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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Last Episode




Rebel Kisses - Episode 77&78


By; Favour .E.


"So it's because of a silly movie that you got mad at me?" He raised a brow as he placed her on the counter.

"It's not really that. I just felt like, if you start concentrating on work too much you might not make enough time for me but I'm sorry for thinking that. My stupid brain only gets stupider by the second" She chuckled awkwardly.

"Don't say that. I love your dumb brain just the way it is" He flicked her forehead and she giggled.

"You said that I was not going to like what you would do to me, what did you mean?" She asked.

"I was planning on locking you up in your room till your senses come back" He replied.

"So I was almost grounded, I'm not a child" She rolled her eyes.

"But you behave like one almost all the time"

"I'm sorry, maybe I just want someone to treat me like one. I didn't really have a happy childhood, my parents were always fighting. I would always hear them yelling at each other from my room and I just couldn't sleep. I wasn't supposed to be the only child, my mom was once pregnant and they had a fight again, my dad accidentally pushed my mom and she fell on her stomach on the eighth month so she lost the baby. I'm sorry if I behave childish sometimes, I just want you to treat me like a baby, you're the only one I have but I'll try to change. I'll be more mature from now on I promise..."

"Shhhh" He cut her off and wiped her tears.

"I don't mind if you behave childish or not, I fell in love with you just the way you are, I love you like this. If anyone has a problem with the way you behave then that person should write it in his or her diary. You're not changing yourself for anyone not even me" He kissed her lips briefly.

"Should we go watch cocomelon?" She asked, titling her head cutely and he chuckled.

"As you wish my queen. Aren't you hungry anymore?"  He asked and she shook her head.

"Not really"

He carried her off the counter and took her to the living room where he placed her on the couch.

He turned on the television and handed her the remote then he went into the kitchen and got a bowl of popcorn for her.

When he returned she was already watching cocomelon and she looked like she was enjoying it a lot. How can she be enjoying this annoying song?

He sat next to her and kept staring at her face, when she noticed, she faced him and smiled.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked, touching her face.

"Yes" He replied.


"Beauty" He replied and her cheeks turned red.

"You're crazy" She chuckled.

"Crazy for you" He winked and she blushed more.

"Hug?" She spread her arms and he moved closer to her and hugged her.

"You smell so good" He pulled down her dress's hand and kissed her shoulder.

"Wait, did Grace already leave?" Kitty sat up and looked around.

"I think she did" Ace replied.

"Oh, I'm just wondering why she came. Maybe I should call her" Kitty picked up her phone but Ace immediately snatched it from her.

"Not right now, we have a little business to take care of right now" He said and she looked at him.

"What business?" She asked. He just chuckled and stood up then he lifted her up in his arms.

"Oh is this the business, Mr. Lothaire?" Kitty smiled as he carried her up the stairs.




At about midnight, Ace suddenly woke up and he couldn't find Kitty in the bedroom anymore. Thinking she might be in the bathroom, he checked but she wasn't there.

His phone rang, he picked it up from the bed and picked immediately.


"She's gone, boss" Travis's voice came from the other side.


"That girl, Amber, she escaped. I can't find her again" Travis said and Ace frowned deeply.

"Wtf were you doing?! Fucking find her!!" Ace yelled and cut the call.

He ran his hand through his head and sighed, running his hand through his head.

He suddenly froze. Wait, Kitty is missing and Amber escaped, did she...

Ace swiftly ran out of the room, he got to the living room and looked around, she wasn't there.

He ran through the main door and his eyes widened. Kitty was struggling with Amber as she tried to pull her into a car.

Amber suddenly brought out a gun and placed it on Kitty's stomach, she froze and tears ran down her cheek.

"No! Don't fúcking do it!!!" Ace yelled from where he was and Amber's neck snapped to his direction.

He started running towards them, as Amber was distracted, Kitty pulled the gun from Amber's hand and pointed it at her.

