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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 53 & 54




Monarch - Episode 53 & 54

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


~𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐨 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐕𝐲𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐍𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐚~

Niata was in the kitchen dishing out breakfast for herself,it was almost eleven in the morning though. 

The front door bell rang in her ears and she paused,usually she never gets any visitors or outsiders unless Charlotte comes to visit,even Emily doesn't show up anymore so she wasn't expecting anybody. 

When the door bell rang again,she had to leave what she was doing completely and walk out of the kitchen. 

She removed her apron and dropped it once she got to the dinning room then she went to open the front door,confused at first when she saw Queen Vynessa standing right there and some bodyguards behind her. 

"I guess you're surprised" Queen Vynessa smiled a little and bowed. 

"Good morning,your highness" Niata quickly said and shifted out of the way for her. 

"Please come inside" She said,even though she wasn't really getting it yet. 

Vynessa entered without the guards and she stood in one position at first,looking around. 

"I didn't know the apartment is this good" She sighed. 

"It's all thanks to you,your highness"

"Oh please,you can just quit the honorifics and let's be free with each other,we are in-laws anyway" Vynessa chuckled and sat down. 

"I can't do that,your highness. Please what may I offer you?" Niata asked. 

"Nothing,I'm not staying long. I was actually on my way to an event and fortunately I was passing this area,it wouldn't be nice if I don't say hello to my in law" Vynessa said,with another smile. 

Niata only nodded,then she sighed out,with her fingers playing against each other.  

Queen Vynessa's eyes caught that as she played with her fingers. 

"I'm not making you uncomfortable right?" 

"Not at all,I'm just feeling bad I have nothing to offer you" Niata replied. 

"Oh come on,you gave us your daughter. What else do we need from you?" Vynessa chuckled then checked her phone. 

"It's time,I should leave" She stood up and Niata did the same. 

"Thanks for visiting" She bowed. .

"I will sure come over again,then I can eat whatever you offer" Vynessa said with a smile before going out. 

After Niata closed the door,the smile on queen Vynessa's face disappeared and she dialed a number on her way to the car. 

"Like you said.....she doesn't remember anything" She mumbled and entered the car. 

"Keep an eye on her and tell me if you discover anything fishy" She mumbled again and ended the call. 


~𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭~

Charlotte was sitting right beside her mom on the bed,watching her sleep. It's been forty minutes since she passed out and still she's sleeping peacefully. 

Charlotte sighed and bit her pinky nails,she already cleared the pictured on the floor and returned the ones for Zayne back in her bag. 

"Water" Niata groaned a little bit weak. 

"Water" Charlotte immediately got up and rushed to the table,she took a glass and poured water from the jug then ran back to her on the bed. 

Niata took the water from her and drank thirstily till she finished. 

"Are you okay? Mom?" Charlotte asked as she dropped the empty cup on the bedside table. 

"Yes,I must have got dizzy a little bit" Niata sighed and managed to smile. 

"Does it happen often?" Charlotte asked worriedly and Niata shook her head. 

"It must be stress......

"You were saying something like,my baby before you passed out. I showed you a picture of a baby" Charlotte interrupted and Niata watched her lips moving with confusion written all over her face. 

"Baby? What baby are you talking about?" She asked. 

Charlotte wanted to show her the picture again but she decided not to,probably because she was scared of her fainting again. 

"It's nothing,you should rest. Do you have food at home? Or you want me to cook some before I leave?" She got up with a sigh. 

"Why should the queen cook for me?" Niata asked. 

"Oh please mom" 

They both laughed. 

"I made some soup this morning,I was going to call you to send someone over to take it to the palace" 

"Hmm? What type of soup?" Charlotte asked. 

"It's good for young lady like you,for......

"Pregnancy?" Charlotte cut in and Niata chuckled. 

"You're smart,but I wasn't sure if you want to get pregnant yet"

"Perfect timing mom,I will take it on my way. You're the best,I will finish everything" Charlotte winked. 

Niata chuckled. 

"Eat it with some rice and vegetables" She said. 

"Noted" Charlotte smiled. 

Her phone rang and she quickly opened her bag,it was Samara. 


"You need to come back now,,something's happening"Samara said in a careful voice and Charlotte blinked. 

"Is the king okay?" She asked. 

"That's the problem,he's totally angry right now" 

"I will be there" Charlotte said and ended the call. 

"Is everything okay?" Niata shifted on the bed. 

