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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Kasarachi - Episode 1




Kasarachi - Episode 1

(Tell it to God)


It was slightly dark when I opened my eyes and gently shifted my junior brother's leg from my tummy to the bamboo bed. 

I further adjusted him to lay properly. Chika my last born brother was a deep sleeper and turns very often in his sleep so it wasn't new for me to find him in an improper sleeping position, and either his hands or legs on my body

I yawned loudly as I rubbed my eyes still feeling very sleepy but I knew I had to fight the sleepiness and wake up. There's a whole lot I need to put in place before morning comes to full bloom.

That's why I pushed myself out of bed and after muttering my usual short morning prayer, I walked tiredly to the door that led outside to begin my morning activities 

I thought of checking on mama and my two sisters Osinachi and Judith. They sleep in a different room, while I sleep in a different room with Binta and Chika. Seeing how far spent the time is, I decided otherwise.

From the faded clock hanging loosely on the wall, it showed that it was a few minutes past five in the morning. 
I normally wake by 4:30am in the morning, but probably due to the tiredness from yesterday's night duties of removing large amount of beans shafts, I overslept. 

Now I'm just wondering if I will be able to meet up and prepare everything mama needs, before she wakes to complete the rest for today's market which starts by 6am for early morning customers 

I got to the door of the poorly cemented house and tried unlocking the padlock with its keys but to no avail. 

I kept trying and trying but got the same result, at some point the key got stuck in the lock hole yet it still wasn't opening. I struggled for close to ten minutes and I was getting fed up as I felt it was futile efforts 

Thankfully as I decided to try one last time before calling on mama for help, the universe finally answered my prayer and the padlock finally unlocked ...

I heaved a deep sigh of relief. I'm aware that the padlock actually needs to be replaced but mama advised that we continue to manage it for sometime pending when money will be available to get a new one.

I dropped the padlock on the floor, pulled the main door open and proceeded to open the small iron protector door after it.

The cracky sounds that followed as I closed back the protector door reminded me of the mental message I made yesterday morning to apply some oil on it. I forgot to do so and I pray that I will remember to do that today in the evening when I'm back home 

I began bringing out the materials for today's preparation of akara, yams, plantain and oki for today's business. The oki was prepared by mama last night and the beans was picked already by my siblings and I.

All I need to do this morning is to grind the beans, prepare the ingredients for the mixing, and slice the yams and plantains. Afterwards I will arrange mama's table and the chairs in the front of our compound where it can be easily seen by passerbys 

I started with peeling the yams and plantains first, washed them clean, and sliced them into small bits that will enable mama to make profits from the sales. Since it is in large amounts, it took time before I finished slicing them into a bowl and covered it for later frying by mama

Then I hastily proceeded to the next activity, which is to rewash the akamu (pap)and changed the water into a new one. 

My face became gloomy when I saw that the sky had gradually began clearing and I am yet to grind the beans for frying akara.

I quickly cleaned the grinding stone and poured half the portion of the beans on the stone for grinding. I began grinding hoping to be able to finish this portion on time so that I will pour in the remaining portion 

I would have woken mama to help me arrange the table and chairs so we can be faster before customers come, but she isn't feeling too well and still on medication. 

The nurse who came to check on her last week said that mama was overworking herself and advised that she should rest more often to avoid a fatal breakdown. More reason I want her to rest as much as possible, besides she will be the one to fry the akara after I'm done grinding the beans, so I don't want to disturb her much 

Her ill health is why I decided to make it a daily routine to wake up early to help in vital things. She wakes up by 6am to fry everything and attend to customers demands while I assist in selling to them

Normally, mama wouldn't want me to deprive myself of sleep since she knows that I will be working in people's farms later in the morning till evening. But I love my siblings and mom so much, and this sacrifice is the least I can do to ensure that she gets the much needed rest she deserves. 

After selling this in the morning, in the afternoon mama goes to the community market to sell yams, plantains, fruits and vegetables till late in the evening. 

Left for me, I wouldn't want her to do anything after this akara business, but with the family load and expenses, I know we actually need the money. 

I lost my father three years ago and since then we've been feeding from hand to mouth, with mother and I engaging in multiple income generating works in order to gather money for our daily survival.

I'm sixteen years of age, the first child and daughter of the family. My four siblings are small and can't help much. Osinachi the female after me is age ten, Judith who is the third girl is eight, Binta the last girl is six years old, while Chika who is the only son and my last born brother is four years old.

I was in my senior secondary school one when my father died from a ghastly motor accident on his way to work. It was a very sorrowful day for all of us. Mama was so uncontrollable and we cried our eyes out for months unable to get over his demise.

I had to suspend studies in my senior secondary school two as there was no more money to pay my school fees after we exhausted the money father left before his death. 
He was a carpenter and did people's furniture and wood repairs for money. Because of how good he was, my father was well known and so he had many customers 

Father brought two farmlands before he died. His only brother uncle Okafor took one of the lands from us claiming that it was his right as the only sibling of father. Since the kinsmen supported him, we had no choice but to let it go for peace to reign. 

We had to make do with the remaining farmland. That's part of our main source of income now. Mama, my siblings and I are planting fruits, vegetables, yams and plantains for consumption and sales.

There's a free primary school in my community and that's where my siblings are attending. The secondary school is paid for and which is why I couldn't continue anymore. I mean we were struggling to feed and barely afford two square meals to eat daily so no need adding to the troubles.

Mama's voice brought my mind back to the present when she called my name. It was bright by now and the morning sun was coming out gradually 

" Kasarachi! Kasaramma! What are you thinking about eh nwam...?"

" It's nothing mama, Good morning Nnem" I replied quietly and stood up from my bended position 

I checked the beans and saw that it was done. I scooped the grinded portion out onto a tray and then poured the remaining portion of beans on the stone. 

I bent down again and continued with grinding the beans on the grinding stone which was quite stressful 

" My daughter I told you not to stress yourself too much. Ah! isn't it too early...? Remember you will be going to clear mazi Olu's farm by 10'oclock...? So please Kasaramma rest and let me continue from where you've stopped...stand up nwam"

" I'm fine mama. Don't worry about me. I'm almost done with the grinding...just set the table and chairs...start frying the yams and plantains. I should be done before you are done with frying the yams and plantains..."

" But Kasarachi you are not used to grinding with the stone. You've grinded the first portion...allow me take it from here plea..." Mama said trying to take the stone from my hands but I took the stone out of her reach. I had to cut her words short before she even completed it

" I insist mama. I will handle this...don't worry. After I'm done here...I will cut the onions and pepper and mix it with the beans to get it ready for making the akara" I said still grinding the beans.

Mama sighed sadly when she saw how determined I was to finish what I had started. She left me alone and began to set the table and chairs. She set the pot on fire and sat down to begin frying

While mama was halfway in frying the yams and plantains, customers were trooping in to buy. 
Those who wanted akara had to sit on the chairs and wait since it wasn't ready for consumption 

The second portion of beans were soon done and I quickly scooped it onto a tray. 

I cut the onions and pepper, mixed it with the beans, and took it to mama who muttered a thank you with a grateful smile plastered on her face. I was happy to see her smiling. It's really good that I'm of age to help her out else she would have burnt out from exhaustion.

I was on my way back to the grinding stone to wipe it clean and midway that's when I hit my left big foot across a big stone. 

I looked at the bleeding foot wondering what the bad sign stood for and my mind raised an alarm!

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

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