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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 55 & 56




Monarch - Episode 55 & 56

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 



Charlotte entered the room and found Zayne sitting on the bed,he looked up when Charlotte came in. 

"I thought you went to sleep already" He said with a little softness in his voice. 

"Why would I sleep on my own when I have a husband?" Charlotte asked. 

Zayne chuckled. 

"What,are you making fun of me?" Charlotte frowned playfully. 

"No, I'm just glad you are okay" Zayne sighed. 

"Of course I am, I already got over Lydia and Lirien since the feast party" Charlotte mumbled and sat on his laps. 

"What are you going to do to them?" She asked. 

"I wanted to ask you,what should I do? What punishment do you think is the best for them?" Zayne asked. 

"You are the king,and I always support whatever your judgment is,because I trust you to always do the right thing and what is the best" Charlotte said and Zayne hugged her. 

"I finally got a Doctor like I said,but we would have to get on a flight,when are you available?" He asked. 

"Flight?" Charlotte asked with glowing eyes. 

"Hmm,we are gonna use the private jet,or...you don't like it?" 

"What do you mean? It's going to be my first time in air" She smiled. 

"Ohh,so when will you be available? We should go when you don't have class......"

"Forget about my classes,let's go whenever you want. I'm always ready" Charlotte said and Zayne smiled. 

"Alright" He said. 

"I can't wait" Charlotte grinned and hugged him. 

"I feel so tired" Zayne said as they both lay down on the bed,side by side. 

"Come here" Charlotte spread her arms. 

Zayne smiled like a happy child and moved closer,he rest his head on her boobs and closed his eyes. 

"Finally...a perfect pillow" He mumbled. 

"Don't even start" Charlotte snapped and he laughed. 

"I'm really going to sleep till daybreak totally tomorrow,tell everyone not to disturb me if you wake up first" He said with his eyes closed. 

"Okay,your majesty" Charlotte kissed his hair. 


Inside Theny's suite,it's currently hot between him and Thorin who was shouting at the top of his voice. 

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? How could you allow her slap mom and you were watching! How could you!" Thorin yelled. 

"When I didn't stop her,what happened to you? Well obviously you can't do anything either,because why? Your hands are f+cking dirty. Do you know what I'm waiting for right now? For you to get exposed too so you can get locked up again maybe I can finally have peace" Theny said. 

Thorin's eyes turned red and with a swift movement,he threw one punch on Theny's face which made him fall on the floor. 

"Bastard! How dare you!!" He yelled. 

Theny sat down there and tasted his blood in his mouth,he chuckled and wiped his bloody lips. 

"That's all you can do anyway,violence is always your answer" He muttered and stood up. 

"If you think I'm going to punch you back,you're in the wrong place Thorin. Get out of my room" Theny said. 

"You're gonna regret ever turning your back on your own family" Thorin pointed a finger at him. 

"Family? That makes me laugh" Theny chuckled. 

"Get out Thorin" He said. 

Thorin turned and stormed out of the room angrily. 

Theny punched the wall and sighed out loudly. 



Samara and Charlotte entered the Doctor's office together and he welcomed them warmly till they sat down. 

"It's good to see you again" He said. 

"You too Doctor" Samara smiled. 

"Your results are out" The Doctor dropped a big file envelope on the table for them,the two ladies exchanged glances,waiting for who will take it. 

"I guess I should do it then" The Doctor took it again and opened it. 

"Uhm,firstly..." He cleared his throat. 

Samara and Charlotte gulped and listened attentively to whatever he's about to say. 

"These two blood,and these two,doesn't match at all" he dropped the two he's talking about. 

Their eyes widened. 

It's Charlotte and Niata..0.00%,,which clearly means Niata isn't her mom. 

Zayne and Queen Vynessa also brought the same result. 

"Mom....is not my brother's mom" Samara blinked. 

"These....." The Doctor shifted the results of Charlotte and Vynessa and it matches. 

"Wait,you mean,this one...."

