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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Rebel Kisses - Episode 1&2




Rebel Kisses - Episode 1&2


By; Favour .E.



"What?!" Kitty yelled on top of her lungs, every student in the cafeteria turned to look at her.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a pretty girl today?" Kitty snapped at them and they all turned away.

"You promised you wouldn't shout" Percy sighed.

"I knew I promise, but I couldn't help it" Kitty said, a smile forming on her lips.

"I still can't believe I kissed him, it all happened like a movie. I can never face him ever again" Percy mumbled, burying her face in her palms.

"You'll have to move to another town, change to a new school and also change your name, I've always liked the sound of Malinda..... It would suit you quite well" Kitty mumbled, earning a glare from Percy.

"What?" Kitty asked and Percy sighed.

"Telling you things always makes it worst!" Percy muttered and Kitty laughed.

"Don't get mad bestie...." Kitty chuckled but her smile faded the moment Melissa walked into the cafeteria.

Kitty face turned red as she fumed, trying hard to control the anger that surged through her the moment she saw Melissa.

"Breath and recite it" Percy said and Kitty took a deep breath.

"I am calm, I am calm, I am calm" Kitty kept repeating for a while and when she stopped a sharp smile appeared on her lips.

"Hey witch!" Melissa came over and slammed her hands on the table.

Kitty senselessly picked her maths textbook that was next to her, she hit the book on Melissa head, so hard that Melissa staggered and fell on her butt.

"You brat!" Melissa yelled, as two boys came over and helped her stand.

Kitty stood up.

"Just because I let you go after slapping me in the morning you have the nerve to call me a witch. Take a good look at the mirror and tell me who looks like a witch, if you use the time you use dolling up yourself to read then I'm sure you wouldn't be repeating your third year for the sixth time" Kitty said and the everyone bursted out in laughter.

"You....." Melissa paused, pointing a finger at Kitty.

"What? What do you want to say? You better look for somewhere and fix your flat @ss" Kitty smirked and the laughter increased.

"My father is very rich, he can buy your poor useless @ss, so mind the way you talk to me!" Mélissa snapped.

"If he's so rich, why don't he buy you a brain" Kitty said and a thunderous laugher filled the cafeteria.

Melissa stormed out of the cafeteria and Kitty took a deep breath, turning to face Percy who had a stunned look on her face.

"I can never get used to your crazy attitude" Percy shook her head, immediately kitty's phone rang and she took it out of her bag.

"Hello this is silly kitty, how may I help you?" She muttered as soon as she answered the call.

After she was done taking the call, she ran out of the cafeteria, ignoring Percy that was calling out to her.




The sound of Kitty's sneakers filled the walls of the hospital as she ran through the halls, she stopped in front of her mother's ward and took a deep breath before opening the door.

Doctor Felix was attending to her, when Kitty walked in.

"Good evening doctor" She greeted, with a warm, charming smile.

"Good evening Kitty" Dr. Felix replied, returning her smile.

"You asked me to come over?" Kitty stated as she walked closer to her mother.

"Yeah, I have good news and bad news" Felix said.

"Tell me the good news first" Kitty said, holding her breath.

"Your mother moved a little this evening" Felix said and a huge smile erupted Kitty's lips.

"Really?" She asked and Felix nodded.

"That's great news, I can't wait for her to wake up" Kitty shrieked and kissed her mother's head.

"And the bad news?"

"You need to start paying for her medications and treatment soon" Felix said and kitty's smile dropped.


"I know it'll be hard for you but if you want her to keep getting treated here then you have to pay up, you've been owing for months now." Felix said.

"I understand, I'll see what I can gather soon" Kitty said, and Felix nodded before leaving the room.

Kitty sighed and turned to her mother, her smile returning.

"Mom, please I need you to wake up soon. It's hard for me to pay my college fees and also pay for your medications, please wake up soon I miss you" Kitty smiled, sadly and kissed her mother on the head again before leaving.

As she left the hospital, she took a deep breath.

She decided to go job hunting but all the available jobs she found were either, not accepting college students or they didn't want a part-time worker.

Kitty sighed and sat on a chair in the park as she watched little children and their parents playing.

She smiled, suddenly her tummy rumbled and she brought out a box of chocolate from her bag.

She opened it and took a bite out of it, she suddenly remembered when he dad used to take her out to a chocolate store every weekend, if he didn't then she would cry all day.

A little kid came in front of her and she snapped out of her train of thoughts, the little boy had tears all over his face and he looked hungry and unkept.

"Miss please could you give me a little" The boy begged, sniffling.

Kitty smiled and gave him the whole box of chocolate.

"Thank you" The boy smiled.

"Are you hungry?" Kitty asked and the boy nodded cutely.

