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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 47 & 48




Monarch - Episode 47 & 48

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 



Calantha stood in front of the standing mirror,she only have a towel on her chest and her body still wet,as a result of her just coming out of the bathroom. 

Her eyes fell on the red marks all around her neck and the ones on her chest,the neck park was kind of darker,like someone who was strangled,and of course she was indeed strangled. 

🚬𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐨 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭🚬


His dick went straight into Calantha's mouth before he could finish finding his words. 

Charlotte didn't get the opportunity to do that twice when Zayne kicked her with his leg and she landed roughly on the floor,she raised her head to look at him. 

"I won't remember any of this right? But don't you think it's gonna be unfair if I don't do anything at all?" Zayne asked and stood up from his seat,he adjusted his robe well and grabbed Calantha's hair which he used to drag her up before slamming her back against the wall. 

Calantha scrowled painfully. 

"Why are you not screaming? Go ahead and scream and we can both explain to them what went wrong,and what you did" Zayne said with anger boiling in his eyes. 

His hands curled around her neck and began strangling her. 

"You were talking about Charlotte earlier....aside this time...what else have you done?" He asked.

Calantha coughed breathlessly. 

"Answer me you bitch!" He yelled. 

🚬𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤🚬

He actually lost consciousness after that and slept off,which is why she was able to escape and lied to the guards that he was fast asleep,half lie though. 

But now she's dying of worries,her heart racing so fast. What if he remember everything from last night? He definitely can't remember right? He can't,or she's done for. 

"Don't stress yourself Calantha,he wouldn't remember,he wouldn't" She assured herself and started dressing up. 

She made sure she was wearing a turtle neck top,enough to cover the marks on her neck,just when she finished dressing up,she heard a knock on the door. 

"Princess,I'm from his majesty" The voice said. 

Calanatha's heart skipped a beat as she glanced at the door. 

"Come in" She uttered faintly. 

The door opened and Lionel entered,he bowed. 

"His majesty want to have you in his chamber,right now" He said. 

"Huh?...for...what?" Calantha asked nervously. 

"I have no idea princess" Lionel replied. 

"You should come with me right away" He said. 

Calantha nodded and pressed her hair,she took her lips in before she finally nodded and Lionel led the way. 

After walking for few minutes,they arrived at the king's chamber. Lionel stopped outside with Hunter while Calantha went in,still with her nervous self. 

King Zayne was in the second lounge waiting for her,he was busy staring outside the window into the cloud which kinda look dark and dull,like it was going to rain that morning. 

Calantha swallowed into nothing as she stood there staring at his back. 

"I'm here" She finally said. 

King Zayne turned slowly till he came face to face with her,their eyes melting in each other's own. 

Zayne flashed her a smile.

"Good morning sis" he said. 

'Oh thank goodness,he doesn't remember' Calantha thought in her mind. 

"I was wondering why you want to see me so early in the morning" She said. 

"Oh, I wanted to apologize for leaving you alone last night. Heard I slept off while you were trying to have a conversation with me,I'm sorry about that sis. You know I told you I was really tired last night. It was Hunter and Lionel who told me everything" Zayne said. 

"It's nothing,of course I understand" Calantha said. 

"If you don't mind,you can tell me whatever you wanted to say last night" Zayne told her. 

"No it's nothing,I'm almost late for the office" 

"Then you should go" Zayne said. 

She bowed and went out. 

"Ohhh" Zayne whined and rushed into the nearest restroom,as soon as he got to the sink,he began throwing up. 

A minute later,Hunter and Lionel rushed in. 

"Are you okay your majesty?!" They asked with wide eyes and worries. 

Zayne washed his mouth and face. 

"I'm Fine" He exhaled. 

Hunter and Lionel make way for him to go out and he did. 

"What's going on?" They heard Charlotte's voice and the three of them turned to see her coming close. 

Hunter and Lionel bowed and went out of the chamber together. 

Zayne ignored her and went into the bedroom. 

"I asked you a question" Charlotte followed him. 

"You're dressed up, go to school Charlotte,don't worry about me" Zayne replied. 

"Don't worrt about you? Are you being serious right Now? I heard it loud,you were throwing up. If you're sick just say it....."

