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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 7 & 8




Monarch - Episode 7 & 8

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


"Here's your suite my lady" The two maids who led the way said to Charlotte as they entered the suite. 

Charlotte gasped and came in as well,she ran into the bedroom and gasped even louder.

"This...is all Mine?" She asked. 

"Yes my lady" They both said at once. 

"Wow" Charlotte covered her mouth and continue looking around,everything looks so new to her,has she ever lived in a room as beautiful and big as this? Never? 

This is almost like her whole house. 

"We will be the ones serving you from now on my lady,so if you need anything please call us right away" 

Charlotte faced them. 

"You can just call me by name..."

They shook their heads. 

"That's not possible my lady" 

"Oh...then may I know your names?" 

"My name is Lydia and she's Amaya" 

"Okay,Lydia and Amaya,nice meeting you. Let's get along well" Charlotte smiled. 

"We look forward to that my lady" They bowed and Charlotte nodded. 

"Is there anything else you want us to do for you my lady?"

"No,I'm okay. I just need to take my bath and sleep" Charlotte smiled. 

"We will prepare your bath..."

"No,never mind I will use the shower instead thank you" Charlotte immediately said. 

Lydia and Amaya bowed before going out of the suite. 

Just as Charlotte was about sitting down,she heard the door open again and Calantha came in. 

"My princess" Charlotte immediately bowed. 

Calantha smiled. 

"Do you like the suite?" She asked. 

"Of course I do,I love it" Charlotte replied. 

"So your admission is here and the date for freshers resume is there as well" Calantha handed over a file to her which she immediately took and opened. 

A gasp escaped her lips. 

"That's so fast" 

"You should thank the king in the morning,I think freshers are resuming in about a month time,so for the remaining time you have,you can get to learn more about the palace and family,what do you think?" Calantha asked and Charlotte smiled. 

"I will do that my princess"

"You can call me sis,we aren't strangers,you're Zayne's fiancee" Calantha said and Charlotte nodded.

"Today's gone,tomorrow is another day so....I will explain things better to you..but most especially we need to go to the mall,I learnt you didnt come with any clothes" 

"Thank you my...I mean...sister" 

"You're welcome,freshen up and get a rest. Goodnight" 

Charlotte bowed and watched her walk out of the room. 

She followed a minute later and locked the door before returning to the bedroom. 

Her mind went to her mom and she was beginning to wonder how she's doing,would they allow her visit her mom occasionally?

She's the prince Fiancee right? That means she has enough freedom to do that right?. 

After thinking for a while she went into the bathroom. 



Zayne was sitting by the pool,shirtless,his legs dancing inside the water. He was on a call with his friends and they won't stop teasing him. 

Grey: So you're saying she's not pretty at all??

Chase: Or she doesn't have big ass and boobs like you said?

Zayne: She has none,she's not my type at all. I don't know why father would pick such a girl for,she even looks like a virgin 

Grey &Rocky: (Laughs out)

Starr: So you don't like virgins??

Zayne: What am I supposed to use a virgin for? You think I want a girl who acts all innocent on bed? Do I look like a romantic guy who would start pouring out kisses all in the name of wanting to fuck a girl??

All the boys: (Laugh uncontrollably)

Rocky: You're so crazy guy,how the hell did you get into the royal family?

Zayne: I still don't know,,why would they force me into this family? I prefer something like a mafia family. 

They laughed again. 

Just then,Hunter,Zayne's personal guard showed up and walked over to him,he bowed. 

"What do you want?" Zayne asked. 

"Princess Erica is here your highness,what should I tell her?" Hunter asked. 

"Bring her here" Zayne said. 

Hunter bowed and walked away. 

Rocky: Whoa...Erica is still there?

Zayne: Yeah,she might be leaving tomorrow

Starr: Why not tonight? You guys will see each other in school anyway,you're engaged now

Grey: Dude stop acting like a pastor

Chase: He doesn't want Zayne to cheat on his fiancee

Zayne: Fuck the engagement,I'm just doing this because of father and nothing is gonna stop me from having fun. Goodnight guys

The boys: Goodnight. 

Zayne hung up as soon as Erica appeared. 

"Hey" She smiled and sat beside him. 

She pecked his lips. 

"How are you?" Zayne asked. 

"You don't expect me to be fine right? I still don't know why the king ignored me and picked that dirty pauper instead" Erica scoffed. 

"Does that matter,I don't like her anyway" Zayne muttered. 

"Of course it matters,you should have just rejected her" Erica said and Zayne sighed. 

He should have,but anytime he remembers the king's health,he would stop,he doesn't want anything that will trigger his illness at this point. 

He's not ready for that crown yet,he would do anything to keep the king alive if only he has the power to do so,but unfortunately he possess no powers at all. 

"Can we forget about that and talk about something else?" He asked. 

Erica grabbed his face and slammed her lips on his own in an hungry pace,Zayne pulled her by the waist and made her sit on his laps then the kiss became deeper. 



The servants were busy getting the king ready for the day in the dressing room when they heard the door open. 

Queen Vynessa entered and immediately they all bowed. 

"Good morning my queen" they chorused. 