She took out some money from her purse and gave it to him, the boy left after thanking her repeatedly.

"I guess I'm walking home" Kitty mumbled as she stood up, that was the last money she had on her, she was going to use it to board the bus.

She was slowly walking him while kicking a small stone as she walked, her phone rang and she took it out of her bag.

"Hello this is silly kitty, how may I help you" Kitty mumbled, as she answered the call.

"Must you always say that it's so annoying" Percy sighed over the phone and Kitty chuckled.

"If it's so annoying then stop calling me" Kitty said and she heard Percy sigh.

"Where did you run off to? I thought we were going home together" Percy said.

"The hospital called, my mom is getting better but her bills are due. I'm broke right now" Kitty stated, as she walked home.

"Why can't you let me help you, I'm your friend Kitty" 

"You being my friend is already enough, at least I have someone to share my feelings with but I don't need you to give me anything. I'm doing fine" Kitty smiled.

"Your not doing fine. I'm your best friend I know when you're hurting. Your cute smile can't decide me" Percy scoffed.

"Bye, I'm already home. See you tomorrow, I love you" Kitty said.

"Don't you dare hang up on........."

Kitty cut the call before Percy could finish, she walked into her house, a small unpainted building, it had so many problems like leaking pipes, unsecure door, leaking roof but Kitty taught herself to cope with what she has.

The moment she opened her door, Milo, her car ran to her, snuggling and rubbing it's fur on her legs.

She shit the door and smiled, carrying Milo in her arms.

"Did you miss me?" She asked, stroking the little cats fur, the car meowed cutely.

"Today was a very stressful day but I'm sure tomorrow will be better, mom is also getting better that's great news. I can't wait for her ro finally wake up and I miss dad a lot. Today at school Percy kissed Mark today, Mark has always been her crush and I'm glad she finally made a move......." Percy said to Milo as she made a sandwich for herself.

Milo was just rolling on the floor, and licking it's paws cutely.

After Kitty was done eating, she slumped on her bed and sighed, she took her phone and began scrolling through, looking for jobs online.

She finally found one with a high pay, but they didn't say much about the job, all it said was ~ entertainment.

Maybe it was dancing, or singing or maybe poetry, Kitty loves poetry a lot, in fact she was a really good poet but she never shows her work to anyone. After writing, she normally keeps it aside.

Kitty dialed the phone number she found on the website.

"Hello, who is this?" A male voice asked.

"I'm Kitty, I saw a job offer on line and I was wondering if I could maybe work" Kitty mumbled, bitting her nails.

"Are you a virgin? We don't accept virgins" The man asked and Kitty blinked.

"What does that have to do with the job?" Kitty snapped.

"Do you know what this job is about?" He asked.


"It's for strippers" The man said and Kitty cut the call immediately.

She tossed the phone on the bed and ran to the balcony.

"Why does the universe hate me!!!!" She yelled loudly and everyone passing by looked up at her.

Kitty sighed and walked back into the house, she laid on the bed again, staring at the ceiling until she fell asleep, while Milo came closer to her, snuggling beside her.





A black Ferrari Stradale stopped in front of huge mansion, his black, shinny shoes screaming 'money', his hands were stuck in his pocket as he walked into the mansion.

Every head lowered as he walked pass them, nobody dared to look him in the eye.

"Good evening boss" Travis greeted, bowing slightly.

"Get everyone to the meeting room, now" Ace muttered and walked away.





All the mobsters walked into the room, filled with chairs and a projector in front, some came in groups, chatting and laughing while others came alone.

"F+ck dude! It wouldn't kill you to smile" Blaze snapped, he's been telling stone jokes and trying to get him to smile but stone's face remained unmoved.

"If it's killing you then look away" Stone said and Blaze rolled his eyes.

"Stoney!" Snow shrieked as she ran into the room, sitting at stone's left side.

"Not again" Stone sighed.

"I was calling you yesterday but you weren't picking my calls" Snow mumbled with a cute pout.

"I was busy. snow" He replied.

"So busy that you can't make time for me?" Snow asked.

"Don't act like we're close" Stone sighed.

"Whatever. I saw some f+cking beautiful wedding gown last night.... I was calling you so we could check it out together......."

"And why would I do that?" Stone snapped.

"So you can pick one according to your taste, for our wedding" Snow muttered and Stone frowned, deeply.

"Look snow, we're not dating nor close, we aren't even friends and we'll never be so get rid of any f+cking thought you have in that small head of yours. It's never gonna work" Stone said coldly.

"You're so handsome" Snow muttered, dreamily.

"Did you even hear anything I said?" He asked and Snow shook her head still staring at his handsome face.

Stone sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Dude, what did you do to her? She totally whipped" Blaze chuckled.

