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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Episode 13&14




Rebel Kisses - Episode 13&14


By; Favour .E.



"Why did you kiss me?!" Kitty suddenly snapped, the moment she regained her composure.

"It was just to shut you up, don't think too much about it" He said, moving away from her.

"You could have shut me up another way not by kissing me. Jerk" She mumbled, touching her lips.

"I think I've had enough of you tonight, go to your room" He commanded and she frowned.

"You didn't want me to leave a while ago now you're chasing me out" She huffed.

"That's because you talk too much and I love my peace" He muttered and she rolled her eyes.

"Leave. I'll send someone to get you something to eat and you also need a shower. You stink" He said and she folded her fist.

"Grumpy devil!" She snapped and he turned to face her.

"What did you call me?" He asked, titling his head slightly.

"A grumpy devil, that's exactly what you are" She folded her arms.

"Be careful what you say around me, little kitten. I'm not that nice" He smirked.

"I'm leaving!" She stated, leaving the room angrily.

Ace just smirked, she hasn't eaten for two day but only God knows where she got the energy to want to pick an argument with him.




Kitty walked in to find her room empty, nobody was inside not even Milo.

She picked up her phone from the bed and gasped when she saw thirty-eight missed calls from Percy.

She dropped the phone with a sigh and walked into bathroom for a quick shower.





Snow sat on her bed as she watched Milo eat from her bowl, since Kitty was gone she was the one feeding and taking care of Milo.

Suddenly the door opener and Blaze walked in.

"Careful, the floor's slippery. I just mopped it" Snow muttered and Blaze paused.

"Awwnnn, it's nice to know you really care for me" Blaze said, taking slow steps towards her till he stood in front of her while she rolled her eyes.

"You need to learn how to knock before entering this room, it's a girls room for crying out loud! What is I was naked when you walked in?" Snow muttered and Blaze chuckled.

"I wouldn't mind seeing what's under......" Snow suddenly raised her leg and kicked him right in the center.

"F+ck!" He cursed as he held the spot tightly while she giggled.

"Is this funny? It f+cking hurts!" He mumbled and she laughed louder.

"Who's this little cat?" Blaze asked, staring at Milo while it ate.

"It belongs to Kitty, I really miss her" Snow sighed.

"Well, the boss released her about an hour ago" Blaze said ans Snow's eyes widened.

"Really? How come I didn't know?" Snow said and quickly stood up, trying to leave the room but she slipped on the first step.

Blaze tired to catch her and they both fell on the bed tighter with Blaze on top.

Not only that there lips were on each other and Snow's eyes widened, at that moment the door opened Blaze walked in.

Snow turned her head and the moment she saw Stone, she quickly pushed him off and stood up.

"I just came to talk, I'm sorry if I disturbed anything. I'll come back later" Stone said and walked out, closing the door.

"What can't boys learn to knock?!" Snow growled as she quickly ran after Stone.

While Blaze sighed, sweeping his hair backwards.


"Stoney wait!" Snow called as she ran after him, he pushed and turned to face her.

"What you saw it's not intensionally, it just happened.... Actually I tripped and......."

"Why are you giving me an explanation? I don't even deserve it. Who ever you kiss is non of my business" He said, calmly.

"But I.... I really didn't kiss him" She mumbled lowly and he sighed.

"I don't really care. I just came to apologize for the way I talked to you the other day, I really don't like it when someone goes through my personal stuff...."

"I'm sorry, I was just curious" Snow replied.

"It's alright" He said.

"What's up with that book... The big black one and why do you have a picture of boss there?" She asked and he frowned lightly.

"It's nothing. Just forget about whatever you saw. See you around" He said and walked away.

Snow smiled lightly and walked into her room where Blaze was still standing.

"I'm really sorry, it wasn't intensionally....."

"I know, it was just an accident" She cut him off.

"Me and Stone are on good terms so I still have a good chance of winning his heart" Snow muttered, dreamily and Blaze just left the room.

"Milo, let's go see Kitty" Snow said and picked Milo in her arms.



The moment she walked into kitty's room, her eyes widened and she burst into laugher.

Kitty had her mouth stuffed with food and she was still trying to force more while trying to swallow at the same time.

"Are you a glutton? Calm down,! You're going to chock" Snow mumbled, while laughing.

Kitty picked a cup of water and gulped it down in one go, pushing the food down her throat.

"Let me eat. I haven't eaten for days" Kitty pouted, reaching for a plate of noddles.

"So that boss finally released you. That man needs a serious smack" Snow sighed, sitting on the bed.

"He isn't that bad, I mean.... He's nice, sometimes" Kitty mumbled an Snow glared at her.

"Seriously, he's kinda nice" Kitty said.

"Why are you supporting him now" Snow rolled her eyes.





Percy came to school very early this morning, her first class was by ten but she got a text from Mark, that she should come by seven.

She walked into the class he asked to meet and found him leaning against the wall, she smiled ad she walked closer, Mark eyes never left her until she stood in front of him.

"You're late" He stated and she frowned.

"This is only three minutes after seven" Percy muttered, looking at her wrist watch.

"You're still late" He mumbled, standing up straight.

"Am leaving, jerk" She said and turned to leave but she felt a pair of hands hug her from behind, pulling her to him.

"You get angry too easily baby boo, I was just messing with you" He chuckled, kissing her cheek.

She elbowed him lightly in the stomach and he let go of her, she turned to face him.

"It wasn't funny and why am I here?" She asked, folding her arms.

"I just wanted to spend some time with my girl" He replied, hugging her and she smiled.

"You smell amazing, I don't think I can control myself right now" He said and she quickly pushed him away with a gasp.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, and he smirked, naughtily.

"You look s+xy this morning" He said and her face turned red.

