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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The K1ller's Knife - Episode 31





The K1ller's Knife - Episode 31

By Amah's Heart 

" I have always had the suspicions in my mind that you knew something about your father's dëâth. I mean how possible is it for you to come to my house the following day... and then the next day Jamie d¡es...?" Mother asked rhetorically

Was it merely an assumption...? I thought within me but from mother's confidence I knew it wasn't. She seems to be very sure I am father's k¡ller

" It's possible to have been a coincidence mother. Things like that happen everyday... I mean nobody truly knows of the time we are going to leave the earth... maybe it was just father's time to join his ancestors!" I said plainly trying to find an escape out of this situation 

Mother chuckled but the smile didn't reach her eyes. She sighed heavily before continuing 

" I just had a nudge that something didn't add up. You are my son Jacob. I Felicia gave birth to you so I know when you've done something wrong no matter how hard you try hiding it..." 

She paused and looked at me to be sure that I was listening attentively. 

" ...the reason why I didn't openly confront you all the years was because I had no evidence to back up my suspicion. So I let it slide not until today when I came across... across... across...." Mother kept stammering the words and then she bursted into tears. 

She was so hürt and wasn't hiding it. It made me feel bad to be the reason behind those tears in her eyes

Mother had to pull her herself together before she began talking again

" I came across this from Jamie" mother said as she brought out a handwritten letter from the pocket of her dress 

" What's that mother...?" I asked looking at the note in her hands 

Mother threw it to me on the floor and it dropped right in front of me. I swallowed and I kept looking at the paper but I had no courage to pick it up 

" It's a letter Jacob. Your father wrote it himself. It was hidden amongst the business books that he heaped on the wardrobe. I was looking for a certain transactional book for the shop today when I saw it. I read the contents and I just couldn't believe my eyes" mother said and the tears flowed down again 

I slowly picked up the letter and after preparing myself mentally, I started reading the content. It was written thus:

' Felicia I really hope you get to see this letter someday and I know by that time I will no more be on this earth. I have been feeling this abnormality in my body for days now. I initially thought it was malaria or other minor ¡llnesses but medications isn't helping. I had to visit the hospital today and I was told that nothing could be dictated to be wrong with me. I became worried and hoped that it wasn't what I thought it was. That's how I ran back home and went to my suit pocket and when I saw it empty, I just knew what had happened. Jacob my own son p0¡soned me with the same p0¡son I bought with my money! I'm guessing that is why he left to visit you today so he will not be seen as a suspect. I'm chuckling as I write this because it shows that my son is truly the son of his father. Unfortunately! I know I deserve it, I haven't really been a good father or husband, I wish I can change back the hand of time. So, I won't say I am angry with him. Please, Felicia don't call the police on him. I forgive him from my heart and I wish him well! I'm sorry for everything and please take care of yourself and my children..."

I finished reading the letter and I let it slipped out of my hands to the floor. It's obvious that the letter was written on the night of the day I left to visit mother

To say that I was shocked at all the revelations is an understatement. I also found it hard to believe that father could actually write a letter as heartwarming and emotional as this. 

Honestly it's hard to believe this. If not that the handwriting and content clearly shows that father wrote it, I would have doubted its authenticity

So father knew that he was been k!lled by his own knife before he d¡ed...? 

He cares enough to protect me by begging mother not to call the police on me because he has forgiven me...? Even after knowing what I did to him..?

And he even apologized to mother and requested that she should take care of us...? So he actually had a heart after all.

I thought the beásty nature he possessed dominated him entirely 

Even in those dark hearts, there's a little bit of goodness which he never showcased.

I didn't know what to think anymore. All the thoughts in my head were making me feel emotionally weak and the tears I was trying so hard to hold in fell from my eyes uncontrollably 

" Have you seen how the same man you k¡lled for nothing is begging me not to call the police on you...?" Mother asked rhetorically. I gave her no response, I was just crying terribly until I could find my voice 

" Mother pleas.." I was about saying when mother cut me off ângrily 

" Don't mother me! You know what...? I think I am to blame for how bâd you've turned out. Maybe I spoilt you too much. I pamper you a lot, I protect you from your father whenever he's bëâting you up, I should have been very strict and mean...Just maybe if I was strict as Jamie...then you would have been more disciplined" 

" No... no ...no mother. Father wasn't strict rather he was just being plainly w¡cked. He was always giving me injuries... wounds all over my body. I wasn't just the only one, my sisters suffered, Mama I watch him treat you like trash, he never valued you. You were my only pillar of strength and my refuge mother... so please stop saying you wished to be like him. Father was so bad and you know it!" I said calmly and the memories of everything father made us go through came flooding into my mind 

I cried as I remembered how each lashes of the cânë and belt he used on my body felt like on my skin. 

There was even a time when father was so ângry at me that he threw an ¡ron on my bare back. 

It was so pâ¡nful and it gave a wound on my back that took several weeks to heal. When it finally healed, it left a dark scar which is still on my back till today  

Or is it the numerous times I watched him bëät up mother and leave her with grùésome brùïses....? What about that day he råpëd mother in front of me...?

Even the number of times he shouted  and cúrsed Erica and Angie, and fl0gged them with fat cane at the tiniest provocation....?

Let me not even talk of the emotional and verbal abμse. Father's words were like daggers that stμπg every single time.

Father did a whole lot of bad things to us that I can't finish saying all because the more I uncover the unseen w0ùπds in my heart, the more it hurts the more 

He showed us héll on earth. We were his family and yet he tråmpled on us and was always treating us as tråsh.

To top it all he k¡lled another human being and would have k¡lled mother if Flora wasn't someone with a conscience unlike father that has a heart of stone 

I am still suffering all these childhood traumas and even though father is no more, my ánger and hÃ¥trëd for him has remained unchanged. 

I know I need psychological help and I hope to seek it in future so I will not treat my wife or children the same way father treated us. 

May God forbid it!

Mother walked to me and stood right in front of me. I looked at her hoping that I was going to hear soothing words that will help reduce this guilt in my heart

" I will honor your father's request and I will not call the police on you but I don't want to have anything to do with you ever again! You have a w¡cked heart, you kïlléd my husband, my dearest, darling Jamie. Oh, how I wish I can still look upon his handsome face one more time. You took him away from me and you don't seem remorseful..."

"..?You've hμrt me beyond repair by taking away my darling husband to his early gr@ve. Flora should've been your mama because you two have a way of causing pâ¡Ã± and sÃ¥dness..."

"...From today onwards you Jacob you cease to be my son!" Mother said as a matter of fact 

My eyes went wide in shock as I heard my mother's words.

 Those verdicts from her were k¡lling me slowly like it was p0¡son itself 

No...no...no..it can't be. Mother certainly can't do this to me

Mother is virtually all I got and I value her with my life.

She can't do this to me.

This has to be a dream right...? I'm dreaming...am I not...?

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

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