"Sure,I will get my soup and leave. Please call me if anything is wrong" Charlotte said and hurried out of the room. 

"What's going on?" Charlotte sighed,she checked the time and it was 6pm. 

"Gosh" She groaned. 



"What did you just blurt out?! You don't know?! You don't?!!" King Zayne exploded angrily and got up from the throne. 

All the councils were already on their feet,who would there sit when the king was burning with fired anger? 

On the ground,head bowed is Lydia,sweating hotly and tears In her eyes. 

Queen Vynessa and Queen Lirien were standing at one able,every member of the family were present. 

"She's lying your majesty,we found the substance which has been confirmed as a dangerous poison that is deadly for the womb,it was found in her bag your majesty" Hunter spoke up. 

"Here's the result of the test" Lionel raised some papers in his hand and started sharing it for everyone,then murmurs started. 

"We also got some scenes from the CCTV which captured the moments she sprinkles it in the queen's food and drinks" Hunter said and put on the projector at the center of the courtroom. 

Everyone gasped. 

"That's such an unacceptable act your majesty!!!" Oswald exclaimed from the council side. 

"It's totally unacceptable!!" Others joined him to chorused. 

Lydia was literally shaking where she was,she glanced at Lirien who gave her a warning glare at once. 

"You murdered my first child...the audacity to even do it,not just that,my queen is in danger of losing her womb and inability to get pregnant again,all because of you" Zayne chuckled and climbed down the stairs toward Lydia. 

"Who sent you?" He asked in a soft voice. 

Lydia's lips were trembling and she was weeping. 

"You were asked a question!" Hunter yelled at her. 

Lydia fell on her head. 

"Please kill me! Your majesty!!" She cried out. 

*What? Is she crazy?

*Who sent her that she can't confess?

*Or maybe she did it by herself. 

The murmurs were ongoing when Charlotte walked in. Zayne stared at her but said nothing,she took her position. 

"Kill me!! Your majesty!" Lydia cried again. 

"Of course,I'm going to kill you for sure. But I need to find out who sent you to make things more fun" King Zayne sighed and moved away from her. 

"For the last time,who sent you?" He asked,yet softly again. 

"Nobody....no...body sent me your majesty" Lydia stuttered. 

"You mean to say,you hate me to the extent of doing that to me?" Charlotte spoke up and all eyes fell on her. 

Lydia gulped. 

"Look up!!" Charlotte yelled. 

Lydia raised her head. 

"Right,look straight into my eyes and tell me what I did to you to deserve such" Charlotte uttered. 

Tears rolled out of Lydia's eyes but she couldn't say a word. 

"The person who sent you,must have threatened you with something" Charlotte chuckled. 

*The queen is right

*Then is it someone in the royal family?

Lirien frowned. 

"Just like someone was sent to kill me,in school. Whoa,a lot of people here must really hate me so much,it's not funny" Charlotte sighed and looked at Zayne. 

"I'm done,my king" She muttered. 

Zayne turned back to Lydia. 

"Since you claim that nobody sent you,then,I don't have a choice either" He sighed. 

"Get her tied to the tree at the center of the open throne ground,,fifteen strokes of whips every morning,twenty in the afternoon and thirty at night,painful enough for me to hear her cries from my chamber. And make sure you watch her every minutes so she doesn't die,if she's hungry,give her food,if she's sick,give her drugs,she needs to stay alive and suffer,until she decide to speak up and confess to me who sent her to do what she did. Until then,she's not allowed to die" King Zayne made his judgment. 

"Your wish is our command your majesty!!!" The council bowed. 

Zayne rolled his eyes and walked out of the courtroom. 

Charlotte got down as well and her eyes fell on Lirien. 

She smiled at her. 

"How are you doing,old queen?" She asked. 

Lirien frowned. 

Charlotte smiled at her again before walking out as well. 

Oswald sighed,he actually saw that. 

"Lirien should have given up by now" He sighed and shook his head,his two hands went behind him before he started walking out,three other council members followed him to have a conversation with him. 

"Do you think the punishment is okay enough?" They asked. 

"I was expecting him to kill her right away,but with this,that maid wouldn't have a choice than to confess,anyone would prefer a quick death to a slow one. I just pity the person behind the whole story" Oswald sighed. 

"This is getting more fun" Samara chuckled and finally stood up. 

She smiled at Lirien,Calantha and Thorin. 

"Don't you think? I mean,the palace has gotten more fun these days" She said. 

"Samara" Queen Vynessa glared. 

