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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Episode 5&6




Rebel Kisses - Episode 5&6


By; Favour .E.


"Huh?" Kitty frowned, pushing his chest away from her but he didn't flinch or stagger.

"Don't you have any shame?!" Kitty yelled, staring at him, Ace remained unmoved and she sighed, slipping away from under.

She picked up her clothes, heading for the door to leave 

"Don't take another step" He warned in a stern voice and she paused, turning to face him.

"What do you want?" She asked, frowning at him.

"You came into my room without my permission and you want to leave just like that" Ace said and she gulped.

"I'm the maid and I just came to clean" Kitty mumbled.

"A maid dared to enter my pool" Ace said, coming closer and she scratched her wet hair funnily.

"You see sir....."

"Boss" He corrected.

"Right.... Boss, the thing is that it was the devil's handwork. I'm a very good and innocent girl, I came to clean and ...... I don't know how to explain it. Let's just say the devil pushed me into the pool" She mumbled, smiling awkwardly.

"The devil also took off your clothes?" He raised a brow and Kitty suddenly realized she was still in her bikini.

"Turn around" She said but Ace remained unmoved.

She went behind a wall and quickly put on her clothes before coming out again.

"I'll leave now" She said, heading towards the door.

"Did I say you could?" He muttered, calmly.

"What exactly do you want from me? I've already apologized do you want to drown me in the pool too?" She snapped and he smirked.

"That won't be a bad idea" Ace muttered, moving closer to her, Kitty took two steps back and ran out.

Ace scoffed then he noticed a necklace on the floor exactly where Kitty was standing, he walked towards it and picked it up, placing it in his pocket before walking away.


Kitty ran out of the suite entirely and she suddenly bumped into Snow.

"Are you alright?" Snow asked, watching Kitty pause to catch her breath.

"I almost died today, that man almost killed me! He's going to drown me!" Kitty exclaimed, pointing to Ace room.

"What are you talking about? Why would boos want to kill you?" Snow asked, watching Kitty pant.

"I have to go before he comes for me"

"Can I come with you? I really want to see that cute kitten again" Snow said and Kitty nodded, running off while Snow followed behind.





After school was over, Percy and Mark walked out of the school, Mark has his hand on her waist as they walked chatting loudly.

Suddenly a car stopped in front of them, causing dust to gather, Mark cough lightly and raised his head to see Liv approaching him.

"F+ck! We have to go" Mark held, Percy had heading her away but Liv rushed after them and blocked their path.

"So it's true Mark. You're double dating!" Liv said, glaring at Percy who looked totally confused.

"We'll talk later Liv, I have to go" Mark tried to leave with Percy again but Liv held his hand.

"Who is she?" Percy asked, looking at Mark.

"I'm his girlfriend!" She snapped, "And I would appreciate it of you stay away from my boyfriend!" Liv yelled.

"What is she talking about?" Percy asked, jerking her hand away from Mark.

"Are you daft? he's playing you. I'm his girlfriend!" Liv yelled, before Mark could say a word.

"Just shut up!" Mark snapped at her.

"I can't believe you have the audacity to cheat behind my back, Mark!" Liv yelled back.

"Is it true? Is she your girlfriend?" Percy asked, sniffling.

"I can explain...."

"I don't want any explanation. Is she your girlfriend?" Percy cut him off.

"Yes but...."

Before he could finish Percy made a step to walk away and Liv stretched her leg in the way, causing Percy to trip over.

She fell flat on the floor, her glasses shattered and she got a slight bruise on her forehead.

"Have you lost it?!" Mark yelled and Liv rolled her eyes.

He tried to help Percy stand but Percy pushed him away.

"Don't touch me. I don't need your help" She mumbled, walking away, she couldn't see properly because of her broken glasses and her tears wasn't making matters better.

She could barely see a thing as she slowly walked away, tripping now and then.

"What the f+ck did you gain from doing that?!" Mark asked, facing Liv.

"You don't expect me to keep shut while my boyfriend flirts with lowlife girls like her" Liv scoffed.

"Why are you even here? You want to keep ruining my life in the name of a stupid relationship! We both know we don't love each other so why can't you accept that and let it go" Mark said, trying to appear calm.

"Whatever. You're mine and even you can't change that, I'm transferring to this school tomorrow. I have to make sure that blind bat stays away from you" Liv said, walking away.

Mark sighed, sweeping his hand through his hair as he stared at the direction Percy took.

"I'm sorry...." He mumbled, lowly before walking away.




Stone was in his room lifting weights, his muscles tensing and his veins popping out.

