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Insatiable Cravings - Episode 3





Insatiable Cravings - Episode 3

Subtitle; {Loving You Is A Loosing Game} 

TAGS: Age-gap, Mafia, Forbidden Love, Drama, Tragedy and Betrayal.

Settings: United Kingdom, Russia and others.

By: Chukwuma Rejoice 


~ Genevieve ~

Can you do me a favor?


Okay, imagine this. You're already dressed for school, but there's this one book that's only two chapters from the end. So, what did I do? 

I picked up my Kindle and started reading. I was really getting into it when someone decided to barge into my room. Fueled by immediate anger, I looked up and all my words vanished. 

Adrianna, my elder sister, was standing in my room, giving me one of her scolding looks. I felt myself shrink as the Kindle slipped from my hands to the bed. 

Trying to lighten the mood, I grinned widely and asked, "What's up, sissy?"

Adrianna raised her flawless brows at me, and I widened my grin. "You will be as soon as I finish with you," she said. 

Her words made me jump down from the bed and slowly back up as she approached me. 

Another idea popped into my head, and I used it. "Do you know how gorgeous you look right now?"

"Yeah? I didn't know because I forgot to look at myself in the mirror before I got here." Her sarcasm was top-notch, and I loved her for it. "Don't smile."

She's my favorite person, and she knows it. She even said I'm her favorite sister. By the way, I am her ONLY sister. 

Adrianna brushed the stray strands of dirty blonde hair behind her ear, a wavering frown on her pretty face. "Who is that man?"

I know what she's talking about, but if I act like I don't, then I won't get into trouble. Although, I do love trouble. 

Trouble is my middle name. 

No, I'm kidding. It's Dove. 

Yes, like the bird. 

I slapped a confused look on my face and looked up into her eyes with a little tilt of my head. "What man?"

"Genevieve, there are cameras everywhere in my penthouse. And only you and I know the code to get in. So, start talking; who is he?" Her chiding tone made all my playfulness disappear. 

Dramatically, I sighed heavily just to soften her. "I, erm, kinda hít someone while driving at night—" 

"You hít him with your car?!" 

"You might want to scream that a little louder." The top-notch sarcasm runs in both our veins. Well, apart from blood. 

"Or," Adrianna drawled out longer than necessary, effectively putting the fear I don't normally feel into my body. "I could just... you know, hít you." 

With almost the speed of light, I spun around and slowly backed away from her. "You can't do that, I'm your sister." 

"Yeah, I know that." She said dismissively. "Continue talking." 

I swallowed and beamed a smile at her, which she almost responded to with a little twitch of her lips. "I didn't actually hít him. He just passed out in front of my car, and I had to be a responsible citizen of England and help him." 

"Oh, and all the hospitals suddenly vanished from the face of the Earth?" Adrianna sarcastically retorted. 

"Well, not exactly." I foólishly said. "The hospital wasn't the best place for me to be seen with an almost déad man." 

"And my penthouse was?" 

"Exactly. You get me." I paused for a second. "That was sarcasm, wasn't it?" 

Deciding to ignore my question, she asked hers instead. "Do you know who that man is?" 

I didn't before, but now I do. His visit to my school didn't shock me as much as when he came to the rooftop for me. I was genuinely surprised. 

So, instead of telling the truth, I feigned oblivion. "No. Do you?" 

"Well, yeah. He is Dominic Morozov." Adrianna replied with a grimace and hatréd on her face. 

My sister, Adrianna, never hatés anyone. She's all sunshine and rainbows. Oh, and a little too goody two shoes, if you ask me. In short, she never hatés, so that's why I'm as shocked as I am right now. 

"I don't understand. Did he do something?" 

If he did, I wouldn't be surprised. He looks like all the bàd things in the world molded together in that towering six feet of his with that shadowy vibe surrounding him. 

"Well, not exactly. But, he's the one stopping me from becoming the youngest CEO in the world." 


"But, you're in the top two—" An overly dramatic gasp escaped my mouth, and I slapped my palm on my lips for more effect. "That means he's number one." 

"Yeah." Adrianna nodded. "Well, that's all I needed to know. Stay away from trouble." 

Okay, I'd do anything for her sake, but asking me to do that is like killíng me. I can't stay away from trouble; that's what keeps me going. Oh, and my books and the men in them. 

"I am dàrn serious, Genevieve. Do not cause any more trouble." She said with firm persistence. "Mother isn't happy." 

Ah, I almost forgot to tell you how obedient she is. She is almost like a puppet in my parents' hands. 

Jeez, could never be me. 

"Like I care." I hissed and rolled my eyes, annoyed that she even mentioned that woman. "I'm off to school." 

Now, I'm màd, and I didn't even finish the book. Great! 


