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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Insatiable Cravings - Episode 8





Insatiable Cravings - Episode 8

Subtitle; {Loving You Is A Loosing Game} 

TAGS: Age-gap, Mafia, Forbidden Love, Drama, Tragedy and Betrayal.

Settings: United Kingdom, Russia and others.

By: Chukwuma Rejoice 


~ Dominic ~

It was a Wednesday, and I was already exhausted, eager for the week to come to an end.

My workload these days seemed to have increased manifold. The problem is that it's normal for it to be like that, but with the additional distraction called Genevieve King, I can hardly function properly.

The whole of last night, instead of being busy with my head stuck in files, I was texting with her like I was still a kid.

The worst part was that I enjoyed it, with a big smile on my face. I don't know what is happening to me, but even last night, my chest felt like it wanted to explode in a good way, of course.

She is toying with me even more than I am with her, and instead of hating it and her more, I kind of like it—I like the game.

Picking up the mug of hot coffee on my desk, I took two sips before placing it back to concentrate on the screen in front of me.

It's currently a quarter past seven in the morning, and I have to be at work by nine, so whatever I'm staring at right now needs to be done in thirty minutes tops for me to get to work on time.

Simply because I own the company doesn't mean I have to get there late. Diligence is something I hold onto, and I won't ever let go of it.

Luckily, I am already halfway through what I needed to have done last night, and I am sure I can finish the remaining work in due time.

Footsteps echoed in the hallway, growing louder and closer as they approached my door. I didn't bother looking up from my work because I knew whose footsteps they were.

"Coffee?" Her sweet voice breezed through the wind as light as a feather as she stood at the threshold of my home office.

"I already got one, thank you."

"What are you doing?" She asked, striding towards me. She rested her palms on my desk after replacing my mug with the new one she brought.

It was then I lifted my head to look at her. I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips when my gaze landed on her face.

She returned the smile with one of her own. This girl has been in my life for as long as I can remember, and I vowed a long time ago not to let anything hurt her. I will protect her with everything in me, and I'm ready to burn the world down if anything or anyone dares cause her to tear up.

Aurora Morozov is the only reason I am still alive today. She is the reason I didn't give up years ago and the reason I kept pushing until I got here today.

She hatés it when I refer to her as my 'baby sister,' but it's a fact that can't be denied or erased, and I love saying it to rile her up because I have no better thing to do except annoy my sister.

Rory—as I always called her—asked, coming to stand beside me. "Is there something on my face?"

Ignoring her question because why not, I threw her a question of her own. "Why are you still home? Aren't you supposed to be at school right now?"

"School starts at eight, Nic."

"Okay, and?"

"It's just a few minutes past seven."

"Unless you're the Flash, I don't see you reaching there on time, Rory."

Rory rolled her eyes as she groaned dramatically. "Can you not act like a big brother for a second?"

"I can't; just like you can't stop acting like a baby..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," she snapped, now glaring at me. I flashed her my biggest grin only for her to scrunch up her face with a grimace. "I don't see why girls are obsessed with you."

"If you weren't my sister and my blood, you would see it. I am hot, that's a fact."

"At least you're not cocky about it, that's wonderful." Sarcasm dripped from her statement as she flipped her long hair back with exaggerated style that made me scoff and laugh at the same time. "By the way, there's something different about you recently."

"What do you mean?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious when I clearly know what she's referring to.

"Throughout last week, you went out at night and got back later. I asked Dex about it to know if you had any work at the base, to which he said no. You've also been on your phone for an unusual amount of time." She took a pause for theatrical effect before continuing. "And this is the shocker, you have been smiling at your phone!"

I need to redirect her mind elsewhere because I don't want her finding out about the plan yet. I can't afford for this long-term plan to flop; it will be devastatingly pathetic if that happens.

I tilted my head, feigning confusion as I stared up at her. "Am I not allowed to smile?"

"You are, but..."

Cutting her off, I asked again. "Am I not allowed to be on my phone?"

"Of course, you are. And I know what you are trying to do, Dominic, I'm not one of your many stupid victims of manipulation." Rory firmly replied. "What are you doing?"

"Avenging our parents' deàth."

"You started without informing me, that's outrageous. That aside, what are you going to do to Kyle Walker?"


"Then what are you talking about?" Aurora snapped, getting frustrated at my opaqueness. "For the millionth time, what are you doing?"

