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Symphony Of Hearts - Episode 27 & 28




Symphony Of Hearts - Episode 27 & 28

   { ....The Sparks Within .... }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.

Genre: Romance

Tags: Highschool, Fantasy, Musical, K-pop, S£x, Comedy, Love Triangle, Drama, Heartbreak, Secrets, Love At First Sight, Jealousy, Suspense, Bullying.

 © Ariel Mirabel

 ✧༺✰༻✧   ✧༺✰༻✧   ✧༺✰༻✧

              ✰{𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓑𝓮 𝓜𝔂 𝓓𝓪𝓽𝓮 }✰

"It's your heart... And that's the best kind of beautiful" Kingsley said

Lucia stared at him as a drop of tear fell from her eyes. Lucia looked away as more tears fell from her eyes.

Kingsley immediately panicked, did he say something off?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay" Lucia sniffed and smiled at him. "Thanks for telling me your honest opinion" She muttered.

Kingsley smiled and cleaned off the tears from her eyes. His eyes widened when he realized he was in the female's restroom, standing in an inappropriate position with her.

He immediately pulled back and cleared his throat. 

"Umm, about yesterday I wasn't really peeping at you. I saw the door open and I was curious on why it was so so I decided to check it out. I didn't know you were in there" Kingsley said.

Lucia looked down, so it was really that? But even though she didn't lock the door, she was sure she closed it

"I have to go now" Kingsley said awkwardly and without waiting for her reply, he left.

Lucia smiled and placed her hand on her chest. "He said my heart was beautiful" She thought.

The door to the restroom opened and Velvet stepped in. She paused when she saw Lucia.

"Okay, what are you doing up there. Smiling at yourself" Velvet asked and Lucia blinked

Her eyes widened when she realized she was still sitting on the sink. She immediately got down and fixed her skirt.

Velvet looked at her. "I like you, what's your name?" She asked.

"Lucia, you?" Lucia replied.

"I'm Velvet" She dipped her hands in her pocket.

"So what do you think about Kingsley" Velvet smirked.

"He's annoying" Lucia said without hesitation with a frown on her face and Velvet laughed.

"That was fast" She muttered, going to wash her hands.

"Never let your enemies see your weakness, if they attack you bite back without caring who they are. If you don't do that, trust me they'll keep stomping on you like their door mat" Velvet said and Lucia thought for awhile before nodding.

"Cool, let's go" Velvet winked and hung her arm around Lucia's shoulder before leaving with her.


Scarlett stood by the gate as she waited for her friends so they could go training. In less than two weeks they'll make a comeback, she and the rest will be back in the spotlight

In as much as she wants to go back into doing music, she won't deny the fact that she actually enjoyed living a peaceful carefree life and then Jackson.

She smiled even more, the fact that he didn't judge her like other guys will do knowing she was associated with Lucia brought a smile to her lips.

"Oh, pretty. You're here" A voice made her come out of her train of thought

She looked up and her eyes widened when she saw it Andrew. He was wearing the school uniform but in a more playboy and badass style.

"Oh. Sunbaenim" Scarlett greeted.

"Come on, quit the formalities. We're practically around the same age" Andrew said.

Scarlett just nodded. She isn't oblivious of the fact that Andrew is quite popular around women, maybe that's why she doesn't pick his flirtatious side as offense since it's more or less a characteristics attributed to him.

"I and the group will be having a concert this weekend. Mind coming?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll be very busy this upcoming days" Scarlett said and he just nodded 

His eyes glanced to her left chest, were her name tag rested above the school badge.

"Scarlett. That's a pretty name but I like your Korean name even more, Myeong" Andrew smiled

"I'll be leaving now" Andrew said and before Scarlett could talk she was startled when Andrew ran his thumb across her lower lips.

"There was a stain there" He smirked and winked and winked at her before walking to the car that was waiting for him

Scarlett touched her lower lips and looked at him. "He's weird" She muttered.

"Scarlett!" Her gaze diverted to her friends who were walking towards her with Velvet.

"Finally," Scarlett sighed.

"You're Jack's girlfriend. Honestly didn't expect you'll turn out to be this fine" Velvet said, taking in Scarlett's appearance.

"This is Velvet" Lucia said.

"Scarlett" Scarlett replied with a smile



Jayden was in his room, he was sitting on the chair with his MacBook places before him as he did a video call with his mom and one of his big sisters

"Just look at how fine my baby boy has become" A lady gushed

"Sis.." Jayden sighed.