Samara chuckled and left. 



"My King" Charlotte followed Zayne into the room and grabbed his arm. 

"What is it" Zayne sighed and faced her. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. 

"Clearly,why are you asking?" Zayne questioned back.

"Just....I feel bad. It's always one trouble one way or the other,and mostly,it's because of me" She mumbled. 

"Because of you?" Zayne asked and she looked up.


"You're saying it's because of you, father made me the king?" Zayne snapped and Charlotte blinked. 

"It's because of you my brother is against me and would do anything to get rid of me? It's because of you my step mother want to eliminate you and prevent you from having a child? You think it's because of you? How dumb" Zayne sighed. 

"This is all because of me Charlotte" He adds.

"I should be the one feeling bad,you shouldn't experience shits like these at such a young age,you should have thought about the negative parts before you concluded to come into this place Charlotte,it's hell" Zayne muttered. 

Charlotte shook her head. 

"It might be hell indeed,but with you beside me.......

"And still I can't protect you,I couldn't protect you when you almost died,and I still failed to protect you when those evil witches started feeding you with that poison,I feel so useless sometimes,I just........

"Stop it" Charlotte snapped. 

She moved closer to him and rubbed his arms. 

"You have no right to say you're useless,because you're the most amazing person and king I've ever seen. The late king would be so proud of you,I'm sure of that. About your family" she shook her head. "They don't deserve you or your mercy,,I won't stop you from making your judgment against anyone who's against you,or us" Charlotte stated. 

"Even if you stop me,I won't listen anyway" Zayne scoffed and she smiled. 

"I wasn't expecting you to get Lydia so fast,and that old fool is still pretending. I wonder what she threatened Lydia with" Charlotte bit her lip. 

"Where were you?" Zayne suddenly asked. 

"I went to mom's place" Charlotte answered. 

Zayne nodded and removed his jacket. 

"I'm going to take my bath" He muttered and walked away. 

Charlotte groaned and shut her eyes then open them back,,she was beginning to think about the pictures again. 

What is she going to do now? Is she supposed to question queen Vynessa? Coz obviously her mom doesn't seem to remember or know anything. 

Charlotte left the king's chamber and met Samara on her way to her own suite. 

"You suddenly left and returned late,is there anything going on?" Samara asked. 

"It's complicated" Charlotte sighed when they entered her room. 

"Tell me how serious it is" Samara requested and Charlotte took her time to explain. 

"What....what are you trying to...say?" Samara stuttered. 

"I have no idea,Samara. I'm confused as hell" Charlotte said. 

Samara checked the pictures repeatedly. 

"It's the same" She mumbled. 

"What should we do?" Charlotte asked. 

"We can't just go to mother and start interrogating her,it would sound foolish" she added. 

"How about....DNA test?" Samara asked and Charlotte batted her lashes. 


"That's the only way,you,my brother,mother and your mom,let's do it secretly" Samara suggested. 

Charlotte swallowed hard. 

"What is it?" Samara asked. 

"I'm...I'm..scared. What if...Zayne and I are....."

"That's not possible,that's not nice to think of" Samara chuckled. 

"But I can't stop thinking about it,I'm really scared Samara. Even though I...."

"Let's do the test fast. Get my brother's hair and your mom's own. I will get mother's own,by tomorrow or next,we should go for the test" Samara said and Charlotte nodded. 

"Dinner?" Samara asked. 

"I'm starving,I need to make some rice for myself,I brought soup from mom" Charlotte said. 

"Really? Soup....."

"Just for me" Charlotte immediately smiled. 

"Oh,but I want your rice anyway" Samara grinned. 



Lirien was pacing around the room with,she kept biting her nails as she did. 

"Your higness" One of her guards entered and she immediately turned. 

"How is it?" She asked. 

"Tonights strokes just ended your highness,she didn't make any attempt to confess" He told her. 

Lirien sighed out.

"That son of a bitch,always acting like he's smart,when he's not" She scoffed. 

"Really?" A voice said across the room and Lirien looked up to see Theny coming in. 


"Tell me you know nothing about what is going on mother" Theny cut her off. 

The guard bowed and left mother and son alone. 

"It's not what you think......."

"What the fuck is going on in this palace!!!! What is everyone keeping from me!!!" Theny yelled and kicked the nearest chair across the room angrily. 

"Theny!" Lirien shouted. 

"Mother!!! Tell me you have nothing to do with Charlotte losing her pregnancy!!! Please I'm begging you!!!!" Theny shouted. 