"I'm not sick,just listen to me and go!" Zayne snapped angrily. 

Charlotte raised her brows. 

"Now it's my fault caring about you?" She asked. 

"I'm not in the mood for this Charlotte" Zayne muttered and walked away from her,,but she still followed him and stood in front of him. 

She cupped his cheeks and Zayne frowned. 

"Are you going to tell me what's going on with you or not? I thought you said we should always solve things together no matter what....." 

"Not this way,stay out of it,don't do anything,don't act rashly,just fucking stay away and be careful like I've always told you,is that too hard to you?" Zayne glared and dropped her hands down. 

"Zayne!" Charlotte yelled. 

"My King" Zayne corrected and Charlotte looked at him with wide eyes. 

"Don't call my name when I don't give you permission to" 

"What is this about? Are you angry with me? Did I do anything wrong?" Charlotte asked in a soft voice. 

"Don't scare me and just say something,please" She muttered. 

"No matter what,you need to think about yourself first,and be safe....."

"Who said I'm not thinking about myself?......"

"It's not enough,you should act like the queen you are and watch out,,things aren't that sweet in here like you think. How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't let your guards down?....."

"Make me understand better and tell me what's going on!?" She screamed. 

"What were you doing with Thorin last night?" Zayne asked. 

Charlotte bat her lashes. 

"Thorin....I was on my own when he...."

"First thing first,,I don't care if you were on your own or not,don't ever stand with him to have any crazy conversation,even if it's one minute" Zayne snapped. 

"It's not that easy...he's still your brother and I don't want to act too disrespectful........"

"Too disrespectful?! For someone who once stabbed me?!" Zayne yelled. 

Charlotte's eyes widened and she gulped. 

"You heard me...Thorin,Theny,Lirien, Calantha,even my own mother, down to your fucking maids,,don't trust anyone. But for Thorin? Don't ever stand with him,even for a second,if you don't want to see me angry"  Zayne said and left the room. 

Charlotte sighed and run her fingers through her hair. 

She went out after some seconds. 

"What took you so long?" Samara asked when she entered the car. 

Charlotte said. 

"What's wrong? You look moody" Samara said. 

"He's mad at me" Charlotte muttered. 


"Someone probably told him they saw me with Thorin last night,,,but it wasn't even something serious" Charlotte sighed. 

"Have you ever seen me with Thorin or Theny?" Samara asked and Charlotte looked at her. 


"They are bad news" Samara cut in. 

"And Calanatha being the nice one? That is what gets me,,I mean she's still Queen Lirien's daughter right? Why is she so different? I believe it shouldn't be,she can't be so different from others" Samara mumbled. 

"I guess that's why you don't like her" Charlotte said and Samara nodded. 

"He mentioned something like...Thorin once stabbed him" Charlotte said. 


"I remember seeing that wound....but he didn't tell me anything,so it was Thorin" Charlotte groaned. 

"He's insane,don't associate with him" Samara said. 

"Yeah,thanks" Charlotte sighed. 



The professor entered the class and stood in his position,he dropped his stuffs before facing them completely. 

The boys are scattered around the class, Grey was sitting at the far end of the class,his two legs on the desk and doesn't seem ready to put them down. 

Chase was sitting next to the window,chewing gum loudly and staring at nothing in particular. 

Starr was more closer to the front,he was sitting at the middle with headphones,but he wasn't listening to music,either ways,nobody talked even when the professor was looking at them. 

"Bring out your laptops,I sent you the topic we are handling today,you should have seen it already" he said. 

Nobody moved. 

"Where's Rocky?" He asked,,deciding to ignore their silly attitudes. 

Just as he was asking, the door opened and Rocky entered. The boys all turned to the door. 

"You're late" The Prof said. 

Rocky said nothing and went to sit down,he didn't look at anyone as he did. 

"Can I get your attention now? Don't give me that attitude,I won't leave" The Prof said and started teaching. 

The boys all opened their laptops and books,having no choice than to listen. 

After about one and half hour,the professor left. 

"You finally decided to show up...after five days" Grey chuckled and faced Rocky. 