"You're 100% related to this person" The Doctor completed. 

Samara and Charlotte exchanged glances. 

"Moving on,,This person..doesn't match with anyone here" The Doctor pointed at Zayne's own. 

"What do you mean? It doesn't match with anyone?" Samara and Charlotte asked at once. 

"That's right,which means he's not related to either of the two women" The Doctor cleared and they sighed. 

"But particularly,these two" He pointed at Samara and Charlotte's own. 

"It's more than just related,,I'm ninety percent sure,whoever these two are...they are twins" He said. 

"What?!" They exclaimed. 

"That's it" The Doctor nodded. 


"Why are you quiet? You won't say anything?" Charlotte asked when they left the hospital and now walking to the car. 

"I regret the DNA or whatever,we should have just continue living without giving a fuck" Samara said. 


"That way,I wouldn't find out that Zayne isn't my brother,or that we are not even related at all,not even to my so fucking mom,how am I supposed to tell him that he doesn't belong anywhere? How?!" Samara snapped. 

Charlotte sighed. 

"I'm sorry,it's all my fault" She said. 

"We should ask mother,nonetheless. She's got a lot to explain,and where she got my brother,she have to explain everything" Samara muttered and Charlotte nodded. 

"And you can't tell my brother anything,okay?" 

"I wasn't planning to" Charlotte said and Samara nodded. 

They entered the car and Samara drove off. 

Meanwhile,King Zayne was watching from afar in his own car,with only Hunter and Lionel. 

"You said they were in this same hospital three days ago?" He asked. 

"Yes your highness" Lionel replied. 

"Go in and figure out what they came for" He ordered. 

They both bowed and got down from the car,soon they were out of sight. 

Zayne sighed out,as much as he was curious to know why his sister and Charlotte have been visiting the hospital,he was also worried. 

What if Charlotte is sick and not telling him? Or maybe she figured something out about the pregnancy stuff and she's scared to tell him,He just couldn't think straight. 

After about twenty minutes,Lionel and Hunter finally entered back into the car. 

"Your majesty,we got the copies of the test results they came for" 

"Test results?" Zayne's brows arched a little. 

"Yes your majesty,the Doctor said they came to do DNA tests" Lionel said. 

"DNA? Why would they....okay" He sighed and opened the envelope immediately. 

His eyes widened as he went through all. 

"What is....what is this?" He batted his lashes. 

Lionel and Hunter exchanged glances,they took it from him and checked everything as well. 

"Your majesty...according to these results.....Queen Vynessa is the mother of both Princess Samara and queen Charlotte,,and the queen is not your...mother" Hunter mumbled. 

"Exactly" Zayne sighed and buried his face in his palms. 

"They obviously wouldn't tell me anything" He mumbled. 

"Should we figure things out? We can help,your majesty" Lionel said and Hunter nodded. 

"But...what's Lady Niata doing in the picture if I'm not related to either of them?" Zayne was confused. 

"Would you like us to find out about who lady Niata is? Since she's not the queen's mother,that means,there is something hidden about it...."

"I'm going to ask mother myself,don't bother yourself" Zayne said. 

Hunter and Lionel sighed. 



"We are here" Grey breathe out when he parked his car in the lots. 

"I'm sorry to ask...but where's Starr? We were supposed to come here together" Daniel said. 

"I guess you don't know that your friend has mood swings" Grey chuckled and faced him. 

"There are some days he doesn't like going out,no matter how important it is,if he says no then it's no. I guess he really likes you,he had to plead with me to come on his behalf" Grey smiled. 

"Oh,sorry for the stress" Daniel said. 

"No,problem,it's been a while I came here. Let's go in" Grey said and opened the door. 

They both got down together and approached the large entrance door. 

That moment,Jojo appeared,she was walking with her manager beside her. It's as if she was in the middle of a commercial but had to do something outside. 

The moment she saw Grey,she paused and the brightness in her face,dulled down. 

Grey smiled at the manager who bowed to greet him. 

