out, only to meet Tamlin waiting in front of it, on his wheelchair.
Some students are around too.
"You did your nightly job again last night. You beheaded a student! I saw you with my two eyes!" Tamlin sneered.
"You could have stood to confront me when you did" Slade replied in obvious ridicule.
Tamlin gritted his jaws.
"Kils isn't the killer" Twilight said.
"Kils?" Tamlin frowned.
"I mean... Slade" Twilight said, and Tamlin scoffed.
"Anyways... he's not the killer. Someone else is using his face" Twilight replied.
"How long will you continue to let yourself get drowned in his foolery!" Tamlin yelled.
"Do not yell at her, else you'll lose your arms too!" Slade slammed back and almost hit Tamlin, but Twilight quickly stood in the way, facing Tamlin.
"You just hate him, and that's why even if you get valid proof that he's not the killer, you still won't believe" she said.
Tamlin went quiet.
"If you have so much time in your hands, you should focus on how to walk again" she continued, and Tamlin pinched himself secretly.
Slade took Twilight's hand, leaving the tower with her without looking back.
The watching students began screaming, making jest of Tamlin.
Damien, Rihannon and Onyx came downstairs, looking overjoyed.
"I'm the happiest person alive today" Onyx said. She shifted back to her human form this morning after sniffing Twilight's scent from her empty bed.
"I told you guys she'd be with him. I'm always right" Damien said, rolling eyes at Tamlin.
"Gosh, I can now calm breath. Their bond grew stronger!" Rihannon said dramatically.
"To celebrate this, we're going to obsidian bar to drink tonight" Damien said.
"Bills on me!" Onyx added, and they all laughed before leaving the tower.
Getting to the front of Twilight's first class, she doesn't even want to let go.
She held him tighter.
"I'm missing you already" she said.
"I'll text you first" he replied.
"Promise?" She smiled, and he nodded.
She stood on her toes, kissing his neck before waving at him.
Slade gave her a small smile before leaving, then she entered the class, getting her phone. She texted him.
Twilight: Hey!
He replied almost immediately.
Kils: Silly girl.
She was blushing as she stared at the reply, and she bumped into someone in the process.
"Molly" she said without looking up.
"Bumping into me will probably be one of your hobbies" Molly replied.
"Sorry" Twilight smiled.
The lecturer came in, and they both quickly searched for seats which they got in the middle of the class.
They say together, and Molly scoffed. "I'll manage you as my seatmate today"
"I know you hate me, and it's mutual" Twilight replied, and they both rolled eyes at each other.
From the back of the class, Imogen and her gang are watching, including Isobel.
"I'd have hurt myself to hurt her, but your brother is being annoying" Isobel said.
"I really dunno what likes about her" Imogen shook her head.
"Well I don't have her time for now. Founder's day is approaching and I must win" she further said.
"You'll surely win," Ren replied, and she winked.
Echo is silent on her seat, rubbing the perfume package with her. She's gonna be gifting Ruslan publicly today.
Ren suddenly stood, excusing himself to go use the restroom.
He entered the nearest one and retrieved his phone. It's buzzing, and MOM is on the caller id.
He swiped green angrily.
"I told you to stop calling me! Text me instead!" He snapped.
"Not my fault, I just miss hearing your voice. It's not easy doing the hard job all alone without you" she replied.
"Then take a rest and stop being a child!" He snapped again, cutting the call and exiting the room.
Slade came out of the building with Elijah, Uriel, Lord Vann, Miss Dora too.
They just finished checking out the body of the student who got killed last night.
"Now that the monthly kidnappers are laying low, the midnight killer decided to start again" Elijah said, removing his gloves.
"The guards are meaningless at this point" Miss Dora said.
"What do you say, Mr. President?" Lord Vann asked.
"Something big happens on founder's day every year. It's in two weeks, and I'm expecting both the midnight killer and the kidnappers to make a move by then. I have a plan" Slade replied.
Miss Dora and Lord Vann left shortly, leaving Elijah and Uriel with him.
"Is it what I'm thinking?" Uriel fearfully said.
"You're weak right now, so clashing with any of the two will kill you. Are you insane?" Elijah said.
"Didn't know my dear brother cared about me this much" Slade replied sarcastically.
"Since you're not ready to kill Twilight, then meet another herbal doctor to request another moonslave for you. You're dying!" Elijah pulled him.
"A cursed person only has access to one moonslave for life, and quit acting like you care. It's sick" Slade harshly said, walking away.
Uriel followed him, and Elijah sighed.
"I genuinely care about you, fûcker" he muttered.
Molly sat pretty alone, eating her lunch in peace when Posey suddenly settled in front of her.
She dropped her fork, looking up.
