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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Episode 3&4




Rebel Kisses - Episode 3&4


By; Favour .E.


Ace stared at kitty's face for a while, he scoffed and picked up his phone from the bedstand.

He sent someone a message and in the next second two men ran into the room.

"Yes boss" They chorused with a bow.

"Get this thing out of my room" He order and they bowed one more time before dragging Kitty's body outside.

The moment kitty's body crossed the door, she stood up and jerked her hand away.

"Who are you?" One of the men asked.

"Go check google, it's there" Kitty replied, before going in search of Milo.

She couldn't help but notice the numerous people staring at her as she searched around.

"Is she a mad woman?" One of the mobster asked the one next to her and she laughed.

"I think she is" She replied.

"Have anyone seen my Milo?" Kitty asked, desperately.

"What is this girl even saying?"

"Do they now let mad people in here?"

"She's kinda cute"

Kitty ignored all their comments as she searched for Milo everywhere, she was almost about to start crying when Snow walked up to her with Milo in her arms.

"Milo!" Kitty smiled, taking Milo from her.

"Is she yours? She's really cute" Snow muttered, smiling at her and she returned it warmly.

"Thanks for finding her, I might have ran mad" Kitty mumbled, kissing Milo's head.

"Are you a new mobster here?" Snow asked, and Kitty gave a confused look.

"Mobster? What's that?" Kitty asked.

"You're not a mobster?"

"Am the new maid, I don't even know what a mobster is" Kitty chuckled and Snow smiled.

"Snow, I've been looking for you" Blaze said as he approached her.

"Why?" Snow asked.

"Nothing really. I was just wondering if you would like to grab something to eat together" Blaze said, scratching his head.

"I'll leave now" Kitty said and walked away.

"Why are you pestering me? I was about to make a new friend" Snow pouted, facing Blaze.

"Why do you need a new friend? I'm more than enough for you" Blaze said and she scoffed.

"We aren't even friend so f+ck off" Snow rolled her eyes and walked away.

"You can't deny it Snow White, we're friends and there's nothing you can do about it" Blaze muttered, running after her.




When Kitty got back to her room, she placed Milo on the bed and faced her, folding her arms.

"Milo, sometimes I feel like throwing you away but I can't, you're too cute" Kitty mumbled and Milo meowed, rolling on the bed.

"Milo concentrate!" Kitty snapped, placing Milo properly on the bed.

"We're no longer at home. This is a new environment so you can't keep running around. Do you get it?" Kitty asked and Milo licked her paws.

"This is pointless" Kitty said and went to lock the door properly then she laid on the bed, she soon stood up and sighed, she forgot to get her clothes!

She still had Travis number so she dialed the number but he didn't pick.

Kitty sighed and fell on the bed again, few minutes later, a knock came on the door.

She opened it and saw Travis standing there.

"I hope it's something serious because I'm very busy" Travis mumbled, coming in.

"Yes, I didn't bring my clothes and I was wondering if I could go get it now" Kitty said and Travis gave her a strange look.

"This late?"

"Yeah, it's not my first time of going out alone. I'm not a kid" Kitty said.

"But you look like one" Travis smiled.

"I know you're talking about my height. The thing is that I'm not short, it's just that you're too tall for a normal human being" Kitty explained.

"My younger sister is taller than you and the funny thing there is that you're older than her" Travis shot and Kitty sighed.

"It's genetics, all you're family member are abnormally tall" Kitty said and Travis shook his head in amusement.

"Go get your clothes, be quick and if you see anyone here address them as sir or miss" Travis said and Kitty frowned.


"You're below them Kitty so you should respect them" Travis replied and Kitty rolled her eyes.

"We can have this conversation later, just go" Travis said and Kitty picked Milo up and rushed out.





Ace walked into the suit without bothering to knock, the moment he did Godfather shot him a glare with Ace ignored and sat down.

"Speak fast" Ace ordered.

"When will you learn to have some respect boy?" Godfather shot.

"Are you going to talk or not?" Ace asked and Godfather scoffed.

"If not that you're very useful to this empire, you would be on the streets right now" Godfather mumbled, twirling the glass of wine in his hand and crossing his legs on the couch.

"Lance called, he said you did a very good job this morning. He even paid us extra" Godfather chuckled.

"Is that all?" Ace asked, standing up.

"I thought we could have a father and son talk for once" Godfather said and Ace stood up.

"I think I have better things to do" Ace stood up and left.

Godfather rolled his eyes and scoffed.





Kitty yawned as she stretched her body, she stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom after a quick shower, she dressed up and sat on the bed, stroking Milo's fur as it slept.

A while later, kitty's phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hello, this is silly........"

"Where the f+ck are you?!" Percy yelled over the phone almost deafening Kitty.