Amber smiled, painfully.

"Shoot it, just do it!!! Your parents already killed mine so just pull the darn trigger and end me too" Amber held the gun tightly to her chest with Kitty's hand still on it.

"No, I don't want to..." Kitty shook her hea , tearfully.

"Shoot me Kitty!!!" Amber yelled, madly and a gunshot followed.

Kitty screamed loudly and the gun fell from her hand. Amber fell on her knees, blood gushing out of her chest.

She smiled lightly and looked up at Kitty.

"I'm sorry" Those were her last words before she finally fell flat on her face.

"No, no, no, ple...please wake up!" Kitty cried, trying to touch Amber but Ace pulled her back and she fell into his arms.

She quickly grabbed him tightly and looked up at his face.

"I...I'm sorry.... I didn't want to..... Please tell her to wake up!.. Ace please..." She cried, loudly.

"It's alright. I'm here" He whispered, stroking her hair as she cried madly.

Ace stared at Amber's body and sighed before carrying Kitty in his arms into the mansion.

He got to his room and placed her on the bed, he picked up his phone and texted Travis to dispose Amber's body.

He returned his gaze to Kitty, who curled herself up in the bed, her body was shaking and she was sweating so much.

He sat on the bed and touched her neck to check her temperature, it was high. She suddenly sat up and sat on his laps, strangling him.

He kissed her hair as she buried her face in his chest.

"I'm right here, don't be scared" He whispered and she nodded, lightly.





Ace sighed for the upteemth time, he couldn't find his shoes anymore. He always keeps them in his closet so where are they. He suddenly felt small hand, loosely wrap around his waist, he easily recognized who it was.

"Darling, have you seen my shoes?" He asked.

"Nope" She replied in a tiny voice, resting her head on his back.

He remove her hands and turned to face her. Her baby pump was already so big, she was already so close to delivery.

Ace looked down at her feet and just as he suspected, she was wearing his shoes, they were oversize on her.

He looked at her face and she pouted.

"Sowwy, I wanted to make you stay" She mumbled.

"And you think hiding my shoes would work? I would even go to the office barefooted just to get away from your pregnancy tantrums" He chuckled and she hit his chest.

She took off his shoes and placed them in front of him, he wore them and they both went downstairs for breakfast.

The day went by very fast. Kitty spent her day, studying and crocheting. Ace already got her admission into one of the biggest colleges in the country so after delivery, she'll start school.

Everything was going great. Bullet got a job as a pilot but Ace felt like the job was too risky so he gave him one of his companies.

Alicia opened up a jewelry store and it was booming quickly. Betty's dad came and took her away some few day ago. Percy and her mom moved back to their house, they fixed everything and made it better. Snow and Blaze's relationship is still as crazy as ever.

"Little kitten!!" Kitty heard Ace's voice from the living room, she dropped her book and ran out.

But when she got to the stairs, she slowed down her movements, walking slowly down the stairs. She knows how much Ace yells at her anytime she runs on the stairs.

When she reached the final step, she ran into his arms.

"How was your day?" He asked, after kissing her lips.

"Boring and yours?" She replied.

"Same, it's always boring without my little kitten" He chuckled.

"You should sit, I'll get you water" She left him and went into the kitchen.

Before Ace could sit on the couch, he heard a loud scream from the kitchen. Realizing it's Kitty voice, he ran into the kitchen.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he ran in.

"It's coming out!! It hurts!!!..." Kitty screamed in tears.

"What!" Ace's eyes widened.





Ace's mind couldn't be more confused right now and her loud screams weren't making matters worst. The thought of something happening to her was consuming him.

He was standing outside, Kitty's delivery room and so was, Grace, Snow, Alicia, Percy, Bullet and Travis.

When Ace couldn't take it any longer, he barged into the ward and ran to Kitty.

"Ace..." She muttered, breathlessly when she saw him. Ace grabbed her hand and she squeezed it tightly.