"Did you use a love potion on her?" Blaze asked with a serious face.

Stone shot him a deep glare and he kept quiet.

Barbie soon walked in with Alicia by her side.

Barbie walked towards them and took at stone's right, Stone sighed and stood up immediately.

He walked to the back and sat down, Barbie bit her lips hard, staring at him.

The room went dead silent the moment Ace walked in with his usual expressionless face, he took a seat at the front and spoke up.

"We have a paid assassination tomorrow as early as five am, everybody should be ready by then. The target is Hyce Malcolm" Ace picked up a remote from the table, he clicked on a button and the lights turned off. 

The projector came on, displaying the picture of an old man in his late fifties, with wrinkles all over his face.

"That's our target, it's going to be a very quick job, in and out. Barbie, Blaze, Stone, Scarlett and big Jim are following me, get ready. We move tomorrow" Ace said and stood up, then he faced Travis.

"Inform Godfather about the mission" Ace said and Travis nodded.

Ace left.

The room was silent for a while, nobody was moving or making a sound.

"This is so unfair! I've never gotten picked to go on a mission!!!" Snow cried, dramatically. Making everyone to turn their heads towards her direction.

Barbie rolled her eyes and left, some other mobsters left too while some stayed behind, chatting.

"You just completed your training two months ago, you don't just start going on missions like that sweetheart. It takes time" Blaze said, stroking Snow's hair.

Snow pushed his hand away and he pouted teasingly.

"But I'm a really good fighter" Snow mumbled.

"Not better than me" Blaze mumbled.

"Stop being delusional" Snow rolled her eyes and Blaze scoffed.

"How about we have a fist fight to prove who's better" Blaze said.

"Deal but if I win, you'll have to be my servant for a whole week" Snow said, smiling wickedly.

"Deal but if I win then the reverse" Blaze smirked and Snow nodded.

Then she turned her head to where Stone was sitting but he was already gone. When did he leave?

She stood up and left the room to find Stone, she soon found him talking to Barbie. Snow bit her lips slightly, she could see them but she couldn't hear a thing.

"Is the deal still on or what?" Blaze asked from behind and she turned.

"It's still on, get ready to lose. Loser" She said, walking toward the training arena, Blaze chuckled and followed her.


"I miss our long talks, your smile, your laugh, your smell, your kisses and your hugs, can't we go back to how we were? Please" Barbie said, tears rolling down her cheeks as she held Stone's hand.

"It's not possible, ever thing is over. You said it yourself, you don't want to have anything to do with me" Stone mumbled, jerking his hand away and Barbie shook her head.

She hugged Stone tightly, crying.

"I didn't mean it, I still love you a lot!" Barbie cried and Stone pushed her away.

"Don't ever in your life try to come close to me or I'll f+cking kill you!" Stone muttered, coldly and walked away.

"It's all my fault!!" Barbie cried, slumping on the floor.





Kitty was on her way to school,  operating her phone as she walked alone the side work.

She sighed multiple times, she was still busy searching for a job.

She finally found one, it was the job of a maid. Her eyes widened when she saw how much the salary was.

"Oh my flipping days! Who pays this much to a maid?" Kitty yelped.

She smiled lightly, finally she found a good job, she continued scrolling, looking at the details of the job as she walked to school.

Her smile soon dropped, the job was a full day work, it doesn't accept part-time worker. If she takes this job she'll have to stop school.

She sighed loudly and dropped her phone back into her pocket.





Percy adjusted her glasses and sighed, looking at her wrist watch.

She was waiting for Kitty and they're soon going to be late for the lecture.

She suddenly gulped as Mark's car pulled up in front of the school, he walked out, looking as dashing as ever.

Percy looked away as he started walking towards him.

"Hey cutie" He said, smiling at her.

"About the kiss.... I don't know what came over me and I......"

"I liked it" He cut her off and she blinked.

"You liked it?"

"Yeah, I enjoyed it quite a lot. I hope we can have more kisses in the future" He said and kissed her cheek then he walked into the school.

Percy stood froze, she blinked twice, her hand moved to the cheek Mark had kissed her and she blushed hard.

"I'll never wash my cheek again" She muttered, lowly while rubbing the cheek.

"Percy! Percy!!!" Kitty shook Percy continually before she snapped out of her trance.

"What?!" Percy snapped.

"What's with you? Are you alright?" Kitty asked, placing her hand on Percy's head to feel her temperature.

"Am fine Kitty. Let's go to class, we're almost late" She took kitty's hand and pulled her into the school.


Right after the school was over, Kitty rushed home to feed Milo, she forgot to feed her before leaving this morning.

The moment Kitty got to her house, she saw Hudson standing outside. Hudson was the owner of the house.

"Good evening, why are you here?" Kitty asked with a smile.

