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Insatiable Cravings - Episode 4





Insatiable Cravings - Episode 4

Subtitle; {Loving You Is A Loosing Game} 

TAGS: Age-gap, Mafia, Forbidden Love, Drama, Tragedy and Betrayal.

Settings: United Kingdom, Russia and others.

By: Chukwuma Rejoice 


~ Dominic ~

Not to be a stàlker, but I kind of ended up on the same street Genevieve was taking a night stroll for God knows why. 

For the first time in f+ckiñg ever, I don't have myself under control. I also had no idea how I got here. All I remember was being as bored as héll and wanting immediate fun. 

So, here I am, following discreetly—definitely not stalkiñg—a seventeen years old girl as she walked her way to God-knows-where. And, if I may add, wearing a f+ckiñg earbuds in her two ears. 

Who on this green planet blocks their two ears while walking on a road like they have nine lives like a freakiñg cat?! And, especially a girl who has a face of a pisséd angel, the body of a demóness and a tongue so savage it could surrender everyone quiet. 

Driving one of my other cars since she ruinéd my favorite, I followed her from a distance, totally intrigued by how confidently each steps of hers were and what she could possibly be listening to that had her smiling ear to ear like a fúcking teenager. 

Because of how mature she looks and how she throws words at anyone, I almost forgot she is a teenager. 

Slowly but surely, the realization that I'm being a créep by following, not stalkiñg, a seventeen years old girl dawned on me. But, did that deter me? 

Hahaha, no. Not even one bit. 

As I unreluctantly gave my inquisitive eyes the permission to observe her very unique clothing. Weirdly enough, it was once again an all black outfit with a thick black boots that had chains around it. 

Again instead of looking ahead to know where I'm driving to or into, I let my gaze slink to her face. And like always, Genevieve had her hair up but tonight was a bit different. 

Tonight, there's some stick-like object stuck in her long strawberry blonde hair. 

You want know what I also noticed?

I noticed that my eyes feels adventurous tonight, just wandering all over her. From her body to her face to her bare neck. 

That neck so porcelain and light, I don't know if I want to snàp it into two with my bare hands or sink my teeth into them to taste her. 

I was yet to come to a conclusion when I observed a rather drunkàrd slowed down his stagger as he got to her. And since our darling sweetheart decided to block her two ears, she didn't notice him until it was too late. 

My fists clenched around the steering wheel tighter than usual as his grubby hands wrapped around her waist like he freaking owns it. 

Genevieve instantly turned, pushing him so hard that he fell on his butt. The look of instant disgúst washed over her face as her electric blue eyes stared at him like he is literal shít which he is. 


The night was a quiet and dark one with literally no one but us on it. So, his word pierced so deep in my ears I want hurl. 

And it looked like Genevieve also wanted to do the same by the incremental revulsion that coat her face. The absolute distàste on her made her look like one of those pretentious British elites when they're next to a peasànt. 

And that look should annóy me. It should infuriàte me and it should also make my bloód boil, but it didn't. 

His hand once again made a mistake of touching her the minute he stood up. "Why so feisty, babygirl?" 

Genevieve's face scrunched up and I smiled in my car, enjoying the show and anticipating how I'll deal with him later. 

"Do not touch me." Her first words finally left her pretty mouth and it did with venomóus firmness. 

"Then you touch me." 

"I rather kíll you." 

A smirk immediately lifted the corner of my lips and a small chuckle slipped out. 

"Really? Can you suck my d∆ck when you are at it?" 

A scoff so filled with loàthe and degradiñg mockery spilled out of her lips. "Not even if you are the last man on Earth. Listen and listen attentively, the next time you see me on the streets, don't think of touching me or else—" 

The sorry excuse of a man lurched himself forward, using his filthy and soon-to-be six feet under body to pin her to the nearby wall. And since he was slightly taller than her, he has full advantages of the situation. 

"Huh? Or else what?" He asked, inching his face closer and closer to her horrifíed one. "You know I hàte girls like you. You see someone who likes and wants you but you play hard to get. Like, why the f+ck do all of you do that?" 

"Maybe, because we aren't playing hard to get but genuinely hàte you. Have you thought about that?" She bite back, struggling to free herself from his surprisingly strong grip. 

I am not a fan of liking someone or any part of their body. But there's something about those parlous eyes of hers that makes every emotions she has ever shown appear ten times worst. 

Like currently, the only thing in those turbulent eyes were pure and utter ràge. They didn't dimmed, not even once. So, here I am, fascinated by those same orbs that still haunts me till date. 

The urge to keep watching instantly diéd when I saw his lips lean to hers. I slid down the window and with my gún in my hand, I pulled the trígger on his leg. 

Immediately, he let out a loud scream, falling down to the floor like he was just shót. 

Oh, wait. He did get shót. 


Genevieve's eyes quickly snapped to mine like she knew exactly where I was and then back to the whining man-baby on the ground. She waited for me to get out of the car and to her before she sharply asked, "What are you doing here?" 

