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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Episode 7&8




Rebel Kisses - Episode 7&8


By; Favour .E.


"What did you just call me?" Ace asked slowly, frowning at her.

"It was the devil, I'm sorry" She replied, shutting her eyes tightly.

"Seriously?" Ace chuckled, darkly.

"It just slipped out, I'm really sorry. I just wanted my necklace back but you ....."

"So it's my fault now?" Ace asked and she shook her head, opening her eyes.

"I see I'm taking it too lightly with you" He said, and walked away.

"Can I stand up?!" Kitty yelled after him but he didn't turn or reply, she sighed watching him walk away.





"Sweetheart, what happened?" Helena gasped, as Percy slowly walked into the house, holding the walls for support.

"M..mom?" Percy muttered in a broken voice, as she squinted her eyes.

"Dear, what happened to your glasses?" Helena asked, helping Percy sit on a chair.

"How did it get broken and what happens to your head? Did you have an accident?" Helena asked, getting a first-aid kit from the drawer.

She gently treated Percy's bruise and dressed it then she went upstairs and came back down with new glasses for Percy.

She help Percy wear it.

"Thanks" Percy forced a light smile and stood up, trying to leave but Helena held her back.

"What's the problem?" Helena asked, softly.

"It's nothing, I tripped at school that's all. I just want to rest" Percy said and walked away.

She walked into her room, closing the door behind her then she slumped on the bed and shut her eyes tightly, trying not to think about what happened today.

But she couldn't no matter how she tried, she just couldn't get the thought of Mark and his girlfriend out of her mind.

Mark was actually the first person she was ever attracted to, she had a crush on him since her first year and now when things were finally falling into place, she just had to find out he was playing her.

Maybe she was destined to remain alone forever, she should just become a nun and shave all her hair.

Her absurd thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her phone, she picked it up and answer straight away without looking at the caller's ID.

"Hello?" She murmured.

"Baby boo? I'm glad you answered, please let's meet and talk" Mark said and Percy quickly sat properly on the bed.

"We have nothing to talk about Mark. Don't call me ever again or else I'll block your number, delete it, break my sim card, burn it and throw my phone over a bridge!" She yelled, making him chuckle slightly.

"I know you're mad but you can't jump into conclusions when you haven't heard my side of the story" He sighed.

"You told me both of you were dating, I don't need any other explanation. Bye!" She snapped and ended the call.

She turned off her phone and laid on the bed again, even though she still likes Mark, she won't let him use her.





Kitty knees were already hurting like hell and she was sniffling repeatedly due to the cold weather.

It was past midnight and Ace hasn't returned so she was still kneeling down on the same spot, she cursed herself inwardly for talking to him like that and now see where she got herself.

She sniffled again and this time she sneezed, rubbing her cold hands together.

How could he leave her here all alone, he's a devil, a demon, he's an absolute beast!

She sighed, and sneezed again. Her eyes were already feeling heavy but she wouldn't dare to sleep or she may increase her punishment.





Ace spent the night in his office, working, he even forgot he asked Kitty to kneel down in his suite.

He walked into his suite and went to the swimming pool, where he found Kitty curled up in that spot, sleeping on the ground.

He stared at her face for a while and went into his room, he came back with a cup of water which he poured on her face, Kitty gasped and sprang up on her feet.

Tears glittered in kitty's eyes as she wiped the water off her face.

"I thought I asked you to kneel" Ace muttered and she went on her knees again.

"You fell asleep?" He stated and Kitty sniffed.

"I'm sorry..." She cried, holding her cheeks.

"Get out and I don't want to see you anywhere near me or my suite, you get?" He asked and Kitty nodded.

"Leave" He commanded and Kitty got up, rushing out.

Kitty ran straight to her room and walked in, Snow was still there, sleeping with Milo.

She quickly rushed into the bathroom and took a bath tiredly, then she came out and laid on the bed after wearing her clothes.

"Where were you? I waited all night" Snow asked, rubbing her eyes as she woke up.

"Nowhere, I want to sleep stop dis......" Kitty trailed off as she eventually fell asleep.





Percy walked into the school, Liv approached her and Percy tried to walk away but Liv pulled her hair back.

"You don't get to walk out on me, bitch!" Liv sneered, pulling her hair tighter, Percy quickly pushed Liv away and gave her a tight slap.

"It seems like you're running mad! I intend to stay away from you and I hope you do the same else you'll regret coming across me!" Percy said and walked away.

"Who does she think she is?!" Liv fumed, tightening her fist as she watched Percy walk away.

She suddenly pulled up her heel, attempting to throw it towards Percy but someone held it from behind.

Liv turned and found Mark glaring at her, she pulled the heel away from Mark's grip and wore it.

"What were you about to do?" Mark asked, angrily.

"I'm sure you've not become as blind as her, I wanted to throw it at her. She f+cking slapped me!" Liv yelled, gaining the attention of all the students.

"And so what? If she slapped you I'm pretty sure you totally deserve it" Mark replied and Liv scoffed inwardly.

"Oh I see. You're on her side now? She's a bitch and a boyfriend snatcher!" Liv huffed.

"If you want to receive on more slap then keep spewing rubbish" Mark replied and walked away.

