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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Episode 9&10




Rebel Kisses - Episode 9&10


By; Favour .E.


"W..what?" She shuttered, raising her head to meet his eyes.

"You'll get to know later" He replied, moving away from her, then he turned his back on her, heading to the bed to pick up his shirt.

After wearing his shirt he turned to face her, their eyes met for a moment and she quickly looked away.

"Thank you, you're nice. Sometimes" She said and he stared at her silently.

"You can leave, I'll send the money to your account later this evening" He muttered and she smiled widely.

"Thank you so much!" She shrieked almost running to hug him but a hard glare from him made her pause.

"Thank you again. Have a good night" She smiled and quickly left the room.

"Yes! Yes yes!!!" Kitty yelled, loudly while doing a silly dance in the hallway.

"Hey watch it!" Barbie yelled as Kitty almost slapped her eyes unconsciously.

"Sorry" Kitty replied and Barbie rolled her eyes.

"Keep your goddamn sorry to yourself, bitch!" Barbie snapped.

"Ugly duck!" Kitty replied, sticking her tongue out.

Barbie scoffed and walked away.




Snow knocked on Stone's door for the fifth time but he didn't answer so she just walked in.

She scanned the room with her eyes but no trace of Stone, she sighed and was about to leave the room when she heard the sound of the shower running, she bit her lips gently maybe she should leave and come back later.

She scratched her head slightly, turning to leave the room when her eyes caught book at the corner of the room, she walked up to it and picked it up.

'Big Black Book' was written on it, she opened the first page of the book and she blinked, staring at some confusing words.

The words were mixed with letters, numbers, and symbols that she couldn't understand. She turned the next page and saw a picture of Ace with a huge red cancel on it.

She kept on staring at it, trying to make sense of what she was looking at when someone snatched the book from her.

She gasped and looked up to meet Stone's angry face.

"What the f+ck are you doing here?!" He snapped.

"I came to see you....." She mumbled.

"And you started going through my things! Don't you know what is privacy" He snapped and she gulped.

"Am sorry, I didn't want to..... I just...." She shuttered, unsure of what to say.

"Get out! Don't come back here ever again!" He yelled at her.

"Why are you suddenly angry, I just wanted to see you, it's been a while we talked"

"If I f+ck you, will you be at peace?" He asked and she frowned.


"Don't pretend, I know you just want me to f+ck you that's why you're bothering me! All girls are f+cking the same. You're all sluts, you guys just throw your body at guys!" He said.

"What are you talking about? I like you and ......"

"Don't act naive, let's just f+ck right here so you'll let me be at peace!"Stone mumbled and pushed Snow on the bed, she tried to stand up but he hovered over her, pinning her down to the bed.

"Let me go!" She yelled, trying to push him away as tears clouded her eyes.

He released her and stood up.

"Get out!" He said harshly and Snow ran out of the room in tears.

As she was running she bumped into someone and almost fell but Blaze caught her by the waist.

"Snow white! Be careful......" He paused when he saw the tears on her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, softly and she immediately hugged him tightly, breaking down in tears again.

"Did something happen?" He asked, gently patting her back as she wet his shirt with her tears.

"Do I look like a slut to you?" She asked, slowly lifting her head to stare at his face.

"Did someone call you a slut?" He frowned.

"It's nothing, I'm fine" She broke the hug and wiped her tears.

"You're not fine, talk to me, I can help" He said and she shook her head.

"Good night" She forced a smile and walked away.





Kitty quickly slipped on a mini jean skirt and a white baggy top before leaving the room. she walked out of the room, skipping happily and singing with her off point voice.

She's really happy this morning, Ace had sent her the money last night and she quickly transfered it to Dr Felix so her mother's treatment is sure.

She decided to thanks him by cooking something for him but one thing kept pushing forward in her thoughts.

What's the condition he talked about? She thought wouldn't leave her head but she kept brushing it off.

She inputted the code and the door opened, she walked in and looked around, then she walked into the room and found Ace still asleep, that's the first time she has seen him looking peaceful.

Most times he behaves like a demon with a cold face but he looks really cute while asleep, Kitty felt tempted to stroke his hair but she quickly discarded the thoughts.

She walked into the medium-sized kitchen, and set some utensils before standing still to think about what to make, since it's morning. He'll probably take something light so she decided to make pancakes.



Few minutes later, Kitty was almost done making the pancakes when Ace walked in holding a gun, he woke up a while ago and heard some noise so he decided to check it out but not without his gun.

Kitty was focused on designing the pancakes with maple syrup, part of her face was covered in flour, her hair was tied into a messy bun and her clothes were a mess.

"Why are you here?" Ace's voice startled her and she immediately looked up and smiled.

"Good morning" She replied.

"That's not an answer" He muttered.

"I'm making breakfast for you" She said with a smile.

"Why?" He asked, looking pissed.

"As a thank you" She said and he chuckled darkly, as he slowly advanced towards her.

"Don't thank me yet, we made a deal and you're yet to find out what's at the other end so chill" He said, maintaining eyes contact with her. He suddenly looked away and glanced at the pancakes she made.

She had used the maple syrup to draw smiley faces on the pancakes, the drawing was very childish but it was understandable.

"Do you want to have a taste?" She asked, raising the plate towards him.

"I'm not hungry" He muttered and she frowned.

"Do you know how long I spent making this! Just have one at least" She said in a scolding form, making Ace raise his brows in disbelief.

This was the same girl that looking like a scared kitten in front of him just yesterday but now she's almost scolding him.

