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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 9 & 10




Monarch - Episode 9 & 10

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 



Zayne was in the bedroom on the bed,chuckling to himself while on his laptop,other phones are on the bed too,IPad also,a mug of coffee in his hand. 

The door opened and Hunter came in,he stopped few distance away and bowed. Zayne looked at him. 

"Your highness,Lady Charlotte is here" Hunter said and Zayne frowned. 

"Who's that?" He asked. 

"Your fiancee your highness" Hunter said and Zayne scoffed. 

"Let her in" He muttered. 

Hunter bowed and went out,a minute after Charlotte entered and Zayne looked at her coldly. 

"Why are you here?" He asked. 

"It's not like I want to be here,but I just needed to" Charlotte said. 

Zayne chuckled and used his hand to give her a go ahead. 

"Last night,I was sleeping peacefully and doesn't really care whether you were home or not,but then I was educated that at least I was supposed to know where you were as your fiancee,I called you and you answered,you allowed me hear that disgusting sound intensionally,but can you at least understand that I'm not that desperate to have you either? If you don't want me then fine! You can't keep on showing ugly sides of you,it's annoying" She said. 

"Are you done?" Zayne asked and she frowned. 

"You must have a lot of shits in your mouth to say,I'm glad we are in the same fucking boat,but the difference is I don't have a choice but you f+cking do. And there's a way out for both of us...which is ..why don't you please talk to the king and tell him you don't want to do this anymore? Just try to convince him,tell him how bad I am,everything I did,including the one from last night,maybe both of us can be free from this prison,how about that? I will be the happiest person in the whole world,I can even pay you" He said. 

"But if you know you can't do that how about you keep your mouth shut and avoid me? You brought yourself into the palace,you think I've ever for once thought about getting married to anyone? Stop acting like you've never heard my story,If you're not comfortable,end this shit and fuck out of the palace,not like I care" Zayne said. 

"Let this be the last time you will come into my room,I won't repeat myself the second time" He muttered and walked out of the bedroom. 

Charlotte chuckled and bit her lips,only heaven knows she was barely trying to control her words,she doesn't want any trouble again in her name so she just have to keep quiet but she was getting so impatient. 

"Let's calm down Charlotte,let him be" She told herself and went out. 



Theny was still on bed when Thorin entered,his two hands in his pocket,his face not friendly at all.

"What's going on?" Theny asked. 

"Nothing...but have you seen the girl Zayne was engaged with?" Thorin asked. 

"I heard he doesn't seem to like her" Theny said. 

"She's fucking hot,Is he blind?" Thorin scoffed. 

Theny laughed. 

"It's not what I'm thinking right? You two didn't talk" Theny said. 

"Not yet" Thorin said.

"What? Not yet?! You know you can't do that right? Even if he doesn't like her,she's his fiancee. Father choose her for him by himself" Theny said. 

"Who cares? She's totally my type" Thorin replied and Theny Laughed. 

'Can't wait to watch the drama then,you are gonna make everyone crazy soon" He said and Thorin smirked. 

"Besides,I don't even think she's really interested in Zayne" Thorin ssid. 

"So why did she applied for the position?" Theny scoffed. 

"That's her business not mine" Thorin said. 

"We planned to have a conversation with Calantha this morning remember?" Theny asked and Thorin nodded. 

"Call her if she's in her suite" he muttered. 



Queen Vynessa and Queen Lirien both met at the entrance of the chamber at the same time and were both surprised to see all the guards there,including the maids still standing. 

"What's going on?" Queen Vynessa asked. 

"His majesty is yet to respond to anyone this morning,so they can't go in" One of the guards answered. 

"That's weird,the king has never slept in till this time before" Queen Lirien said and Queen Vynessa nodded in agreement. 

"My lord!!! It's Vynessa!" She bowed right there as if the king could hear her. 

Queen Lirien also bowed,everyone else too. 

But silence followed again,nothing came from the King's chamber. 

The two Queens got up and opened the door at once,they walked straight to the bedroom and the king was still laying on bed tightly,but the moment they touched him,he was already so cold. 

"Ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Queen Vynessa screamed out in horror and she didn't survive that moment,she lost consciousness immediately. 

