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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Insatiable Cravings - Episode 6





Insatiable Cravings - Episode 6

Subtitle; {Loving You Is A Loosing Game} 

TAGS: Age-gap, Mafia, Forbidden Love, Drama, Tragedy and Betrayal.

Settings: United Kingdom, Russia and others.

By: Chukwuma Rejoice 


~ Dominic ~

At the end of the day, I'm spent. 

Which is kind of funny because the day was hours away from ending. 

A decade has gone by since I was seventeen, juggling being a normal person and an underworldér, and I am still trying to get a hang of it. Heading different companies scattered all over the world and being the Dón of the Russian bràtva tends to get overwhelming on some days. 

Today happens to be one of those days. 

Files are stacked, waiting for my signature. There are also some projects that need approval, and I think there are even more files coming in. Let's not leave out the fact that I have a very important meeting scheduled for today. 

I would have stayed back home today if not for the meeting. That meeting is worth approximately a hundred billion USD and it can't be missed. 

A sigh of exhaustion slipped out of me as I attempted to clear my thoughts to get back into what I was doing. My eyes wandered back to the screen where all my attention was supposed to be focused and slowly landed on my hand. 

There's a cùt on the back of my palm, and I chuckled at the memory of how I got it three days ago, on Friday night, to be precise. 

If it leaves a scàr, I'll just have to go to the hospital and deal with the unfortunate victím of my wràth who caused it. So he better pray to whatever he worships that it doesn't scàr, else it would be an unpleasant visit. 

The sound of my ringing phone once again diverted my attention, and I picked it up from my desk, pivoted around on my swivel chair to face the window. 

"You sure took your precious time before answering. What, you are busy?" 

My uncle's voice slid into my ear, and I felt my lips stretch out with a smile. 

"You know the answer to that, old man." 

"Hey, that's rude." He playfully scolded like he does when I was younger. "What are you doing on Saturday?" 

I don't know because I'm yet to check my schedule, but if I should guess, I have a particular girl named Genevieve that I need to stàlk. I mean, follow discreetly, without her knowing. 

But I don't say that. I can't have him knowing about my plans, at least not now. So I opted to say, "what do you have in mind?" 

Standing up to stretch my body that has been in one position all day, I heard him reply. "Come over, it has been so long since I last saw you." 

That's a lie. We met at his house seven weeks ago; it isn't long, is it? I refused to be roped into such untruth. 

And before he basically raised me, he knew I was about to defend myself, so he quickly added, "I don't want to hear it, Dominic. Be here on Saturday, we'll have brunch together." 

"You know I hàte brunch; it's either breakfast or lunch, if not that, nothing else." 

Who is the underdeveloped idíot that invented that word? I need to have a word with them. I promise I won't touch them. 

His laughter — which was totally uncalled for — rippled in my ear as he said, "Be here, Dominic." 

And because he is the way he is, he hung up before I could come up with an excuse to cancel the meeting. Don't think it's because I don't want to see him or I don't like him; I do like him. I mean, he did finish up from where my parents stopped in raising me and assisting in making me the man I am today. 

He's a father figure in my life and also a distraction. I hàte getting distracted from anything that needs to be done, and going over for a visit regularly is one heck of a distraction. Heaven knows I can only handle one distraction at a time. 

One insanély gorgeous-looking distraction of a girl who I will rúin in the most unlikable and unthinkable way possible. She will see me and trémble after I am done with her, and of course, I'll enjoy having fun. 

That will be possible if only I can stop smiling or laughing or doing something that is not me whenever she is around. 

Her aura draws out something uncannily strange out of me. Her eyes are even worse because they should be a reminder of that god-awful day, but each and every time I see those eyes, the only thing I want to do is to never look away. 

I am yet to determine the exact shade of blue in her eyes, and I must find out. Never in my existence did I expect to be both captivated and repelléd by a pair of eyes. 

It's unbelievably insañe.

My wandering thoughts about her abruptly halted when I heard that familiar and pleasant accent demanding entry. 

She's here, in my company. I wonder what she wants now or what I did to upset her, judging by her tone. I secretly enjoy her añgry face; it's rather endearing. 