"If I don't?" He asked and she smiled shortly.

"Then I'll shove it down your throat like you shoved the snake down that man's throat" Kitty said, dropping the plates to place her hands around her waist.

"I don't have your worthless time, I have better things to do" He muttered, walking away.

"Rude" She sighed but quickly picked the plate, following him to his room.

"I said I'm not hungry, drop the damn plate and leave!" He said harshly and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't be rude, just have one" She sighed.

"I see you want another punishment, I'll gladly have you kneel down for another night" He said and Kitty dropped the plate.

"I'll leave now" She said, walking away.

"What's your name?" He asked and she turned around.

"It's Kitty, I know you're grumpy and heartless but you should have at least known my name all these while you were punishing me" She rolled her eyes and Ace shot her a glare.

"Sowwy....." She muttered and ran out.





Barbie kept sighing now and then while staring deeply at her n+ked body on full sized mirror in front of her, Alicia was busy on her phone but looked up at Barbie once in a while.

"What's wrong with you? You've been staring at yourself since" Alicia said and Barbie sighed, she picked up a gown from the bed.

"Do I look too thin to you?" Barbie asked, putting on the dress.

"Uhm... Not really, I think you have the shape of a model" Alicia winked and Barbie rolled her eyes.

"Are you just saying that to make me feel good?" Barbie scoffed, sitting on the bed next to her.

Barbie glanced into the phone and Alicia quickly covered it up but Barbie had already seen what she was doing.

"Uhhhhh You and big Jim are chatting, what's popping?" Barbie asked, resting her hand on her chin to give her full attention.

"It's just that.... He asked me out and we're dating" Alicia gushed and Barbie blinked.

"Seriously! Let me get this straight..... Big Jim asked you out?" Barbie asked and Alicia nodded.

"You know relationships are not allowed here, if boss finds out both of you will be in trouble" 

"Can't you just be happy for me and anyway when you and Stone was dating, I didn't say a thing and boss didn't find out...." Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Not like I'm scared of him" Alicia scoffed inwardly.

"But still both you should be careful, it's just an advice, take it or leave it" Barbie said, standing up.

"Look who's giving advice!" Alicia chuckled and Barbie gave her a middle finger before leaving.




Travis ran into Ace's office with a worried look on his face, the moment he ran in Ace looked up.

"Boss.... It's gone!" Travis mumbled, trying to catch his breath.

"What's gone?" Ace asked, lazily.

"The goods (drugs) I'm just returning from the warehouse and it's completely empty even the door was unlocked" Travis explained and Ace stood up.

"Are you sure about what you are saying?" Ace asked, folding his fist.

"Yes, the door wasn't even broken, a key was used" Travis said and Ace raised a brow.

There are only two copies of the key, one with Travis and the other is with him, in his suite.

Ace quickly left the office, taking long strides until he reached his room, he inputted the code and walked in.

He went straight to his drawer and opened it, then he pushed a small button and a secret compartment opened, he was a little shocked when he didn't see his copy of the key there.

So whoever stole the drugs probably did it with his key!

"F+ck!" Ace ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath to calm his mind.

If the person took the key from his room then the person should obviously know his suite's code.

Only him, Travis and Kitty knows the code.

It couldn't be Travis so it's definitely...... Kitty!

Ace eyed darkened and he left the room while Travis followed him behind.

"Get me Kitty!" He ordered and Travis paused.


"Just bring her to me and stop asking darn questions!" Ace yelled at him, furiously.





"How is she now?" Kitty asked, holding her phone close to her ear and grinding widely.

"She's getting better, she might even wake up before this months runs out. Her condition is getting better" Felix said and Kitty smiled.

Just then the door opened and Travis barged in. He pulled the phone away from Kitty and ended the call.

"Hey... Why did you do that!" Kitty snapped with a frown.

"Did you do anything?" Travis raised a brow.

"That's a strange question. Something like what?" Kitty asked.

"Follow me" He said and left while Kitty followed behind, wondering what was going on. 





Kitty stared at all the mobsters confusingly as Travis led her to the center of the hall where Ace was standing.

"Who sent you?" Ace asked the moment she neared him.

"I don't understand" Kitty replied and Ace clenched his fist angrily.

"Don't f+cking play dumb! I asked again..... Who the fck sent you?!" He yelled, making Kitty flinch.

"I don't know what you are talking about" She replied and her cheeks met with Ace's cold palm in a tight slap.

The whole room when dead silent, pin drop silent descended the room, Kitty slowly lifted head to stared at him, with blurry eyes.

"I'm sure Matteo sent you! Tell me the truth or I'll end you right now!" He muttered, placing a gun on her head and she burst out in tears.

"I...  Don't know what you're saying! I don't know ..... who's Matteo. I don't understand anything" She mumbled, sniffling as she wiped her tears.

"You're still lying? You went into my room and stole the keys to the warehouse and gave it to Matteo so he could rob us clean? Right?" Ace asked and Kitty shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She half yelled and he gave her another tight slap, causing her to fall to the ground.

"If you won't talk willingly them I'll have to force it out of you!" He roughly grabbed her hair and pulled her out.

He kept on dragging her through a dark basement till they got to a strange prison cell.

He pushed Kitty into it and locked the door.

The room was pitch black, she couldn't see a single thing and she could feel insects crawling around her. There was even a dead body of an old man next to her.

Kitty instantly stood up, banging on the door.

"Please let me out!" She cried, hitting the door harder.

"I didn't do anything please let me out. Please!!!!" She yelled, hot tears pouring out of her eyes.



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