All the guards rushed in,Queen Lirien was already on the bed,crying bitterly as well,shaking the King's lifeless body. 

Queen Vynessa was already taken away and others focused on the king. 

"No!!! My husband no!!!!" Queen Lirien continue screaming and crying. 



It was already filled up,royal families from different kingdoms,kings,queens,princesses and princes. Royal elders,chiefs executive,governors,even the president was present. 

The royal family are all dressed in black,in front as they morn the late king.

Queen Vynessa seems to be the most affected,her hair looking all rough,her eyes red and swollen,queen Lirien too. 

Then there's Calantha whose cries could be heard throughout the whole place,she was crying loudly,screaming. 

Theny and Thorin were just there in silence,Samara's eyes were totally red and puffy,tears filled her eyes. 

Charlotte was also dressed in the same mourning dress,she don't even know if she was to cry,she couldn't cry but the sadness was all over her face. 

Even though she only knew him for short moments,still he's the one who made her dream come true,she will never and ever forget about that. 

Her eyes moved all over and they landed on Zayne who was on the floor,his head has been buried on the floor ever since the mourning started,she haven't seen him raised his head and she wondered what he was doing when everyone look so sad. 

But when it was time for the family to start putting flowers on the late king's body And Zayne was helped up. 

Her eyes widened to see his eyes. 

Zayne was crying like a baby,the floor where his face buried was soaked with tears. 

He couldn't even walk,the bodyguards had to support him. Charlotte's eyes were on him all through as everyone put the flowers on the king. 

Zayne was the last,he managed to walk over to him,his tears loud,his nose running. 

"I'm sorry......father" He muttered as he placed his own flower on it. 

"I was so useless to you.....I don't know why.....why you love me....I don't deserve it" he cried and fell on the floor,Hunter immediately rushed to carry him up but he just kept crying. 

That scene made Charlotte tear up finally. 

"Why is he being like that?" She asked herself and wiped her tears off. 

She watched as Erica ran to Zayne and hugged him tightly,he also held her,crying on her shoulder. 

Calantha looked at her. 

"That's your job young lady" She said in her soft sad voice. 

Charlotte sighed,not knowing what to do. 

Obviously Zayne wouldn't even want her close to him,so what is she supposed to do??

Rocky gave Starr his handkerchief to clean his tears. 

Starr took it from him and wiped his tears,his eyes were so red,others cried too but his own is more bad. 

"It's okay" Grey roughed Starr's hair. 

"Are you sure he's going to be fine? He look so broken" Starr said as they all looked at Zayne who was still hugging Erica. 

"He will be fine,He's strong" Chase muttered,even though he wasn't so sure. 

After one more hour of mourning,the eldest of the royal elders walked out of the crowd and went to the front. 

"It's so unfortunate that our great king finally left us behind here,may his soul rest in perfect peace" He bowed and everyone bowed as well. 

"On this day...the late king have just one wish" He continued and everywhere was quiet. 

"The king dropped this about one week ago,in this box which I've never opened,not me or anyone else has seen this,he requested that the box should be opened on his last day,and here we are" he said and took the key. 

Everyone silent as they watched him open the box,then he brought out a note out. 

"I will read loudly" 

"I would have been gone when this letter will be read out to all ears,but I hope you all don't cry too much. And here's my wish,after all the mourning" 

He stopped and sighed,then continued. 

"I want my heir,the crown prince who will be announced at the end of this note to mourn my death all alone for seven days,I did that for my father also and he should do that as well,with my chiefs and executives in watch,to protect him and make him into a perfect man In his new journey that Is about to begin" 

Everyone stood still,ready to hear the hardest part of it. 

"The crown,throne,power,will go to one of my sons...and that will be...Prince Zayne,my youngest son" 

He read that and loud gasps filled the air. 

Charlotte's eyes widened,she turned to Zayne who was still in tears. 

Queen Lirien froze, Queen Vynessa swallowed and shook her head. 

"No please....not my son" she continue shaking her head. 

Theny and Thorin's eyes became redder. 

The elder continued. 

"It is my command,all the powers and respect given to me by my father will now be given to him from now on,even before the coronation,he may be young but he's the one the gods of the land,and I have chosen...please protect him and form him into a better man,hail the new king...yours forever...King Ryker"

He finished up and Immediately everyone bowed. 