Shaking my head to clear my mind for a moment, I cleared my throat and took deliberate steps towards the door. I didn't want it to appear that her presence mattered to me.

It does. 

It does not. 

"May I know the cause of this disturbance in my workplace?" My voice echoed in the hallway, causing the two girls to turn their heads to me.

I recognized both of them immediately. One is my secretary-slash-PA, while the other is the one that momentarily took my breath away.

I'm no pervért or pedóphile, but Jesus, her school uniform isn't supposed to be that... 

I can't even find a word to describe how she looks in it.

I can't count how many times I've seen and even touched that uniform, but now that it's on her, it looks totally different. Better. Much, much better on her body than on the others.

I should stop my eyes from checking her out, but there was no stopping them. My gaze roamed across her body, taking in the three pieces of clothing - the checkered pleated skirt, the white shirt, and the brown blazer over it. My eyes clearly weren't satisfied because they went down, focusing on her length and her black boots that were unlike the ones she normally wears.

I guess she isn't as rebellioús as she thought she was.

"Wipe that smile off your face, Dominic."

I was smiling?

God, that's why I need to get checked because something is wrong with me.

I tore my eyes away from her to focus on the person standing next to her, watching our exchange with a confused look. "Are you indirectly implying that if I didn't come out, you wouldn't know how to handle this?"

"No, sir. I was trying to get her to leave."

"Well, you failed," Genevieve and I snapped at the same time.

"I am sorry, Sir. It won't happen again," my secretary, whose name I know but can't seem to remember, apologized with a bowed head.

"Yeah, it won't happen again because you're fired."


"Did I stutter?" She shook her head at my question. "Genevieve, follow me."

"I am not a dog," I heard her mutter as she did exactly what I said.

"So, to what do I owe this visit?" I inquired as soon as I heard the door shut behind her.

"Can you guess?"

"Genevieve, I am a busy man; I am not in the mood for guessing games."

A scoff mixed with a pinch of mocking laughter bubbled out of her. "Yeah, right."

I rested on my desk and crossed my ankles. "What do you want, Genevieve?

"Where were you on Friday night?"

Watching her.

What else would I rather do to occupy my free time than that?

"Somewhere. Why?"

"I'm certain this 'somewhere' has a name, may I know it?"

"There are some things that you don't need to know."

"I know that," she said, her voice rising an octave as she concealed her annoyance. "But this one in particular concerns me."

"I don't know what you are talking about," I lied.

Her feet hit the floor hard as she stormed toward me. She stopped when the distance between us was merely a foot and leaned in, as if to threatén me.

Although I tried to resist inhaling her sweet flowery scent, it was impossible as she glared at me. "You know what you did. Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" I continued to act clueless, even though her eyes were glaring at me so intensely they could kíll me if looks could kíll.

Beat the unrecyclable idíot to near-deàth?

I would do it again if he hadn't learned the lesson I taught him.

"Dominic," she warned.

Without hesitation or respect for my reputation, my lips tugged upward into a smile which grew into a grin within seconds. "That's my name, I believe."

Genevieve's head tilted to the side, her hair draping in the direction of her head, while her eyes scanned my face for whatever she was searching for. "Drop the act," she said after my face didn't betray me. "I know you had a hand in it, so just admit it."

"I should admit to something I know nothing about. That doesn't sound right or sensible."


She could call me forever, and I wouldn't get tired of that voice. It has an oddly soothing sound to it, or maybe I am just being wéird.

"I don't want to be dragged into any scàndal, especially not one that involves someone being in the hospital."

That made a laugh erupt from me. "A little too late for that now, Little Vixen; two people are in the hospital because of you." I stood up, walking to my seat to maintain some distance between us, because things might get rísky if there's none. "Actually, just one, the first is already out."

Her eyes widened at my statement, and it brought yet another smile to my face. "What are you talking about? And did you just admit to having a hand in what happened on Friday night at the club?"

"You know what I am talking about, think. And yes, I did do that."


"Why?" I repeated her question like I didn't hear her previous words.

She nodded her head as she stepped towards me, stopping to turn my seat for me to face her. "Yeah, why did you put him in such a state?"