I don't think I held my surprise well enough because I initially thought she would ask me why I shót him or even why I have a fuckiñg gun on me. But, shockingly, she didn't. 

"Was driving by." I replied causally not intending to let her know that I was following her. 

Her stormy ocean blue eyes narrowed with disbelief and flicked to the gún I was still holding then to my car before slowly lighting up with a gleam. "Are you stalkiñg me? You're stalkiñg me." 

Woah woah. 

I was not stalkiñg anyone, most especially her. I was just simply driving on the same road as her and watching her as she walked by. 

Is that stalkiñg? 

No, right?

Tucking my gún into one of my pants pocket, I used the other hand to run my fingers through my hair. I too narrowed my eyes and asked, "What gave you that idea?" 

"Dominic," my name slipped out of those luscious lips and no matter how hard I tried, my eyes dropped to them. "you were stalkiñg me. The question here should be, why?" 

"No. I think the question should be, why do you think you are worth my time and fuel to stàlk?" 

"I don't know, you tell me." The way those words left her mouth were so filled with confident and it surprisingly didn't irk my skin. "If you weren't stalkiñg me—which you definitely are—then what were you doing?" 

A chuckle choked itself out my throat as I feed my eyes with the bewitchiñgly type of beautiful beauty standing in front of me. "You wanna know?" 

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't." 

I smiled. "Can you guess?" 

Genevieve removed her earbuds which I was nearly half percent sure it wasn't playing anything anymore. Her eyes clashed against mine violeñtly and God, I wanted to drówn in them as much as I wanted to plúck them out. 

"Can you?" I repeated. 

"I don't know, but you've obviously taken an interest in me. Am I wrong?" 

I don't think anything can change my mind about how much more appealing her accent is. It has this easy on the ear tone and anyone who hears it wouldn't even think it came from a such a savage mouth. 

And I have to admit, she isn't wrong. I have taken an interest in her and I can't wait to unleash the beàst in me to, I don't know, scàre her a little before actually sending her back to her maker. 

"What happens if I say yes?" 

"Yes, I'm wrong, or yes, I'm right?" She asked. 

"The latter actually." 

"Hmm, and am I supposed to jump up for joy or something just because I happen to arouse your interest?" 

"You could do that or," I stepped closer and she stood taller in her height. Defiance shun in her eyes and I smirked. "You could tell me what you were listening to earlier?" 

"And why should I tell you?" 

"I want to know what got you smiling left, right and center." 

"I was smiling?" She asked, genuinely surprised. A realization flashed in her eyes before she wore back her apathetic face. "Even if I was, what does it matter to you?" 

Another step towards her. "I am curious. Tell me, what had you smiling?" 

I know it wasn't a phone call because she wasn't talking and it can't be any music either because she definitely wasn't hummed anything. So, it must be something else. 

"None of your business." 

Deciding to use another method, I nodded my head like I am giving up. I swallowed, purposely wasting time because I can see the anticipation in those eyes for the next words I would say. 

"What?" She snapped when I didn't talk. "Why are you looking at me like that?" 

I tilted my side to stare at her better. "I am just trying to figure out why you're listening to porn instead of watching it?" 

Shock and surprise washed over her face as her lips fell slightly parted. Her lids flattered twice as her cheeks grew slightly pink. 


Turns out I was right. 

Genevieve gulped down, her confidence wavering in those eyes. And she opened her mouth and denied it. "I... I don't know what you are talking about." 

"Oh, but you do." I told her. 

"I do not." She vehemently denied again. 

"You're lying." 

"I am not. I was listening to an audiobook." 

"What the fúck is that?" 

Genevieve looked at me like I am kid with cake frosting all over my face before smiling a little. "Dominic. Come on, an audiobook has literally defined itself." 


"By the way, he is trying to get up." 

My eyes flicked to the idiót on the floor who is trying so hard and yet so little to even run away. I let them travel back to Genevieve. "What should I do to him?" 

She looked at him and then at me. And with firé blazing in those wild blue orbs, she said with burgeoning menace. "Make sure he never touches any girl again against their wishes." 

A smirk lifted my lips as my eyes relish and savour the intoxicating sight in front of me. "Sure thing, my little Vixen." 

My little Vixen? 

What the fúck was that? 

Genevieve's eyebrows raised questioningly. "Not kid anymore, huh?" 

"Seems like it." 

A low hum left her lips. "I like that better." 

I do too. 

"You do?" 

"I do." 

Retrieving back my gún, I yet again waste another búllet by shóoting him on his other leg when he successfully stood up. He fell back now. 

I looked at Genevieve to see if her emotions will betray her. I just need to see a small pinch of feàr in those eyes, but still found nothing. 

Her gaze left mine to his body and I swear, I saw her smile. 

Who is she? 

"You seriously won't ask me why I am with a gún?" 

"Why should I?" She shrugged her shoulders. "It is not my business." 

She is, once again, right. 

"So, that means you are not in the least bit curious to know why?" 

