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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 45 & 46




Monarch - Episode 45 & 46

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 



"Here it is" Charlotte smiled as they entered the bedroom together. 

"Are you crazy? You really meant it?" Samara asked and Charlotte looked at her. 

"I'm sorry your highness" Samara mumbled with a boy,they maintained eyes contact before bursting into laughter together. 

"But how could you leave a gift box unopen since three days ago?" Samara scoffed. 

"One....I'm too nervous to open it,two, we've been spending so much time together so I don't really have time" Charlotte replied. 

"Fine,let's open it together" Samara sighed and carried the box which was still wrapped the same way it was brought in three days ago. 

They both sat down on the bed with the box in between them. 

They opened it and the first thing Samara brought out was an expensive golden color purse,Charlotte gasped and immediately took it from her. 

"What the f+ck" Samara's eyes widened. 

"That purse" She muttered and Charlotte looked at her. 

"Am I seeing things?" She immediately took her phone and opened the website where she always get her luxuries. 

"That's the purse,I saw it just last week and was planning to ask him to get it for me,,because I heard it's just two that was released presently" She said and showed Charlotte her screen. 

The purse fell from her hand when she saw the price. 

"Five....five hundred...million?" She stuttered. 

"That's right" Samara said. 

Charlotte took the purse again and checked it out. 

Samara brought out a mini jewelry box and they immediately opened it,it has a set of Necklace,Ring,earrings and hair pin. 

"Whoa" Samara chuckled. 

"What's this?" Charlotte asked as Samara brought out another thing. 

"Oh...scented candles" She replied and dropped it. 

"A letter...love letter...." 

Charlotte immediately took it from Samara before she could open it. 

"I will read it when I'm alone" She muttered. 

"Wow,it's a designer Perfume" Samara showed her. 

Charlotte took it from her and smiled,everything looks just too expensive. 

"A box of chocolate,,finally something I can share" Samara shook her head as she brought out the final thing in the box. 

"Sorry" Charlotte chuckled. 

They took everything off the bed and opened the chocolate box,they picked one bar each before falling on the bed again. 

"Hmmmm,it tastes so good" Charlotte moaned. 

"Really good" Samara said. 

"Your highness,princess Calantha is here!!" 

Samara and Charlotte exchanged glances when they heard that. 

They sat up on the bed and then Calantha came in with her usual smiles on her face. 

"How are you doing Charlotte?" She asked. 

"I'm fine sister" Charlotte stood up.

"Good evening sis" Samara managed to say. 

"I came to say hi since I've not seen you since maybe yesterday?" Calantha said. 

"That's true" Charlotte smiled. 

"You feel okay right? Can you go to school yet?" Calantha asked. 

"No,I'm resuming back tomorrow" Charlotte replied. 

"That's good...then I will take my leave. I was on my way to the office" She said. 

"Thanks for checking up on me" Charlotte smiled. 

"You're welcome,,bye ladies" Calantha waved at them before going out. 

Samara scoffed and Charlotte joined her back on the bed. 

"What's the awkwardness whenever you see her?" Charlotte asked. 

"I don't like her" Samara rolled her eyes. 

"Huh? Why?" 

"Because she always act like she loves my brother more than me,I mean she was even closer to him than me" Samara scoffed. 

"So you mean you're jealous?" Charlotte grinned. 

"No,but my brother also annoys me back then,He tells her everything,but what about me? I'm his blood sister,same parents,but for her,they only share father's blood" Samara said. 

"Hmmmmm...I understand" Charlotte sighed. 

"By the way,I was supposed to show you what I've done so far about the feast,I couldn't come to you since you've been down. But anyways,I'm almost done. We just have to get the things I've listed and everything will be in order" Samara said. 

"Thanks...so when is the party again?" Charlotte asked.

"Less than five days" Samara said and Charlotte sighed out. 

"Why do I have a strange feeling about it?" She asked. 

"It's normal,I'm always nervous everytime there's a royal gathering" Samara chuckled. 



Daniel entered through the front door of the car and sat down,he used the seat belt before facing Starr who smiled at him. 

"How did you get my number?" Daniel asked. 

"How do you think? From Sam of course" Starr said. 

"What's this about then? What about your friends? They ditched you?" Daniel asked. 