"What again?"
"Let me stay in your room for just this semester. I promise to stay cool" Posey begged.
"Am I a joke to you? I'm enemies with your gang! I'm the one who uploaded ImoRen videos" Molly spat.
"I don't care, and I'm not in the gang anymore, I just desperately need a place to stay for now" Posey rubbed her palms together.
Molly was about to hit her in the face when a loud scream happened at the other side of the refectory.
They turned there to see Echo walking towards someone with a pink package in hand.
She's walking to Ruslan!
Molly smiled, preparing herself for the show.
Echo got to Ruslan and pointed the gift forward.
"Take it, and let's stop keeping it a secret. I'm too impatient" she said.
Ruslan frowned. "Take what? What secret?"
"Just take it" Echo moved closer.
Reluctantly, Ruslan took it, opening it on the spot.
He took out the perfume package, and his eyes widened cos it's his bî+chy mother's brand... deluxe.
He looked up in total shock, and Echo smiled naively.
"I love you" she said, proceeding to hug him tightly.
The perfume fell from Ruslan, breaking away on the ground.
He peeled Echo away from himself, and she staggered, looking as shocked as the students surrounding them.
"What are you...
Ruslan has slapped her in the face before she could finish, and she fell on the ground with a crash.
"I dunno the secret you're talking about, I dunno what you're after, and I hate you for no reason if you don't know, but this one you did just gave me a reason to. How dare you bring this perfume close to me!" He yelled, kicking the broken perfume to her face.
"Ruslan!!" She cried, feeling sick already.
"When you see me, just run!!" He yelled, storming out of the refectory.
Molly started laughing, and Posey joined the laughter.
Soon, every student in the refectory began laughing scornfully, the mockery second to none.
Echo fainted fatally.
Ruslan was still fuming, still boiling as he stormed out of the refectory, stumbling on Onyx.
"Hey! Enemy!" Onyx rushed after him, but he didn't reply.
She followed him, sniffling his clothes.
"Hmm..your good scent is getting stronger than the bad one. You're finally fighting the bad in you" she said.
Still no response.
"Hey! Enemy!" She tapped his arm, and he turned around sharply.
"Stop disturbing me! Are they blind? I'm not in the mood to chat with a damn cat!" He yelled furiously.
Onyx got scared and stepped back from him quickly.
Before she knew it, she returned to her cat form right in front of him, running away.
Ruslan gasped, rushing after her, but she was already gone.
He stood still, taking a deep breath.
"Cheers!!!" Sounded collectively as the friends clinked their glasses before drinking.
Twilight, Damien, and Rihannon.
"I'm so happy tonight, it's too much" Twilight grinned, drinking all the beer in her cup at once.
"I understand, Mr. President only has eyes for you and it's enviable" Rihannon replied.
"My wish came true" Damien said, and they clinked glasses again.
"I didn't see Onyx before we came through. She wanted to come with us" Rihannon said.
"She's probably eating somewhere" Twilight replied.
"And about the blood link..." Damien said.
"Tamlin is probably restraining Isobel from hurting herself. We're gonna rely on that till we find a solution" Twilight replied.
"Registration for the beauty contest ends tomorrow. You should register" Damien said.
"Why? I'm not that pretty" Twilight replied flatly.
"Stop saying that everytime. You have soft looks, and your clean skin is another bonus" Rihannon said.
"Imogen and Molly are contesting, so I have no hope. Molly is pretty" Twilight replied.
"Gosh! You're so stubborn" Damien drank again.
"So...will Mr. President be your date?" Rihannon asked.
"Wait...we have to bring dates?" Twilight's eyes rolled.
Obviously, she's getting drunk.
"Of course! Founder's day is three sections. The opening program in the morning, the beauty contest in the evening, and the masquerade ball at night. You need a date for the masquerade ball" Rihannon explained.
"You're going to be my date, right?" Damien suddenly faced Rihannon, and she blinked.
"You're getting drunk, Damien"
"I'm for real!" Damien said drunkenly, and Rihannon took his cup from him.
"Hey homies!" Elijah's voice filled the bar as he joined them
"What are you doing here?" Twilight asked, trying to stay awake.
"Anywhere Rihannon goes, I follow" he smiled, settling with them.
"You're not... needed! You can't take her away from me" Damien pointed at him.
"Drunkenness doesn't suit you" Elijah replied, and Damien's head fell on the table. He slept off.
Rihannon kept drinking, and Elijah kept staring at her.
"Stop looking at me" she said.
"You have a high alcohol tolerance" he nodded.
"It's nothing" she replied, drinking again.
"Whoa!!" Twilight suddenly stood, taking a beer bottle as microphone.