"Percy, why are you yelling this beautiful early morning?" Kitty growled.

"You know we have an early morning lecture, I've been standing outside waiting for you for almost an hour. If we go late for the lecture then it's going straight on our permanent record. I told you I......"

"I'm not coming" Kitty cut her off.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Percy asked, her voice softening.

"I dropped out of school" Kitty said and she heard Percy gasp.

"Are you nuts?!"

"Stop shouting. It's not forever, I'm working so I can pay for my mother's treatment. I'll be back to school when I gather enough money" Kitty explained.

"You're overdoing it Kitty, let me help you" Percy sighed.

"I don't want to be in dept, if I take money from you then I'm not sure when I can pay back" Kitty said.

"I'm your best friend Kitty! You don't need to pay me back!" Percy said almost yelling.

"I'll talk to you later, go so you won't be late for class, bye bye"

"Kitty I'm warning you don't end the ca......."

Kitty disconnected the call before she could finish, she sighed and laid on the bed, facing the ceiling.

"Everything is going to be fine"




This early morning Ace was already in a bad mood, he was just informed that there was a spy among them and he was heading to the tortue room where everyone was already gathered.

The spy had his knees on the floor and his hands were tied behind him, his body filled with blood and his head lowered.

As Ace walked in, all the mobsters cleared a straight path for him, he walked towards the spy.

"Who sent you?" Ace asked, point-blank.

"You think I'll ever tell you? Go to hell. You can kill me, I won't tell you a shit! Motherf+cker" The man spat blood on Ace's face.

Ace smirked and wiped the blood off his face with a handkerchief then he threw it on the floor.

He snapped his fingers and in the next second a brown basket was brought to him.

It was a weaved basket with a cover.

Ace opened the basket and dipped his hand in it, a snake crawled out, rolling it's body on Ace's hand.

"Last chance, who sent you?" Ace demanded and the spy glared at him, not ready to spew a word.

"I also love it the hard way yunno" Ace muttered, two men held the spy in place while another one forcefully opened his mouth widely.

Ace stepped closer with the snake then he slowly lowered the snake into the spy's mouth, the spy kept wriggling his body and shaking as the snake slid into his body.

The moment the snake was fully in him, everyone let him go and stepped away.

The spy fell on the floor as the snake began to bit his insides, his body was vibrating and he was slowly dying.

In a few seconds the snake ate it's way out of the spy's stomach and the stomach burst open, all his organ and intestines spewed on the floor.

"No!!! Jesus Christ!" A deafening scream was heard and everyone turned back and saw Kitty standing with Milo in her arms, she had her  mouth open as she stared at the horrifying scene in front of her.

Everyone was staring at her except Ace who was still watching the snake slider around the spy's intestine.

Travis was also there and when he saw Kitty he frowned, he walked to Kitty.

He pulled Kitty till they got to her room then he faced her angrily.

"I thought I asked you not to leave your room yesterday" Travis sighed.

"I was bored so I wanted to take a stroll. I wish I hadn't, is that man really dead?" Kitty asked.

"Kitty you can't keep wandering about, people here are very dangerous, if you want to stay out of trouble here then you have to start listening to me" Travis said and Kitty pouted.

"Yes sir, I understand" Kitty mumbled, lowly.

"I don't think you do and that man you saw standing in front, make sure to stay very far away from him" Travis said and Kitty gulped.

So if she had not pretended to faint then that man would have shoved a snake down her throat and killed her.

"Kitty are you listening?!" Travis snapped and Kitty nodded.

"You're going to be cleaning every room here and the boss's room, you only clean it when he's not around" Travis said and Kitty nodded.

"I'll send someone to get you food" Travis said and left.





"Where's that stupid friend of yours?" Melissa snapped as she walked closer to Percy's desk.

"First, she's not stupid and second where she is right now is non of your damn business" Percy said without looking at Melissa and Melissa scoffed.

"It seems like you're getting bold, should I remind you of your place?!" Melissa yelled, gaining the attention of everyone in the class.

"When you're done yelling, then you can have a seat" Percy rolled her eyes and Melissa fumed.

She raised her hand to slap Melissa but someone caught her hand, she turned around to find Mark glaring at her angrily.

"Don't f+cking touch me!" Melissa jerked her hand away.

"Then don't make the stupid mistake of even laying a finger on her cos I won't hesitate to cut them off" Mark warned and Melissa left angrily.

"Are you alright baby boo?" Mark asked, sitting next to her.

"Baby boo?" She muttered her cheeks turning red slightly.

"Yeah, that's my nickname for you. I know we haven't started dating but I already thought of a nickname" Mark chuckled.

"What makes you think I would date you?" Percy asked, folding her arms.

