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Insatiable Cravings - Episode 7





Insatiable Cravings - Episode 7

Subtitle; {Loving You Is A Loosing Game} 

TAGS: Age-gap, Mafia, Forbidden Love, Drama, Tragedy and Betrayal.

Settings: United Kingdom, Russia and others.

By: Chukwuma Rejoice 


~ Genevieve ~

I despíse school.

I abhór studying.

What are all these equations for?

And where on earth did X come from?

Stifling the groan that was just halfway up my throat, I yawned instead, my eyes leaving the book in front of me to wander around the room for a bit.

Everywhere was as quiet as a mouse, or perhaps even a haunted graveyard. Bookshelves as tall as giants were filled with uninteresting books I’ve no intention of reading but am forced to. Everyone had their head stuck in a book, whether willingly or unwillingly.

Guess where I am?

If you guessed a library, you’re right. If you didn’t, you might want to have your brain checked.

Sorry, not sorry; I’m in a fóul mood because Tuesdays are compulsory visits to the library for the students of Silverlake Academy. A whole two hours is scheduled for the library visit in every student’s timetable, and it’s infuriating.

Instead of studying, I decided to spin my pen around my fingers as I debated on which subject to tackle next.

Don’t get me wrong. I might hate school and studying, but I do work extremely hard for my grades and GPA because I plan on attending Suncrest College. It has been my dream for as long as I can remember, and the admission requirements are strictly based on the student’s merits, not the amount of money in daddy’s and mummy’s bank accounts.

Not that I would prefer it any other way. I simply want to work hard to get there, but studying mathematics is a punishmént to my brain cells.

Expelling a sigh of tiredness, I opened my laptop and quickly typed in my top-secret password before clicking on the tab I wanted.

As if on cue, a message popped up on the screen that had me looking over my shoulder to the sender. She jutted her head, wordlessly telling me to read it. I faced my laptop, clicked the message open, and let my eyes run across it.

MY BETTER HALF ≈ “Do you need help with the maths?”

It instantly brought a smile to my face and I turned to shake my head at her. She mirrored my smile and nodded.

Julianna Ember Nelsons, aka Jules, aka my bestie for life, is my maths tutor and the reason I get B+ in my most hatéd subject, mathematics.

Another message and yet another read-through.

MY BETTER HALF ≈ “What about the Chemistry or Biology or Physics?”

Me ≈ “I’ve got it. What about you, Lit-In-Eng treating you well?”

She has a minor issue with English and Literature. I might even say it’s as hard for her as maths is for me. In a not-so-cool plot twist, mathematics is her best subject and my worst, while Literature is my best and her worst.

Interesting, isn’t it?

MY BETTER HALF ≈ “Like I always say, reading is boring. I hàte it so much, like arghhhhhh!”

See, this is what I am talking about; it’s a deep hatréd.

I don’t see why she hatés it and she doesn’t see why I hàte maths, so yeah, best pals for life.

Me ≈ “But you always get an A in it!”

She’s a wítch, I swear. 

One minute, she’s talking about how much she hatés Literature, and then the next minute, she’s the top of the class.

MY BETTER HALF ≈ “You get B in maths, too and yet you say you hàte it.”

I do hàte it, but I also do study at home.

Me ≈ “Cràzy, isn’t it?”

A low hiss from beside me caused me to habitually roll my eyes even without trying at the sight of the person. Sorry, I mean, anímal.

No, animals are too innocent to be her. She is one annoyíng space occupier, if you ask me. A wàste of space and an utter mistàke to the planet - Cheryl. 

I ignored her like her parents do and faced my laptop. My phone soundlessly vibrated on the table, so I picked it up to check what new notification I had.

You can imagine my surprise when I saw an unnamed contact texting me a full stop. Yes, I mean it, a full stop as a message.

I started to think of who I recently gave my number to, resulting in none. Then I started to think again of who could be pranking me, leaving no one because the students of Silverlake are either in class or right here, so it can’t be Christian.