I've never been one to pretend. No, I'd rather díe than fake being nice or interested in something I'm not. And being the granddaughter of the Duke of England demands it. 

Tradition demands that I must always have a smile on my face, even when I'm having a bàd day. Which is almost every time because people just won't stop existing around me. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an introvert. But, I prefer fictional people over real people every time. They don't judge as much as real people do. 

To avoid playing the pretentious game, I found solace in separating myself from people by reading. 

So, shortly after the last teacher before our free period left, I turned to my right to see the only person I talk to in the whole school. 

"Rooftop again?" Jules asked, as if she didn't already know what I wanted to tell her. 

I nodded, putting my books and pen back into my backpack. Today, like every day, I put my hair up in a ponytail. 

"You know you can just read in the library, right?" 

"Eww, no." 

"Why not?" She asked. "Seriously, your disliké for people needs to stop, Genny." 

"But why? I love hàting people." 

A small chuckle spilled from her, and I smiled at it. "I'm people." 

Yeah, I know that. But, she holds a special place in my heart. We met when we were around five years old at a party I  was forced to attend—my own birthday party—and I was hiding in one corner, reading a book that Adrianna got for me. Jules came from nowhere and sat down beside me without saying anything. 

I liked that because it's only a small percent of people who know when to shut their mouths when someone is busy reading. I instantly liked her, and we clicked perfectly. 

Letting my eyes roam her face, I brightened my smile and whispered. "You are my person." 

"You are my person too." She repeated. The smile on her face soon vanished as soon as she remembered something. "Do you know that man is coming again today?" 


Surprise coated her face, and I quickly realized my mistake, but it was too late to do anything about it. 


"Well, that's not my business." I told her and stood up with my Kindle in my hand. "Off I go." 

It had barely been twenty minutes since I got there, and everything was going well until a low hum rang in my ears. 

I frowned and looked up from my e-reader to meet that same towering figure from yesterday. 

Dominic Morozov, standing tall in all his manly glory with his hands tucked in his pants pockets. His whiskey-on-ice orbs peered down at me, questioningly, if I may add. 

"Staring is rude." 

"So you've said." His perpetually deep and hoarse voice breezed through my ears, and to hide the effect it had on me, I cleared my throat. "But this time is a bit different; you are staring back." 

"Is that so?" I retorted from my sitting position on the ground, still looking up at him. 

"What are you reading?" 

"None of your business, but get out." 

Dominic laughed, amusement gleaming in his stunning eyes. Rolling my eyes, I dragged them back to my Kindle. 

"Must be a good read then." 

"What do you want?" I inquired, standing up to at least be at his height, which was impossible because I am just five foot and some inches tall. "Why are you here?" 

"I was bored." 

And how is that my business? 

Do I look like a TV? 

Or a clown? 

Wait a dàmn minute! 

Does he mean I am a clown? 

"Yeah, and?" I angrily snapped. 

"You don't look happy to see me." Dominic uttered in a strangely soothing tone. "Why?" 

"I don't like you." 


What the ever-loving héck is wrong with him? 

I was an hair's width close to saying, "I'm sorry?" and "pardon?" but I don't say those words. So, I opted for, "Huh?" 

Dominic took one step towards me and today, I didn't take a step back. His lips twitch at my boldness and his eyes flashed with a sort of maniacal gleam. "You like me." 



I mean, under all of my idgaf attitude, I am but a girl. And being a girl of great taste, I know a yummy treat when I see one. 

Yummy treat is Dominic. Dominic is yummy treat. He is the definition of a man and he knows it. There is a certain way he carries himself that shows leadership, ruthléss and unapologetical pride. 

"I do not in any way whatsoever like you, Dominic." 

God, even his name is hot. 

He grinned then it became a small chuckle. "Genevieve, I just love it when you talk British to me. I must say, it is alluring." 

Not many people has complimented my accent before. In fact, he is the first and hopefully, the last. And, I too must admit that as creepíly weírd as he sounded while saying it, it was also unusually nice. 

"Am I supposed to say thank you now?" 

"Yes, that's the right thing to do." 

"I hàte doing the right things, so I'll pass." 

Another small chuckle from him. "Yeah? So, you're a bàd girl?" 

Bàd has its levels and I think I'm averagely bàd. Not too bàd, but not too good. 

Instead of giving him an answer to his question, I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulder. 

"So, it must be true, huh?" He said after a few seconds of both of us staring at each other without a word. 

It depends on what exactly he heard about me. I don't go around, looking for trouble. No, I stay one place and when trouble comes, I deal with it. 

Easy peasy. 

"Yes." I replied, walking to the edge of the rooftop and staring at the ground below. 

There's something so invitingly good about just staying in an high place and staring at the ground below it. It makes me feel free and not tied down to one place. 