"I watched your last concert and mehn! You were wilding, I didn't know my baby would be that hot and also my baby now has abs" Jayden's mom muttered

"Mom!" Jayden whine and the two women laughed. Teasing him was their favorite hobby.

"How is Korea, I know it must be hard living far from us" His mom asked.

"It was at first but with Andrew and Kyle, I feel less lonely and there's her" Jayden said and began smiling fondly

"Her? Who?" Jayden's eyes widened when he realized what he just said.

"Wait don't tell me my baby is in love!"

"Who's the lucky girl! What's her name!"

"Have you two kissed already? And the juicy part"

"Umm Andy is calling for me, I need to go. Bye I love you" Jayden said in a rush

"Wait, who is the girl-"

Jayden immediately disconnected from the call and sighed, running his hands through his messy hair. He was in his casual wear yet looked really handsome and hot.

Jayden picked his phone and turned it on, he smiled when he looked at his wallpaper. It was a selfie he took with Lucia today.

"What are you doing to me?" He muttered, running his hand through her face on the wallpaper.



"For real?!" Eva exclaimed.

Kingsley nodded. The four girls were seated before him in his office and he went through some documents.

"In two weeks time you will be back in business, I've kept record of your progress and I must say you guys are talented. It's such a shame that the scandal ruined everything you girls would have been very popular. Starting from tomorrow we'll start up with everything concerning your comeback and all that" Kingsley said

The girls all looked so happy, but Lucia was in a daze. She was happy too but the thought that she will get to achieve her long time dreaming was thrilling as well as she was as the thirst of revenge she felt left her at one point began resurfacing back.

This is a stepping stone for her to revenge for all what Avery and her mom did to her and not to forget her killer. Whatever it takes, she'll make sure to find him

A knock suddenly came up and a lady walked in. She was dressed in a corporate outfit with glasses resting on her high bridged nose. Her hair was packed in a neat bun and she held a look of professionalism on her face

"Mr. Chairman" She muttered

"Girls, meet your new manager, Miss. Stewart." Kingsley said and the girls greeted her which she returned.

Kingsley talked about few things before he dismissed all of them except Lucia. Lucia stood there awkwardly, wondering why he asked her to stay back.

Did he want to pull that trick again on her?

"I've found a way to clear your name from the scandal the video is causing." Kingsley spoke and she immediately looked at him with a surprised look on his face.

"Really?" She asked and he nodded.

"The video, it was edited." He said and played the video on his laptop 

Lucia walked to his side so she could watch the video.

"As you can see the lady in the picture doesn't have a birth mark, plus you can see the.." Kingsley paused, not knowing which words he could use.

"She has a more defined curve than I have" Lucia completed his words.

"Yes, but-"

"I get you" Lucia nodded with a small smile on her lips

Kingsley stared at her face then at her lips. He quickly looked back at the laptop.

"There's a way we can actually prove your innocence but we have to take a short of your bare back" Kingsley said

"Huh?" Lucia exclaimed.

"Chill, that doesn't mean you need to naked or something. You can wear something that exposes your features without being names like a gown or so." Kingsley said.

"But that won't be enough to clear your name for even with the pic uploaded some will still be running their mouth. The only way is to find who was actually in the video and expose the person. Don't worry, I'll make sure I find out who it is but for now we'll need to publish the pictures. Even if the hate doesn't go completely, it'll tone down a bit especially considering the fact you girls are having a comeback" Kingsley said 

Lucia just stared at him with wide eyes, unable to believe this was Kingsley. Was this what Velvet and Jackson used to talk about? That behind his annoying facade lies a thoughtful Kingsley.

Lucia shrugged off all those thoughts and just smiled.

"Thank you" She muttered

Kingsley's gaze went again to her smile and he just nodded. "Sure, you're now an artist under my company. It'll be foolish to let such petty things tarnish the company's image" Kingsley muttered.

Lucia just nodded.

"I'll take my leave now." Lucia said and with that, she left.

Watched her till she left and closed the door. He finally let out the breath he had been holding as his hand went to his chest that was hammering so loudly.

"I hate this... I hate this!" Kingsley exclaimed in frustration, running her hands through his hair.

He sighed at all the foolish things he had done so far.