"What if I do?" Lirien asked coldly. 

Theny almost lost her balance,he had to hold unto the wall not to fall. 

"What....what?" He stuttered,tears dropping from his eyes. 

"If she get pregnant,your brother will never have a chance to get the throne....."

"Mother! There's no chance anywhere" he shook his head. "There's no throne,mother please,you should stop here now,why can't you just accept that Zayne is the king? Father choose him,why can't you just accept and.....

"Never!!!!" Lirien screamed. 

"I suffered enough with him all these years,the only thing I can achieve from him is that throne!" She said. 

"Then....you became a murderer because of that?" Theny asked. 

"It was you right? The same person who asked those guys to kill Charlotfe in school...."

"That wasn't me" Lirien snapped. 

"I have no interest in taking her life,I just don't want her to get pregnant"

"Even though,murder is murder" Theny wiped his tears. 

"From now on,please count me out,you never for once want me as your son anyway,it's always Thorin Thorin Thorin. I'm invisible in your eyes,Thorin deserves to be the king...but mother,,he's only few minutes older than me,just few minutes!!" Theny yelled. 

"Do whatever you want" Lirien rolled her eyes. 

"You should reflect on your action before it's too late mother,,I won't beg Zayne to forgive you this time around. He's not going to forgive you for killing his unborn child,I wouldn't forgive you if it was me either" Theny muttered and stormed out of the room..

Lirien scoffed. "Is he really my son?" 



Calantha was busy doing her makeup when the door opened and Theny came in. 

"You should know how to knock by now,what if I was naked?" Calantha glared through the mirror. 

"Well you're not" Theny sighed and sat on the bed. 

"Why are you here this morning?" She asked. 

"Because,you're the only one I can talk to" He sighed. "Mother is acting strange,Thorin doesn't want to have anything to do with me,I'm all alone" he muttered.

"Sometimes I wonder if we are really twins,but then I'm glad sometimes,coz I can't do or act like him,no matter how much I try....."

"Go straight to the point Theny,I don't have time" Calantha snapped. 

"What's going on with mother? She is behind Charlotte's miscarriage" Theny said,expecting a surprised reaction from Calantha but nothing happened. 

"Wait,don't tell me....you know about this too sis" Theny adjusted on the bed. 

"Theny,you shouldn't say everything you see...."

"Even when it involves murder? I asked her too,If she is behind the first one in school,but she denied it. Sis,talk to her please. I already promised not to do anything,but I can't sit down and watch her get ruined,and....."

"Theny!!" Calantha snapped and faced her. 

"You don't know anything,let mother do whatever she wants...."

"I can't believe you're the one saying this sis,,you've never supported bad things,were you pretending? Sis....."

"Get out" Calantha mumbled and Theny's eyes widened. 


"Like I said,I don't have time" Calantha said. 

Theny stood up and walked out of the suite. 

"Maybe I'm in the wrong place" He chuckled and run his fingers through his hair. 

He suddenly paused when he saw Zayne coming,with Hunter and Lionel. 

He bowed and Zayne smiled. 

"Good morning brother" He said. 

"Morning" Theny also said. 

Zayne walked away and Theny continue staring till he was totally gone. 



Natalie sighed out loudly,she was on the bed and Starr was sitting on the couch,with his phone. 

Natalie rolled her eyes and got down from the bed,she went to him and snapped the phone off from him.

Starr immediately looked up. 

"What is that for?" He asked. 

"Now you can see me I guess" Natalie chuckled and Starr raised his brows. 

"You said we are in a relationship,you said we are dating" She said. 


"Since we've started dating,you haven't even kissed me,even the hugs,I force you to hug me sometimes,you don't touch me,you hardly talk to me,you don't even look at me! I'm right here in this same room with you! In just panties and bra but you aren't even looking at me,am I ugly? Am I not sexy enough for you?! Am I not!!" She cried.

"What exactly do you want me to do?!" She cried more. 

Starr sighed and buried his face into his palms. 

"I'm sorry" He muttered. 

"I don't need your sorry,Starr please do something,touch me at least,just....."

Starr shook his head. 


"I don't want to" He mumbled.


"Because....I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to...Natalie,I'm sorry but the reason why I started the relationship with you was because I was trying to run away from something,but then,even the relationship isn't working or doing anything. I don't want to have sex with you,not just because I don't want to,but also because I can't. I don't feel those feelings when I'm with you,even when I'm seeing you half naked,nothing is working,it's fucking killing me too,but.......let's forget about my own problem,,you should not stay with someone like me,I don't worth it" He said. 