"It's been a while,,you're still as pretty,JJ" he smiled at her. 

Daniel could see Jojo's hidden hands shaking. 

She walked out of their sights and ignored Grey. 

"Oops" Grey chuckled. 

"Your ex?" Daniel asked when they continue walking. 

"Yeah" Grey muttered. 

"I guess she still likes you" Daniel said. 

"That's impossible,she hates me" Grey winked. 

"How did you know?" Daniel asked.

"Coz she said it to my face,and since then,we've never crossed parts,obviously she still hates me,quite bad" He chuckled. 

"How can you laugh in this situation?" Daniel scoffed. 

"C'mon,it's not that serious" Grey pat his shoulder. 

Daniel shook his head. 

"Will the king come here? I heard he's one of the shareholders" Daniel suddenly said. 

"That's true,but don't expect him here. He doesn't show up unless there's an event,even on that day,don't expect him" Grey said. 

Daniel smiled. 

"Why are you smiling?" Grey raised his brows. 

"He's expensive" Daniel muttered. 

Grey chuckled and nodded. 

"Sure he is,but am I not?" He asked. 

"I'm sure I didn't say that" Daniel frowned. 

"You didn't" Grey said and Daniel giggles.



Emily and Suzy watched speechlessly at Erica on the bed,looking half dead. 

She has been this way ever since her father broke the news about Zayne not going to have a second queen to her. 

"I lost him..forever" She mumbled. 

That's the only thing she's been saying,mixing with her tears. 

"Are you going to keep on doing this?! Zayne doesn't even care about you! Wake up babe!!" Suzy shouted. 

"Don't shout at her" Emily sighed. 

"She needs to come back to her senses before she hurt herself for chocolate sake!" Suzy groaned. 

"I'm not giving up,he will come around,he will" Erica cried. 

"Oh goodness" Suzy shook her head. 

Emily sighed,not knowing what to say exactly,she was dumbfounded,totally. 

Erica continue crying nonstop,her hair scatters all over her face like it's been days since she last brush em. 



Queen Vynessa stared at both Charlotte and Samara with shock and also confusion written all over her face. 

"What are you two talking about?" She asked again. 

Samara rolled her eyes and dropped the results on the table for her,she picked them up and her eyes widened. 

"Are you still going to deny it?" Samara asked. 

"You...you didn't...show Zayne right?" She began to stutter. 

"No we didn't" Samara and Charlotte said. 

"No need of telling me,coz I know everything already" Zayne walked in and the three of them turned at once with wide eyes. 

"Here" He showed them the envelope in his hand as well. 

"I knew you were going to try and hide it from me" He said. 

"Son...it's not what you're thinking" Vynessa immediately got up. 

"Freeze" Zayne glared and she swallowed as she really stopped moving. 

Charlotte bit her lower lip,she couldn't even look up at all. 

"Actually,I was angry that you two suddenly went to do these silly tests without anyone's knowledge,but again,thinking about it...I don't even have a mom,or probably she's still alive somewhere?" Zayne asked. 

"Everything was my idea,not Charlotte...." Samara muttered. 

"Does that make any difference?" Zayne scoffed and faced Vynessa again. 

"I have just one question and I want nothing but the truth" he said. 

"I promise...I promise to say the truth" Vynessa sniffed in her tears.

"Is father...I mean,the late king my father?" He asked. 

Queen Vynessa looked at him. 

"No?" Zayne scoffed. 

"He's your father" Vynessa replied. 

"Then how come you're not my mother!! Where the fuck is my real mother?!" Zayne yelled. 

Vynessa gulped. 

Charlotte stood up. 

"Please..calm down,I started everything and I'm going to find out everything" She said. 

Zayne scoffed. 

"It's a long story" Vynessa mumbled and all eyes fell on her. 

"Everything was my fault,and I don't deserve to be forgiven,but please...." She broke into tears. 

"Just what the heck did you do mother" Samara questioned with a cold voice. 

"Wait...don't tell me...you,stole me from my own mom" Zayne asked,almost stuttering. 