"Grey and Chase went clubbing,and I am not interested" Starr replied before starting the car. 

"Rocky?" Daniel asked and Starr sighed. 

"I don't know" He muttered. 

"What about your girlfriend? Shouldn't you be hanging out with her instead of me?" 

"How did you find out I have a girlfriend?" Starr asked. 

"How do you think? Sam of course" Daniel replied in the same manner Starr had replied him earlier. 

"Must she talk?" Starr groaned. 

"So where are we going?" Daniel asked. 

"You're done with your shift right?" Starr asked. 


"But why don't you look for another job? You aren't even getting a pay that makes sense" Starr scoffed. 

"Will you give me a job then?" Daniel asked. 

Starr looked at him. 

"You look handsome,tall and fit"he mumbled and Daniel raised his brows. 

"I have a lot of modeling agency who wouldn't stop contacting me to become one" Starr scoffed. 

"You're not interested?" Daniel asked. 

"I hate attention and camera,just that I can't escape attention,so I wouldn't do more damage by going into modeling,I hate camera flashes" Starr said. 


"But you might be interested tho...I have quite some connection" Starr told him. 

"I've never thought of being a model" Daniel said. 

"You might make it fast,since you're naturally handsome,you don't need too much make up,and besides since you have people with influence,it will be easier" 

"People? You're not talking about Samara right?" Daniel asked. 

"No, me, Zayne too,he's one of the company's share holders,what do you think?" Starr looked at him. 

"If the payment is cool" Daniel muttered and Starr chuckled. 

"Of course it is...oh right,see that" Starr pointed at the billboard video in the middle of the city beautiful lights, a young lady who's about twenty five years old was being displayed in different styles. 

"She works in the same agency" he said. 

"You know her?" Daniel asked. 

"Yeah,that's JoJo,,the most expensive model in the agency" Starr smiled. 

"I mean...do you know her..personally?" Daniel asked. 

"She's......Grey's ex girlfriend" Starr said and finally drove off after the traffic light showed green. 

"Ex? Why? They would look so good together" Daniel said. 

"Well.....he cheated. Gosh why am I telling you this" Starr groaned and Daniel chuckled. 

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone,so he really cheated? I mean why? She's such a beauty" Daniel said. 

"Don't trust my friends" Starr muttered. 

"Including you?"

"No,I'm different" Starr scoffed. 

"How about we go to a barbeque spot? I'm craving for that" Starr said. 

"I don't mind" Daniel replied and he stepped on the speed. 



King Zayne and Queen Charlotte walked side by side together with Doctor Kris,they came for a quick checkup for Charlotte as the doctor had said. 

*Have a good day your majesty

*Nice say ahead your majesty. 

The nurses were greeting as they walked and Charlotte took her time to wave and smile at them while Zayne was engrossed in his conversation with Kris. 

"Please don't hesitate to call me anytime you feel any discomfort queen" Kris finally faced her. 

"I will do that,thank you" Charlotte smiled. 

Hunter and Lionel who were walking behind them before immediately came to the front as they approached the entrance glass door,Hunter opened the door and they went out. 

"Goodbye your majesty" Doctor Kris bowed. 

"Thank you Kris" Zayne said. 

The car door was opened for them and Zayne waited for Charlotte to go in first before joining her as well,Then Lionel closed the door. 

Their own car moved along with the one in front,and others followed. 

"Are you okay?" Zayne asked Charlotte and she looked at him. 

"I'm hungry" She pouted and touched her tummy. 

"Why? You didn't eat before leaving the palace?" Zayne asked and she shook her head. 

"I was really rushing so I wouldn't keep you waiting" Charlotte replied. 

"Then,we should hurry up and go back to...."

"Are you busy at the palace?" Charlotte immediately cut in. 


"Maybe...we...should go somewhere else" She mumbled and pressed her nails. 

"Somewhere else? You have anywhere in mind?" Zayne looked at her. 

"What about the resort we went to,the last time?" Charlotte immediately asked. 

Zayne nodded and informed Hunter. 

"Yes your majesty" Hunter said and called a number,probably the drive in the front car. 

"Location changed" He said calmly and went ahead to tell the driver their new location before hanging up. 