That only leaves one person. That one person who can get my number without me having to give it to him because of his line of work. That person who makes any day he shows up in my life worthwhile - Dominic Morozov.

Grinning to myself because I figured it out, I typed a reply.

Me ≈ “I know it’s you, Dominic. What do you want?”

While I waited for him to see my text, I quickly saved his number as 'Hot Villain'.

Hot Villain ≈ “That is impressive, Vixen. How did you know?”

The grin on my face grew wider, if that is even possible, as I read and reread his reply, my eyes lingering longer on the nickname.

Me ≈ “Well, it’s only one person I know who would send that, which is you. You haven’t answered me.”

Hot Villain ≈ “You asked a question?”

I’m sure as anything he knows what I’m referring to, but chooses to act clueless. He doesn’t fool me one bit, and it’s fun to watch him try.

Me ≈ “Yes!”

Hot Villain ≈ “Why can’t I seem to recollect?”

He wants to play this game; alright, I’ll show him who’s boss.

Me ≈ “If you scroll a little up, you will see it, that’s if your eyes work properly.”

Hot Villain ≈ “My eyes work just fine, Genevieve.”

Yes, it would be pathetic if they didn’t. I mean, those eyes of his are so remarkably beautiful. I’ve never liked whisky, in fact, I hàte it. But his eyes... They’re beautiful, just like whisky on ice.

They are the most golden brown pair of eyes to exist and the way they shine with every single emotion he shows is simply divine.

Me ≈ “If you say so, Dominic.”

As I sent that, I quickly typed out my next text to him and sent it.

Me ≈ “So, what do you want?”

The typing bubbles appeared and disappeared twice, making me chuckle slightly.

Isn’t that adorable?

He’s shy.

Me ≈ “Come on, Dom, I promise not to laugh. Or tease you.”

Once again, the typing bubbles appeared but this time, they didn’t disappear. His message popped up.

Hot Villain ≈ “I am thinking about how to send it without sounding like a créep.”

A laugh choked itself out of my mouth and I slapped my palm over it as heads turned to me. The thought that I’m still in the library completely slipped my mind for a second.

Rereading his text with a ghost of a smile on my lips, I tucked the single strands of hair escaping my hairstyle.

Me ≈ “That might be a little difficult since you’re...”

Keeping them guessing is a lot of fun.

Hot Villain ≈ “I am what?”

Me ≈ “I am sure you can fill in the blanks yourself, Dominic.”

It’s rather shocking that I could dislike someone and yet be so drawn to the same person. Never in my life did I ever think that a man would come close to eñding lives for me.

Yet, I have one right now. He might deny it, but I have him wrapped around my fingers. He might also deny the undeniable sexúal tension between us, but I can assure you that I’ll break him.

Slowly but surely, I’ll strip him of all his self-control and he’ll be like pudding in my palm. Hmm, now I’m hungry for pudding.

Why did I think of pudding?


Luckily, his message came again, momentarily distracting me from everything pudding related.

Hot Villain ≈ “I am quite unsure of what you mean. Care to elaborate?”

Hell no.

Me ≈ “Do you realise that I’m a student and I might just be busy with schoolwork?”

Hot Villain ≈ “Yes, I do realise that. In fact, I know that you’re in the library right now, am I wrong? Psst, I’m never wrong.”

Me ≈ “Wow, I can see that you’re the least cocky person I know.”

Hot Villain ≈ “You can say that again.”

Me ≈ “How about a no?”

Me ≈ “What do you want? And don’t worry about sounding like a créep; you don’t scàre me.”

Hot Villain ≈ “You might want to rethink that.”

Me ≈ “Nope, I’m good.”

Hot Villain ≈ “Can you come over?”

Aww, someone misses me.

I wouldn’t say I miss him too. I mean, we literally saw each other yesterday and I stayed with him for like three hours before returning home, so I don’t see any reason to miss him.

But you do.

I do not.

Because I am me, I decided to turn this around to my advantage and see if he will fall for it.

Me ≈ “Why do you want me to come over?” 