Standing up, I picked up my coffee and sipped on it, careful not to burn my tongue. "It's quite simple to get if you think a little deeper."

"I don't understand."

"Kyle took our parents from us, so I'm returning the favor by doing the same thing. Isn't that just awesome?

"Who, though? Which of them are you going to...take?"

A smirk spread out comfortably on my face and I shrugged like I was feeling nonchalant about it when in reality, I am not.

Genevieve King has always been the targét ever since I learned of her carefree way of life. She doesn't care about anything and anyone, and lives life so carelessly. But this is not true; I think I can say I know her a little bit after spending the little moments we've had together.

This is where it gets tricky; from having a targét, I've slowly but surely become one because that girl has it out for me. It's evident in her eyes that she'd love to ruffle me up and I féar it's already working.

"Dominic." My sister, Rory's voice drew me out of my consuming thoughts, and I blinked to reset my brain; it didn't work. "Who is your targét?"


Even saying her name makes my skin tickle and my whole body subconsciously relax like she is currently present here.

I am doómed.

"Genevieve King?"

"Do you know any other Genevieve?"

"Actually yes, I do know another Genevieve. But she doesn't attend our school, I know her from Instagram."

Because she's my sister and I can't fling her into another dimension for bringing up unrelated topics to the subject at hand, I simply muttered, "Good for you."

"Anyway, I say you abórt mission."

"Why?" Holding onto my self-control not to flare up and explode at her suggestion, I ran my fingers through my hair, totally not calming down.

"You are headed on a path of no return. You were smiling on your phone, Dominic, this is a big deal."

"What the héll is that supposed to mean?"

"You like her. You're clearly attracted to her and I won't blame you, she's hot."

That can't be any more truer than that. She's unbelievably gorgeous that I sometimes think she's one of those animated anime, but more bewitchingly beautiful.

But it'll be better if it was merely physical attraction; it feels different. Differently appealing. Differently tempting. And inevitably, differently addicting. This is not because she's stunning, but because she's her - she is Genevieve, and I like her presence.

"Go to school." I chose to end this subject before it's too late.

I am the Dón of the Russian bràtva; I will not be rendered weak by a seventeen-year-old girl.

You already are.

Shut up.

With my voice stern and firm also laced with a note of finality, I let out an order. "Now, Aurora, go."

Aurora continued looking at me for seconds longer before she shook her head and left.

I do not like Genevieve King.

It's impossible.

Like? It's a stúpid word and it's not in my vocabulary. It can't ever be.

I am Dominic Morozov. I'm the one that makes people weak, not the other way around. I won't allow myself to be stupid enough to be her pawn; she is mine to ruin, and I'll do just that. 


"What do you mean it fell through?!" I barely recognize my own voice as I yelled. "That's five million dollars gone to the wind, Dex. Are you f+ckíng with me?"

Dexter, the closest thing I have to a friend and my right-hand man in the affairs of the underworld, stared at me with guilt in his eyes. "I am sorry, Dom...."

"Don't you dare complete that sentence, Dex," I angrily gritted. "How could you let that happen?"

"How do you expect me to know they were going to try shit with us? I didn't know."

"You should have been prepared for anything, but you weren't."

"Well, sue me for being human."

"Or I could kíll you," I bit back with the same sass as we both glared at each other. "Should I?"

"Well, now that you're taking permission, no."

"Do you think I am joking?"

"I am truly sorry, Dominic."

All because I didn't go to the base last night, a deal went wrong, and a lot of money is gone. Not only did I not finish my office work last night, I also missed this deal that I've been working on since forever, and it's all because of that one girl.

I am a méss.

An utter méss because of Genevieve King.

Raking my fingers through my styled hair, ruffling it in the process, I let my eyelids shut close to get my head back on track.

I can fix this.

I will fix this.

How will I fix this?

Exhaling through my nostrils, I nodded my head while staring directly at Dex's sad face. The thing that annoys me most about him is that even after years of being in the underworld, he is still so... human, like he said earlier.

Dexter still has all his emotions, whether it's the good or bad ones. He likes to feel, and I don't know why. He even has a boyfriend. You'd think I would be against it, and yes, I was. In fact, I'm still against the fact he has a boyfriend.

Love is a weakness. It's for the weak. It's also an illusion created by mindléss jobléss people who have nothing better to do with their time than to 'fall in love.'


I know, right?