"This shouldn't be a conversation,,I told you I was leaving and didn't know when I would be back" Rocky muttered without raising his head. 

"Wow...I see" Grey smiled. 

"I was thinking you weren't coming back again,,coz you snubbed our messages and calls" Chase said. 

"I'm not a baby,,stop trying to act concern" Rocky said. 

"Act concern? Acting? Are you serious right now? You suddenly left home without telling anyone where the fuck you went to! Now you're saying we are acting? For real?" Grey snapped angrily. 

"Let him be,,that's enough. He wants to be alone,you should give him what he want" Chase said and started packing his things into his bag. 

"I will leave first,,meet me at home,I'm talking about Starr and Grey. I don't care if the third person decide to live somewhere else forever or jump off the bridge" Chase glared at Rocky and stormed out of the class. 

Grey sighed and got up too,he packed his stuffs and left his seat. 

"Aren't you leaving?" He asked Starr. 

"Oh...I will meet you" Starr replied. 

"Watch what you say to him,,he's insane at this point" Grey told him before going out. 

Starr closed his laptop and put it inside his backpack,he left his headphones hanging around his neck before turning to face Rocky. 

Rocky rolled his eyes and just got up,he didn't bring anything to school aside his car key anyway. 

"Where did you go to?" Starr asked. 

Rocky looked at him. 

"You aren't expecting an answer from me right?" He asked. 

"Unfortunately...I'm expecting an answer" Starr said. 

"Not your business" Rocky replied. 

"Am I the reason why you left home?" Starr asked. 

"You?" Rocky chuckled. 

Starr went over to him,standing right in his front. 

"Tell me then,,you left as soon as I told you I have a girlfriend,are you angry because of that or......"

"Stop it...you think I care if you have a girlfriend or not?" Rocky snapped.

"Right,,you don't care" Starr sighed.

"I don't know why I was thinking about that shit,I'm sorry" He mumbled and Rocky raised his brows. 

"But you should come back home,,it's boring without you" Starr said and turned to leave. 

"Do you love her?" Rocky asked,,Starr stopped walking but didn't face Rocky. 

"Whoever the girl is...do you love her?" Rocky asked again. 

"I will take care of that on my own,my business remember?" Starr said. 

Rocky went close and grabbed his arm,making him face him back. 

"What are you doing?" Starr asked. 

Rocky pulled him against the wall. 

"Hey...anyone can come in and....."

"Will you get mad if I kiss you?" Rocky asked. 

Starr's eyes went wide again,but he couldn't say anything. 

Ricky pulled him a little bit close and then their lips touched,Starr froze and at the same time melted. 

He didn't even know when he went with the flow and just kissed him back,as if he was hungry for it. 

It was quite long until they were interrupted by Starr's phone,ringing. 

He broke the kiss and checked his phone,,Natalie. 

"Natalie? That's her name?" Rocky asked. 

Starr nodded. 

"Isn't that...Samara's friend?" Rocky asked. 

"It's not your business" Starr snapped and Rocky raised his brows. 

"And this....is totally a mistake,,I was taken away a little bit and out of my mind" He wiped his lips 

"Don't try that rubbish again....."

"Mistake?" Rocky raised his brows. 

"You fucking heard me" Starr said. 

"Aren't you thinking? This is....just......it's.....just not right to think of. I have a girlfriend okay?....."

"A girlfriend you don't even like?"

"I will handle it myself,,so let's just stop this,I'm begging you. I'm scared we might both..end up being miserable if we don't stop here,,I'm going to try getting rid of my feelings and my imagination,try to do the same..."

"So you really feel the same" Rocky muttered. 

"It doesn't matter anymore now,,let's stay away from each other"

"You think it's that easy?!" Rocky snapped. 

"Do you even know how hard it was,living and staying without you for just few days?! I was fucking going insane and all I could think of,was you. I just wanted to hold you and...."

"Stop it Rocky" Starr sighed. 

"Listen,,it's probably because you don't have a girl or...."

"I suddenly lost interest in girls,you still think I don't know what's going on?" Rocky cut in. 

"But I don't want to get involved in that,,I don't want to experience that,,we can't ruin things just because......" He paused and sigh. 