From making himself look like a pervert, desperately running behind a girl, sneaking into the female's restrooms and now he was acting like a detective.... All because of one damn girl!

To make it worse, the more he tries to fight it the more he finds himself falling more and more deeper into feelings he once hated.

"You're a goner Kingsley" He said to himself and ran his hands through his hair.



Jade walked up to Maggie's room and opened the door, walking in

"Maggie, dinner is ready. Come eat up baby" She said with a smile on her lips.

"I'm not hungry" Maggie grumbled from under the bed sheets

Jade walked up to Maggie and sat next to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked and Maggie sat up on her bed with dull look on her face.

"It's Kingsley, he broke our friendship.. Because of that girl" Maggie said, pouting as if she will cry any minutes from now

"What!! That bony and ugly girl?" Jade exclaimed, already heated up

Maggie nodded. "Mom, what should I do? We're supposed to get married in future but all his attention is on her. I don't... I don't want him to fall for her mom" Maggie shook her head.

"It's never gonna happen" Jade cupped her daughter's cheek.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that's never going to happen" Jade said and hugged Maggie.

A sly smirk curved up her lips. "I knew this trick will work" She thought and grinned even more.



Quinn walked in the study room where Finley would be waiting for her. Finley immediately tensed up when he saw her enter.

Quinn looked around and made to sure to lock the door before she flew to Finley's arms, sitting on his thigh.

"I missed you so much, oppa!" She hugged him tightly

Finley sighed internally, slowly hugging her back. 'This is so wrong!' His mind kept screaming to him

Quinn broke the hug and smiled at him.

"Let's start with the lesson" Finley said.

"Didn't you miss me?" Quinn pouted.

Finley sighed. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Finley asked and Quinn nodded.

"Just let me love you for 31 days" She said.

"But Mason-"

"Let's begin the lesson!" Quinn cut him off, taking her seat next to him

She smiled widely and innocently at him that Finley sighed for the umpteenth time 

He had no choice than to agree since he feared he might loose his job if he turned her down. For a month he's going to act like his boyfriend then once it's over, he'll end everything.

She asked for it anyways, so he has nothing to loose. Or so he thought 

With one last look at her, Finley picked up his pen and began the lesson.



The girls arrived at school to see various posters pasted almost everywhere with "Prom Night" boldly written on it. 

Lucia furrowed her brows in confusion as she couldn't help but notice how elated the students were. Even her friends weren't an exception.

"Uhh girls? What's prom night?" She asked.

"You don't know what that is?" Velvet who was now walking with them asked and she nodded

"It's almost the end of the year. Every December, the student council organizes a prom night." Eva said.

"Yeah, some get to attend it with their dates but it's not obligatory to have a date though. It's always fun, we get to dance, play all sorts of games and also at the end of the party the prom queen and king are chosen" Becky said.

"Prom king and queen?" Lucia asked further

"Yeah, the prom king and queen are the couples that stood out the most in the party. Not only does it brings popularity to them but also they get to be the new face of the school" Becky continued.

"Last year the prom king and queen was Maggie and her date. Who knows this year it might be you and Jackson" Velvet winked at Scarlett who blushed

"That sounds fun" Lucia smiled.

"Prom night will be held this Friday so we have all the time in the world to prepare for our gowns" Eva said.

Lucia noticed Kingsley by his locker. He smirked corkingly before he mouthed "flat à+s"

Lucia frowned as she looked at him, she will never get to understand him. One minute he's flirty, the other he acts like an angel, and the other minutes he's back to his annoying self.

"Lucia" Jayden walked towards them.

"Here comes your admirer" Eva teased

"Stop that!" Lucia blushed while Velvet just frowned

She had nothing against Jayden but since Kingsley is her friend, she doesn't like Jayden hanging around her.

"Can I have a word with you" Jayden asked.

"Sure" Lucia said.

She left with Jayden but as she was walking someone grabbed her wrist from behind. She turned and her gaze locked with Kingsley's

"Brat, we need to talk. I have something to ask you" Kingsley said, not bothering to hide the unfriendly look he passed at Jayden 

"I'm sorry but I was just about to talk to her, alone" Jayden said, emphasizing on the last word 

"Okay, this is fun" Velvet smirked from where she was watching.

The students all had their gaze on them and Lucia was already starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Guys, let's-"

"Will you be my date?" Jayden and Kingsley said at once.

Lucia's eyes widened even more.

             💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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