It's outrageously disgustiñg. But I couldn't do anything to stop him when he has his mind set on something; he let himself fall and I let him date, unreluctantly, of course.

I believe Henry is his boyfriend's name. Ah no, it's Harry. And no, he isn't part of the underworld; he works for the royal family of Switzerland.

So apart from the whole falling in love thing, Dex has a really impressive sad face to curry favor. He's a manipulatór, and he knows it.

"Just go."

"Do you forgive me?"

"If you let me cút off your head, then yes."

"Nah, then who will be your friend?" He said, shaking his head. "You have no idea how... Why are you looking at me like that? Okay fine, I'll go, but remember that I am really sorry."

Sighing tiredly with a mind full of thoughts, I lowered myself to my seat and turned away from the door, facing the window instead.

I need to do something fast to rectify this mistake. It'd had been better if it's just about the money, but it's not. I needed that deal, and I needed it now.

The door opened and shut, and I internally groaned, wanting to disappear or melt into a puddle at the thought of dealing with Dex again.

"Go away!" I snapped and closed my eyes, resting my head on the headrest but soon raised up when my nose picked up an awfully familiar scent.

She is here.

"No." Her voice immediately confirmed it like as if on perfect cue. I spun my seat, suddenly desperate to catch a glimpse of her, and when I did, it was way more than a mere glimpse.

This time around, she wasn't in her uniform but her regular outfit - all black like a goth little girl she is. When I say goth, I don't mean Wednesday Addams, Genevieve's is more stylish and modern.

"I guess your day is going bàd." I heard her mutter as I continued to greedily take her all in. My eyes slid down, noticing she is putting on one of her thick boots as she strode towards me. "I am here to make it way worse."

As if her presence wasn't already greatly affecting me, she decided to fire a sweet smile my way, and it flew straight into my chest like an arrow.

What she's making worse is my life, not my day. My day is complete with her in it, and I have to admit that whether or not I want to.

Looking so enticingly beautiful, she came to me and rested her hands on my shoulder, and like before, I relaxed into it. "You're tense."

I don't know if it's because of the deal or because of her.

Genevieve spun my seat around for me to face her, and our gaze collided against each other, letting me remember if just I accidentally forgot that her eyes are so hypnotizingly pretty. "You look exhausted," she said. "You didn't have enough sleep last night?"

"Are you teasing me?" I asked after finally finding my voice.

"What?" Her chàotic eyes clearly indicated a steer clear sign because it's uncharted water, but I have always loved the dangeroús things instead of the safe ones. So, I continued staring at her like a fréak without breaking eye contact as she pretended to be incredulous. "No. How could I?"

She's a great actress; I'd give her that. I nearly believed she was saying the truth if not because of the smirk she is giving me right now.

"Well, congratulations, you're already making my day worse." I expertly lied through my teeth like the professional I am, and she patted herself on the shoulder, dragging a chuckle out of me.

"Now, there's my Dominic," Genevieve mused, beaming a wide smile at me, totally clueless about the war that just broke out inside me. "Not smiling gives wrinkles. You wouldn't want to be old and ugly, will you?"

Her Dominic?

It sounds weirdly right. Like it's true. Like it truly belongs to each other. Like I belong to her.

But I don't. I will never. If there's someone to belong to someone, it'll be her to me; it's only right, isn't it?

"I am not old."

"Yeah, right. Aren't you like thirty-something or is it forty?"

"I am twenty-seven, Genevieve."

"Hmmm, it's bàd to lie."

"It's not a lie."

"Then why don't I believe you?"

"Because...." I paused, suddenly realizing she's playing me. "This is fun for you, yes?"

"You've no idea." Genevieve grinned. "By the way, you made a mistake over..." I watched as her fingers hovered over my laptop's screen before she pointed at the mistake. "Here. Can you see it?"

Yes, but how can she?

It's business-related and has a lot of numbers, and from what I know, she hatés numbers, so it's surprising how quickly she picked up on the mistake.

"What do you want to major in?" I inquired, curiosity bubbling in me.

"Psychology or law, I'm still deciding."


Her brows knitted in confusion as she cocked her head to the side. "Why? Why what?"

"Why choose those two?"

"Well, I like them, if it's enough explanation. Why are you in the mafía?"

She knows too much.

"I never told you I was in the mafía." I foolishly argued, to which she scoffed.

