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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Destrõy Me - Episode 61 & 62





Destrõy Me - Episode 61 & 62


 By Naomi Cindy B.


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, or reposted in any form, or by any means without a written permission from the author.

Copyright © 2024


...Lorraine Wesley, You Are Fired." Slade dropped the bombshell.

Lorraine's neck nearly snapped on it's own, and when she opened her mouth to talk, she couldn't.

Slade's eyes were glaring daggers at her, threatening to skin her alive.

Twilight's mouth closed slowly, she's gaping at Slade right now.

Just how rich is this man???

"I just told you to announce your firing to the students" Slade told Lorraine.


"No room for negotiation" Slade's words blended out smoothly but harshly, interrupting her.

Lorraine looked at Twilight who's beside him. Slade is still holding her hand, firmly.

Her throat shook as she turned around to view the sponsors who're also waiting for her next move.

She looked at Lord Vann too, and the ridicule in his eyes is conquering.

She faced the cameras finally, folding her fists before talking.

"I... Lorraine Wesley is fired as of today, and my order about the expulsion is invalid." She said, took a bow and rushed out of the room.

The other sponsors bowed their heads completely, assembling in front of Slade who suddenly looks like their demigod.

"Congratulations on claiming your office, sir!" They chorused, and Twilight found herself smiling brightly.

In this world, money silences all. No one can tell her otherwise.

"I had to come fast from the hospital cos I knew she was gonna do this" Lord Vann said.

"I'd have taken care of it even without you" Slade replied bluntly.

"Isn't it crazy that I can't even hate you for crippling my son?" Lord Vann said.

"Cos you know he deserved it" Slade tilted his head with a sardonic smirk, and the man smiled.

"The president office will be open tomorrow, and I think you should leave the attic. Move into the presidential villa" he said.

"I'm not leaving the attic, Vann." Slade replied and began leaving, still holding Twilight's hand.

"Have a nice night, Mr. President!!" The sponsors bowed again, including Vann himself.


Lady Lorraine met the biggest show of her life outside.

Molly really pasted the papers as promised, and on the papers, LADY LORRAINE HAS A CRUSH ON PRESIDENT LUTHER was written in bold letters.

The castle is loud with the mocking noises and screams from students.

It's like they've been waiting for this.

Some students are even holding the papers, screaming at her face as she walked down the crowdy corridor.

* Look who just got fired!

* When the expell-ee becomes the expelled!

* She announced her own downfall, I don't even need to eat tonight anymore I'm full!!

* Eew! She's crushing on the president?

* Isn't he Tamlin's age mate? What is wrong with this woman.

* Heard she's not Imogen and Tamlin's real mother.

* Even though... She's too old for our president.

Lorraine couldn't even look up, and the students nearly swallowed her if not for the intervention of her guards.

They protected her from the angry students, and when they finally got out of the crowd, they met Imogen and her minions.

"You're crushing on him? Same man I crushed on for years?" Imogen ranted.

Lorraine couldn't talk.

"I know you're not the real mother of I and Tamlin, but the moment our father married you after our mother's death, I liked you like a mother...how could you like him? Do you have no shame?!" Imogen yelled.

"Yes!! Yes I'm shameless! I love him and I still do, so what? I'm not your biological mother, why should I consider you?" Lorraine suddenly yelled back, and Imogen threw a stone.

Before it could reach Lorraine, one of her guards caught it.

"Don't show your face in front of me again, prostitute!" Imogen spat, leaving with her squad.

"My jacket" Lorraine said, and her guards covered her with it.

"I'm no longer the first lady, but I'm still Vann's wife. I'm not leaving the Wesley tower so far he still lives there" she said, walking away.

The guards followed.

Immediately she left, another scream rolled over the atmosphere, threatening to pull the building to shambles.

Slade is just coming out of the building. He's STILL holding Twilight, and he's not even looking at the swam of students.

His eyes are on his lane, and Uriel quickly joined them, preventing students from coming closer since they're behaving like they've not seen him before.

They're seeing him in a different light now, and they went bat shit crazy.

A larger percent of them wished to be beside the devil in place of Twilight.

* So Lord Vann has been a mere caretaker all this while?.

* I knew something was wrong somewhere cos how could a mere professor ride a phantom?