If you were to ask me why the héll I am too eager to have her question me about why I have a gún in my possession, I wouldn't have the answer. 

I simply want to get a reaction out of her even if it's the littlest one. 

Genevieve's lips twitched as she stepped forward. "Why are you so pressed on making me question you? Are you perhaps indicating that you shouldn't have it?" Her eyes flicked to the gún. "The gún, I mean." 

Of course, I shouldn't have it. It isn't legal here in England, but it is in Russia. 

"You could say so." 

A low hum rumbled in her throat and a small smile stretched out on her face. "Okay then, I'm going to ask." She stepped forward, her eyes pierced into the deepest part of my own. "Dominic, why are you with a gún?" 

I smirked, delighted that I got what I wanted. "Give it a guess." 

"I do have some theories about you." 

Most people have so many “theories” about me, but are never right. They can't ever be right. Their little brain can't think far enough to the actual truth. In fact, even if it could; they wouldn't believe it anyway because of the image I've created for myself in the public eye. 

"You mean assumptions?" I bite back. 

"No." She said as she shook her head. "Theories. I just need to confirm it and I will." 

"What are they?" 

"They are that you're either involved in some sort of gàngsters. Or maybe mobstérs. Or in some sort of secret agency, like the FBI or the CIA. Or the lastly, the mafía." Genevieve replied without missing a beat, counting them with her fingers as she listed them. "I'll soon find out." 

That is if I want her to. 

"The books you read are slowly starting to get into your head." I muttered. 

"You're neither denying or admitting it." She said. "Does that mean I am right?" 

"It means, you read too much." 

A frown immediately stretched out on her face and she snapped. "And you breathe too much." 

"I think I breathe in the average amount of oxygen." I stated. "Let me drive you home." 

For many reasons beknownst to me, I don't want anything to happen to her. She mustn't be húrt by anyone but me. Only I have the power to do unbelievable hàrm to her that will destróy her beyond repairs. 


My eyes snapped to hers like I wasn't already staring at her. "I'm sorry?" 

"Apology accepted." Genevieve replied sweetly if I may add. "I don't want you to drive me home." 

Thankfully, the years I've spent on mastering restraints and self-control didn't betrày me because all I wanted was to jérk her until she agrees to let me drive her back. But, instead of doing that, I forced calmness into my voice and asked, "why?" 

"Just because." She simply shrugged her shoulders so nonchalantly. 

Just because?! 

"Genevieve," I called out her name and it came out so low yet so firm. "I'll ask again. Why don't you want me to drive you home?" 

She once again twitched her lips. "No, it should rather be the other way around. Dominic, why do you want to drive me home?" 

Is she really seventeen? 

She could have lié about her age, but her personal information couldn't have liéd. Genevieve carries herself in the way that spells maturity, making it hard to believe that she's indeed a teenager. 

"I want you to be safe." I truthfully replied. 

"And I am supposed to be safe with you?" Genevieve scoffed and then laughed. "Come on, you literally just put two bulléts in that idiót's leg." 

I tucked my hands in my pockets and shifted on my feet. "That's because he touched you." 

"Why?" She pinched a part of my shirt with her index finger and her thumb, successfully pushing me to the nearest wall. My back hit the wall the same time her chàotic blue orbs collided with mine. "Are you worried something might happen again?" 


"Why though, Dominic?" Her head tilt to the side as she fisted a part of my shirt. When I didn't say anything, Genevieve jutted her head at me. "I asked a question." 

My eyelids close on its own when she inched closer to me. The sweet scent of cherry blossom fragrance wafted into my nostrils and I revel in it instead of pushing it out. The warmth from her body meshed so well with the frigidity from my own body. 

Her touch felt so good yet unhóly at the same time, confusing my brain and body whether or not to enjoy it. The anarchical way her ocean blue eyes glowed explosivély like she is ready to consume me in the intensity of her gaze. 

And Christ, the way my name rolls off of her tongue like it is meant just for her to say. I think she knows it too because she keeps calling my name in that...that tone. 

This is wrong on many levels. I shouldn't notice this things about her or even myself. Especially when I am going to be the one who énds her carefree life. 

Luckily, that last thought managed to snap me out of my reverie. "Shouldn't I be considering that I saved you?" 

"Oh really? Thank you so much, my prince charming for me, a damsel in distress. I wonder what I would have done without you." Her sarcasm made me chuckle in utter amusement as her eyes rolled in exasperation. "I don't need your help though. You might want to stay here and get ríd of him before the police arrives." 

Just when I think she couldn't surprise me anymore, she does it again with even more zeal. How does she know that I have to ríd his body before the police's arrival? 

"Little Vixen," I muttered with a little shake of my head. 

Genevieve's lips stretched out in a smirk as she put back her earbuds. "Bye. Don't miss me too much." 

I definitely did not watch or follow her until she got to her house. And I definitely didn't wait for her to enter the gate to confirm her safety. I, without a doubt, did not look up at her window to see her room's light turn on and off. 

After all, I'm not a stàlker, am I?


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