"Yeah, and I'm not a girl," Genevieve said, resting her body on my desk. I crossed my legs to enjoy the view like the pervért I'm becoming. "I am hungry."

Me too, but not for food.

"And what do you want me to do?" I gruffly replied.

"Get me something to eat before I get crañky."

"So this isn't your crañky?" I taunted, earning a blank stare from her.

Pushing the intercom, I called in my secretary I didn't fire because of Genevieve, and she was in my office within seconds.

"Vixen, tell her what you want," I told Genevieve, and she faced her with a polite smile.

"Hi, Cassidy," I heard her say, and it was then I remembered my own secretary's name. "Some burger and fries, please."

"Sure, what else?"

"A drink."

"Which one?"

"Anyone you think I would like. Thank you."

"It's no problem." Cassidy smiled at her, her face glowing with friendship, but when she looked at me, it vanished, and she casually bowed her head.

I like that. I love the feàr in people's eyes for me; I absolutely relish it.

As soon as she left, Genevieve turned to face me, crossing one leg over the other, resting her back on the backrest. Her face is a perfect view for me as she twitched her lips, boring her piercing gaze on me.

Every other thing disappears when she stares at me like that, giving me all her attention. When she tilts her head to the side with that spark of interest gleaming in her turbulent ocean blue eyes, wearing a serene expression.

And because I was simply insatiable when it comes to her, I allowed my eyes to give her yet another once-over for the umpteenth time. She let her hair down today and it framed her face so well it looks unbelievable.

"I have a question," Genevieve said.

What possible question could she have for me?

Not giving my head the access to wander and zone out, I softly hummed, mirroring her sitting position. "And what may that be?"

"Out of all the ladies you've been with, which one do you like the most?"

If she's asking about the women I have had sex with, then none. I only ever had a one-time sex with them and they're out of my life and head because they were never in it in the first place.

"Aren't you a curious little cat?" I murmured, eliciting a classic shrug from her. "I don't like any of them." I truthfully replied.

"Why? They weren't your type?"

"You could say so."

"What then is your type?"


Shut the f+ck up.

The door opening managed to drag both of our attention as Cassidy came in and handed Genevieve whatever she got for her.

My Genevieve once again politely smiled at her, taking it from her hand. "Thank you. Do I have to pay?"

"Nonsense," I interjected before my secretary had the chance to speak. "Go."

Cassidy bowed her head and practically ran out. I blew out an exhale through my lips when the door shut, only to turn and find Genevieve glaring at me.

"What?" I dared to ask.

"That was rúde."

"Oh, I didn't realize," I sarcastically replied.

Her glare deepened. "Well, now you do."

"Am I supposed to apologize to her?"

"If you were wrong, yes."

"A Morozov never apologizes."

"Never say never, Dominic." There was something in her voice that looked like a promise - a promise to make it happen. "You know, there's a first time for everything."

No shít, Sherlock. I realized that when I let you into my space and you started to méss with my head.

"Do you want to have a bite?" She used a fry to point at the junk food in front of her as she inquired.

"No, I am good."

And that's how I ended up watching her stuff her mouth with them, and after she finished eating, she went for her drink, sipping it slowly from the straw.

This is when the most shocking part happened. I thought she would want to go home after that, but she stayed.

Genevieve stayed, making herself comfortable on the couch while she dug straight into her e-reader, not paying me any more attention.

She might be concentrated on her activity, but she left me disorganized. How was I supposed to work with her here just being so fuckíng beautiful while she did the most mundane thing ever?

I am ruiñed.

Utterly ruiñed.


After hours have passed of me working while constantly stealing glances at her, we finally caught each other's gaze.

"I am hungry," she muttered, sitting up properly to look at me with a pout. "I'll see you tomorrow."

She's leaving?

I thought she wanted her to leave.

F+ck off.

Genevieve pushed her e-reader into the little black backpack she carried and stood up on her feet. "This was fun. We should do this again."

I would say it's the first time, but ever since she barged into my life, I've suddenly become so impulsive. That's why I sprang up like my seat búrnt me and blurted out. "I could make you food."

What the f+ck is going on with me?

It was too late to back out now because she is staring at me with those pretty eyes, surprised at my offer.

"Are you inviting me to your house, Dominic Morozov?"

Am I?

Is that what I just did?

Oh shít, I did. Aurora was the only person I have cooked for in my life and now, I'm adding another to the list.

Another person that is not related to me in any way. Another person that is currently smirking at me, waiting for my next words.

