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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Kasarachi - Episode 6





Kasarachi - Episode 6

(Tell it to God)



Feeling wowed is an understatement. I couldn't come to terms with what was unfolding before me nor did I want to believe what my mind is trying to tell me

Ekene is standing outside my house with soft drinks, foodstuffs and kolanuts tied in a big polythene bag. His mother was present but his father and elder brother Nonso weren't. Mama and my uncle were also present in their midst, which increased my curiosity on what was really happening.

"What is going on here..?" I asked walking towards where they stood. 

I saw that Mama's things had been cleared and the place swept neat. I'm guessing it is Osinachi's handwork although I couldn't find her outside. Maybe she went inside.

Judith finally came outside smiling. It's quite obvious that she tricked me into believing that something bad was happening to Chika my youngest brother. 

"Where is Chika...?" I asked in order to clear the doubts within me

"He is inside playing sister Kasarachi. Don't worry he is fine. I just wanted you to come outside" Judith responded while laughing sheepishly and then she ran inside. 

Well she won in her game but I'm still confused on what's happening here though. Seeing my confusion, Ekene walked closer to me. He held my hands with smiles on his face and whispered into my ears

"My love I told my parents about my intentions to marry you. I appealed to them to allow me to ask for your hand so that Mazi Kalu will stop disturbing you and guess what...? They agreed to it! I'm so happy as I wouldn't want my brother to take you from me. You're mine Kasarachi!" 

I cringed at the last words he uttered. It felt more like it's coming from possessiveness and envy, but I have chosen to overlook it. 

From the tone of Ekene's voice, I know he is happy. Uncle was smiling meaning he approves of this new development. Mama and Ekene's mother was just quiet and had this unreadable facial expression. I couldn't tell if they were happy about this or just going with my uncle and Ekene's demands.

I inhaled and exhaled heavily because just like Ekene, I am inwardly overjoyed since I love him. But deep within me I know that I am not ready for marriage just yet. 

Although here in my community, early marriage is not a big deal. Young girls are given out in marriage at even fifteen years of age, but I don't want to follow such a path. I want to be eighteen years old at least before considering doing this.

"Wouldn't it have been best if you privately discussed this with me first before all this...? I love you very much but I'm not ready for marriage just yet Ek" I whispered back with a not too pleased facial expression 

Ekene stepped back and looked at me in wonder. I suppose that he wasn't expecting me to react this way to his proposal. Maybe he was expecting me to say a yes right away 

"You don't want to marry me Kasarachi...? I thought we agreed on forever after our relationship...?" Ekene asked looking at me sadly. 

I was emotionally moved by his words and it showed in the way my eyes softened 

"I'm sixteen Ekene. I'm too young to venture into marriage. Have you thought of how we will fund a marriage ceremony and our feeding pending when we'll find our footing...?" I asked tenderly hoping that this will make him see sense in what I meant 

"Oh, that's your fear...? Don't worry about that side. My family is doing well financially and my brother has even agreed to assist us in whichever way we desire. So relax my love" Ekene said smiling at me 

"Your brother Nonso that wanted to marry me...?" I asked as that seems a little strange 

"Yes my love. He gave us his blessings and went further to say that he will also take us abroad if we want" Ekene said and that's when my uncle spoke up for the first time 

"I've always known that my brother's child is a smart girl. See as she ends up with the younger brother and will still be going to obodo oyibo. My niece is truly a lucky girl!"

I rolled my eyes feeling irritated at his statement. I haven't even accepted the request yet and he is excited and spewing careless words.

Truthfully, I am not surprised that he is more interested in the benefits of the marriage than my happiness or desire. Only God knows why he hasn't married his daughter out yet, greedy man! I said inwardly and hissed inaudibly 

Mama walked close to me and for the first time since I came out, she asked me sensibly 

"Ekene here said that you are expecting his child. He said you are pregnant! Kasarachi what do you think you are doing...?"

"Mama he.. he.. he said that...?" I asked stammering as I looked at Ekene urging him with my eyes to tell me what's going on

"Why are gambling with your life Kasaramma...? It's not enough that you were engaging in adult's play. Now you are pregnant and hiding it from me your mother....? When did you ever intend telling me..? Is it fair that I'm hearing it from outsiders first eh Kasarachi...?" Mama asked all at once while angrily hitting her chest. 