"Forgive me" Vynessa cried and Zayne's heart skipped a beat. 

"I was desperate for a male child,I was so scared your father might abadon me because....he was seeing another woman" Vynessa said. 

"Another woman? Is that my mom?" Zayne asked and Vynessa nodded. 

"She was a mistress to him,and then,I heard she got pregnant,just the same time I was pregnant as well" Vynessa paused,more tears dropping. 

"What happened next?" Zayne asked curiously.

"But then, instead of a baby boy,I had a girl. Not just that,she died some mimutes after she was born" Vynessa broke into more tears. 

"Then what!!" Zayne snapped. 

"I....I....couldn't let the king find out about it,I was too scared he might,he might.....throw me out of the palace,his mistress put to bed just two days before me,so it was so easy. I sent some guards to kidnap the baby,that was you and that was how you got to the palace,fortunately the king didn't figure out if it was a new born or not and...."

"Mother!!!" Samara yelled out. 

"Tell me...everything is not true,tell me you didn't do what you just explained,please" She broke into tears. 

Charlotte looked at Zayne,it was obvious he was trying all his best not to tear up right there. 

"What happened after that? Continue" He requested. 

"Even after everything,the king kept on seeing his mistress. She was crying too much because of her missing child and he had to impregnate her again...and for the second time,she had another boy,that was about two years or three years after" Queen Vynessa continued. 

"I couldn't just watch my husband leaving me to focus on another woman......"

"Then?" Zayne shifted closer with trembling lips. 

"I....ordered....that she get....killed" Vynessa said. 

Charlotte's eyes widened,Samara gasped and covered her mouth with her palm. 

Zayne almost lose his balance,tears rolled down his eyes uncontrollably. 

"Th.....then?" He trembled. 

"After she died,,I had the second son thrown somewhere too,I didn't want another male child to be brought in,because I was scared he might neglect you and love him more dearly" 

"So....you're saying,you don't know where the boy is?" Zayne asked and Vynessa shook her head. 

Zayne sat down on the couch and placed his jaw on his palm,tears just flowing anyhow. 

"But...how is lady Niata related to all of these?" He suddenly asked. 

"After I had my first child that died,the king told me he wasn't planning to have any other child again because he already have sons and a daughter,but I couldn't just stay and watch,but I was desperate for a child. So....I..had an affair and told the king it was a mistake,he couldn't tell me to get rid of it,,but unfortunately,,it happened to be Niata's husband. 

"What!" Samara and Charlotte exclaimed. 

"She was pronounced barren and was obsessed back then with babies,she would call every babies her own,she even stole some pictures of you when you were a baby,she would cry day and night because she couldn't have a child. So,,when it was time for me to put to bed,I had twins luckily and I handed over one to her without the king's knowledge.  She got into an accident with her husband that same night,but she survived with the baby while her husband died. In the hospital,I ordered for her to get injected and all her memories was wiped off,so she doesn't remember anything about me,till now" 

By the time Vynessa was done explaining,everyone was in total shock. 

"So you mean....you deceived father,from the moment he met you,till the very end?" Zayne sniffs and stood up with red eyes. 

"How am I even sure you didn't kill him?!!! How!!!" He shouted but Vynessa only continue crying. 

Zayne shook his head and turned toward the door.

Charlotte ran after him and grabbed his hand. 

Zayne glared at her hand. 

"That hand" he mumbled. 

"That hand!!!! Touch me again and I will throw you all out of this fucking palace" He said coldly and Charlotte dropped her hand,she was shaking as she did,hot tears filled her eyes up. 

"Pray to God I find my brother,,you won't like what comes next at all" He mumbled. 

"And Charlotte" He called again. 

Charlotte looked at him. 

"You're suspended from your position from now on,until......further notice" 

Samara swallowed. 

"Zayne I...."

"Which means!!! You are not my queen anymore!!! And you have no right to call my name!!" He yelled and she froze,,her tears almost blinding her. 


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