"If I was, would you come?"

Stop talking.

"If only you promise not to unalíve me, then we're good."


I don't know whatever that meant, however I nodded my head and said, "I promise."

Genevieve nodded once. "Am I driving with you, or my car?"

"With me. I'll take care of your car."

It was currently five in the evening and I normally go back home by seven, but today turned out different. I liked this different.

There are so many firsts happening today, and it's weirdly not as overwhelming as I thought it would be. First, I offered to cook for her. Second, she's sitting in my car with me. Third, I am driving her to my house. All these things I've mentioned have never happened before.


Nervousness was something I stopped feeling a long time ago, but as she sat on the stool beside the kitchen island, watching me as I whipped up the quickest meal I could for her, all I felt was nervousness.

Why was she looking at me like that?

Why do I like it?

After plating the pasta on a dish, I slid it to her and handed her a fork. The nervousness didn't go away one bit as she tentatively chewed on the pasta.

"So, you're not only a businessman and a mafía lord, but also a chef. What can't you do?" Genevieve said after swallowing.

I don't know.

"I can't believe you're thinking about it. Gosh, you're so cocky."

"Am not."

"You kind of are."

"That's not a very nice thing to say, Vixen."

"I am not nice, Dominic."


"Hey, not cool." She shook her head. "I have a question."

"You always have questions, don't you?" I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed, drawing out a stool to sit. "What is your question this time?"

Genevieve tucked some strands of hair behind her ear while drinking water. She waited for a moment before speaking. "Who taught you how to cook? Your mom?"

"No. I learned myself." Desperate to change the topic, I asked. "Do you know how to cook?"

Laughter broke out of her like I told a joke, and I stared at her, confused. "No, I don't."

"You can learn."

"And who will teach me? My mom?" She scoffed, annoyance coating her face. "That's impossible."

Her mother must be such a wítch if her own daughter can hàte her this much.

Genevieve, as if hearing my thoughts, quickly said, "I don't hàte her; it's just suffócating to be her daughter. She's so controlling and overbearing." Her voice cracked as her eyes slightly watered. "She controls everything; even my room isn't mine."

"What do you mean?" I was too quick to ask.

"Your room is supposed to be yours. You know, a safe haven for you to feel like you, but mine isn't. I wasn't allowed to decorate my room the way I want; my room is like a model, and I hàte it."

The look on her face pained something in me to the extent of wanting to fix it for her. The urge to do just that overwhelmed me in an instant.

"If you had your dream room, what would it be like?" I asked, pouring her another glass of water since she finished the first glass.

Her ocean blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she twitched her lips thoughtfully. "Stars on the ceiling and walls, bookshelves in a corner, black paint, um, I don't know, something like that I guess."

Don't do it.

Don't do it.

I will do it.

Yes, I will if it'll bring a smile to her face.

"In non-depressing news, I heard something about you." The way she quickly changed the topic was impressive, to be honest. "By heard, I mean found."

Now I am curious.

"What did you find?"

"That you haven't kissed any of those ladies you've had s+x with."

Surprise will be an understatement to what I was feeling at the moment as I stared at her, shocked to the bones by her word-bomb. "Do you go asking around about my s+x life?"

"No, I just keep my ears open." She grinned as if she were talking about the weather.

"Well, close it a bit, would you?"

Genevieve shook her head and muttered, "Not when it concerns you."

It's no surprise that there's something wrong with me because tell me why I offered to drive her back in her own car after she finished eating?

I know, I am insañe.

However, as I drove her down to her house, we continued talking about things that normally didn't matter to me before she started to doze off. And because it's already an established fact that I have gone insañe, I didn't wake her up when I got to her gate.

Wanna know what I fuckíng did?

Oh, I drove around her estate for a good four rounds, only stopping when she stirred awake herself. 

"Thank you for the ride," her soft words drifted through the car, and I nodded in response. "How will you get back?"

"I'll either call someone or walk home."

"Take care," she chuckled at her own words as I raised an eyebrow at her. "And try not to kíll anyone on the streets."

"I'll do my best," I replied. "Have a good night."

"You too."

I let my eyes linger on her face for a few more seconds before I was satisfied, then opened the door and stepped out. She did the same to move to the driver's seat.

"Don't think about me too much, Dominic Morozov," her final words hung in the air as she drove off to her building.

Well, that might be a bit difficult to avoid after today.


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