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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 37 & 38




Monarch - Episode 37 & 38

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 



Daniel opened his eyes at once,one might actually think he didn't sleep all night with how bright and sharp he was looking,just his hair dropped on his two eyes was evidence that he just woke up. He brushed his hair back with his fingers and the next thing he was was Samara sleeping right next to him. 

Not just that,she was even hugging him. 

Daniel's brows raised on their own,he could clearly remember him sleeping in the guest room while he left Samara in his own room,how come she's on bed with him now? 

Samara changed position with her sleepy self,her face got even more closer to his face and then she lick her lower lip. 

Daniel sighed and shook his head. 

"A princess without house is a what?" He whispered. 

Samara snapped her eyes open with a deep frown. 

"Who said I have no house?" She asked. 

"What are you doing in this room? On the bed?" Daniel asked. 

"Because I couldn't sleep and you were having such a deep sleep here" Samara responded. 

"Oh I see" Daniel nodded. 

Samara arranged her hair and sat up,their eyes still on each other. 

"What are we eating this morning?" She asked. 

"You and who?" Daniel asked. 

"You and I duh" Samara rolled her eyes. 

"Don't you think it's time to return to the palace? I don't want trouble" Daniel also sat up. 

"What trouble? I came to you,not the latter" Samara scoffed. 

"Hmm" Daniel chuckled. 

Samara got down from the bed and stretched,the shirt she was putting on raised up a little and her pantie showed. 

Daniel immediately looked away. 

"What do you wanna eat?" He asked. 

"It's Saturday" Samara faced him with a grin. 

"Let's make some french toast first, and I love chocolate ice coffee" She said. 

"What do you mean first?" Daniel looked at her. 

"I'm spending all day with you" Samara smiled. 

"That's not happening princess" Daniel said in a deep but cool voice. 

"But why? You don't want me around? Or definitely you have another girl you bring here!" She suddenly glared. 

"I told you to get your shits checked and not yell at me again" Daniel glared. 

Samara took her lip in. 

"I'm sorry,I just...."

"I don't want trouble" Daniel cut her off and she was quiet. 

Daniel got down from the bed. 

"There's an extra toothbrush in the bathroom,I will do the toast" He muttered and went out of the room. 

Samara sighed and bit her pinky nail. 



King Zayne was on a walk with princess Calantha,the guards behind them kept quite a distance from them. 

"I'm sorry,I heard about Bomi's escape" Calantha said. 

"It's nothing to be sorry about,he didn't escape yet,they will find him" King Zayne said snd Calantha nodded. 

"I'm glad you decided to hang out with me,I thought you are still mad at me" She muttered and the king stopped walking. 

"I was never mad at you" He said and they both faced each other. 

"I was just disappointed" He added. 

"I'm sorry,that's never going to happen again,you know I will always support you no matter what" Calantha said. 

"Hmm" King Zayne nodded and she smiled. 

"I've missed you" She said. 

"I miss your scoldings, but don't worry,I definitely don't need them anymore" The king said and Calantha chuckled. 

"How's the company doing?" He asked. 

"You should come by yourself one day....."

"As if I have enough time for that" The king scoffed. 

They were suddenly interrupted by Lionel. 

"Your majesty, Bomi was found" Lionel said. 

Calantha's eyes widened. 

"But he's dead your majesty" Lionel added. 

King Zayne exhaled. 

"Looks like he was murdered while trying to escape...."

"Let him be,inform the cops instead,they will take care of it from there" The king said. 

"Sure your majesty" Lionel bowed and walked away. 

Calantha sighed out. 

"I told you" The king said and she immediately smiled. 

"Good for him then" Calantha said and he chuckled. 

King Zayne checked the time. 

"I need to go now, let's meet another time" He said and Calantha nodded. 

The moment the king turned,all the guards immediately did the same and followed him. 

Calantha stared at him till he was out of her sight. 

Her phone rang and she answered. 


"Good then,I don't want to know how" Calantha said and hung up at once. 



Queen Vynessa smiled as soon as she saw Charlotte entered into the living room,she bowed. 

"Don't do that too much,you're also a queen" Queen Vynessa said. 

"I'm good mother" Queen Charlotte said and sat down. 

"I'm sorry for coming late mother,,I couldn't check up on you yesterday because I went to school,and unfortunately we arrived back late" She said. 

"No problem, I heard from the king that you've been busy in school,so I'm good" Queen Vynessa said. 

Charlotte was about saying something when the door opened and it's no one else but Erica who entered. 

"Mother" She called with a bright smile. 