"Wow, it's been a while some drama happened here. This will be fun!" Melissa chuckled, and walked away.





Alicia walked into the office without knocking and Ace looked up from his computer, with an expressionless face.

"Hey..." Alicia said, coming closer. She sat on a chair next to him.

"I didn't say you could sit down" Ace mumbled, returning his eyes to the computer.

"I didn't ask" Alicia replied, crossing her leg.

"Why are you here?" Ace asked.

"Can't I come see my baby brother again?" Alicia mumbled, with a pout.

"Will you stop calling me that! I'm not your baby brother. It's boss, call me boss" Ace snapped and Alicia bursted out in laughter.

"In your dreams. I know you don't like me going around telling people I'm your sister but that doesn't mean I'll call you boss. I'm older you should respect me" Alicia replied and Ace chuckled.

"I'll start respecting you when pigs fly" Ace mumbled and Alicia stood up, she ruffled Ace's hair and ran out of the room, giggling to herself.

Ace sighed, using his hand to arrange his hair then he focused back on his work.




Percy walked out of the cafeteria with a hamburger in her hand, taking occasionally bites as she stared at her phone.

She wasn't looking ahead and she soon bumped into a hard chest, her burger and phone fell from her hand.

"Are you alright baby boo?" Mark asked, picking her phone and handing it to her.

"I'm sorry" She muttered, walking away but Mark held her back and pulled her to himself.

"Let me go!" She snapped, trying to free herself from his grip.

"I know you're mad at me but I'm not giving up so easily. I love you and I'll make sure I don't loose you" He whispered into her ears, released her and walked away.

She stared at him for a while and bit her lips lightly before walking away.





Kitty just woke up from her nap, Snow was already gone while Milo was playing with a ball of yarn on the floor, Kitty stretched her body and stood up.

She sighed out and rubbed her knees, they were still hurting from kneeling almost all night, Ace is heartless!

She frowned with a pout and picked up Milo from the floor into her arms.

"Milo, are you hungry?" Kitty asked and Milo meowed cutely, licking her face.

"Stop that Milo!" She giggled, and kissed his head.

"Do you want some milk?" She asked, walking toward the table where she kept a can of milk, she took out Milo's bowl and poured some milk into it.

The moment she set Milo down, the cat ran towards the milk, licking it.

Kitty's phone rang and she picked it up from the bed, it was doctor Felix calling.

"Hello this is silly Kitty, how may I help you?" Kitty said, and she heard Felix sigh.

"Is something wrong?" Kitty asked.

"The head doctor just spoke to me right now. He told me to tell you that if you don't pay up before tomorrow morning then your mother's life support machine will be turned off" Felix mumbled.

"What? No. Just give me till the end of the month, when I get paid I promise I'll send you the money" Kitty said, immediately.

"It's not up to me anymore, I wish I could help but I can't do anything about it, I'm sorry" He said.

"Please, can't you help me beg him?" Kitty said, almost in tears.

"I've tried he's not listening, he said you should pay at least two million tomorrow morning" Felix sighed.

"Where am I supposed to get that kind of money?" Kitty mumbled to herself, sniffling.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out. Goodluck" He said and ended the call.

Kitty sighed and tossed her phone on the bed, she ruffled her hair in frustration and left the room, in search of Travis.

She soon spotted him talking to a group of mobsters, when he saw Kitty standing aside he dismissed the mobsters to face her.

"Hey, looking for me?" He smiled and Kitty nodded.

"Can I get my pay early? It's for something important please" Kitty said and Travis expression changed.

"I can't......"

"Please, it's really important" She cut him off.

"Let me finish Kitty, it's not me that pays, it's the boss so I can't actually do anything for you right now" Travis said.

"Can't you talk to him?" Kitty asked and Travis sighed.

"He has anger issues and he never listens to anyone, it's fruitless trying to talk to him" Travis said and Kitty was about to speak up when his ringing phone interrupted her.

"I have to take this, I'll be back" Travis said and walked away.

Kitty sighed and walked away, deliberating whether or not she should try talking to Ace herself.

She finally decided to talk to him, it's her mother's life at stake here, she would rather try than seat idle.





Kitty took a deep breath and knocked on the door, there wasn't a response for minutes so she slowly walked inside.

Ace had a cigarette in between his lips and he was shirtless, he looked up and frowned when he saw her.

"I see you don't get what it means to stay away!" Ace snapped and she moved back slightly, already sweating profusely.

"I...I just want to .... talk" She muttered, and Ace stood up, advancing towards her.

"Well I don't want to talk so leave" He said, puffing out smoke from his mouth and Kitty coughed.

"Please.... I need your help" She mumbled, rubbing her palms together nervously.

"Leave now" He commanded and Kitty burst out in tears.

"Please just listen to me. I need two million urgently, I promise I'll work more and I'll never trouble you again, please I really need your help" Kitty said in between sobs.

"For what exactly?" He raised a brow, moving closer to her.

She remained quiet taking slow steps back till her back met with the wall.

"I'll help you" He muttered with a smirk.

"Really?....." She looked up, wiping the tears in her eyes.

"On one condition" He smirked and Kitty gulped.

"W..what?" She shuttered.



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