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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Episode 15&16




Rebel Kisses - Episode 15&16


By; Favour .E.



Next day, Ace walked out of the empire with Travis behind him.

Ace expressionless face still remained intact as he watched Leo step out of his car with two girls and a guy behind him.

"Hey cousin!...." Leo smiled, spreading his hands for a hug as he approached Ace.

"Don't f+cking touch me" Ace said, plainly and Leo brought down his hands with a sigh.

"Still as cold as ever" Leo mumbled.

"Hey handsome....." One of the girls named, Stacey waved at Ace but he totally ignored her, walking into the mansion and Leo followed him behind.

"Sorry...." Vanessa said, mockingly and Stacey shot her a glare.

"Come on girls" Bullet groaned and walked in, while they followed him.

"Where Alicia? Isn't she going to welcome me too, not like you're doing a good job" Leo mumbled behind Ace.

Kitty was on her way to her room when she saw Ace, their eyes met and she didn't look away as she remembered what happened yesterday.


"I want her to apologize and beg me in front of everyone" Kitty said and Ace just stared at her.

"At least I deserve an apology even if she won't do it publicly, a simple 'sorry' would be nice" Kitty said and Ace chuckled.

"Me being nice to you is getting way to much into your head" Ace stood up.

"Seriously? I know I'm worthless and useless to you but I'm still a human being. I have feeling and I feel hurt at times, what she said to me wasn't right and it's only fair if she apologizes. I'm sorry to say this but ....... You're totally unfair, so as a stupid maid that I am, I don't deserve an apology then so be it. She can keep the stupid apology to herself. Good night!" Kitty said and walked out.


Kitty sighed and finally looked away, that was the last time she talked with him.

"F+ck, who's that pretty lady?" Leo asked, licking his lips as he stared at Kitty.

Ace eyes left Kitty and turned to face Leo.

"I'm sure you still know we're your room is" Ace said and walked away.

"Y'all can wait for me in the room, I'll be there" Leo said and Bullet nodded.

Then he left with Stacey and Vanessa.

Leo quickly ran after Kitty and stopped in front of her, blocking her path.

"Excuse me" Kitty said and tried to leave but Leo grabbed her hand.

"I just want to tell you that you're pretty" Leo said, staring at her laps. She was wearing a mini skirt and a crop top but it wasn't too revealing.

"Thanks, can you let me go now?" Kitty asked and Leo released her.

"Are you a mobster here?" Leo asked and Kitty shook her head.

"I'm a maid, I only clean" Kitty replied.

"Why would a pretty girl like you be cleaning, I can help you make money without even stressing a finger"


"It's called trade by batter, I'll give you money and you'll be available to me every night" Leo replied, caressing her face and Kitty quickly pushed his hand away.

"I'm not interested..." Kitty said and walked away.

"Don't behaving like a saint, you'll f+cking come back to me when you get your brain back!" 

Kitty could hear Leo yell behind her but she didn't bother to turn.





A young lady of average height walked into the hospital, disguised as a maid, she had a mask covering her face which made it difficult to recognize who she was.

"Who are you?...." Dr Felix asked, as he saw her walking into Kitty's mother's ward.

"I'm a nurse. Brenda" She replied, pointing the name tag attached to her uniform.

"And what are you doing here? I'm the only doctor I'm charge of this patient so you're not allowed to enter or do anything here without my permission" Felix said and she gulped.

"No... I lost my way. I'm new here. I'm really sorry" She bowed and walked away quickly before he could respond.

Felix walked into the room and checked on kitty's mother before leaving.

The masked girl was still standing at a distance watching Felix leave the room then she smirked.

She looked around and made sure he was gone before walking in, she had a deranged smile on her lips as she stared at the lady laying unconscious on the bed.

"You ruined my life now I'll ruin yours and you're family won't be left out too...... I promise" The girl whispered and smiled.




Kitty felt nervous as she stood in front of Ace's suite, fee minutes ago someone had come to inform her that the boss was calling for her which suddenly got her wondering what he wants from her.

