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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Episode 11&12




Rebel Kisses - Episode 11&12


By; Favour .E.



Snow angrily barged into Ace's office with Blaze behind her.

"Why did you do that to Kitty?!" Snow asked, angrily.

"Snow White...this is not a good idea" Blaze whispered to her but she instantly brushed him off.

"What right do you have to question me?" Ace replied, standing up.

"Kitty's my friend and you have no right to lock her up without evidence! She didn't do anything!" Snow yelled.

"Can you prove that?" Ace raised a brow.

"I can't but you also can't prove she stole the keys from your room, why would she even do that!" Snow yelled, and Ace frowned.

"Get out" Ace replied.

"Am not going anywhere until you get Kitty out!" Snow replied and Blaze immediately held her, pulling her outside.

"I told you it was a bad idea. What if boss gets angry?" Blaze sighed as he released her.

"I don't care if he's angry, he's a big fool! How can he just lock an innocent person up for no reason" Snow yelled and walked away.

Blaze sighed and followed her.





Percy walked into the restroom and turned on the tap, she took off her glasses and placed aside then she splashed water on her face from the running tap.

After she was done, she reached for her glasses but it was gone, she suddenly felt someone's breath fanning her neck from behind.

She swiftly turned, tho she couldn't see properly, she knew it was Mark standing in front of her.

He gently helped her wear the glasses and she adjusted them.

"Why are you here?" She asked and he smiled.

"I followed you, I missed you" He said, pulling her into a hug.

"You know this is the female restroom" She chuckled, hugging him back.


"You have to leave before someone sees you" She replied, breaking the hug to stare at him.

"I'll leave as soon as I get a kiss" He pouted and she smiled.

"Stop acting like a baby, just go!"She tried to push him out but he pulled her to himself, holding her waist tightly as there body pressed against each other's.

He slowly leaned in and captured her lips in a slow kiss, Percy closed her eyes, kissing him bath and soon the sound of her faint moans filled the room.

Suddenly the door burst open and Liv walked in, her eyes darkened at the scene she was seeing in front of her.

She marched over to them and separated them, she pushed Percy away and she almost fell but Mark caught her.

"How dare you kiss this bat! Mark!!" Liv yelled, looking like a deranged person.

"Are you okay, baby boo?" He asked and Percy nodded, adjusting her glasses.

"I'm I suddenly invisible?!" Liv snapped and Mark sighed, facing her.

"It would be best if you stay away from me and my girlfriend" Mark said, holding Percy's waist and pulling her to his side.

"She's not your girlfriend, don't f+cking say that! I'm your girlfriend!" Liv replied, glaring at Percy who just avoided her eyes.

"In your dreams, let's go baby boo" Mark chuckled, taking Percy away.

"I swear, I'll kill her!"Liv yelled, frustratingly while ruffling her hair.





Kitty was laying half conscious in the dark empty room, it's been two days with no food and water and her body felt so weak, she couldn't even move.

Her throat is dry and sore from all her screams and cried but no one is coming to help her, her head felt heavy and tears welled up in her eyes again.

Her body hurt so bad from all the brutal insect bites and it left lots of bruises on her body, blood escaping from some of them.

Her head banged again and she could already feel herself slipping into darkness, she couldn't hold the tears anymore.

She slowly curled up her body as tears flowed down her cheeks.




Blaze was on his way to the training ground when his eyes caught one of the mobsters trying to jump through the window.

He looked carefully and finally recognized the person.

"Scar! What the f+ck are you doing?" Blaze asked, nearing him and Scar paused.

"I was just looking at the nice view" Scar replied awkwardly.

"Really? It seemed like you were going to jump" Blaze raised a brow and Scar chuckled.

"C'mon, why would I jump? I was just trying to get a better look" Scar explained and Blaze nodded, still not convinced.

"I'm heading to the training ground, you coming?" Blaze asked.

"Nope, I've got other things to do" Scar replied.

"Like jumping through a window?" Blaze asked, seriously and Scar faced turned pale.

"I was just kidding bro. Don't be boring let's go" Blaze pulled Scar away before he could utter a word.



After the training was over Scar quickly left and Blaze staring at him as he ran out, something's definitely off about him!

Blaze sighed and saw Snow sitting at a corner all alone, that's how she has been ever since Kitty was locked up.

Blaze took steps towards her, he only took three steps when he stepped on something.

He raised his leg and found a kept beneath, he picked it up and stared at it when someone snatched it from his hand.

"Where did you get this?" Travis asked, staring at the key.

"I was right here. I just stepped on it" Blaze replied.

"This is the key to the warehouse, who was here with you?" Travis asked.

"Scar" He replied.

"I'll be back" Travis said and ran out.





Ace had a laptop on his laps as his fingers performed magic on the keyboard, he was so indulged in typing he got slightly startled when Travis ran into the room.