She climbed the chair, striking a pose, her face so cutely red like tomatoes.
"There's a still water in my hometown! Home sweet home!" She sang, laughing out afterwards.
"Get down from that chair. If you fall and get hurt, Slade will wound me" Elijah said.
"Twi-Twi, come down" Rihannon said.
Twilight took off her slippers heels, throwing them off before raising her small foot to Elijah's face
"In my hometown! There's a still water in my hometown!" She sang drunkenly again, blowing air into the empty bottle.
Rihannon chuckled. "You're too cute when you're drunk"
The chair suddenly shook, and Twilight staggered.
Elijah and Rihannon stood to get her, but someone else entered.
Twilight fell into the large tattooed arms, and they both relaxed.
It's Slade.
"You're always on time, dear brother" Elijah said saluted.
"Thanks for coming, Mr. President" Rihannon smiled.
Slade gathered Twilight's heels from the ground, then her phone from the table before carrying her like a baby out of the bar, her head on his shoulder.
"Who said you could drink without me around, hmm?" He said as he walked towards the car, nestling her securely into himself.
"I was just... overjoyed." She muttered sleepily, biting his neck gently to leave an hickey.
Slade dropped her in the car, and she suddenly held his shirt, very tight.
"What if I say I want a GPS microchip on you too? I want to be able to see where you are everytime" she mumbled.
He stayed still, staring at her closed eyes as her lips moved slowly.
"I want it..." She mumbled, fisting his shirt tighter as her cheeks reddened even more, her lips pushed forward.
Ok...this is fuçking perfect. Slade couldn't stop staring at his doom, custom-made from hell.
His girl.
His own.
"Baby" Twilight muttered, her hand finally slipping off his shirt as she slept off.
Slade smiled shortly, leaning in to kiss her forehead before tucking her in properly.
He shut the door and started walking to the other side, but the slash happened to his chest again, and he grabbed it fast.
"Motherf+cker!" He groaned, leaning on the car as the insane hammering persisted.
Thankfully, he didn't get a chest bleed this time, so he stood straight, locking up before entering the car.
He took off his coat, covering sleeping Twilight with it before driving off.
It's 9pm, and Rihannon returned from the bar with Damien and Elijah some minutes ago.
Elijah took drunk Damien to his room before leaving, so Rihannon came back to her room.
She walked to her bed, sat on it with her head down for a while, then she slowly raised the head.
The smile on her face has disappeared now, replaced with a deadly look as she stood.
She checked her phone, and she immediately left the room.
Every member of staff is in the middle room, chatting amongst each other as they awaited someone.
The room is so noisy, till the head of staff came in. Silence filled the room immediately.
"Who are we meeting tonight? Is it K or our spy?" One staff asked.
The head of staff took his seat with a scoff. "K is not easy to meet, dunce"
"If not K, then are we meeting our spy? The midnight killer?" Another staff asked.
"Yes. She's gonna be planning the founder's day attack with us" the head of staff replied.
"Who's she?" Another question came.
"She's a human, infused with demonic powers since young age, so she became a Demoness." the head of staff replied.
"Demoness?" The staffs chorused, and then every light in the room suddenly went off, then an unusual type of wind blew in despite the fact that there's no window.
"She's here" the head of staff stood, and the rest of them cowered in fear cos the atmosphere instantly turned acidic and sour.
They felt the wickedness in the air.
Suddenly, the lights came back on, and two arrows flew forward, piercing through the chest of the head of staff. It came out of his back.
The man went down dead, his blood coloring the ground as the rest shifted to one corner.
"K is not easy to meet, so you're insinuating that I'm cheap to meet? You deserve that death!" Her emotionless voice echoed throughout the cavern.
The others cowered more, gumming themselves to the wall when she finally appeared, but in form of Slade.
She rapidly shifted into her original female body in front of them.
Wearing a rhinestone headpiece, rhinestone gown too, demonica make-up which gave her eyes a dark shade. Slim tall heels, long black nails, and s+ductive aura.
There are several anklets on her ankles, and long earrings in her multiple ear piercings.
She's holding a fire arrow, the one she had killed the head of staff with.
A tricky smile took over her lips...
"All hail the only Demoness living, Rihannon Silver, Greg's daughter!" She boomed like a deity.
The staffs quickly lowered their heads, bowing...
"Respect, Demoness!" They chorused.
Instantly, a heavy rain started, and thunder clapped destructively in the night sky.
Moree pld
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the next one
ReplyDeleteOMG 😱
ReplyDeleteRihannon is a bad bitch
ReplyDeletePlease post more
ReplyDeleteMore links to your elbow
ReplyDeleteAs I suspected, right now I'm suspecting granpa cendric or probably greg to be the k boss