"Don't pretend like you don't know. You've Benn owing rent for almost five months....." Hudson said, harshly.

"Please give me some time, I'll arrange...."

"I know things are hard for you but I can't keep suffering too. This house is my only source of income, if you don't pay your rent how do you expect me to feed my family and myself?" Hudson said almost yelling.


"I'm tired of your excuses, you have only two days to pack your things and leave, if not I'll call the cops" Hudson said and left.

Kitty stared into thin air for some seconds before walking into the house, the moment she walked in Milo ran to her.

"Are you hungry?" She smiled, carrying Milo in her arms and the little creature meowed cutely.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to feed you" Kitty mumbled as she placed Milo's bowl on the floor, she poured cat food in it and Milo ran to it, eating.

Kitty sat down on the bed and took out her phone, she held it in her hand for a while.

It's best if she takes the job of a maid, she'll have to stop school but if she saves enough money then she can come back to school.

This job will really help her in paying her bills.

She dialed the line attached to it, after talking with the person on the other line.

She stood up, jumping happily then she played a song on her phone, dancing completely off beat.

She quickly took a bath and dressed up then she gave Milo a sponge bath and brushed him fur before leaving.

She held Milo in her arms as she walked towards the location sent to her.

The moment she got to the location, he mouth dropped, it's looks more like a really huge palace.

"Are you Kitty?" Travis asked.

"The one and only" Kitty winked, making Travis chuckle.

"Follow me" He said and walked in while Kitty followed.

"Wow this place is so big!" She exclaimed, gawking at the interior designs.

"So Kitty, aren't you a little too young to be working as a maid?" Travis asked, staring at her.

"No I'm not" Kitty replied.

"But you look ......"

"Sir please I really need this job. I'm the best at everything I cam clean perfectly and I can even cook also sing and dance......" Kitty rushed her words and Travis shook his head in amusement.

"I didn't say I wasn't going to give you the job" Travis said and Kitty smiled.

"So I got the job?" Kitty asked and Travis nodded.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" She shrieked, placing Milo on the ground then jumping on him 

Travis cleared his throat dramatically and Kitty got down.

"Sorry, I get carried away some times" She smiled and picked Milo from the floor, stroking it's fur.

"Let me show you to your room" He lead her further into the mansion until they got to a room painted white.

Kitty wowed at everything as she checked the room out, she opened the bathroom and her eyes widened.

"This is even bigger than my living room!" She said loudly and Travis laughed shortly.

"I'll leave you to continue with your shenanigans....." Travis was about to leave the room when he suddenly turned back.

"Kitty, make sure you don't leave your room" Travis said.

"Yes sir" Kitty saluted funnily, Travis nodded and left.

"Milo, this is the best job ever!" Kitty said, cheerfully and turned but Milo wasn't in the room.

She looked around and gasped as she saw the door was still open, Milo left?!

She left the room and saw Milo running towards a deeper part of the mansion and she followed.

"Milo! Come here" She said, trying to catch up to Milo.

The little cat soon slipped it's way into a room, Kitty also followed.

Kitty eyes widened, the room was much beautiful than hers, it was more wide and spacious.

The only odd thing about the room was The curtains and furnitures we're all black, almost everything was black expect for the walls that was painted a dark shade of gray.

Kitty shook her hand and sighed as she looked around the room , she finally found Milo snuggled up in a corner.

"I'm supposed to be mad at you right now but you're too cute" Kitty smiled, bending to pick Milo.

"Who the f+ck are you?" A deep male husky voice made kitty's hand freeze mid air.

Kitty slowly turned her head towards the direction of the voice and her eyes beheld the most handsome man she has ever seen.

He was half naked with only a towel wrapped around his waist, he looks like he's just taken a bath cos gis body is still damp and wet.

Her eyes darted from his onion dyed hair to his golden brown eyes then his pick lips.

Her eyes moved lower to his bare chest and she gulped.

He must have worked out a lot to have such a ripped chest. F+ck! She felt like touching it.

"I asked a darn question" Ace said, snapping Kitty back to reality.

"Me.... I.... My n..name..." She shuttered, senselessly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, coming closet to her.

"No it was Milo, she ....."

"Milo?" Ace raised a brow.

"She's my cat ......" Kitty turned but couldn't find Milo next to her, she turned to towards the door and saw Milo already running out of the room.

"Bloody betrayer" Kitty mumbled under her breath and face Ace again.

She gulped really hard, he was only few steps away from her, nobody needs to tell her she was in a lot of trouble.

She rubbed her hands nervously, trying to think of a way out as Ace took steps closer to her.

An idea suddenly popped into her head and she fell to the ground, pretending to fall unconscious.

"What the f+ck!?"


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