She inputted the password and walked in, Ace had a cigarette loosely around his lips.

"I'm here" Kitty said and Ace looked at her, he looked at her face and motioned for her to come closer.

She did and he suddenly brought out her mother's necklace from his pocket and gave it to her.

"Thank you" She replied, with a smile.

"You can leave" He said and she gave a confused look.

"Is that all?"

"Why? Where you having something else in mind little kitten?" He smirked and she quickly shook her head.

"You don't have to lie, I'm also thinking about dirty things right now. So many dirty things I could do to you right here" He muttered huskily and Kitty blinked, looking anywhere except his eyes, the dimmed lights didn't make matters better.

"I'm not thinking of anything dirty, I was just wondering if that's the only reason you called me here......you could have just given it to someone to hand it over to me" Kitty explained.

"You talk a lot" Ace stated.

"I'm sorry" She muttered, lowly.

"You can leave" Ace said and she nodded, turning to leave room.

"Wait" Ace's voice stopped her and she faced him.

"You're stained" Ace said and she gasped, turning her head to look at her skirt and he was right.

Her skirt was stained with her blood and her expression changed as she stared back at Ace.

"What do I do?" She asked.

"Go change" He replied.

"I can't leave here like this"

He stood up and went to his closet, he opened it and brought out a black shirt which he threw on her face, she slowly removed the shirt form her face, holding it in her hand as she stared at him, confusingly.

"F+cking tie it around your waist" He said and she nodded.

"Thank you" She said, tying the shirt round her waist, she immediately left the room and ran straight to her room to clean up.




"Just give me some more time ma, the job will be done soon" Stone said, over the phone as he paced around the room.

"It's almost a year. If you can't finish this task in two months, I'll f+cking kill you and feed your damn bones to the dogs and then I'll appoint someone more capable to finish the task!" 

The line went dead as the call disconnected, Stone sighed and threw his phone on the bed.





"F+ck! Damn!" Leo growled as he released into Stacey and she fell on the bed, breathing hard.

"Get off bi+ch!" Leo said and Stacey managed to climb down the bed.

"You cane leave, I'll call you when I need you" Leo said and Stacey dressed up and quickly left the room.

"Shit!" Leo cursed, looking at his c0ck, that was still as hard as f+ck.

Ever since he saw Kitty all he could think about was her, even while f+cking Stacey he would imagine Kitty's fave and how it would feel like f+cking the hell outta her.

It feels like he will run mad if he doesn't f+ck her soon, he's going to get her, he's definitely going have her under him, while she screams out his name.




"Blaze come back here!" Snow yelled, as she ran after Blaze, who was holding her bowl of ice cream.

"I swear if you take as much as one bite from it then I'll kill you!" Snow yelled, running faster. As she was running Stacey came out of a corner and they collided into each other.

Snow staggered lightly but Stacey fell hard on the floor.

"Oh my gawd, I'm so sorry" She gasped, trying to help her up but Stacey pushed her hand away and stood up.

"Can't you see!" Stacey snapped.

"It was a mistake..." Snow replied, sincerely.

"Snow white, what's wrong?" Blaze asked as he approached them.

"We bumped into each other and fell" Snow mumbled.

"Wait are you Blaze?" Stacey asked with a smile.

"You're Stacey Abrams?" Blaze replied and Stacey nodded.

"It's great to see you again. Gosh it's been so long" Stacey gushed and pulled him in for a tight hug while Snow just stared at them.





As the car pulled up in front of a mansion, Mark cane out and rushed to the other side, he opened the door for Percy and she walked out.

"You look gorgeous" He said and she smiled again.

"You've been saying that since you came to pick me. Don't you think it's enough" Percy chuckled.

"I just can't get enough of your beauty" He winked, and took another look at her armless white gown with black lace designed on it, she didn't wear her glasses instead she wore a pair of contact lenses.

Her hair was let loose and as usual she didn't apply any makeup but her beauty was undeniable.