I watched as the gigantic standing clock in a corner of the library counted its seconds as I waited for his reply.

Hot Villain ≈ “I want to see you.”

Surprise would be an understatement to describe the feeling that rushed through me. I didn’t expect him to actually say that.

Talk about honesty!

Masking it all down as if he could see me, I cleared my throat and swallowed, suddenly feeling thirsty. But I know it’s not water I or my body want right now.

It’s a person. A man, to be specific. A ridiculously fine-looking specimen of a man – God’s favourite creation. It must have taken Him a century to perfect such great work named Dominic Morozov.

Me ≈ “Why? Do you miss me?”

Fingers crossed, he won’t answer this one. After all, you can only get one freebie.

Hot Villain ≈ “If I say yes, will you come over?”

Does he truly miss me? 

Will he say yes? 

Me ≈ “Yes.”

The typing bubbles appeared and disappeared once, twice, and then thrice before appearing again.

If he's hesitating, it means he does miss me, but is too Dominic to say so.

Hot Villain ≈ “Fine. Yes, I do miss you.”

Interesting, isn't it?

Seeing a man of such caliber sending me that message tickles my ego in the finest way known to existence.

Me ≈ “How much?”

I know I'm pushing it now, but hey, where is the fun if I don't?

Hot Villain ≈ “Genevieve, don't push it.”

Ah, it was worth the try.

Hot Villain ≈ “So?”

I mean, it's fine. It's not like I have any other thing to do with my time; I might as well spend it with him.

Me ≈ “Okay, I'll think about it.”

Hot Villain ≈ “Hey, that wasn't the agreement.”

My life has been pretty boring for a long while, and having a mafía appealed by me doesn't sound bad at all.

And trust me, I'll make his fall nice and slow until he agrees that I am not a kid, that I have an effect on him. He must admit it, and after a job well-done, I'll treat myself to a spa day.

Me ≈ “Goodbye, Dominic Morozov.”


Can you imagine my surprise when the lady — Dominic's Secretary — let me in without any arguments, unlike yesterday when she was being such a bítch 

She was doing her job. 

I know that. That's why I told Dominic not to fire her; see? I'm nice.

By the way, her name is Cassidy. She isn't bàd, so we might get along just fine if she plays her cards right.

"Thanks." I said so I won't be the bítch in this matter. And when she smiled at me, I had to give her one too.

A few steps towards the glass yet opaque door which is Dominic's office, I raised my fist to knock because I have home training but changed my mind and just strolled inside.

As soon as I stepped in, my head bumped into his chest and I looked up at him with a smile which he returned. "Hi."

Dominic chuckled but said. "Hi."

"You're going out?"

"Yes, to the conference room for the meeting I missed yesterday." He replied, shifting a couple of feet backward to give me space.

I would appreciate that if he wasn't Dominic Morozov.

"Oh." I drawled out upon the realization that he missed that because of me. "Should... Should I go?”

"Don't be silly. Can you wait for me?”

I am never silly.

"You want me to wait? When will you be done?”

"Within an hour." He said after checking his watch. His eyes met mine, and it was begging me to stay. "So, can you?”


"Good." Dominic grinned, his eyes roaming on my face, and a frown settled on his face when he saw something. He removed the hair stick I used to keep my hair up, and my hair instantly fell on my back with some on my face. "I am keeping this."

"Hey, no; I got that custom-made for me."

"Yeah, I did too with my knífe."

"It's not the same thing. You gave me your knífe."

"And now, you're giving me this."

"No, I am not."

"Yes, you are."

I was just about to say something else when Dominic stepped forward, causing me to immediately swallow my words as he towered over my 5'4 height. He slowly brought his hand to my face, and I froze not knowing what he wants to do.

A deep and sudden intake of breath left my lips as his fingertips brushed against my face. My eyelids fluttered close as he continued and even gently pushed the strands of my hair behind my ear, pinning his intense gaze in mine.

This is suffocatiñgly nice.

"I finally figured out what you smell like." His voice low, hoarse, and deep.