"All hail the new king!!!!" The king announcer shouted loudly. 

"Long live the king!!!  Your majesty!!!!"

They all chorused in front of Zayne. 

In his tears,he also bowed but was immediately pulled up. 

"That's an abomination....your majesty" One of the chiefs said. 

Queen Lirien stormed out of the Throne ground,the twins followed as well. 

Zayne sat down on the floor,his tears falling uncontrolably. 

Not everyone was happy about the announcement but there's nothing anyone could do about it. 

It Is the very first time a king who is less than thirty would be ruling over the kingdom of Solaria. 

Prince Zayne is just twenty two years old,too young...just too young to rule over the large kingdom,but the deed has been done. 



Three days had passed since the late king's departure, and the kingdom was still reeling in shock. The news of Prince Zayne's ascension to the throne had spread like wildfire, leaving everyone speechless and bewildered. The once vibrant and bustling streets were now filled with somber faces and hushed whispers.

In the midst of this chaos, Prince Zayne sat on the outdoor throne ground, mourning according to the King's word. 

For three consecutive days, he had refused to eat or even drink anything. 

 His eyes, once bright and full of life, were now sunken and red-rimmed from crying. His voice,now cracked from tears,the only words he has been uttering is nothing but,

 "I don't deserve this, Father. I don't want this."

 His skin, once smooth and unblemished, now looked pale and gaunt. His lips, dry and cracked, trembled with each sob.

Queen Vynessa, her eyes puffy from crying, she couldn't bear to see his only son in the midst of enemies,the hatred would double,she knows that.   

 She implored the wisest scholars, the most powerful sorcerers, and even the most revered spiritual leaders, begging them to find a way to reverse the late king's decree. But every door she knocked on led to a dead end.

 Every answer she received was a resounding "no."

On the fourth night of mourning,the palace was so quiet,every servant in the palace gathered together all watching the prince still crying,none of them could control their tears as well. 

It's painful that the late king died,but seeing the prince suffering was more heartbreaking. 

Queen Vynessa has tried her best to at least make him eat something but she failed,Samara tried too,Calantha,but all pleas fell on deaf ears. 

"I don't deserve this....." Prince Zayne would cry out. 


Princess Calantha entered Charlotte's room and met her pacing,but as soon as she entered Charlotte turned. 

"I still can't believe you're still here doing nothing" Calantha said. 

"Your fiance is out there! I've not seen you make any attempt to talk to him,you're making me angry Charlotte,is like you don't know what's going on right here,,you are going to become the queen!!! In twenty nine fucking days!! What are you doing to make people see you as one? If you're not interested in this,you're free to leave! Father Is no more alive and you can leave if you want to! You keep saying Zayne doesn't like you but Charlotte the truth Is you don't like him too,but you came here on your own,nobody forced you. So make your decision! It's either you leave or you act like the queen you're about to become!" Calantha yelled at her and stormed out of the room angrily. 

Charlotte swallowed and slowly walked out of the room. 

She went directly to the maids quarters,into the kitchen. 

The maids there immediately bowed. 

"How may we help you my lady"

"I'm going to cook....myself" Charlotte said and they all exchanged glances,but nobody said anything



Zayne was sitting down there as usual when Erica appeared with a tray in her hand,the guards immediately covered her up.

"His majesty don't want anyone in" Hunter said. 

"Tell him it's Erica, tell him I brought him so snacks" She said. 

Hunter walked to Zayne and came back. 

"His majesty said he refuse to have anything" Hunter told her and Erica sighed. 

Just then,Charlotte appeared as well,accompanied by Lydia and Amaya. 

"He doesn't want anything" Erica immediately glared. 

Charlotte ignored her and faced Hunter.

"Tell him I brought him food...which I prepared by myself and would want him him to have some" she said. 

Hunter left to report to Zayne,Erica waited there. 

Soon Hunter returned and everyone faced him to hear what he's going to say. 

"His majesty said...You may bring it" Hunter muttered. 

Erica's eyes widened with hateful glare as Charlotte walked out of her sight. 


  1. When is the next episode coming out please

  2. Next episode please very interesting story

  3. Very interesting I 💕 😘