* He's from the unconventionally rich Luther family? Just kill me!

* I swear I'm pregnant for him!

* He's a triplet too? Heard Dr. Elijah is the second triplet, and the ruthless lady from the morning is the third!

* Hands down please! Hot Mr. President!

The girls comments were the maddest, and the way most of them are already throwing intimidating glares at Twilight is insane.

Damien and Rihannon weren't left out, especially Damien. He was jumping.

Twilight's smile swelled, and when she looked at Slade again to find his face blank, she bit her lip, wishing she could magically plant a smile on his face.

His gummy smile is beautiful despite the fact that she has only seen it once.

She suddenly lifted her lids when she saw someone among the crowd of students.

It's the same person she saw at obsidian bar. The face cap and hoodie person.

Before she could look further, he was already gone with the sea of students.

She shook her head, brushing it off as they finally left the corridor, heading for the attic.



Lorraine's legs are mounted as she sat on a couch in the living room, waiting.

Lord Vann entered the room, looking surprised to see her.

"The president fired you. What are you still doing here?" He said, and she stood.

"I was stepped down from the office, not as your wife." She smiled.

"I already called my lawyer, and he's preparing the divorce papers. Let's hit court tomorrow and get this over with" Vann replied, and Lorraine bursted into a shrill laughter.

He stood speechlessly, watching her.

"Divorce? No, Vann. We'll get divorced whenever I want it, and we're not getting divorced till I get Slade" she said confidently.

"I have no business with your Slade obsession... we're getting divorced tomor...

Vann was cut short when Lorraine pulled the TV remote and turned on the TV.

A video began playing on the screen.

It's the video of a woman and Lord Vann hiking together.

They were chatting through it and laughing when Lord Vann suddenly pushed her, and she rolled down the mountain, dying on the spot.

The video ended there, and the TV went off.

Lord Vann peed on himself.

"Everyone thought your wife slipped and fell during hiking, but no one knows the true story, that you pushed her. You killed her because you wanted to marry me. What will Imogen and Tamlin think when they see this video? You killed their mother" Lorraine said.

Vann rushed forward, picking a golfing stick which he quickly shattered the TV screen with.

"Oh darling...I have that video saved in five other places" Lorraine said.

"What!" Lord Vann faced her, the stick fell from him.

Lorraine walked hastily to him and pulled him by the collar, tightly.

"You better don't make me mad, hmm? Be a good boy" she smiled, roughly letting go of him 

Vann fell on the couch, and Lorraine went to the wall, taking the picture frame of the old man there.

"You don't wanna end up like your brother, do you?" She said, walking out with the frame.

Lord Vann began crying, piping hot tears.



"How rich are you?" Twilight asked, sitting in front of Slade as he worked on his laptop.

Her face is in her palms, and her stare at him is deep.

"Rich enough to buy five decent countries" he replied easily, his eyes not leaving the laptop screen.

"And you've been sponsoring since you were ten? You've been rich since childhood?" She asked.

He looked up, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"When I was at the orphanage, Grandpa Cedric payed me weekly" he said, and she moved her chair closer to his own 

"Payed you for doing nothing?" She asked, their noses almost rubbing.

"He payed me for breathing, and he's still paying me till now. I have more than fifteen investments in the city, and they pay me yearly. I'm into real estate too, but i have agents working for me on that, in the city" he replied, and she blinked thrice consecutively.

"You're rich!!" She gasped, and his smile bloomed.

"Are you happy about it?" He asked, pulling her to his laps.

She straddled him, and he pushed his laptop aside.

"You happy?" He repeated.

"Yes... Who wouldn't be happy that her master is rich?" She replied slowly, wrapping her arms on his shoulders.

"I should employ you to help me spend the money. I'll pay you for helping me spend too" he said.

"What do you mean!" She hit his chest jokingly before she knew it, and her eyes widened with a gasp.

"Sorry...I was carried away" she quickly apologized, but he didn't even count it as anything.

"Do you have any future plan?" He asked suddenly.

"What future plan? I'm going to die for you anyways" she muttered.

"Start writing down your future plans from now on" he said.


"It's an order, submit full page next week" he cut her off sternly.

"Yes, sir" she mumbled, and he rubbed her ear with his thumb, chasing the warmth.