"Let's act like this never happened,," he muttered and went out of the class. 

"Oh,,baby!" Natalie waved,she was already on her way to the class. 

Starr smiled and went to her,,she Immediately hugged him. 

"I missed you" Natalie pouted. 

"Well I....."

"I'm hungry" She cut in. 

"I will buy lunch" 

"Let's go to my place,I will cook for us" She winked and grabbed his hand before he could make any objection. 

Rocky who was watching them from the class,sat down and buried his face into his palms. 



"What do you think we can get?" Samara asked with a smile playing on her lips as they stepped down from the car together. 

"I don't think I need anything right now" Charlotte said. 

"You can't say that until you enter,,I'm sure you will pick more than me,and besides it's all on my brother anyway" Samara winked.

"How?" Charlotte asked. 

"What do you mean how? You've never used his card before?" Samara looked at her. 

"No,he buys everything" 

"You're missing,you see this? It's unlimited,let's buy even unnecessary things" Samara said and Charlotte chuckled. 

"Wait" Samara suddenly stopped and Charlotte raised her brows. 

"Isn't that...your friend?" Samara asked,nodding her head to a direction and Charlotte turned also. 

Her eyes fell on Emily coming out of the boutique with Erica and Suzy. 

"She's...the one" Charlotte almost stuttered. 

"Enter back into the car,she shouldn't see you. She can't know we caught her" Samara said and Charlotte quickly entered. 

"They seems close tho...are you sure she's your friend?" Samara asked. 

"She's my best friend...and she knows Erica hates me and.."

"Too bad" Samara shook her head. 

"They are gone,come out now" She muttered. 

"I still don't understand,what was that?" Charlotte asked. 

"What's there not to understand? She betrayed you of course,isn't she acting weird these days?" Samara asked. 

"She is...but today....she behaved more normal,I thought she was just...."

"You should be careful from now on,I don't trust Erica" 

"But why would she do that? We are close..we...."

"Don't cry,you should expect this much the moment you stepped into the royal family,,even the people I live with,I don't trust them,so who's a friend that can't betray you? Let's go in and get some sexy clothes,,so you can kill my brother tonight,he needs to feel it" Samara smirked. 

Charlotte chuckled.

"He's still mad at me though" She muttered. 

"Even though" Samara grabbed her hand and they went in. 



"Careful,your majesty" Hunter and Lionel said as they led the way with bright flashlight,which lightened up all the darkness in the underground. 

Zayne didn't utter a word,until the two guys stopped in front of a small gate. 

"Here,your majesty. Wait here and I will bring him out" Hunter immediately unlocked the gate and entered. 

Soon,he returned with Bomi,dragging him with his hair till be dropped him roughly on the ground. 

Bomi(The Guy Who Was Sent By Calantha To Kill Charlotte),his face was covered with blood like he has experience the best and cruelest torture of his life. 

"Your...majesty" he fell on hus face as he stuttered,even blood was coming out of his mouth. 

"Don't touch his majesty with that stinking hand! You said you are ready to confess,do it now you bastard!" Hunter yelled. 

"I'm listening" King Zayne said. 

"Your majesty...please spare my life,please" Bomi cried.

"Who sent you?" Zayne asked. 

"It was...it was....Princess Calantha your majesty" 

Nobody moved or acted surprised. 

"She offered me money and I was supposed to get it while flying out of the country,before your men caught me,I swear I've not even seen my money yet,please spare me" He cried. 

"If you were to testify in front of the whole council,would you say the same thing and confess the truth?" King Zayne asked. 

"I will do it your majesty! Anything you want!" He cried. 

"Then stay in there a little bit longer,until I'm ready" Zayne said. 

"I'm scared,your men will continue beating me..."

"They won't,,and you will be fed until that day. But if you dare try to act smart,then consider yourself dead this time around" King Zayne stated. 

"I promise,your majesty" 

Hunter threw him back inside and locked the gate,they started leaving again. 

"Your majesty,about princess Calantha,shall we stop her from coming into your chamber and office?" Lionel asked. 

"No,she's allowed in anytime,,she probably think I can't remember what happened last night,and I don't want her to suspect anything either,for now" King Zayne answered. 