"Let's go in" Mark held Percy's waist as he lead her into the mansion, sweat already filled Percy's face as she stared at the numerous dignities moving around the place, she could tell they are all rich and wealthy people and it made her feel inferior.

Mark suddenly stopped and faced her.

"Don't be scared, you're going to do just fine" He kissed her lips briefly before taking her into the mansion.

As they both walked in, Mark took Percy to where his parents were, Liv was also there with a smile on her face.

"You should have picked Liv up. You shouldn't have let her come alone" Mark's mom, Debby said.

"Why should I when there's nothing between us" Mark muttered.

"You guys broke up?" His dad, Jeff asked.

"Yes, this is my new girlfriend" Mark smiled, making Percy take a step forward.

"Good evening sir, good evening ma" Percy greeted and Jeff replied with a warm smile while Debby just rolled her eyes.

"Happy birthday sir" Percy said, handing a box to Jeff and he accepted it.

"Thanks dear" He replied.

"Ask this poor lowlife what's in the box. I bet it's a lame gift" Liv scoffed, twirling the glass of wine in her hand.

"And what exactly are you doing here?" Mark asked.

"Your mom invited me, so it's non of your damn business!" Liv snapped and Mark faced Debby.

"What? I didn't know you both broke up and anyways I prefer her for you than this girl" Debby said, eyeing Percy and she shrunk.

"Her name is Percy and you can't talk to my girlfriend like that" Mark said.

"Whatever. What's in the box?" Debby rolled her eyes.

"It's a gift Debby, does it really matter" Jeff sighed.

"Of course it does, I need to know what my son's girlfriend brought his father" Debby said.

"It....it's cookies" Percy shuttered and Liv chuckled.

"It's a very thoughtful gift dear but I can't take cookies because of my health...." Jeff said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know....."

"It's alright dear, am sure Mark will like to have it" Jeff said and Mark nodded with a smile.

"Take her around and get her a drink" Jeff added and Mark took Percy away.


"Mark, I think I'll leave soon, your mom doesn't like me and I feel uncomfortable" Percy said and Mark sighed.

"Do you want to leave, right now. The party just began" Mark said and she bit her lips.

"I know but...."

"Let me show you my room, we can stay there till the cake cutting begins" Mark cut her off and she nodded.

Mark held her hand and lead her to his room, the moment they got there, he locked the door and slammed her back on the wall, holding her shoulders.

"You've been tempting me for a while with this your s+xy new look" Mark chuckled and she shook her head.

"What are you doing?" Percy whispered as Mark's hand reached for her zipper, he pulled it down and the gown fell to the floor.

Percy gasped and before she could cover up or say something, Mark captured her lips and lifted her up, while she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He dropped her on the bed, and took off her handless bra, he flung it to the side and impatiently captured one of her b👀bs into his warm lips.

"Fú+ck!" Percy m0aned, throwing her head backwards.





Kitty walked out of her bathroom, with only a short towel covering her body.

As she made her way to her closet to get her clothes, she flinched as she noticed someone sitting on the bed.

She couldn't see the person's face but she knew it was a male because of his body frame, she was sure she locked the door before going to take her bath so how did he get in.

"Who are you?" Kitty asked and the male turned, revealing Leo with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" She asked but he didn't reply instead he moved closer to her and she took steps back.

"You better leave right now or I'll....."

"You're just a mere maid but if you accept my offer then I can make you my queen" He said and Kitty frowned.

"I've told you, I'm not interested. Just leave" Kitty tried to push his away but he grabbed her arms roughly, roaming his eyes through her body, finally landing on her exposed cleavage.

"I can't just leave. You've been driving me crazy all day, I won't leave here till I have a taste of you" Leo said and she yanked her hand away.

"Don't touch me, pervert! Leave my room right now or......"

"Or what? What are you going to do? hearing your sweet threats only turn me on more" He chuckled and she gripped her towel tightly.

"Don't try anything funny or I'll yell and everyone will come here..."

"It's only for tonight and I promise, you'll enjoy every bit of it" He whispered then he yanked her towel off her body and it fell to the ground as a gasp escaped Kitty's lips.

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