"Go shower" he told her 

"Are we doing it now?" She whispered.

"Are you that eager to be fuçked?" He replied with another smirk, and she left his laps.

"I'll be right back" she rushed into the bathroom.

The full smile took over Slade's face, and his eyes caught the smile in the mirror...it smile faded fast.

Onyx is still asleep under the piano. She ate too much in her human form, and carrying that much food in an animal body will probably take days.

Slade turned off the electric lights and put on the dim yellow candles, liking that illumination better.

Five minutes later, Twilight returned from the bathroom, wrapping only his towel around her chest.

He lifted her on the table, and the laptop fell in the process, shattering keys in the room.

"Your laptop..." She whispered.

"Give no f+ck" his whisper trailed after hers, and her breathing picked up when he lifted her leg, planting kisses on her skin and mapping it to her thighs where the kisses grew warmer and sensual.

His head moved in a zigzag as he tried to paint memories in every inch of her, worshipping her body.

The second thigh received the same before he pulled the towel away from her body, flinging it.

He pulled her to the table edge, and her p+$$y juices stained the glass so bad.

"Take off my shirt" he ordered her.

Her hands did the simple movement, moving down his shirt to pull it off  his head.

"The belt" his gravelled voice said again, and she began unbuckling his belt.

His right hand cupped her p+$$y, and his digits pressed unforgettable strokes on her clî+, making her shudder.

Her hands became shaky on the belt she's undoing, and her body became totally overstimulated, it was fast.

"Play with my clî+ in for longer, please" she begged.

"Aren't you such a good little slut for daddy? My good little girl" he praised, pulling teasingly at her flaps while massaging her vulva with his thumb.

"Yes... please" she moaned, her hands slipping off his belt.

"Continue unbolting!" He growled, and her hand found his held again.

Just as she was about to zip him down, he touched another sensitive part of her p+$$y, and her eyes rolled to every possible angle before tears of pleasure escaped them.

"More... please more.."

She held his fingers and attempted pushing it in, but he resisted.

No idea why she's suddenly this horny tonight.

Maybe her period or the weather, she just wants him everywhere. In every hole.

"You wanna be fingered?" He groaned, pulling at her nîpples and biting the hard rims.

"No...I want the c+ck" she shook her head, pushing her br+àsts to his chest so he pinched harder, rubbing her p+$$y faster too.

"Good gawd! Yes!" She finally pulled the belt out of the loop, throwing it down before unzipping, freeing his d+ck.

"This p+$$y, belongs to who?" He asked, still teasing her with his fingers, her br+àsts streaming on her chest, so full and tempting with the er+ctly pink n+pples.

Twilight threw her head back, bucking against his fingers 

"To who, Light?" He demanded, sliding in a finger at a stinging angle.

"To you...my p+$$y is yours, Kils" she  cried.

"Good" he carried her down the table,.

"Put your hands on the edge" his order came with a dark volume again, and she quickly did.

His orders have a way of unwrapping hidden parts of her, and she likes it.

Slade inserted his cock into her through the back, and her moans turned raspy as his hugeness penetrated, confiscating her air.

The piercings slid in one, two, three...the entire long length of him filled her up till she it's hard to breath.


"Steady, little one. Breathe for me" he whispered.

Every other sound in the room disappeared except for the sound of her m+ans mixed with his groans, and the sound of her wetness as his d+ck explored her p+$$y.

She has no explanation for this, but it has to be madness, and her skull tinged.

She held the table edge tightly, and her eyes were turning as he pounded endlessly into her, but she didn't stop wanting more.

Even when his rhythm became deranged and she nearly fell off the table, she didn't stop craving.

He was hitting that spot over and over, and her br+àsts got so swollen that she had to start touching them herself.

It was too much to handle at once__the pleasure he's giving. 

The desires, thirst and hunger rippling through her is lascivious.

She was a m+aning, crying mess as he ruined her, smashed her deepest fantasies and dragged her into darkness.

Her eyes blurred, and she could barely see when he pulled out, but then he carried her, trapping her against the wall.

Her back is on the wall, and her legs tangled on his waist, so she's between the wall and him as he rammed back into her.


Now he got a lot of time to handle her aching breàsts. 

He was taking turns to suck on her titties hungrily, and the harder he sucked, the harder he got inside her, seizing her space completely with no hiding space.