Charlotte frowned when she went to hug the queen,she can't even remember if she ever hugged the queen before,what exactly is Erica trying to achieve?

"I've been expecting you since you promised to show up today" Queen Vynessa said. 

"I'm sorry mother,and mother sent a gift, I told her you were a little ill" Erica said, dropping the present on the table. 

"That's so nice of the queen, I really can't wait to see her again" Queen Vynessa said. 

Charlotte sighed when they kept on talking,forgetting her presence. 

"Have you eaten, mother?" She asked. 

"Yes I had breakfast already" Queen Vynessa replied. 

"Oh,I didn't know you were there,morning" Erica smiled at Charlotte and she raised her brows. 

Since when? 

"Charlotte, don't ignore her greeting" queen Vynessa said. 

"Oh...thank you Erica"Queen Charlotte also smiled. 


Erica and Charlotte left the Queen's suite together when she decided to take a nap,they both walked in silence by each other's sides, it was Charlotte who broke the silence. 

"What are you planning?" She asked. 

Erica chuckled and looked at her. 

"What do you think I am planning?" She asked. 

"I don't know, but it's better if you stop whatever you're planning, it's giving desperado already, you're a princess......"

"I don't think you have any right to tell me what to do Charlotte, I was here before you remember? Are you scared about something? Me three if I was you, so watch your back" Erica smirked and cat walked away from her sight. 

Queen Charlotte stood there for some seconds before Lydia and Amaya showed up. 

"Is there anything you want us to do my lady?" They asked. 

"No, is there anything I have to do today?" Queen Charlotte asked. 

"You are having a meeting with the elderly women later my lady" They replied. 

"Oh,I almost forgot. How many hours do I have left?" She asked. 

"About....five hours" Amaya said. 

"Good,then I can take a rest. But I neeed a simple outfit but also classy to wear" Charlotte said. 

"We got you my lady" They said. 

Charlotte sighed and started walking toward her suite,but then Erica came to her head again. 

She's still curious to know what the princess is up to. 



King Zayne listened with interest as everyone spoke one after the other,not as If he agree with everything but because he was too exhausted to talk or disagree with them. 

After minutes,finally they all kept quiet to hear the King's decision. 

"I thought about it overnight" King Zayne groaned and they all listened. 

"The feast party...would commence" He said. 

Immediately they all exchanged happy glances. 

"It's just to have fun like you said,so I don't see anything bad in it. But I will let you do the decisions about every other things,including the date and how the feast would look like" King Zayne said. 

"Your majesty, why not the queen?" One of them suggested. 

🗣 That's true,the queen is a great idea

🗣 Queen Charlotte should be able to organize how a good feast would be. 

"It's the first time she's celebrating this with us and you think she's the best option?" King Zayne interrupted. 

"Your majesty, the two queens use to be in charge of every parties in the palace, I know you're worried about the queen but these are the little things she needs to know and learn,your majesty" Oswald spoke up and everyone nodded in agreement. 

The king sighed. 

"Like you said, two queens used to handle everything,so definitely she can't do it alone" He said. 

"Princess Samara and princess Calantha,your majesty" They suggested. 

"Right" King Zayne nodded. 

"You should decide a date and tell me when the preparation would start" 

"We already have a date in mind your majesty" 


The meeting came to an end finally and the king was escorted out of the courtroom, he was walking when suddenly he saw Erica,who also saw him at the same time. 

"Your majesty!" She called loudly and bowed. 

Hunter and Lionel already tried to stop her when she started coming close. 

"Leave her" King Zayne immediately said and they stepped back again. 

Erica smiled when she got close to him, they started walking together and the guards gave them enough space as expected. 

"It's so good to see you" Erica said. 

"You've been coming here often" King Zayne said. 

"And I never saw you" Erica mumbled. 

"I heard from mother that you took care of her, thank you" The king said. 

"Oh,that's nothing. She's like my mom too and you know that" Erica said. 

King Zayne nodded and there was a little bit of silence until Erica spoke up. 

"So,how have you been?" She asked. 

"I've been good as always" 

Erica smiled. 

"I'm glad then"

King Zayne stopped walking. 

"You're leaving now?" He asked. 

"Yes,I was in my way out when I saw you" 

"Bye then" King Zayne said. 

"Thanks" She smiled and watched his back as he left with the guards. 



Starr was the only one in the living room,he was just on the couch with his laptop. The door bell made him look up and carefully removed the headphones across his head down to his neck. 

He waited to know if the ring will come again and it really did,he sighed lazily and dropped the laptop on his laps on the couch,he walked to the door and checked to see who the person is. 

A frown appeared on his face when he saw Suzy's face. 