From the tone of her voice, I could tell that she is feeling very disappointed in me

"Mama who told you that I am pregnant...?" I asked mama, not happy at the fake news. 

"I told them my love. I know we had agreed not to let the news out just yet but I couldn't help telling my mother about it" Ekene said and I looked at him in bewilderment. I wonder what he thinks he is doing by deceiving everyone including his family. 

So because I lied that we've been sexually intimate, he has to further compound the lies for his own benefits...?

"Kasarachi my son Ekene admitted to the fact that you two are in a relationship. He further told me that you are carrying his child in your womb...is that true...?" Aunty Ijeoma asked looking at me squarely. I suppose the reason why she looks like someone who is being forced to be here is because Ekene told her that I am pregnant!

My head was blank. I was at a crossroad on what answer to give as a response. Today's unexpected dramas are too much already 

Ekene smirked probably daring me to deny the news of my pregnancy. I know he is indirectly striking a deal with me. 
If I say the truth now, his ego will be bruised and he might end up telling me out that I had equally lied about our sexual affair. When I know we've never had sex!

I used that to escape marrying Nonso and debunking that lie would mean being forced to give into a marriage I don't want.

At least this one is better since I love Ekene, the only thing there is that I am not ready to be a wife just yet. Inwardly I'm wishing Ekene will understand me and put an end to this emotional blackmail now before it will escalate to what we didn't bargain for.

"It's true Aunty Ijeoma. I'm pregnant for Ekene your son" I replied reluctantly. I sighed deeply and prayed that I don't regret all these lies. Indeed one sin usually ends up piling more sins. Please God help me.

"Fertile girl. Chai! Ijeoma your son is the true son of his father's groins. I remember when you married his father and boom! in one month you took in sharp sharp!" Uncle Okafor blurted out shamelessly 

Aunty Ijeoma was so embarrassed by his words and being a no nonsense woman she decided to retaliate with careless words too

"Yes oh. I'm glad that I was so fertile in my husband's house sharp..sharp. It's better than being fertile before entering the house. And from the look of things it's running in your family Mazi Okafor"

My uncle was angry and couldn't even talk again. While Mama was feeling pained and had to speak out in my defense immediately 

"Watch your words Ijeoma. I won't have you insult my daughter as though she impregnated herself. For all we know your son is responsible and he isn't denying it"

I know that I was the person Aunty Ijeoma was referring to earlier and even though her words and intentions were to annoy my uncle, I feel really displeased and hurt by those disrespectful words she uttered.

So I stood there in silence and listened to them exchange words. I know that I am partly to blame for this but what would I have done differently...? I don't want to be compelled to marry Nonso at all.

"Well your inlaw started it first. I was only putting him in his place" Aunty flippantly said in defense which got me wondering if she truly likes me for her sons or not.

"Stop it mother. This isn't why we are here remember...?" Ekene cautioned his mother who rolled her eyes and then went quiet 

"No Ekene leave her to talk. I don't blame her at all. It's my daughter I blame for being careless with herself. Imagine the insults from this woman" Mama said eyeing her and she hissed loudly which infuriated Aunty Ijeoma and made her talk again

"It's not my fault that you didn't train your daughter well. Nor is it my fault that your daughter is pregnant out of wedlock"

I exhaled shaking my head. I hate being a subject of negative dialogue and I think I've had enough of all these talks. It's about time I speak out to calm the current situation 

"Ekene you and your mother should go please. We will discuss on this privately later in the evening" I said pleadingly 

Aunty Ijeoma interrupted my words and asked audaciously. My uncle smirked feeling happy at the question she asked me 

"Nobody is going anywhere. We are settling everything here and now! Kasarachi are you marrying my son Ekene or not...?"

"For once I agree with you Ijeoma. Kasarachi, should our family accept their drinks for marriage or they could go back with them..?" Uncle Okafor asked firmly 

Everybody including Mama and Ekene were just staring fixedly at me awaiting what my response will be. 

I turned to look at Ekene and I could see that he was subtly daring me with his eyes to turn him down and face the aftermath.

I don't know what to opt for. Should I agree to Ekene's proposal or I shouldn't...? Oh Lord I'm scared of making a mistake, so what can I do at this point ..?

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

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