Back in the hospital, Doctor Kris returned back in his office and bowed for the guest already waiting for him. 

"Good morning, your highness" He said. 

Queen Lirien nodded and waited for him to sit down first before speaking up. 

"I knew they were going to come,I told you right?" Lirien chuckled. 

"You don't have to bother about anything your highness, they didn't notice or ask me anything since I already told the king it was due to stress" Kris said and Lirien smiled. 

"I know you would do a good job" She said and called a name. 

The door opened and a man entered with a small briefcase which he dropped on the table and opened,it's full of bundles of cash notes. 

"No matter what happens, Charlotte is not allowed to get pregnant and you are not allowed to tell this to another soul except the two of us" Lirien said. 

"I understand,your highness" Kris smiled. 

"Even if they want to prove smart and go to other hospitals,I have my own ways of making sure none of them talk,that's why I need enough money" he smirked. 

"That's not a problem Kris...the only way you might lose your life is when you try to betray me" Lirien said. 

"That's never going to happen your highness" Kris smiled. 



"Golden resort?" Charlotte asked as they stepped down from the car and she saw the name. 

"You said the same one we went to the last time" Zayne looked at her. 

"I'm just wondering why I didn't see the name the last time" Charlotte replied. 

"It's in my name" Zayne told her and held her hand before they started walking. 

Only Hunter and Lionel followed them,other guards remained outside. 

"Your name? Then how do you manage it when you're always busy at the palace?" Charlotte asked. 

"I have a manager of course,and there's no royal family working here,I trust them,and also Hunter make everything easier" Zayne replied. 

Immediately they entered into the main building,everyone started greeting and bowing. 

The manager who's a man in his late forties came to greet as well, Lionel already collected the key card for their suite and soon they are inside the elevator. 

They got to the top floor and the elevator stopped, they got to the suite,Lionel unlocked the door and the door opened for them. 

"Enjoy" Lionel bowed and Zayne looked at him. 

"You don't have to remind me" he scoffed. 

"Sorry your majesty" Lionel immediately said. 

Zayne went in first. 

"Get food for yourselves and others as well" Charlotte told them. 

"Thank you your highness" They both bowed and sighed out when she also went in. 

"I'm not hungry tho" Hunter faced Lionel. 

"Me too" Lionel smiled. 

"Where are we going to stay and watch the suite closely?" He asked. 

"Here,where else?" Hunter scoffed. 

"I should get seats for us,I will be back" Lionel said and Hunter nodded. 

Inside the suite, Both Charlotte and Zayne were already out and now standing beside the small blue lake just outside the suite. 

"They should be bringing food any moment from now,you're not going to get changed?" Zayne asked after a while. 

Charlotte hugged him from the back and rest her head on his firm back. 

"Carry me back in" She mumbled. 


"You said I should treat you like just Zayne without the crown whenever we are together" Charlotte immediately said and Zayne chuckled. 

He squatted a little and Charlotte climbed on his back. 

"I have weight right?" She asked. 

"Your wish" Zayne scoffed and she laughed as they went back in. 

"This place is so cool,really cool" Charlotte said when Zayne dropped her on the bed.

"Undress me" She spread her arms. 

"Are you serious right now?" Zayne asked with a giggle.

"Hurry up" She smiled. 

He sat down on the bed and zipped down her dress from the back,their eyes met in the process and he saw her already staring at him. 

"What else do you want?" He asked. 

Charlotte got up and snuggled herself on his laps instead with her half down dress. 

"Charlotte wait......" But he couldn't finish when she began kissing him. 

"I don't think I can wait" She said into the kiss and started taking off his shirt too. 

"Is this what you're hungry for? Shouldn't you eat first?" Zayne asked. 

"You're the sweetest food anyway" Charlotte replied and Zayne chuckled. 

"When did you become so naughty?" He asked in a cool voice. 

"Don't talk that way if you want me to calm down" Charlotte groaned. 

Zayne smiled and kissed her chest,he finished zipping down the dress and took it off through her head. 

He losen her br@ as well and dropped it somewhere else. 

Their eyes connected all through as he was doing that,it was as if he was s+ducing her with his eyes and hell,he's getting her,for real. 

Zayne licked her chest with his tongue downward and Charlotte moaned,her eyes went close instantly,till he captured her pointed nipple in his mouth. 

