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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Kasarachi - Episode 3





Kasarachi - Episode 3

(Tell it to God)


Before I could avoid the hand coming towards my cheeks, it already landed on my left cheek very close to my ear in a thunderous way.

For a moment, it seems like the slap has refreshed my memory. 
It felt like I went deaf for a while before I began hearing again.

" I warned you... didn't I...? Kasarachi I warned you to stay away from this boy and every other boy in this community... that you are mine...but you wouldn't listen" 

Mazi Kalu's voice echoed as he shouted aloud with one of his right fingers pointed angrily at me, while the other hand held a catapult. It's the catapult that he had used to throw a stone at Ekene. 

I saw that the place is already swelling up on Ekene's forehead which got my wrath increased to the highest degree 

I was boiling inside as I looked at Mazi Kalu ranting after slapping me the way he did. He is one of the richest and well respected middle aged men in this community.

Mazi Kalu has always had eyes on me right from when my father was alive, but I have constantly turned down his requests and sexual advances towards me. 

There was even a time he came to see father to ask for my hand in marriage. I found it really funny because this man is old enough to be my father. He has about three slightly grown daughters but no son.

After trying several times to get a male child from his wife but to no avail, he sent her away boasting that the fault was from her. And that he will marry another woman who will give him a son to continue his lineage.

I suppose that's why he has been disturbing me for three years now to be his wife. That day he came to our house, Father politely turned down his marriage request telling him that I am too young for marriage. 

Mazi Kalu stubbornly said that he will wait for me to be a little grown but my father still told him no, that his daughter can't marry someone that is twice my age. He continued trying but had to stop disturbing me after father sternly warned him off. 

It was shortly after father's death, that he began again to mount pleasure on me to marry him. I personally keep telling him off but he hasn't stopped disturbing me.

Last year, he went to see my father's only brother whom I heard got huge sums of money and food items from him with the promise that I Kasarachi will be his wife.

Mama and I were so angry when we were told about it. As usual the other kinsmen who must have shared in the money, supported my uncle's misdeed. 

They even implored my mother to marry me off when I am sixteen years old so that the burden will be lightly on her, as though they genuinely cared about us. 
Everyone knows that the bride price and marriage items is all they were concerned about. Greedy people!

Thankfully, mama didn't listen to their advice. She told them that I am not marrying anyone until I'm above eighteen years and it will be to the man I choose.

But since that day Mazi Kalu bribed my uncle, he has been harassing me anytime he sees me with a male gender. He claims that since my relatives have given him their consent then I now belong to him.

It's been so annoying and mama kept on begging me to ignore him and stay in my lane to avoid our relative's trouble. I have adhered to her advice very well and even severally turned down any financial help from him, yet he still wouldn't let me be. 

Today this man has the effrontery to slap me, and I don't think I can keep quiet anymore. For Heaven's sake, I'm a human being and not an object to be toiled with!

Ekene who became my boyfriend this year knows all about him and his advances towards me. Seeing how angry I am, Ekene tried signaling me to calm down but I won't do so today. Enough is enough already!

" Are you even listening to yourself uncle Kalu...? I'm sixteen years old for Christ's sake! Your first daughter is my age mate and yet you aren't ashamed of asking me to be your wife....?" I blurted out in anger while looking at him disdainfully 

" Is it me that you are talking to like that...? Me Mazi Kalu the one who has the largest herd of pigs in this community...?"

" Yes Mazi Kalu. I am talking to you! You've refused to respect yourself and since respect they say is reciprocal...I don't think I can continue tolerating your ill treatment!" 

" My woman. The mother of my unborn son. Calm down Nwanyi oma. You know I don't like you getting angry. I'm only trying to protect you from these small small boys" Mazi Kalu said in a bid to pacify me but I wasn't going to have any of that. 

Yes I know that I am very beautiful and endowed at my young age. But I know for a fact that I am not the only beautiful young woman in this community. He should go and find his age mate and marry.

" Leave me alone Mazi. I don't want to marry you. Is marriage now by force...?" I uttered looking at him in anger 

" Don't talk like this amalicha. My nkem. Nwanyi mara mma. The only Ojiugo in this land that captures my heart. Nne mara mma(a maiden with great beauty)" Mazi Kalu was busy praising me to soothe my wrath but his praises instead of suppressing my anger made me angrier. 

It feels very disgusting hearing those sweet names from his mouth instead of that of Ekene who was standing looking at us in silence. It gets me wondering what is going through his mind but I will ask him later. For now I want to put this man in his place

" Please oh I'm begging you...stop calling me the mother of your unborn son or do I resemble a son making machine...? What is your problem with me....?"

" Kasarachi where are all these words coming from...? Is it because I slapped you earlier...? Okay my obim...I will apologize for that misbehavior. I am very sorry for slapping your beautiful cheeks amalicha. I will make it up to you in whichever way you want. Just name it and it is done!" 

I shook my head in pity for him because it is quite obvious that this man has no iota of shame at all. Imagine this!

" Mazi Kalu there are many women in this community. Simply find your age mate and marry. I don't mind helping you to find one but please leave me alone to enjoy my youthfulness in peace already!" 

" How can I leave you when you are the only one I love in this entire community...? Kasarachi I have this very strong intuition that you are the woman I'll marry that will birth me a son instantly"

I bursted into laughter and made sure I laughed in such a way that will annoy him. Ekene couldn't help chuckling as well when he heard what Mazi Kalu said last

" Stop dreaming Mazi. I will never marry you. So allow it sink in that I Kasarachi Arinze will not be your wife...let alone the mother of your unborn son. Find someone else because I am unavailable" I said with all boldness until someone from behind him interrupted our conversation 

It was mama and the look on her face was what I couldn't fathom. She only has that look on when she wants to scold or pass an important message to my siblings and I 

" Says who...? Did you ask me before coming to that conclusion...? Kasaramma why would you not marry him....?" Mama asked looking at me with all seriousness 

I was confused about the whole thing. Is she pulling my legs or what...? Why is she asking me all these questions. Anyways I went ahead to answer her

" Mama have you forgotten that you turned down his marriage request last year. You told me and the kinsmen that you are not marrying me out until I am above eighteen years. You even said that when I am ready for marriage...it will be to whom my heart desires" I said shrugging my shoulders 

Mama's next words shocked the living daylight out of me. It got me confused as to what exactly is happening to my mother 

" Well that was all in the past Kasarachi. You are marrying in two weeks time..." Mama said and that's when I cut her short 

" I am marrying...? What are you saying..? Like who am I getting married to...?" I asked looking intently at mama for answers

Mama kept mute not answering my questions. That is when Mazi Kalu whom I thought was the one mama was referring to, had to throw his own questions at mama. The anger on his face was very much evident as he asked my mother 

" Bia Nkiru...what did you just say now...? Who are you going to be marrying my woman to...?" 

Mazi Kalu's questions to mama even added more to my confusion. So if it's not him then who is it and where is this whole marriage talk coming from in mama's lips...?

This must be one of Mama's jokes right or wait, are you sure this woman isn't acting under the influence of alcohol or maybe a spell...? What is going on in her head...?

Because I'm not understanding anything here. Mama is saying that me Kasarachi is marrying in two weeks. How come...?

" Mama what are you even saying...?" I had to ask again

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

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