"Everyone..leave I will do the rest" Queen Vynessa ordered and the king looked at her. 

The servants all left the room and Queen Vynessa went closer to the king. 

"Good morning your majesty" She bowed and he nodded. 

She started doing up the remaining button on the royal coat. 

"Is there anything you want to discuss with me?" King Ryker questioned after a minute if silence. 

"It's nothing big my Lord,I just want to know the reason why you decided to get Zayne a wife at this point. We both know he's not responsible to that extent,he can't even look after himself,you think he will be able to look after a wife? My Lord,I don't think this is right at all. And beside,I wouldn't want my son or the girl brought to end up in a toxic relationship where there's no love at all my Lord,they don't even know each other........"

"They can start knowing each other from this moment Vynessa,that's not an excuse. Every lovers starts from somehow,I picked the best candidate for my son,she's the most responsible out of them all,can't you see what I'm seeing at all?" King Ryker asked. 

"My Lord,what about what Zayne wants? Don't you care at all? He's supposed to live with that woman for the rest of his life,what if he never get to love her? I don't want my son to end up in that kind of marriage where they only act for the public but inside,it's all war and no peace at all,my Lord I'm begging you" Queen Vynessa tried to kneel down but the king stopped her immediately. 

"I've made my decision Vynessa,and it's final" He said and pulled her up. 

Queen Vynessa sighed. 

"You don't have to worry Vynessa,everything will be fine" He assured and she nodded before hugging him. 

"Your majesty! Old queen is here!" The announcer spoke up from ourside. 

Queen Vynessa broke the hug. 

"I will come back later my Lord" She bowed and the king nodded watching her left,soon Queen Lirien entered. 

"My husband" She bowed and king Ryker nodded in approval. 

"How are you feeling this morning?" She asked.

"As always" the king answered. 


Charlotte was walking through the passage in the main building,trying to wait for Calantha who told her they would be visiting the king. 

She suddenly stopped when she saw Zayne and Samara coming,they seems to be coming from  queen Vynessa's suite and they were both talking,both looking dressed up so she assumed they are on their way to school already. 

She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice when they got so close.

"Are you going to sleep on the way or move?" Samara glared at her. 

"Oh sorry...." Before she could move out of the way,Samara already pushed her out of her own way and walked away. 

Charlotte fell on Zayne's feet and her hands touched his shoes. 

"Your highness! Are you okay?!" About ten guards rushed over to them,Charlotte was shocked to see them asking Zayne that instead of her,they even pushed her out of the way. 

"Your highness....." Hunter called. 

"The shoes" Zayne muttered and they all looked at him,expecting him to say more. 

"I'm fucking changing the shoes" Zayne said and a guard ran off immediately. 

Charlotte blinked in shock,nobody even noticed if she's still on the floor so she got up,still looking as shocked as hell. 

Just one minute after,the guard who left returned with a new Pair of shoes and wore it on Zayne's legs. 

Zayne walked away without sparing her another glance. 

All the guards followed him immediately. 

Charlotte stood there speechelessly,is she supposed to live like this? The news she heard about Zayne aren't fake,he's a darn jerk. 

"Charlotte" She heard Calantha from the back and turned to see her with her maids behind her. 

"Are you okay? Your face...."

"No,I'm fine" She smiled. 

"Good,then let's go" Calantha said and started walking away,Charlotte followed her right away. 



Natalie and Catalina followed Samara out of the hall after their second class for the day,they both took their positions by her two sides. 

"Is something wrong with our princess? You haven't said a word all day" Natalie said. 

"You don't expect me to be in a good mood when my brother is not happy either,I mean father brought a gold digger home" Samara scoffed and the girls chuckled. 

"I heard he ignored all the classy and rich girls,even princesses. Only to choose a poor girl,why would he do that to the prince?" Catalina shook her head. 

"I was even expecting him to pick Erica at least,I mean she's already close to Zayne,but I was shocked and now I have to see that commoner in the palace,disgusting" Samara rolled her eyes. 

All of a sudden,someone bumped into her. 

"What the heck! Are you blind?!" She flaired up.

"I'm sorry I....."

"Sorry for your low life self" Samara snapped and the guy glared. 

"Are you always this stupid?" He asked and the students passing gasped in shock. 

👥 The heck?!

👥 Is he new here?

👥 He can't talk back to the princess

"What did you just say?" Samara moved closer. 

"Oh sorry,didn't know you're deaf too" He said and the students gasped more. 

"Who the hell do you think you are? I fucking apologized but you still want to badly show how petty you are just because you're a princess or....."

His friends rushed over there and covered his mouth from the back. 

"Forgive him princess,he's new here" They bowed and when he refused to leave with them,they carried him on their shoulders and took him away. 

Samara stood there speechlessly,the students around immediately scattered and walked away. 

"Who's that? He's so funny" Catalina chuckled. 

Samara glared and she immediately kept quiet. 

Samara stormed off and they quickly followed. 


"Guy! What do you think you're doing? Do you want your fucking scholarship to get canceled?!" Nelson shouted at Daniel after they dropped him down. 