I wasted no time in truthfully replying. "Because he touched you."

It's because of the little humanity that happened to reside in me that fateful night that made me not eñd him, even when he foolíshly thought of defending himself.

All I saw was red from the moment he approached her to the very second she cút him. I started visualizing how he would look all butchéred up, without a couple of fingers or missing a hand; it was quite enjoyable to think about it, but pathetic to leave him alive after all of the cool ideas.

I wanted him to pay and regrét touching her. I wanted him to eat back the words he said to his friends about making her regrét after she ran away. I wanted to see life slip away from his eyes, but I held onto my self-control and let him go a little bruiséd.

I watched her face go from pissed to calm in an instant. "So, what does it matter to you if he touched me?" Because I was sitting and she standing, she was basically towering over me by a few inches, so I had to stare up to her. "Why do you care if he had his hands on me?"

Yes, I am yet to find that out myself. I just remembered being ridiculóusly mad and giving her my knífe to do something to him with it.

She made me proud, nonetheless.

"Because you weren't enjoying his proximity," I answered. "Or were you?"

Her face scrunched up with disgust. "Eww, no."

"Good. That's why I..." I paused to remember the exact words she used earlier. "Put him in such a state."

She quickly got it and chuckled. "I must admit though, it was an amazing sight to see."

I know, I made it happen.

It didn't take much effort to mirror the grin on her face. "You don't need to worry. He won't utter your name under any circumstances, and if he does, I'll take care of him and whatever problem that will arise."

"Thank you." Genevieve took a couple of steps back as the words that looked like she doesn't say it often left her mouth. "I am not returning the knífe, though."

Being Dominic Morozov meant that I have a lot of women flocking around me like headléss flock of seagulls for either fame or money, sometimes both. But this seventeen-year-old girl that can't seem to leave my head just demanded to keep a knífe - my knífe.

She can't stop amusing me every single day.


She shrugged. "I like the patterns on it and it's extremely sharp."

That's the same reason I like my knífe and also because it's custom-made for me. I never go anywhere without my trusted and loved knífe.

My mouth opened to utter the words I never thought I would say. "Sure, you can keep it."

I can't believe I'm parting with my beloved knífe; I have had it for almost a year now.

"I was going to even if you didn't agree. It's not like I even asked you whether I can keep it or not."

I had work to do and a meeting approaching, but despite my tasks, I asked her a question I knew would evoke a sharp response. "You're coming from school?" 

Genevieve looked down at her uniform and then back at me. "No, a funeral." 

Ignoring her retort, I cleared my dehydrated throat, realizing I hadn't had water in hours. Setting aside my dehydration, I asked, "Can you stay for a bit?" 

She turned back to me, surprised. "You want me to stay a bit?" Disbelief laced her words. 

I nodded silently. 

A hum escaped her lips as she walked back to me, the heels of her boots clicking on the marble floor. 

I held my breath as she approached. Her scent enveloped me, overwhelming me. 

This time, she didn't turn me to face her but stayed behind me, leaning down to my ear. "First, you shót a man for touching me, then another for the same reason, and now you're asking me to stay here with you. If I didn't know better, I'd say you like me; do you like me, Dominic Morozov?" 

She might just rúin me before I rúin her, and strangely, I didn't seem to mind. 

The problem was, I should mind—there were plenty of reasons why I should. 

One, she's an enémy. You don't get attached to your enémies. 

Two, she's much younger than I am. 

Technically, she isn't a child, but the age gap is significant. 

But regardless, my body seemed to override my better judgment as she touched my shoulders, and a sigh escaped me. 

"Earth to Dominic," she whispered into my ear as she stood close. 

I turned slightly towards her. "I asked a question; answer it." 

"If I remember correctly, you didn't answer mine either." 

"Answer mine and I'll do the same." 

I would if I had an answer. I had no clue why boredom evaporated when I spoke to her or why I acted differently around her. 

"No. I asked first, so it's only fair you answer mine before I answer yours." I didn't move, wanting her hands to remain on my shoulders. 