"If you don't then I'll take your glasses" Mark said and took off her glasses before she could retaliate, he stood up and shifted away from her.

"Mark return it. I can't see a thing!" Percy said, moving her hands trying to feel him.

"I will if you'll agree to be my girlfriend" Mark said.

"Mark!! Just return them" Percy said, desperately.

"It's your call baby boo" Mark chuckled.

"Okay fine. I agree just return them" Percy said in a crying voice and in the next second she felt Mark place them back on her eyes.

She adjusted the glasses properly then faced him with an angry glare, before she could say a word, Mark pulled her waist closer to him and smatch his lips on hers.

Percy stayed still as Mark kissed her, it was just so sudden she didn't know how to respond.

He soon broke the kiss and her cheeks flushed red, she blinked several times and looked around to see all the students staring at them like mute spectators.

"Why did you do that here?" Percy asked, hitting Mark's chest slightly.

"Would you rather prefer me do it in private, I mean when we're both alone?" Mark smirked and Percy stood up, running out shyly.




Snow was on her way to Stone's room when Barbie came in front of her with a deed glare her.

"Where do you think you're going?" Barbie asked, glaring at Snow.

Snow just rolled her eyes and walked pass her but Barbie pulled her hair back.

"Let go of me!" Snow yelled and threw Barbie a punch, Barbie caught her fist and flipped her.

Snow groaned, rolling on the floor as she slowly stood up.

"Stay away from Stone, you little brat. I won't warn you again" Barbie glared and walked away.

Snow sighed and dusted her clothes before walking away.




Kitty had some finished cleaning the room of some of the mobsters, the only thing left was to clean Ace's room.

Travis had told her that Ace went out for some work so she wanted to clean his room before he comes back.

Kitty inputted the password that Travis had told her earlier and the door unlocked.

Kitty pushed the door open and stepped in, she sighed looking around the room, it was sparkling clean and neat so what's she supposed to clean here!

She walked further into the room, closing the door behind her, she soon came across a door at the far end of the room.

Curiosity hit her and she slowly opened the door, popping her head first inside first, her eyes widened as she saw the most beautiful swimming pool she has ever seen.

She fully walked in and gasped, walking closer to the pool, it was a really hot day and she's been working since morning so it's only fair if she just takes a quick dip and no one will even find out, so what's the harm there?

And anyways it's been a while since she went to a pool, she smiled as she began taking off her clothes, leaving her only in her bikini.

She jumped into the pool, giggling as she splashed the water on herself.

She kept swimming back and forth but she froze when she heard a faint movement from inside the room.

She ignored the sound and continued playing with the water, suddenly the door creek open and Ace walked in.

Kitty quickly went below the water, holding her breath and staying still.

Ace walked around the pool like he was searching for something.

He kept it up for minutes and Kitty wed already getting tired, she just couldn't hold her breath any longer.

She needs to breathe but she didn't want Ace to catch her or he'll surely kill her, it's either she dies in this pool or she dies in the hands of this handsome devil.

When she couldn't take it any longer, she sharply came up on the water to breathe, the moment Ace heard the sound of water behind him, he swiftly brought out his gun and turned aiming at the intruder.

He almost shot but he paused when he saw Kitty shivering in the water.

"Please don't kill me..... I'm sorry" Kitty cried, shivering all over her body.

Ace still had the gun pointed towards her as his eyes roamed her body, from her b👀bs to her curvy body, she had a petite stature but she had a lot of curves.

Ace was still staring when Kitty slowly used her hands to wrap around herself.

"Get out of the pool" He commanded and Kitty gulped.

"Sir.... Please .......put the gun down first" She pleaded, shaking to her collarbone.

"Get out of the pool" He repeated shooting a bullet in the water next to her, Kitty flinched and swam out of the water, she stood a little far from him.

"Somebody help! Please!!!! ........ He's going to shove a snake down my throat! I'm too young and beautiful to die.... Somebody help me!!!" Kitty yelled loudly and Ace smirked, coming closer to her.

"Mommy!! Please help me! I promise I'll be a good girl if someone saves me! I'll repent and go to church, I'll never trouble anyone again! God save me!" She mumbled, crying dramatically as Ace took steps closet to her.

Kitty moved back a little and her back immediately met with the wall, Ace closed all the gap between them, he caged her with his hands and stared at her face, she had her eyes closed and her breath ragged.

Ace stayed in that position, staring at her and Kitty opened one of her eyes, the moment she saw the cold look on his face she closed it again.

Ace eyes roamed her body for a while before returning to her face,

"I'm not sure if I want to make you bleed or moan right now" Ace said, huskily and Kitty's eyed flew opened.

Her eyes were as wide as a watermelon as she raised her head to meet his eyes.


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