Her n+pples throbbed, and they definitely like his soothing perfect mouth cos he was sucking so good.

She was gasping, panting and rasping out__her voice is aching too, and she became sore.

When their eyes met, she saw the monster, her monster, and she smiled faintly when he felt his liquid.

He had released inside of her.

Her head fell tiredly on his neck, and Slade carried her into the bathroom like that.

"When I die, I'll miss this" she muttered in a rasp, holding him tight like her life.

Slade kissed her moon tattoo, keeping his lips there for what seemed like eternity.



Aimee barged in, sparing herself the stress of knocking.

She met Greg making a call, but he ended the call immediately she entered.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"Are you here to investigate me?" He replied, and she slapped him with the back of her hand.

The phone fell from him

Aimee picked the phone, and saw he was speaking with Timothy.

She dropped the phone on the table and went closer to Greg.

"Elijah said something about how we shouldn't trust you,, so I'm here to sound you a warning" she said.

"If it later gets out that you've been playing my family, I'll kill you and eat your flesh myself" she threatened before storming out of the cottage.

Greg stood still for more than five minutes after she left, then he grinned, taking his seat.

"You Luthers have no idea who you're up with " he said, using his mind to turn on the lights.

"He wasn't supposed to be in Stella's womb at all. He's a monster who forced himself into her womb with Elijah and Aimee. He's destined to live for hundreds of years without aging. What's wrong in taking some of his years and adding it to mine and my wife's?" he hissed out.

He stood and went inside.



It's a totally new dawn in the university since the new presidency is starting today.

Lorraine's case and Slade's is still the talk of the school, Elijah too.

The infirmary is full of girls who aren't even sick but came to get his attention since he's a Luther.

Twilight's name hasn't left the girls mouth, most of them claim he seduced the president.

They choked completely when Twilight came downstairs.

She's wearing one of her new wears. A short elastic black gown and kitten heel.

She looks gorgeous even without make-up, and the way her slim-but-curvy figure moved in the gown is to die for. Her hair is left down just the way Slade likes.

Damien and Rihannon are right beside her, and though they refused to share her new wears with her, their mouth is full of the goodies.

The cookies and gums and sweets.

* The president bought her that LE gown, I'm very sure.

* He probably took her shopping 

* Has it gotten to that level?

Molly came downstairs that same time, and she couldn't help the smile that formed on her face when she saw Twilight dressed expensively.

She slapped  herself.

"Why am I smiling?" She muttered.

The highlight of the morning was when Slade came out of the elevator, dressed in suit for the first time. His dark hair is down too.

Twilight had to let her throat swallow saliva repeatedly.

He's hot in suit!

It's a black tailored one which highlighted his unforgettable features and accentuated his eyes. The frozen texture.

Uriel followed him out, carrying his bag.

When Uriel's eyes met with Molly's, she scoffed, and Uriel chuckled.

It's like all the girls held their breaths cos no one is commenting.

They must have been dumbstruck.

Slade came to Twilight and took her hand. A big smile rented her face.

He took her out, and the students got their voices back immediately.

* This is serious!

* Damnit!

"Aww!!" Rihannon and Damien stuck hands.

"I'm so happy for my bestie" Damien held his chest dramatically.

"You think the president is falling for my baby?" Rihannon said.

"Who cares? He spends on her and I'm here for the money" Damien replied.

"Money will be the end of you" Rihannon laughed.


Walking into the school is another dimension, and Twilight's mouth might just tear with how hard she's smiling.

Her happiness is unshakeable.

Students are staring at them, but no one dared to snap a picture.

All they can do is make way, whisper in jealousy and later enter a river to drown if they like.

"My first lecture is by 8" Twilight said.

"I know. It's currently 7:40, there's still time to take you to my office and get you on your knees for my dîck" he replied, his deep voice making it seductive.

She hasn't replied to that when they saw Tamlin from the other end.

He's on a wheelchair, and Ruslan is pushing behind.

His eyes are solely on Twilight's hands with Slade's, but when Twilight's eyes met with his own, she looked away.

She even added her second hand to Slade's arm, and Tamlin pinched himself so hard as his heart shook inside his ribcage.

Slade smirked, his jaws ticking as Ruslan pushed the wheelchair past them.