At that moment when the cold breeze hit my face, that is when all of the pent-up suffocation melt away into nothingness. That is the time when I breathe freely and that is the time I feel truly free like a bird soaring in the sky. 

Dominic's dark laughter yanked me out of my reverie and I nearly punched that his handsome face. "You don't even know what I want to ask." 

There's only one thing I have done recently and that's still on everyone's lips whenever I pass through the hallway. 

"Yes, I stabbed him and will do the same thing to you if you don't leave me the fuck alone." 

"Don't you have classes?" 

"Free period." I said. "Now, off you go." 



"It wasn't a question." 

"Didn't your mother teach you not to talk back to elders?" He asked, an underlying insult in his tone. 

And, when that would annoy many people, I didn't feel anything. 

"No, she was too busy being the daughter of the Duke and the all-time perfectionist." I replied. 

"You're funny, kid." 

The devilíshly attractive man has vowed to annoy me with that single word and I would love to prove him otherwise. 

I'm a seventeen-year-old girl, and yes, I'm still in secondary school. But, you wanna know something else? 

I AM A GIRL, and I am hot as héll. I would date me if it's possible because only myself gets me. 

Plastering a smile on my face, I stepped forward, and he subconsciously took two steps back. But, I wasn't going to let him get away from me this soon. I tilted my head a little to the side, my index finger trailing down on the buttons of his shirt. 

"Genevieve." He warned, his voice dropping an octave lower. 

I looked up at him through my lashes so innocently. "Yeah?" 

"Continue doing that, and you'll not like what happens next." 

Oh, now I am curious. 

Even more flirtatiously, I continued playing with the buttons and even unbuttoned one. His deep intake of air greatly satisfied myself as I saw my effect on him. I looked up at him again, and my eyes ping-ponged between his own before they flicked to his hair. 

I want to touch it. 

My intrusive thoughts always win. My hand rose on its own, and my fingers inched to his hair. And, just when they are about to slip into the soft locks, Dominic held my wrist. 

"Don't." His voice deep, rough and yet, dangeróusly low. 

Dangér is also my middle name, if you didn't already know. Hahahaha. 

The way he was looking at me should fréak me out, it should scàre me even a little, but it doesn't. Instead, it made me smile so big it húrt my face. 

"But, why?" I drawled. 

"Genevieve, don't play silly games with me." 

"Games? This isn't a game, Dominic." I jerked my hand away from his grip. "That was me showing you I am not a child." 

Dominic Morozov, however, scoffed, not hiding the mockery in it. "But that only further makes you a kid if you think that would make me stop calling you that." 

Before I could stop myself, my stupid mouth blurted out. "And what can I do to stop you calling me a kid?" 

A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, and when I thought he would answer my stupíd question, he patted my head and left. 

What the fúck?! 


School isn't over, but all of my classes for today are. So, after grabbing my backpack, I strolled over to the parking lot with my car key in my hand. 

Just as I was about to enter my black Audi, I noticed a shiny red sports car parked next to it. Without wasting any time thinking, I came to a quick realization that it belongs to Dominic Morozov. 

I am bàd, not evíl. But, at this moment, I feel the darkest and most évil smirk climb up my face as I continued staring at it. 

Bouncing my keys in my palms, I hummed softly at the devilísh idea brewing in my head. Holding the car keys between my forefinger and thumb, I trailed the edge of it on the body of the car as I went around it. 

Contented with my great work, I entered my own car to sit and wait for his arrival. Five minutes barely passed by when he came. I watched him as he paused on his way to opening the door and stared at the line on the body of his very expensive car. 

My patience was already running thin as I waited to see a hint of annoyance or anger on his face, but I received the greatest shock of my life when a smile crossed his face. 

God damn it, he knows. 

"What happened?" I asked, getting out of my car. 

His eyes slinked to mine, and his smile widened. "Oh, some lousy kid did an amateur job at keying my car." 



"Excuse you?" I sounded offended. "That's pretty good work, if you ask me." 

"That's lovely, but I didn't ask you, did I?" 

This must be fun for him. Throwing words around willy-nilly. 

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" 

"I do. But since the pathétic attempt of the jobléss and immaturé kid partially ruinéd my car, I can't." 

Not only did he call me pathétic, but also jobléss and immatúre. And even worse — kid. 

"I am not jobléss." I stupídly retorted and bit my tongue after I realized it was a dúmb thing to do because I just revealed myself. 

"I didn't  call you that..." Dominic took a dramatic pause, feigning thoughtfulness. "Unless, you are the one who did it." 

"It is rude to throw accusations around." I said. 

"For someone who knows what is rude and what isn't, you're insufferable." 

With the annoyance steaming up inside me, I snapped. "You are unbearable." 

"Says the kid." Those were his last words before he got in and drove off. 

If I don't kíll him, I swear I'll make him stop calling me a kid. He'd better be ready to pick the safer option.


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