I couldn't resist, especially as I tried to identify the flower she smelled like. 

Suddenly, my vision focused on her face as she turned my seat, locking eyes with me. 

Genevieve's eyes roamed my face. "You like me, just admit it; I promise not to tease you." 

"You're doing so right now." 

"No, I am not." 

"Yes, you are." 

I discovered I enjoyed these childish exchanges. 



"You're being childish," Genevieve remarked. "That's not very Dominic of you." 

Another chuckle escaped me. "It isn't?" 


"I know, you should be the one acting childish, not me. Thanks for the gentle reminder." 

"Gentle? Reminder? I wasn't...you...forget it." 

"Does that mean I win?" 

"Win?" Genevieve's brows furrowed in confusion, and I tried unsuccessfully to remov yet again another emotion of hers from my brain. "Win what?"

"Your stay here," I replied.

"Your secretary mentioned you have a very important meeting in like two hours. Why would you want me to stay?" 

Yes, I did have a meeting scheduled that could potentially bring in a significant amount of money, but having her here felt more valuable in that moment. I could always reschedule the meeting, but who knew when she would visit again?

Pushing that thought aside, I casually shrugged my shoulders as I leaned back in my seat, crossing my legs. I noticed a spark in her eyes as she observed me, her thoughts remaining hidden from me.

Despite her claims of not liking me, everyone seemed to be drawn to me in some way. Whether it was a girl or a boy, even animals couldn't resist the aura of Dominic Morozov, and I wasn't one to shy away from acknowledging that fact.

"I do have a meeting," I confirmed.

"Yeah?" Genevieve prodded.

"But I don't feel like it anymore, now that you're here." 

"Are you flirting with me, Mr. Morozov?" she asked, catching me off guard.

Was I? I hadn't realized it. Normally, it was the girls who did the flirting, and I would decide whether I wanted them or not. But now, unexpectedly, I found myself taking the lead in this playful banter.

I stood up from my seat and approached her. I could sense her breath hitch, which brought a smug smirk to my face, knowing that I had an effect on her just as she did on me. "What if I am?" 

It was a rísky game I was playing, but life itself was a rísk, so why not take a chance?

Genevieve, upon receiving the information, took a step closer, closing the distance between us. We were practically breathing the same air, and I had to resist the urge to put my hands in my pockets to maintain my composure.

I was a sober man, but in her presence, I felt intoxicated by her proximity. She gazed up at me through her lashes, and I struggled to maintain control, reminding myself of the age difference between us.

Using my own words against me, she challenged, "I am a kid, aren't I?"

I felt a jolt of pánic, urging me to back away. The rational part of my brain warned me not to cross a line, but the irrational part encouraged me to indulge in the moment.

My eyes reluctantly shifted from her intense gaze to her luscious, glossed lips as she inched closer to my face. I knew I should stop her, but I couldn't resist the temptatión. I can't resist her. 

Genevieve King exuded a captivating allure, and I found myself falling under her spell. She was winning this game, and I didn't mind losing control in her presence.

For the first time in f+ckíng long while, I welcomed the feeling of losing myself in her presence. What concerned me was the loss of control as our lips hovered mere inches apart.

"You seem out of breath, Dominic," she teased, her warm breath caressing my face. "Breathe; I don't bite, I promise, unless you want me to."

Caught up in the moment, all I could focus on was Genevieve. Her intoxicating scent filled my senses, and I longed to touch her, to experience a shared breathlessness with her.

However, I couldn't afford to cross that line, not now or ever. Stepping back, I restored the distance between us and asked, "So, will you stay?"

"Sure, no problem, but I'm hungry," she replied.

"Sit. I'll take care of it," I assured her, grappling with the frustration from the teasing encounter.

"I want some chocolates," she requested.

"You said you were hungry. How will chocolates fill you up?" I questioned.

"Just get me what I asked for," she insisted.

And just like that, I found myself fetching her chocolates, marveling at how the same girl who had captivated me moments ago was now indulging in sugary treats. Genevieve King was indeed an extraordinary woman, and it saddened me to think that I would eventually rúin her.

Yet, who's to say she wouldn't rúin you first? 


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