"Why is she here?" He thought but opened the door anyway. 

Suzy looked at him. 

"Where's Rocky?" She asked. 

Starr frowned. 

"You don't have to act this way" He rolled his eyes and closed the door. 

"You know his room" he muttered and without waiting, Suzy left him and he scoffed as she went upstairs. 

"I hate humans....some humans" He mumbled before going back to sit down. 

Just few minutes more,he started hearing noise,screams coming from upstairs,Rocky's voice and Suzy's own. 

"F+cking hell" Starr groaned and threw his head back with his eyes closed. 

"What the f+ck do you want?!" Rocky yelled at Suzy. 

"I want you! Is that too hard to comprehend?! I fucking want you! You can't just fucking dump me for absolutely no reason! Tell me what the fuck I did to deserve this shit going on! I love you can't you see?!" Suzy yelled. 

"Have I ever told you I love you?" Rocky asked softly. 

"I don't care! You should have said that to me when we were having s+x!" Suzy screamed. 

Rocky roughed his hair.

"Suzy,,nothing was attached okay? You agreed to be a fuckmate...."

"And I am suddenly not useful anymore?! Tell me who's this new girl now? Is she in our school?!" 

"You should leave,you're disturbing the peace of the house" Rocky said. 

"I don't care whatever you say okay? I'm not going to give up, so you better stop this shit you're doing and let's get back together because I've missed you so darn much" Suzy said. 

Rocky ignored her and started going downstairs,she followed him. 

Rocky saw Starr sitting on the couch and he also looked at him, blankly. 

Suzy got to him and grabbed his arm,Rocky faced her and she slammed her lips on his own. 

Rocky broke the kiss at once. 

"Suzy!" He yelled. 

"Give me a call when you need me" She winked and catwalked out. 

Rocky sighed and roughed his hair before facing Starr whose focus was already on the laptop screen. 

"You won't say anything?" Rocky asked. 

Starr looked up and sighed. 

"What am I supposed to say?? Congratulations? Or...Sorry?" He raised his brows. 

"You fucking know I stopped my shits with her and she's just too crazy to accept that...."

"You can't play with girls feelings anyhow you want Rocky,I think it's better you two continue being s+x mates like before or maybe date her,looks like she won't back down anytime soon" Starr said and got up from the couch. 

He packed his gadgets and turned to the stairs. 

Rocky grabbed him and pulled him back to his front. 

"What" Starr glared. 

"Are you mad at me?" Rocky asked softly. 

"I'm only mad because you two were yelling and disturbing my ears,aside that why would I be mad? Did you do anything new?" He asked. 

Rocky took his lips in and run his fingers through his hair. 

"But I don't want to that anymore,you're making me feel bad" He muttered. 

"As if you need my permission to fuck around" Starr scoffed. 

Rocky stared at him. 

"I've changed,okay?" He said. 

"Good for you" Starr gave him a scorn look,pouting his lips in the process. 

"I might just kiss you" Rocky muttered without thinking. 

Starr raised his brows. 


"I'm not drunk,I'm f+cking okay" Rocky snapped. 

"Then what are you saying......"

"Go,you don't wanna see me do it" Rocky cut in. 

Starr watched him took one of the car keys and went out of the house. 

"What's with him?" He thought. 



King Zayne could be seen sitting in front of the kids, while the guards offload the truck of food and other stuffs that were brought for the kids living at the orphanage. 

The king was reading a book to them and all of them listened attentively with smiles on their faces. 

Hunter and Lionel both stood behind the king,trying their best not to look too cold and scary just as the king had told them before. 

Only the voice of king Zayne could be heard at the moment,even the ladies working there all stood somewhere,admiring the young handsome king. 


Once upon a time, in a vast ocean, there lived a kind little mermaid named Luna.

Luna loved swimming and playing with sea creatures.

One day, a big storm came, and the ocean became rough.

A ship carrying children sank.

Luna swam to the rescue!

She saved the children and took them to her underwater home.

The children were amazed by Luna's world.

Luna sang a beautiful song:

"Welcome, friends, to my home so blue,
Where fish and seaweed dance anew.
I'll keep you safe till the storm passes by,
And the sun shines bright in the clear sky."

 As the king sang,The children smiled and sang along.

When the storm ended, Luna took them back to shore.

The children thanked Luna and promised to protect the ocean.

From that day on, Luna and the children remained friends.

Luna learned that helping others brings joy.

*The End*

"Whooooooaaaa!!" All the kids said excitedly and clapped their hands. 

"You're so amazing your majesty" a girl among them said. 

King Zayne smiled. 

