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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 5 & 6




Monarch - Episode 5 & 6

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 



King Ryker gazed lovingly at his newborn son, cradling him in his arms. The baby's tiny hands and feet captivated him.

Prince Zayne was just few hours old after the queen had him,the king couldn't hide his happiness. 

 Just then, the royal seer, Elara, entered the room.

"Your Majesty," Elara said, her voice gentle. 

"I have come to bless your child."

King Ryker looked up, his eyes questioning.

 "Elara, you said I would have an heir. I already have two sons."

Elara smiled.

 "Those were not the ones, Your Majesty. This child, Prince , is the true ruler. He will bring greatness to our kingdom."

King Ryker's eyes widened in surprise.

 "You're certain?"

Elara nodded. 

"Yes, Your Majesty. This child is special. He will unite our kingdom and bring peace."

The king was quiet for a while before speaking up. 

"It will bring a lot of fights......"

"If he doesn't rule...your majesty,the riot that will befall our nation is not something that can be escaped" Elara said and the king sighed out. 

After Elara left, six years old Princess Calantha, entered the room. Her curly brown hair bounced with each step.

"Father, I want to see the baby!" she exclaimed.

King Ryker smiled, his eyes warm.

 "Come, Calantha. Meet your brother, Prince Zayne"

Calantha's eyes sparkled as she gazed at the baby. 

"He's so small!"

King Ryker's expression turned serious. 

"Calantha, I want you to promise me something."

"Yes, father"

"Protect your brother, no matter what. He's your brother, even if you have different mothers. You're his big sister, and he needs you."

Calantha's face set in determination.

 "I promise, father, I'll always protect him." She said cutely,her hand on her chest. 

King Ryker's eyes shone with gratitude. 

"Thank you, Calantha. I know I can count on you." He smiled and pulled her into a hug. 



King Ryker's chamber was dimly lit, the king's face pale and weary. Calantha,knelt beside his bed,her eyes on his face. 

"Calantha, do you remember the promise you made to me?" King Ryker asked, his voice weak.

Calantha nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. 


King Ryker's eyes locked onto hers.

 "Zayne will be the next king. He's the rightful heir. You must protect him, no matter what."

Calantha's face trembled,she suspected something was up,the King's voice was not like usual,he sounds weak. 

 "I will, father I promise."

King Ryker's voice cracked. 

"I'm proud of you, Calantha. But I fear my time is running out. My health is failing me."

Calantha burst into tears, her body shaking. 

"No, father, Please don't say that!"

King Ryker's hand stroked her hair.

 "I'm sorry, my child. But I know I can trust you to take care of Zayne. Promise me you'll always stay with him, no matter what."

Calantha sobbed, her face buried in her hands. 

"I promise, father I'll always be there for Zayne!"

King Ryker smiled. 

"I'm so lucky to have a daughter like you Lantha,you need to get married and have kids also,not just the family business" 

"I don't want husband" Calantha mumbled and the king laughed. 

"You have to be fine father,I hate seeing you sick" She said. 



Charlotte bounced into the living room, a big smile on her face. Her best friend, Emily, was already there, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Hey, Em! What's up?" Charlotte asked, plopping down beside her.

"Not much, Lottie," Emily replied, using Charlotte's nickname.

 "Just wondering when the results of the prince's fiancée selection will be out."

Charlotte's grin grew wider.

 "Tomorrow! Can you believe it?"

Emily's eyes widened.

 "No way! That's so soon. Good luck, Lottie! You're going to need it."

Charlotte laughed. 

"Thanks, Em. I'll need all the luck I can get."

The two friends chatted excitedly about the selection process. Charlotte had been chosen as one of the top five candidates to be Prince Zayne's fiancée beforehand and now the final result is tomorrow. 

"If you become the prince's fiancée, does that mean you'll get to go to university?" Emily asked, her curiosity piqued.

Charlotte nodded enthusiastically.

 "Yes,The king promised that if I'm chosen, I can attend university. Can you believe it? Me,  studying alongside rich kids!!" She screamed. 

