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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Kasarachi - Episode 10





Kasarachi - Episode 10

(Tell it to God)


Boom! I woke up from the scary dream. I gently opened my eyes and used my right hand to rub my eyes so it would be clearer.

I stared around in fear trying to come to terms with where I was. I became relieved to find out that I was in my room. 

It felt like something was being placed on my stomach and so I touched down to know what it was. I felt relieved yet again.

Chika's legs were the ones carelessly lying on my stomach close to my abdomen. I chuckled wondering when he will outgrow this childish way of sleeping.

Then I remembered what mama and I discussed last night after me leaving for the city, that's shortly before I came in to sleep. 

I was on my way inside and I had just taken two steps forward when I halted midway as something came into my mind. The guilt was pulling at my heartstrings.

So I contemplated going back to tell mama about Ekene and I not being sexually active yet. But then I had a change of my mind. 

I inwardly decided to just let things be as they are, at least for now. That's how I had continued on my way inside the house without going back to meet mama

I walked into my bedroom and the moment my back touched the bed, I slept off in a few seconds out of exhaustion. 

Now I have been forced to wake up as a result of the dream I had about telling my mama the truth and it ended in regrets. 

I lifted my eyes to stare at the window and saw that it was still dark outside which means it is still very early in the morning

I'm feeling scared and also I'm yet to figure out what answer to give mama today when the day breaks. 

The dream I saw earlier scares me even more. I don't know what to make out of it. 

Is it that God is warning me to keep my mouth shut and accept the suggested offer. Or is it just the devil trying to plant a seed of discord in my heart and mind to reject the offer...? I asked myself rhetorically

Chika moved again in his sleep and this time, he shifted his leg from my stomach down to my outstretched legs. 

I chuckled again and then slowly my eyes became watery. 

I realized that there are a whole lot of things and memories I'll miss about this village, if at all I agree to leave for the city as mama had suggested.

I will miss my siblings and mama so much. Even though Ekene and I have broken up, I still love him so I'll miss him very much too. 

I don't think I want to leave a village I have known as home all of my life. 

No I don't want to leave, but thinking about it the other way, what if the city is truly where a good future lies for me...?

There's nothing here in this village that will offer me a better tomorrow. And the longer I stay here, the easiest it will be for uncle to accomplish his plans to marry me off.

I want a better life for myself and to give my family a better life as well. I want to change the background of my family which is impossible if I continue staying here.

But I'm so scared! Was mama really serious about what she said to me or is this all a bait as the dream portrayed...? 

Honestly I don't know if Mama's words can be trusted since I'm aware of how much she wants to save the family's farmland.

Even if she was sincere with me, what is the guarantee that whoever I'm going to be staying with there is as saintly as they say....?

So many questions were plaguing my mind with no answers to it. I was having a serious mental battle and then I made a decision!

That I'll stay in this village, it's a place I've known all my life and my people are here. 

I feel like it is better to stay in my comfort zone than to move to an unknown location that is far from home with no guarantees. 

If uncle and the kinsmen insist on giving me out in marriage this early with Mama's support, then I'll just take it as though it is my fate. But if it's not so, then of course I'll walk in line with what destiny holds for me.

So yes I am going to stay here in my father's house and not go anywhere. I decided firmly in my mind and thereafter I slept off.

By morning, I had given Mama my answer.

She was actually disappointed in my decision to stay put in the village and she tried making me see reasons why I shouldn't, but then my mind was made up. 

So seeing that I wasn't willing to change my mind, mama respected my decision and that was how that case was closed.

Days went by and slowly two months dragged on. Everything was going on fine although mama is now so overprotective. Always wanting to know what I did during the day, anytime she comes back home.

Ekene and I found a way to reconcile after he came begging me to forgive him. 

He promised never to choose another girl over me again like he did last time. 
Since I had missed him very much, I forgave and accepted him back as my boyfriend.

That's how our relationship started again. I had gisted him about the talk I had with mama of which she suggested I go to the city and work in order to better my life.

Ekene wasn't so happy about it but after I assured him that I was never going to leave, he became more relaxed. We laughed it off that evening as he was helping me clear the farm and harvest crops.

It's been a month and a few days since we reconciled but I've observed that something seems to have changed about Ekene. He is no longer comfortable with us just kissing alone, which isn't even morally right.

He also keeps talking about how sexy I looked everyday and how fuller my breasts were becoming by the day. 

Not just that, he started insisting that we involve romance and sex in our relationship. He claimed that it was boring for a relationship to be just plain without any romance or sexual activity.

This is something that he had never complained of in the past so why now...? 

I'm aware that Ekene was sexually active in the past but then after telling him I was a virgin and that I wanted to keep myself till our wedding night, he agreed and never bothered me about anything sexual.

It still battles me that he is the same person making a big deal out of our 'no sex agreement' when we began a relationship 

I don't understand what has changed and why the constant persuasion now. I'm hoping it isn't what I'm thinking though.

It wasn't easy but I still continued turning down his sexual advances and requests. 

There are times that whenever we are kissing in our hideouts, he will try to fondle my breasts but I will beat his hands off my chest and tell him to stop it.

After days of always turning him down, Ekene got fed up and broke up with me saying he can't continue being in a relationship he is not benefitting from. 

So many emotional blackmail of how I didn't love him enough to allow him have access to my body. 
He said that he was doing me a favor by dating a small girl like me when he could easily find more matured beautiful girls.

Can you imagine that Ekene said that he doesn't even know if I am telling the truth about being a virgin. He dared me to prove it to him by accepting to have sex with him.

Well today I have made up my mind to do it with him, after all he has promised that he is going to marry me when I turn eighteen. 

He is my future husband so whether I do it now or later, it doesn't matter. 
I will prove it to him that I am truly a virgin since that is what he wants me to do.

I thought in my heart as I increased my footsteps on the path that leads to his house.

I'm sure he is at home and I'm aware that his parents would not be home until evening. This is still early noon so it's safe to go to his compound without being caught.

My eyes caught someone I know very well walking ahead of me but since we weren't in good terms, I didn't bother to call out to her. I just pretended like I didn't see her and continued on my way.

I reached Ekene's compound and went straight to the back of his window so I could signal him to open the front door for me.

Before my hand landed on the window to knock, I heard his brother Nonso and Ekene's voice. They were discussing something which wasn't so audible. 

The sound of the door opening and closing showed that someone was either going out or coming in through it. 

Nonso was telling whoever it is 'welcome or something relatable', so I presumed it was Ekene that went out.

I overheard Nonso trying to advice Ekene to get serious with his life and quit fleeting with village girls.

Ekene retaliated by reminding him that he almost married a village girl too if not that she was already in a relationship with him.

He was obviously referring to me.

Nonso chuckled and told Ekene that he never wanted to settle with any village girl but the pressure from their parents made him wanted one.
They said since she wasn't exposed, she's a virgin and hardworking, all of this will be to my gain.
I wouldn't need to worry over anything.

But it's a good thing that it didn't actually worked out 
He said to Ekene, he added that his years of exposure in the white man land only to end up with some village girl was a real battle with his conscience but he's super excited that it didn't work out.
He went further to advise Ekene to quit his relationship and every other girl he was seeing añd get serious with his life.

Ekene said he had already dumped me, he was only acting to get under my pants 

He excused himself and went into his room, to meet the girl waiting for him.

A sudden cold held me from moving at that momma.

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

Ñext Episode 

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