"Who fucking cares if they do it? I can't watch her look down on me and do nothing" Daniel said,looking so angry and pissed. 

"I know you're angry okay? But everybody knows how rude the princess is,she's not friendly at all,she's totally different from Prince Zayne so please I'm begging you try to avoid her no matter what" Raymond said. 

"She should avoid me instead" Daniel scoffed and walked away. 

"This boy will never cease to amaze me" Nelson said and Raymond laughed. 

"Did you see how Samara was shocked?" He asked and Nelson nodded. 

"But I'm scared,what if she do something?" Nelson asked. 

"I don't think she would even remember his face,let's have the hope" Raymond said. 



"I still don't understand why you guys are quiet like you're dead" Rocky spoke up and they all groaned. 

"I knew you were gonna speak up first,bad egg" Grey said and they laughed. 

"I'm only concerned about Zayne,you don't look bothered like last night" Starr said and Zayne nodded.

"I got to know that mom doesn't really support father's decision but we just have to do what he wants" he said. 

"So what are you planning to do?" Chase asked. 

"Nothing,what am I supposed to do?" Zayne scoffed. 

"I understand how you're feeling dude" Grey tapped Zayne's shoulder.

"I'm starving,where are the guards we send to get our orders? I'm not fucking listening to any lecturer that's gonna enter this class without me eating" Rocky said. 

"I was about saying that,I'm hungry too" Starr said. 

"They will be here in thirty minutes,hunter said there was a problem on their way going" Zayne said as soon as he spoke with Hunter.

"Oops,I'm gonna get myself ice cream,to cool my hot Brain" Starr got up. 

"Get one for me too" Chase said. 

"Me too" Zayne smiled. 

"Am I your messenger?" Starr frowned.

"Let me come with you" Rocky and Grey said at the same time and Starr looked at them. 

"Am I safe?" He asked. 

Rocky chuckled and grabbed his hand. 

"I will follow him" He told Grey and he nodded. 

Rocky and Starr walked out of the class together. 

"I was joking when I asked if I'm your messenger,you don't really have to follow Me" Starr said and adjusted his glasses. 

"I didn't follow you because of that,I followed because I want to come with you" Rocky said and Starr looked at him. 

"Okay" He said and Rocky smiled. 

Rocky removed his glasses. 

"I knew it! Gosh" Starr groaned and Rocky laughed. 

"Don't you get tired of these glasses? Your eyes are working perfectly,but you have more than hundred glasses the last time I counted" Rocky said. 

"Liar" Starr snapped. 

"You look cuter this way" Rocky said and Starr raised his brows. 

"You mean I'm ugly with the glasses on?" He asked. 

Rocky helped him back with it. 

"You can't be ugly even if you try to" He muttered and Starr chuckled. 

"Stop acting nice,it's annoying" He said and Rocky laughed. 



Charlotte was already fast asleep in her room when suddenly she started hearing loud knocks on the front door,waking her up right away. 

She got down from the bed and walked over to the door,two guards stood tbere. 

"Queen Vynessa wants you in her suite right away" They reported and Charlotte was surprised. 

"Thank you....."

"You have to follow us right away" They said. 

"Oh..." Charlotte checked herself,her nightie looks okay. 

Thanks to Calantha who took her out today,now her closet is filled up with pretty and expensive clothes. 

She followed the guards and soon they arrived in the queen's suite,then told her to enter which she did. 

Queen Vynessa was in the living room,sitting and her face wasn't gentle at all. 

"Good evening...your highness...."

"So you were sleeping?" The queen cut her off.

"Yes I was....."

"When your fiancee isn't home yet? Without you knowing where he is? You slept?" Queen Vynessa snapped. 

"Oh...I...don't know....."

"You have a lot to learn young lady,if you're planning to get along with your fiancee,shouldn't it start from here? You don't look like someone who cares about the royal family at all,what is your aim in my family? Were you sent here?" Queen Vynessa asked and Charlotte's eyes widened. 

"Your highness,nothing like that..."

"Your highness!! Queen Calantha is here!!" One of the guards announced. 

"Let her in" Queen Vynessa said and soon the door opened,Calantha entered. 

"Good evening mother" She bowed and the queen nodded. 

"I'm sorry on behalf of Charlotte mother,the king put me in charge of her and I haven't told her alot of things yet,don't be angry" She said. 

"I will leave her to you then" Queen Vynessa saud. 

Calantha gave Charlotte a sign to follow her and she immediately did. 


"So...I'm not allowed to sleep until the prince comes home?" Charlotte asked. 

"Unless you get to know where he is or maybe he informs you that he wouldn't be coming. It's just a way to see how you guys are trying to get along,but you don't even have his contact,they might think you are really a gold digger Charlotte" Calantha said and Charlotte sighed. 


Now it's been one hour since she's been standing in the balcony,expecting Zayne to arrive but nothing like that,she has been calling him as well but no response. 

She dialed his number again and finally he answered. 

But before Charlotte could say a word,the silence was represented by loud moans coming from the other side. 

"Oh my gosh!, Faster my prince,oh fuck!"

"Right there!!"

Charlotte's  eyes widened and the phone fell from her hand.

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