"We understand" Hunter and Lionel said. 

"You've beem throwing up all day,are you okay now?" Hunter asked. 

"I don't think I can be okay throughout this week" Zayne replied with a disgusting look on his face. 

How is he going to be okay? Just thinking about how Calantha kissed him alone.....

He groaned and rushed to a corner again to throw up. 

"Get water!" Hunter shouted at the guards close by and about three ran off. 

They returned with a bottle of water,a new one precisely. 

"Here,your majesty" Lionel gave it to him.. 

Zayne took it and washed his mouth.

"Don't allow anyone into my chamber tonight" He said after he was done.

"What about queen Charlotte?" Hunter asked. 

"If I can't kiss her,will you help me explain to her?" Zayne snapped. 

"I'm sorry your majesty" Hunter immediately bowed. 

Zayne scoffed and walked away. 

Hunter and Lionel exchange glances,they glared their throats and followed him . 

"He really didn't have to mention kiss" Lionel bit his lip. 

"I know" Hunter sighed out. 


Queen Charlotte was on her way to her suite, she just finished having a session of lesson with the usual women council. 

Bodyguards and maids were following her,,they got to the passage at the center of the palace main building when suddenly Queen Lirien also appeared,approaching them from the opposite direction. 

Lydia swallowed and looked down,to avoid Lirien's eyes. 

Within a minute,the two groups got close and by mistake,Charlotte's body bumped into Lirien,her bead necklace removed from her neck and dropped on the floor,the beads all scattered all over the places. 

Her maids gasped. 

"Your highness! Are you okay?" They immediately rushed to her to check her. 

Charlotte scoffed. 

"I'm sorry old queen,that was a mistake. Girls,pick the beads up" she said. 

"Pick the beads up?! Is that it?!" Lirien yelled. 

Charlotte looked at her. 

"I will get you another one,I'm sorry" She bowed. 

"Oh,now you're showing off,I see. But who said I want another one?" Lirien asked. 

"Then they should pick the beads up,,I will get it done back queen....."

"Pick it up by yourself and stop acting like a queen you're not!!" Lirien yelled. 

The maids started murmuring among themselves. 

"A queen I'm not?" Charlotte asked. 

"You are just a poor girl with no manners who got lucky enough to be accepted into the royal family" Lirien said. 

"No manners? But I'm sure I have more manner than your children" Charlotte said,she was so pissed. 

"How dare you talk to me like that!!" Lirien yelled. 

"You also have no right to insult me that way in front of everyone here old queen!! Either you like it or not,I am the present queen of this nation and there's nothing you can do about it!!!" Charlotte shouted angrily. 

"You are just a poor girl who got lucky like I said,,you're not even worthy to be a queen...."

"Not everyone's like you old queen...."

Immediately Charlotte said that,Lirien raised her hand and threw a hot slap on her face. 

Everyone gasped in shock and wide eyes.

Charlotte touched her cheek and blinked countlessly in a sec,she wasn't expecting that at all. 

"What are you waiting for?" A voice suddenly asked. 

The moment everyone looked up,they started moving away. 

They bowed,King Zayne stopped few feets away,he didn't go close at all. 

"I just fucking asked you what you're waiting for,,slap her back this instant" King Zayne said and all eyes widened even more. 

Queen Vynessa showed up with Samara and they stopped. 

*The young queen can't slap the old queen. 

*That's hard

"What? You are telling her to slap me?! Is like you don't know your place anymore! I'm the late king's first queen!!" Lirien shouted. 

"And she's my only queen!! How dare you disrespect her you old fool!!!" King Zayne yelled angrily and immediately everyone went down on their knees,their faces buried on the floor. 

"Charlotte,slap her this fucking second before I lose it" He commanded. 

"Zayne!!" Queen Vynessa called loudly. 

"If Charlotte doesn't slap her,then I'm going to punish her myself,pick one you old fool!" Zayne growled at Lirien. 

Queen Lirien froze. 

Everywhere became silent. 


  1. The story is getting hotter each and every chapter more ink to the writter ❤

  2. Next pls hmmm love it

  3. Can't wait to read the next chapter🙂