I guess my face portrayed my confusion because he laughed and took another step forward, causing me to subconsciously take one back, which made my back hit the door.

Great, I got myself pinned. But I like it.

"You smell like water lilies, and your hair like cherry blossom."

Well, he is right. I use a water lilies perfume, and my shampoo is cherry blossom scented. I actually stole the shampoo from my sister, Adrianna, and someone very special to me got me the perfume when I turned into a teen, and I've been using it ever since.

"You were trying to figure it out?" He nodded. "Since when?"


"How did you figure it out then?"

"Oh," Dominic chuckled at himself and I waited for him to vomit the words. "That's none of your business."


"Be a good girl and don't touch anything you are not supposed to touch when I'm gone."

Good girl? I more than like the sound of that.

Turns out Dominic doesn't know what an hour means because one hour has passed and he's still not back. I have read, walked around in here, touched everything, and am now sitting on his seat.

Making myself comfortable by spinning myself as I sat on his swivel chair to read, I soon realized I was pushing my brain to relax and before I knew it, I dozed off.

Cràzy, isn't it?

And by the time I am turning my body to fix my neck, I noticed Dominic seated on the sofa, working on something on his laptop.

Although sleep was still blurring my vision, it's undeniable how unrealistically good his side profile is. I repositioned myself to continue watching him, but my plan failed because in less than two minutes, he turned his head to me, meeting my gaze.

"Look who's up," Dominic said. "How was your nap?"

"Not good. I think I sprained my neck."

"Might be because of the way you're sat. You'll be fine."

Yeah, I know that.

Running my fingers through my hair, I brushed them back while making my way to him. "Does your watch have a fault?"

His brows furrowed and he looked at his wrist and back at me. "No, why?" I was about to answer his stúpid question when he realized. "Oh, I apologize. The meeting went passed the duration. What can I do to make it up to you?"

I have ideas.

But instead of saying anything, I just shrug my shoulders like I have nothing to say. "I have to get home. It's already late."

"Do you want to stay?" Dominic asked, standing up.

"Do you want me to stay?" I returned, tilting my head at him.

After a low hum, he said, "If I say yes, will you stay?"


I'm not lying, I truly will.

He nodded his head in acknowledgment, keeping his piercing pair of eyes on me. "Yes, I want you to stay. So, will you?"

"Say please."

I expected a little bit of hesitation from him because him being him, but he shocked me. "Please stay."

Wrapped around my fingers, I tell you.

I did stay for another couple of hours. We talked about everything and nothing before I decided to finally go home to avoid my mother's wrath.

No one wants to incur Mariah King's wràth, not even my Dad. You notice how my siblings and I answer her last name instead of my Dad's? That's how controlling she is. Meanwhile Kyle, my Dad, is doing everything he can to fall into my grandfather's bàd books. 


I wasn't all too surprised when I got back home and my parents weren't back from work. I even prefer it that way - a quiet and empty house, great.

Adrianna doesn't live here with us because she has her own house. She did it to escape from here while still being a puppet to Mariah King. I, on the other hand, can't afford to run away now because she'll find me, so I'm waiting for the perfect moment to do so when she won't have any power over me.

I ate the meal stored in the fridge after microwaving them, went up to my room and showered for the night. After putting on my nightwear, I tied my hair up in a bun and picked up my Kindle. Oh, and I also switched off the lamp on my nightstand.

But you know what they say about distractions, they come when you least expect it. My phone that I put to charge pinged with a message.

A message from Hot Villain aka Dominic Morozov.

With a smile on my face, I read his message.

Hot Villain ≈ “Reading?”

Me ≈ “Do you have cameras placed in my room?”

Not that I'd mind. In fact, I would really love the effort.

Hot Villain ≈ “Not yet, Vixen, not yet.”


It means it'll happen.

Hmm, can't wait.

Me ≈ “Promising. That's if you can get into my house.”

Hot Villain ≈ “Are you doubting my capacity?”

Me ≈ “How dare I?”


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