"I... Can't, I can't do this. It hurts...." Kitty cried.

"I know, it's hurting a lot but you have to do it for me, I'm right here with you. You can do it" He kissed her head and she nodded.

"Ma'am, you have to push harder!" A nurse snapped at her.

"What does it look like I'm doing?! Dancing?!!!" Kitty yelled back, her veins popping out.

"Calm down you can do it" Ace muttered, wiping the sweat on her forehead.

"The baby is almost out, just push a little more" The doctor said and Kitty held Ace's hand tighter as she pushed harder.

After a few minutes, the baby came out. Kitty sighed out.

"The second baby is coming out, you need to push"

Kitty's eyes widened when she heard that.

"What second baby?!" She yelled.

"It's twins ma'am, you need to push harder" The doctor replied.

"Ace get this thing out of me!!" Kitty yelled, breaking down in tears again.

"You can do it sweetheart" Ace pecked her lips and she nodded. He was trying his possible best to remain calm buy the trust was that, he's even more scared than Kitty right now.

After a few minutes, the second baby was out. Kitty collapsed on the bed and immediately fell asleep.

After the babies were cleaned and clothed, they were handed over to Ace.

For a moment, Ace felt the whole world still, he could hear his own heartbeat which made him smile. 

He looked at the little babies in his hands and his smile widened, one was a girl and she had his golden brown eyes, the other was a boy, he had full hair, just like him mom.

"Ace..." Kitty called weakly and Ace snapped back to reality, he looked at Kitty and smiled, moving to her.

She spread her arms and he carefully dropped the girl into Kitty's arms.

She smiled and tears rolled down her eyes.

"She's cute" Kitty blurted.

The door opened and everyone rushed in, the doctor followed.

"I thought I made it clear, no one is allowed to enter here right now, she needs rest" The doctor scolded, Alicia rolled her eyes and brought out her gun.

When the doctor saw it, he ran out.

"I thought I told you, you're not allowed to touch guns anymore" Bullet said.

"I want a baby too, they're so tiny and cute" Alicia smiled, rushing to Kitty.

Bullet shook his head in amusement and smiled.

Travis's phone chimed, a message entered and he looked at it.

UNKNOWN: Hey fool.

Travis read the text and smiled, knocking fully well who it was.

TRAVIS: How did you get my number? Did you miss me so much that you had to go around searching for my number?

BETTY: What? No! I just wanted to ask you were you got your shirt from, I like it.

He read her reply and smiled.

TRAVIS: I'll tell you were I got it from, when we meet, maybe tomorrow at a coffee shop.

BETTY: okay fine. But it's only to tell me where you bought the shirt, nothing more.

TRAVIS: It's a date then.

He replied.

BETTY: No, it's not!!!


"Ace I need water" Kitty mumbled, weakly and Ace nodded.

"Okay, everybody leave. My wife needs water" Ace said.

"Why do we need to leave for her to drink water?" Alicia asked.

"I said leave" Ace brought out his gun and Alicia brought out hers and aimed at Ace.

"I'm not leaving" She replied.

"We are leaving princess" Bullet held her waist and carried her out as she yelled, flinging her legs in the air.

"I don't want to go!! The babies are so cute!! Please let me see them!!" Alicia yelled, stubbornly as everyone left.

Only Kitty, Ace and the babies were left.

Ace took the girl from Kitty and placed the both in the cradle.

He returned to Kitty and poured her a glass of water, he helped her sit properly and she drank then she laid on the bed and closed her eyes.

"I love you" She mumbled.

"I love you even more, little kitten" He replied and she smiled, drifting off to dreamland.

This was just the beginning of her life. After all the struggles, tears, pain and hardship, she finally gets to live a happy life.

Everything happens for a reason, at the end of every dark tunnel there's always light and Ace was her light.

He'll always be everything she will ever need.


Previous Episode 

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to the author a very captivating story