"Don't you know how to knock?!" Ace sighed.

"Boss, I found the key" Travis said, breathing heavily.

"What key?" Ace asked, closing the laptop.

"Your copy of the key to the warehouse, it was scar that took it that means Kitty is....."

Before Travis could finish, Ace ran out of the room, heading straight to the basement.

When he got there and opened the door, he sighed looking at Kitty's unconscious body laying on the cold, dirty floor.

He scooped her up in his arms, he didn't know her room so he took her to his room, laying her down on the bed.

He quickly brought out his phone and dialed the clan doctor's number, on less that five minutes the doctor arrived and started to conduct a check-up on Kitty.

Ace swept his hands through his head and sighed loudly, he was so stupid for jumping into conclusions without proper investigation, now she's in this state and it's all his fault.

He's not going to let Scar get away with it, that bastard and whoever sent him is dying soon.




As usual all the mobsters are gathered together all waiting for the trail of Scar, who was kneeling down at the center of the hall.

Travis had caught him before he could escape and he made sure to properly deal with him before Ace would arrive, Scar had already lost a few teeth and his shirt was thorn and drenched in blood.

Ace suddenly walked in looking furious, he walked straight towards Scar and gave him a hard punch that sent him flying to the wall close to him.

Ace walked up to him and grabbed his coller, he rained his face with countless punches till Scar's mouth spat out blood, continually.

"I f+cking hurt her all because of you!" Ace growled, punching him harder. Travis soon came to intervene but Ace pushed him away and continued blessing Scar's face.

"Boss you're going to kill him!" Travis said, trying to separate them again.

Ace suddenly stopped and stood.

"Get him treated, I'll come for him tonight" Ace said and walked out.




Ace was on his way to check up on Kitty when his phone rang, it was a call from godfather.

After taking the call he changed direction heading towards godfather's suite.

Godfather rarely comes out, he's rarely talks, some mobsters had been in the organization for years and still hasn't caught a glimpse of godfather.


Ace walked into the suite with his usual cold look and godfather smiled.

"What's this about? I have somewhere to be" Ace said, bluntly.

"Betty will be back soon, her dad just called she's coming here" Godfather stated and Ace sighed.

"You need to prepare, don't mess this up. You know how important it is to me" Godfather said and Ace sighed again.

"I don't care if you like her or not. Just do what you're supposed to do" Godfather said.

"I have something better to do" Ace replied and left the room.



The moment he got to his suite and unlocked the door, he saw Kitty, standing up from the bed.

She looked up at him and ignored him, trying to leave the room, her limbs were Shakey as she managed to reach the door but before she could leave the room, Ace bundled her up in his arms and placed her on the bed.

She stood up again and he pushed her down, she stood up again and before he could react she gave him a slap.

"F+ck!" He cursed, looking down at her and she immediately gave him another slap, she tried to give him the third one but he caught her hand.

"Don't you think payback is enough?" He sighed, gently bringing her hand down.

"I hate you!" She sniffled, trying to leave the room again but he held her back, holding her hand tightly.

"Let me go!!! I hate you, devil. You're a monster!!! Leave me!!" She yelled, loudly, trying to break free but his grip was too strong.

"Let go!" She yelled this time she bit his hand tightly and he left go of her with a sigh.

She instantly ran towards the door.

"Don't f+cking cross that door" He commanded and Kitty paused, turning to face him.

"Why? Do you want to hit me again? ...... I quit!" She yelled in tears, leaving the room but she paused at his words again.

"You're not allowed to quit that's my condition or else you're ready to pay me back the two million, right now"He said and Kitty turned to face him again with a glare.

"You're also not allowed to leave this room, unless I say so" He added.

"Jerk!" She mumbled, cleaning her tears.

He walked up to her and grabbed her hand then he made her seat on the bed.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Won't you apologize?" She replied, ignoring what he asked.

He remained quiet, staring at her.

"You locked me up in that scary room with a dead body when I didn't do anything to you and you don't want to apologize to me?" She sniffled.

"Shut up" He sighed, and she stood up.

"You also slapped me twice and even refused to return my mother's necklace and now you don't want me to leave, do you want to continue hitting me?"

"Shut up Kitty" He repeated and she ignored him.

"I won't! You're a monster and I hate you so much. You......" She gasped as Ace suddenly slammed her back on the wall and captured her small plumped lips in a kiss.

Kitty's eyes widened and she tried to push him away instead he wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her closer.

Kitty stood still as he devoured her lips, nibbling on her lower lip.

He soon broke the kiss and locked eyes with her, she blinked twice.

"When I say shut up.....you shut it, little kitten. Do you understand?" He asked, his face so close to hers that she could barely think at that moment.

"Do you understand, little kitten?" He asked and she nodded, repeatedly.

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