"Thanks...." She replied, rubbing her palms together.

"Let's go out on a little date" He said, taking her bag from her.

"Right now?" She asked and he nodded.

"We have almost three hours before your class starts"

"What about yours?" She asked.

"I don't have any class today, I just came because of you, let's go" He gently held her hand, leading her to his car.

As they approached the car they found Liv leaning on the car with a smile.

"Her Mark baby" Liv said as they approached the car.

"Get away from my car" Mark said and Liv rolled her eyes, moving away.

"I just came to tell you that your parents invited me to your dad's birthday tonight.... So be expecting me there as your girlfriend" Liv said and walked away.

"I was going to tell you that my dad's birthday is tonight and there's a birthday tonight, so you'll be going with me. I'll pick you up" He said.

"Are you sure you're parents will like me, what is they prefer Liv for you.... I mean, she's more pretty than me and....."

"Do you have a mirror at home?" He asked, cutting her off and she blinked.

"Of course I have one"

"I don't think you know how to use it, you're the most pretty girl I've ever seen. Liv only knows how to paint herself with makeup, have you seen her without make up, she looks like a Disney witch!" Mark said and Percy bursted out in laughter.

"But you don't need makeup to look pretty, you're naturally beautiful. Try to be more confident. You're beautiful don't ever forget that..." Mark said and took her hand, he kissed it and she smiled.

"Let's go baby boo" He sat and opened the car for her, she got in and he did the same before driving off.





Kitty was feeling much better after eating and taking a long nap, so she decided to continue working even after Snow tried to persuade her to get more rest but she didn't even listen to her....what if she takes a break that day and it gets deducted from her salary.

She decided to clean Ace's room first since it was the easiest to clean, it was barely dirty.

Ace wasn't in the room and she saw somehow thankful for that. She quickly dusted the place and arranged some things, keeping them in the right place.

The window was left open and the wind blew a piece of paper from the table and it fell to the ground.

Kitty didn't notice it and she continued cleaning, some minutes later she stepped on the paper and it got slightly stained with the dirt on her shoe.

She picked it up and sighed, it looks like an important document, she tried to clean the stain with her hand but it only made the stain larger.

"What are you doing?" She heard Ace's voice from behind and she turned to face him.

"This was on the floor and...."

"What the f+ck are you doing with this?!" He asked, snatching the paper from her.

"It was on the floor and I mistakenly stepped on it...." She mumbled.

"Mistakenly? You just ruined it! Do you what you've just cost me?" He yelled and she flinched.

"It wasn't intensional, it was on the floor and I stepped on it. I didn't see it there...." She said.

"Why do you always mess things up whenever you're around! Are you cursed or something?!" He said and she sniffled, fighting back her tears.

"I said it wasn't intentional, why are you shouting at me?" She said, wiping her tears.

"Just get out and don't come back into this room again, I'll get someone more sensible to clean my room. Just stay away from me and anything that has to do with me!" He said, harshly and walked into the bathroom.

"Devil!" Kitty muttered, wiping her tears as she left the room.



The next room she cleaned was Barbie's room, Barbie and Alicia was sitting on the bed when she walked in.

"I'm here to clean" Kitty announced and Barbie glared at her while Alicia didn't even spare her a glance.

"Didn't you hear me?" Kitty muttered and Barbie stood up.

"You don't get to talk to me like that, you're just a dirty maid so know your place" Barbie said and Kitty folded her fist.

"I'm not dirty maid, don't call me that!" Kitty yelled.

"Or what?" Alicia asked as she approached them.

"You can't do more than a filthy rat" Alicia added and Kitty glared at her.

"Weren't you taught manners?" Kitty spat and Alicia gave her a slap.

"Mind the way you speak to me, I can basically throw you out right now!" Alicia yelled and Kitty immediately returned the slap.

"You wretched thing!" Alicia yelled and kicked Kitty hard in the stomach, she fell and coughed out blood but she quickly stood.




Godfather had two n+ked girls behind him, on was giving him a neck massage and the other one just stood there.

Ace walked in and he sighed looking at the girls.

"Leave" Ace commanded and they bowed and quickly left.

"What's this about? Leo is coming back?!" Ace asked and godfather smiled.

"Don't get worked up about it, he's just going to stay for a few days" Godfather said.

"Why the f+ck is he coming here! For what exactly?" Ace asked.

"He's your cousin at least pretend to be excited" Godfather chuckled.

Suddenly the door opened and a man walked in.

"Boss, Alicia is fighting with one of the maids" He said and Ace sighed, leaving the room.





"Both of you explain yourself" Ace demanded, trying to calm himself.

"She was the one who started it, she called me a filthy rat and also slapped me" Kitty said and Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Is that true?" Ace asked Alicia.

"Yes and what are you going to do about it?" Alicia replied, daringly.

"She came into my room and talked rudely to me....."

"I didn't...."

"Will you let me finish!" Alicia snapped and Kitty glared at her.

"Alicia shut up!" Ace said and Alicia scoffed.

"I'm older than you learn how to respect me or else I'll tell dad and trust me, you'll hate me then!" Alicia said and Ace chuckled darkly.

"You're free to do whatever you want, you can tell godfather, what exactly do you think he can do to me?" Ace raised a brow and Alicia stormed out angrily.

"Are you just going to let her go like that?" Kitty asked.

"You can leave" Ace muttered, seating down.

"I'm not leaving until I get justice. She insulted me and beat me up!" Kitty sniffled.

"Just because she's your sister don't mean she can get away with whatever she does" Kitty added.

"What do you want me to do to her?" Ace asked and Kitty smiled lightly.

"I want her to apologize and beg me in front of everyone" Kitty said and Ace just stared at her.

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