"You are more amazing" He said. 

"But why?" The girl asked. 

"Because, you're amazing,then you're amazing" The king answered and children laughed. 

"I love your outfit,I want to wear them too when I grow up" a boy said. 



"Your wish will come true,,just study hard" King Zayne said. 

"Yes your majesty!!" They all chorused. 

"We want to see the queen too!!!" About three of the children suddenly said at a time. 

Their teachers tried to stop them but the king told them to stay back which they did. 

"You want to see the queen?" King Zayne asked. 


"Why? I'm not enough?" The king asked. 

"We want to see how pretty she is!!" A girl said. 

"Why? I think you're prettier" King Zayne said. 

"Whoooaaaa!!" The other kids turned to the girl and she smiled. 

"But the queen is really pretty,you will definitely meet her next time" King Zayne said. 

"You will come here together?" 

"We might, if you tell me you love me" The king said. 

"We love you!!!!!"

"We love you!!"

It was a bad idea because the kids continue saying that. 

"Oh okay okay,that's enough" He pleaded and they all laughed. 

"Y'all need to study hard,eat well,don't fight,be good kids and listen to your teachers,okay?" King Zayne said. 

"Yes your majesty!!" 


As the king was finally done with the kids and was going out with some of the teachers having a conversation with him,he suddenly caught a glimpse of Daniel working along with some other old men,he was helping them. 

"Who's that?" He asked. 

"Oh,that's Daniel. He always come here to volunteer once in a while,such a good young man" The lady smiled. 

"Why?" King Zayne asked. 

"He grew up here your majesty, with his step sister" 

"Ohh" The king mouthed and kept on looking at Daniel till they passed him. 

Minutes later,the king was going around the place by himself,he told the guards not to follow him as he was being showed around,he wanted to know if there's anything else they might need but seems the place is still in good condition. 

He was already walking alone when he saw Daniel coming toward him,but the moment he saw him,he stopped walking. 

King Zayne raised his brows and also stopped walking. 

"Good evening....your majesty" Daniel almost stuttered as he greeted with a bow. 

The king slides his hands into his pockets and walked over to him. 

"You've been working, are you okay?" He asked and almost immediately regretted asked inwardly. 

'Why am I concerned about that?' He asked himself. 

Daniel on the other hand seems to be shocked that the king asked that question. 

"Yes...I'm okay your majesty" He bowed. 

King Zayne nodded. 

"I heard your sister will be discharged soon" he said. 

"Yes...I've always wanted to thank you" He smiled. 

King Zayne said nothing,he just stared at the guy in front of him, he's about two feets taller. 

"Good luck" he said. 

Daniel bowed and watched as he walked away, Hunter and Lionel came at the right time and soon the three were out of his sight. 

"Whoa...he's so cool" Daniel muttered and touched his racing heart. 



"My king" Queen Charlotte called as soon as she entered her balcony to find the king standing there and waiting for her. 

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting, I didn't know the women meeting Is always this stressful,I'm sorry" She bowed. 

"Was it really stressful? Did they say anything bad to you?" King Zayne frowned. 

"No,it was fun,but still stressful" Charlotte replied. 

"I just got back too...I came here because we haven't seen each other all day" the king said and Charlotte smiled. 

"I missed you too my king" She said. 

"Come closer" King Zayne said and Charlotte did so. 

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a warm embrace. 

Her cheeks turned red. 

"Let's have dinner together tonight" King Zayne said after they broke the hug. 

"Can't wait" 

King Zayne caressed her cheeks before pulling her more close and then slammed his lips against hers. 

Charlotte immediately closed her eyes and reciprocated the sweet kiss she has been longing for. 


Meanwhile Princess Calantha was watching them from her bedroom window,she could see Charlotte's balcony clearly from there. 

Calantha clenched her fists angrily as she stared at them. She closed her window and walked out of the room.. 

She entered through a secret door and entered a totally dark room,she put on the light and the room became brightened. 

On the four sides of the wall are different and countless pictures of Zayne taken from different angles and moments. 

A lot of pictures where he was sleeping,eating,smiling,laughing,walking,there are even some where he's shirtless. 

She took one and run her hand through his face. 

Just when is he going to stop whatever game he's playing and stop giving Charlotte his attention?

The late king actually would have chosen Erica for Zayne but Calantha convinced him to choose Charlotte instead because she knew his relationship with a stranger wouldn't work,which she succeeded in doing. 

But now everything is turning to a way she never planned,,he's no more giving her his attention,now it's all about Charlotte. 

"Wait for it Charlotte....I will get rid of you soon" She sworn with anger on her face. 


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