He used one hand to hold her from the back and then tossed her around so he was on top. 

Charlotte was expecting him to do more but he stopped. 

"You should eat first" He whispered into her ear and Charlotte's eyes snapped open. 

"My king" She called. 

Zayne smiled and left the bedroom,he returned with a full tray of food. 

"Bet you didn't hear the door bell" he winked as he dropped it. 

Charlotte pouted. 

"It was on the dinning table already but I guess you wouldn't want to go there" Zayne said and shifted the small table closer to the table. 

"Thank you honey" Charlotte said. 

Zayne nodded and left again to the closet,he brought out a bathrobe for her. 

"Wear something" He said. 

"Aren't we going to continue after I eat?" Charlotte asked. 

"I have something to attend to" Zayne said and Charlotte's face fell. 

"You said you have nothing to do at the palace" She muttered. 

"Because you wanted to come here,I will just make a call and come back" He kissed her cheek before leaving. 

Charlotte already finished eating when he returned. 

"Who were you talking to?" She asked curiously. 

"I was supposed to have a meeting with the council,I postponed it till evening,so we have about four hours to spend here" Zayne replied. 

Charlotte smiled and went to hug him.

"Thank you" She whispered. 

"I love you remember?" Zayne said and she blushed before breaking the hug. 

"So come here" Zayne carried her at once. 

"Ahh!" She laughed. 

They started kissing hungrily and soon they ended up in bed. .



Queen Charlotte was walking along the passage close to the court room,she was alone without her maids or guards,she just wanted to be alone and get the fresh breeze. And besides she was expecting the meeting to be over by now,since they got back in the palace,the king has been in the courtroom. 

She was beginning to wonder if something serious happened. 

While walking,she also saw Queen Vynessa walking with Erica and she stopped walking,she stared at them from where she was,they can't see her anyway.

"That bitch has not given up yet?" Charlotte scoffed as she watched Erica with her fake smile. 

"What are you doing here all alone?" A voice asked her behind and she immediately turned,almost fell in the process. 

"Easy" Thorin grabbed her waist. 

"Don't touch me" She pushed him away. 

"You could have fell" Thorin smirked. 

Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"You saw her...Erica" Thorin said when Charlotte diverted her gaze back to Erica and the queen.

"She was supposed to be in your position,and right now I doubt she wouldn't get it soon" Thorin said and Charlotte faced him. 

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"The late king...chose her first,but I don't know who made him change his mind anyway. And as you can see,the queen likes her a lot. Think about it,you think she's not capable of telling the king to marry her as the second queen?" Thorin asked.

"He wouldn't do that,stop saying nonsense" Charlotte snapped. 

"Even if her father who is also a king request King Zayne to do so?? You think after so much plead and persuasion,he won't agree? Besides it's not a new thing,father have two queens too" Thorin smiled. 

Charlotte glared at him. 

"It's not too late..you can still come to me. I will end up getting the crown anyway" He smirked. 

"Get the crown? You?" Charlotte raised her brows. 

"You heard me, I'm getting the crown..soon,so become my queen instead, we will look better together" Thorin said. 

"Do you use this same brain in running the company?" Charlotte asked.

"What do you mean?" Thorin frowned. 

"Wake up from your dream,you can never be the king" Charlotte snapped. 

"We can make a bet then" Thorin smirked. 

Charlotte raised her brows. 

"If I become the king,then you will marry me" He winked. 

"Your wish" Charlotte scoffed and walked away. 

"We'll see to that...Charlotte"Thorin smirked,watching as Charlotte approached her suite. 



King Zayne just entered his chamber,the meeting took longer than he expected and now he's fucking tired. 

He started unbuttoning his cloth right from the living room but just as he was about going into the bedroom,he got the announcement of Calantha's arrival. 

He had to wait and Calantha entered. 

"Hey kiddo" She smiled. 

"Wrong timing,they've fucking sucked up my energy" Zayne said weakly and Calantha chuckled. 

"I've been waiting to see you all day" She said. 

"I know,I'm sorry" Zayne said and touched her hair. 

"Can you wait? I should take my bath first" he said.

"Hmmm" Calantha nodded. 

"Your majesty,it's a maid" They heard the tiny voice. 