"You're beautiful,you're sexy. I'm the problem,not you" He muttered. 

More tears rolled down from Natalie's eyes. 

"You like someone else...right?" 

Starr gulped. 

"Stop denying it and accept it,,I'm sorry for forcing myself on...."

"No you didn't,I'm sorry Natalie,I'm really sorry" 

Natalie was crying as she put on her clothes. 

"I will drop you....

"No need,bye Starr" She uttered and went out of the room. 

Starr exhaled and roughed his hair. 

The door opened and Rocky came in. 

"Are you okay?" He asked and lean on the wall. 

"I'm fine,it's none of your business" Starr got up. 

Rocky grabbed his hand and pulled him back. 

"I'm not in the mood for this Rocky" Starr mumbled tiredly. 

Rocky sighed and pulled him into his chest,then hugged him. 

Starr sighed and shut his eyes. 

Rocky strokes his hair softly and gently. 

"I'm not normal" Starr mumbled. 

"Why?" Rocky asked. 

"Because.......I....want to......kiss you again" he mumbled. 

Rocky broke the hug. 

"But,I don't want to" Starr said as their eyes met. 

Rocky nodded. 

"Do whatever you think is the best" He muttered. 

Starr sighed. 

"You're not going to try and convince me?" He asked. 

"No" Rocky shook his head. 

"I won't" 

Starr hugged him. 

"Just few minutes" He muttered. 

"Anything for you" Rocky smiled and continue stroking his hair. 



It was around nine at night,King Zayne and Queen Charlotte were having a silent dinner together. 

Silent because nobody was saying anything,Zayne was eating without looking up,not even once. On the other hand,Charlotte was worried about the DNA result coming out the next day. 

They were interrupted by the sudden entrance of Lionel. 

"Your majesty" He bowed. 

"What is it?" Zayne looked up. 

"The maid....said she's ready to confess" Lionel reported. 

Both Zayne and Charlotte raised their heads at once. 

"She said so?" Charlotte asked. 

"Yes" Lionel replied. 

"Lead the way" Zayne got up. 

"I'm coming with you" Charlotte got up as well. 


On the throne ground,people were gathered again,nobody in the palace  want to miss that very moment of truth. 

Lydia was still tied to the tree,her white uniform now painted with her blood,totally red,she could hardly breathe,her face was covered in blood as well,her eyes swollen and she couldn't even open them well. 

Charlotte and Zayne showed up together and everyone bowed for them. 

"You said you are ready to confess?" Zayne threw the question right away without waiting. 

"Y.....yes...your majesty" Lydia stammered. 

"I'm all ears Then" 

The whole place was silent as they heard that. 

"It's....the old queen your majesty" Lydia said and loud gasps filled the ground. 

Queen Lirien gulped where she stood,Her children's eyes widened. 

"Which of the old queen?"

"Queen Lirien" Lydia answered.

*What's going on?

*Why would the queen do that?

"Please help me protect my family,she threatened to kill them if I ever tell anyone! I'm sorry my lady,I was just scared!!" Lydia cried. 

"How dare you!! When did I give such order! That bitch is lying!!" Queen Lirien shouted. 

Charlotte turned with fire burning in her eyes,her anger taking the best of her. 

She started walking toward Lirien,only the sounds of her shoes could be heard as everyone kept quiet,waiting to see what she was up to. 

"Do it Charlotte,don't hold it in,do it" Zayne mumbled under his breath,his eyes never leaving Charlotte. 

As soon as Charlotte got to Lirien,she delivered three hot slaps on her face and everyone gasped. 

"How dare you!!" Lirien growled and tried slapping her back. 

"If you.........." Zayne wanted to talk but he stopped when Theny grabbed Lirien's hand in the air. 

"Theny!!!" Thorin shouted. 

"How dare you even shout? Should I expose your own crime right away?!" Hunter shouted. 

Thorin swallowed. 

"You too....Calantha,should I start from you?" Charlotte glared at her. 

Calantha gulped. 

Samara and queen Vynessa and others were confused. 

"Guards!!!" Charlotte called. 

"Yes your highness" About twenty guards rushed to her. 

"Throw her into the cell,until further notice" Charlotte ordered. 

"Yes your highness!" They immediately got hold of  Lirien. 

"That's my queen" King Zayne uttered with a smirk on his lips.

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