Twilight's scent made Tamlin want to hold her so much.

Imogen, Echo and the rest appeared at the hallway end, and Echo's heart began beating erratically when she saw Ruslan.

He became slightly lean, but the good thing is ...

The leanness fits him, it made him finer.

"My boyfriend is back!" Echo gushed.

Imogen looks confused, and at the same time mesmerized...

"What did he eat at the hospital?" She muttered in admiration.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Slade are down the hall already, but Twilight suddenly stopped, looking around strangely.

"Light?" Slade frowned, and she looked at him.

She didn't last before looking around again, blowing air out of her mouth.

She held his shirt, pulling it hard like she's high.

"Light!...the hell is fuçking with you?" He grabbed her arms.

"I'm...I dunno...I'm restless and...

She stopped and gasped, facing him again.

"It's the voice. It says they're coming. They're coming for preys again" she said.

"They?" His brows dipped.

"Yes." she nodded, and Slade's eyes darkened.

"The monthly kidnappers?" He said.

"They're in the woods and they'll soon sneak into the castle" she replied, still restless.

"Monthly what?" Elijah said behind them.

He was actually on his way to the presidential office to tease Slade when he saw them.

"They're on their way here" Twilight replied, and Elijah clenched his fists.

Slade let go of Twilight and faced the sky, using his ring power. The wind came heavily.

A short glare, and the morning disappeared, leaving everywhere in total darkness as the clouds darkened.

"Arggghhhh!!!!" Students screamed, petrified at the sudden change.

The university became chaotic as everyone began running into classrooms to hide with their phone torchlights.

Slade pulled Twilight into an empty class, then he touched the wall, building a barrier so no one else will be able to enter.

"Stay here" he told her.


"F+çking stay here. If you come out, I'll kill you" he said, and she gulped.

"Please...don't say that" she muttered slowly, looking down.

"You will not come out, mmkay?" He held her face.

"I promise" she nodded, and he removed his suit, giving it to her.

He dashed out of the class, meeting Elijah outside. 

Thanks to their sharp eyes, seeing in the dark is not a problem.

Together, they picked insane speed, into the woods.

The school is still scattering, and the sudden darkness even made some students passed out.

Rihannon is one of them. She passed out in Damien's arms, and he had to drag her into a class where she woke up in.

"I think the kidnappers are in the woods, and I'm going too" he said.


"You know I'm not weak. I work in construction sites remember? I'll be fine" he said.

"Be careful" she rubbed his cheek.

"Sure" he smiled, leaving her.


Twilight paced the class restlessly, her mind couldn't leave Slade.

The darkness seemed to thicken every millisecond, and she can't even see anything.

The entry of someone made her freeze. She heard the heels sounds.

Didn't Slade place a barrier here? No one is supposed to be able to enter.

"Who's there?" She asked, and a torchlight came on, showing Lorraine's face with a red smile.

Twilight moved back.

"How were you able to enter?" She questioned, cautiously.

"Moonslaves might be weak, but our body can break any barrier" Lorraine smiled.

"You're... you're a moonslave...too?" Twilight swallowed in shock.

Lorraine turned her back, showing her the moon tattoo on her left shoulder since her gown is armless.

"Our tattoos are only meant to be seen by our masters. Why am I seeing yours?" Twilight shifted back again.

"Once your master dies, your tattoo will show, and you'll be free to live as a human, like me" Lorraine said shrugged.

"Who's your master?" Twilight asked, freezing in place.

Lorraine revealed the small picture frame in her hand.

"He was Vann's elder brother, but I killed him, with this" Lorraine said, bringing out a short, sharp dagger.

"No...stay back, and leave. I'm done listening to you" Twilight moved back again, her back hitting the wall.

"Have you perhaps fallen for your master?" Lorraine sneered.

"It's none of your damn business, just leave me!" Twilight's voice went up.

"If he kills you, your soul will return to the moonclan to perish forever. You have no memory of what the moonclan looks like, and that's why you're willing to die. When you get your memories back, you'll know no one deserves to live in that clan where the Emperor treats us like animals! You need this dagger" Lorraine dropped it on the table.

Twilight's heart pounded heatedly.

"Make sure you stab him in the heart directly, and you'll be free. Kill your master before he kills you" Lorraine said.


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