"Come in" Zayne said. 

The maid entered. 

"It's from the queen your majesty,,she said it helps reduce stress" The maid said as she dropped the tray with a mug on the table. 

"Mother?" Zayne asked.

"Yes your majesty, it's lavender tea" The maid replied. 

She poured a small quantity into a mini glass cup and drank it. 

"You can drink it now your majesty" She bowed. 

"Hmm" Zayne nodded. "You can go" He said. 

The maid immediately walked out and he faced Calantha. 

"You have something to tell me?" 


"Wait here,I will be back in few minutes" he said and went in. 

Calantha sat down and waited for about two minutes,when she was sure Zayne is probably in the bathroom,she got up and brought out a syringe with liquid filled,she released the content into the mug of tea and shook it properly before sitting down again. 

Minutes later, King Zayne returned. 

He was trying to dry his hair but paused when he saw Calantha. 

"Sis,you're still here" He said and sat down. 

He roughed his hair with his fingers and they came dropping on his face again,Calantha's eyes followed everything. 

"You said you have something to tell me" He said and took the mug of tea,he drank half of it before dropping it. 

"Fuck,must mother do this?" He groaned. 

"Why? You don't like the taste?" Calantha asked. 

"You know I don't" He scoffed and She chuckled. 

"So,what do you have to say?" Zayne asked. 

"I was just....missing you today. Because it's been a while since we had a conversation,I mean a long one" Calantha replied and kept staring at him as if waiting for a reaction from him.

Zayne closed his eyes and opened it back as if something was wrong. 

"Are you okay?" Calantha asked.

Zayne tried to talk but he couldn't,it was as If doing that only made his situation worse,he felt weak all over and he couldn't even move a finger,the only thing he could do was,breathing. 

He gulped and kept struggling to move,but not even once did he move an inch. 

"Stop trying,it will get worse" Calantha suddenly spoke up and Zayne looked at her,he was already sweating,even under the AC. 

Calantha stood up and moved closer to her. 

"Whatever you're thinking is right,I drugged your tea,but don't worry,it's not poison,and it doesn't kill. It just makes you paralyzed for about thirty minutes,but do you know the sweetest part?" She asked and bent downward,their faces almost touching. 

"You won't remember anything after you get yourself back,isn't that amazing?" She chuckled. 

Zayne couldn't move,he just stared at her. 

"What do you....think.....you're doing?" He managed to speak up. 

"You said she wasn't your type" Calantha snapped and Zayne raised his brows.

"What,the first day you two met,when you took her out for a conversation and you both immediately pretended when you saw me coming....I heard everything" She smirked. 

"But how could you suddenly change after few months?! How could you allow her take all your attention from me?" She touched her chest. 

Zayne was confused even further,but he couldn't talk,or the drug will only spread further and make him even weaker. 

"Like I said,I have just thirty minutes" Calantha smiled and caressed his cheeks. 

"Finally,I'm having you all to myself" She said and Zayne shook his head,to snap off her hand. 

"Are you a psycho!....ahh...." He gulped when he felt the insane pain inside him.

"I told you not to try,,and nobody will hear you,its barely a whisper" She said and untie his robe first. 

Zayne's eyes widned. 

Calantha smiled like a maniac when she saw his bare chest,she rubbed it. 

Zayne felt like slapping her,but too bad he couldn't move,he was boiling with dangerous anger. 

"You.....you are....." He groaned again. 

His eyes turned red and his veins became more visible,it was as if his whole strength is being taken out of his body. 

"Don't....touch......." He was still struggling to say that when Calantha's lips connected with his own. 

Zayne might have thought it was a joke first,but now her lips on his own? 

She kissed him like he was chocolate,licking every part of his mouth and tongue while m0aning like a mad person. 

After kissing her to his satisfaction,Zayne groaned and shut his eyes,he wanted to throw up. 

"I don't think Charlotte will be able to give you a prince....I will do that instead" She grinned and Zayne's eyes widened. 

He wanted to shout that very second but it was as if a knife was stuck into his veins the moment he tried opening his mouth. 

He watched as Calantha went down on her knees and brought out his d∆ck,still grinning insanely. 


His d∆ck went straight into Calantha's mouth before he could finish finding his words. 

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