Beads of sweat rolled down his skin and he didn't bother to wipe it off.

The door opened and Barbie walked in, wearing a long coat.

"I thought I asked you to stay away?" Stone said, dropping the weights, he grabbed a towel wiped his face.

"Why are you acting this cold huh? I still love you and we can make this work, you're just the one playing hard to get" Barbie muttered, folding her arms and Stone scoffed.

"Stop being delusional, I don't feel a single thing for you, now leave" He commanded in a harsh tone.

"I know you still love me" She whispered lowly and s+ductively as she pulled the coat of her body and her naked body came to view.

"I'm I suppose to be attracted to this bag of bones?" Stone asked with a chuckled.

"What?" Barbie frowned.

"You looking like a living skeleton, next time if you want to s+duce a man, trying gaining some flesh" Stone shot.

"How dare you!" Barbie snapped, using the coat to cover her body. 

"You're a f+cking slut! What you know best is how to throw your smelling body around. You cheated on me and you expect me to forget about it!" Stone said.

"I love you" Barbie muttered, staring at him with glassy eyes.

"If you love me then you wouldn't have hurt me! Just get out!" He pushed Barbie out of the room and slammed the door on her face.





"You haven't told me why the boss wanted to kill you" Snow muttered, stroking Milo's fur.

"I didn't do anything, I only wanted to take a quick dip in his pool and he got angry" Kitty sighed.

"You went into his pool and he caught you" Snow's eyes widened and she instantly bursted into laugher.

"It's not funny. I could have lost my life, he almost shot a gun at me!" Kitty snapped.

"I'm surprised you're still alife, usually boss kills anyone who gets on his nerves" Snow said and Kitty scoffed.

"He can't hurt me, am not even scared of him!" Kitty stated, taking Milo from her.

"But you should be. He's Ace Lothaire, he's dangerous, he can shove a snake down your throat" Snow chuckled and Kitty glared at her.

"Who's side are you on?" Kitty asked, squinting her eyes.

"Yours of course" Snow replied.

Milo jumped off Kitty's laps and jumped into Snow's arms.

"Awwnnn, she likes me. Can I keep her?" Snow pouted.

"In your dreams" Kitty replied.

"You're stingy" Snow sighed.

"Thanks" Kitty replied.

"It wasn't a compliment"

"I'll take it anyways" Kitty shrugged, and she slowly reached for her neck.

She suddenly gasped, realizing that her mother's necklace was gone, she never takes it off so where could it have fallen?

"I'll be back" She said to Snow and rushed out of the room.

She searched everywhere it could possibly be, and she almost started crying then she suddenly remembered she hasn't checked one more place.

She quickly ran into Ace's room without knocking, luckily he wasn't there, she ran towards the pool and checked around but she couldn't find it.

Then she squat beside the pool, looking into it to check if it was inside the water.

"What are you looking for?" A familiar male voice asked from behind and she turned to face Ace.

"I think my necklace fell here, have you seen it?" She asked, desperately.

"Yes, I'm with it" He replied, taking a seat next to the pool.

"Then return it" She snapped, Ace silently stared at her for a while, then he reached into his pocket and brought out a cigarette and a lighter.

He lit the cigarettes in front of her and started smoking while she glared daggers at him.

"Don't you know cigarettes are bad!" She snapped, coming closer to him with her hands on her waist.

"You talk a lot, I'm still wondering why I haven't killed you yet" Ace muttered and Kitty rolled her eyes.

"Don't think am scared of you or anything like that. I'm Kitty I don't fear anyone" She said, boldly and Ace started at her plainly, he puffed out some smoke unto her face and she coughed loudly, holding her nose.

"Can you be anymore stupid! Smoker are reliable to die young, it's written on the carton but your brain doesn't work well" Kitty said and Ace stared at her, slightly amused.

This little woman has the audacity to insult him, maybe he should teach her a lesson.

"On your knees" He commanded and Kitty blinked.


"You heard me" Ace muttered.

"I won't" She folded her arms.

"Then you're fired" Immediately he said that she went on her knees.

"Return my mother's necklace and I'll leave peacefully" She said and Ace stood up.

"Don't stand up or move from that position till I'm back" He said and kitty's eyes widened.

"Please sir.... I mean boss. I'm sorry" She said but he ignored her, walking away.

"You can't leave me here. Ace!!!" She yelled and he paused turning to face her.

Kitty gulped, realizing she just called him by his name.

"What did you just call me?" Ace asked slowly, frowning at her.

"It was the devil, I'm sorry" She replied, shutting her eyes tightly.


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