Emily giggled. 

"You'll be the coolest ever, Lottie. But what if you don't get chosen?"

Charlotte's face fell, but only for a moment. 

"Then I'll just have to find another way to get into university. I'm not giving up on my dreams, Em."

The friends chatted for hours, discussing everything from their favorite books to their childhood memories. Emily was Charlotte's only friend, and she cherished their friendship dearly.

As the sun began to set, Emily stood up to leave. 

"I should get going, Lottie. But promise me one thing."

"What's that?" Charlotte asked, walking Emily to the door.

"If you become the prince's fiancée, don't forget about me" 

Emily said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Charlotte laughed. 

"Never, Em! You'll be my partner in crime, even in the palace."

Emily grinned. 


They both laughed and Charlotte followed her out. 



The five friends lounged in the  living room, surrounded by plush snacks while having fun.  But despite the relaxed atmosphere, Zayne's silence was not to me ignored. 

"Yo, Zayne, what's up, man?" Rocky asked, tossing a pillow at him.

 "You've been quiet all day."

Zayne shrugged, his eyes fixed on the floor. 

"Just thinking, I guess."

Grey, ever the perceptive one, chimed in, 

"Dude, it's about tomorrow, isn't it? The announcement?"

Zayne nodded, his face scrunched in distaste. 

"Oh, poor Zayne's getting a ball and chain tomorrow!" Chase teased. 

"Yeah, and he's not happy about it!" Rocky snickered

Zayne rolled his eyes. 

"Shut up, guys."

Grey, eager to deflect attention, grabbed Chase's arm.

 "Hey, let's continue our video games, I need to crush you!"

"Oh, I'm gonna destroy you" Chase shook his head. 

The two friends disappeared into the game room, leaving Zayne, Rocky, and Starr to lounge on the couch.

Rocky turned to Starr. 

 "Hey, Starr, how's it feel being the only virgin in the group?"

Starr's face turned bright red as Zayne and Rocky burst into laughter.

"Dude you're insane,that was out of nowhere" Zayne said and they continue laughing. 

"I hate you all" Starr mumbled. 

Just then, Chase and Grey returned, Chase holding up his controller in triumph.

 "Yes! I won!"

Grey shook his head.

 "Rematch, rematch!"

"But honestly,Zayne are you finally going to stop fucking around?" Rocky suddenly asked. 

"Isn't that good at least?" Starr scoffed. 

"Don't tell me you're happy I'm getting married" Zayne looked at him. 

"In a way" Starr replied and Zayne threw a pillow at him. 

"I'm starving guys,let's get good food,at least before the news tomorrow" Grey said. 

"We should start buying our suits,wedding might follow soon" Rocky winked. 

"Fuck you all!!" Zayne yelled. 

The boys laughed. 

"But at least she should have ass and boobs,I will manage" Zayne mumbled. 

"Stop dreaming bro" 



The Palace buzzed with excitement as maids scurried about, preparing for the grand introduction of Prince Zayne's fiancée. The air was electric with anticipation, and the sound of soft chatter and clinking silverware filled the air. The palace's grandeur was on full display, with sparkling chandeliers, polished marble floors, and intricate tapestries adorning the walls.

In the royal dining hall, Princess Calantha beamed with pride as she congratulated Charlotte, well yes Charlotte won. 

 Calantha's warm smile and genuine aura made Charlotte feel at ease, despite the intimidating grandeur of the palace. The princess's kind eyes and gentle manner put Charlotte's nerves at bay, making her feel like she was part of the family.

"Congratulations, Charlotte! You deserve it," Calantha said, her voice warm and genuine. 

"I'm so thrilled to have you as a part of our family. You'll make a wonderful addition, I just know it."

Queen Vynessa, however, didn't share the same enthusiasm. Her face remained stern, her eyes fixed on Charlotte with a hint of disapproval. Her expression seemed to say, "You're not good enough for our family." 

Samara,glared at Charlotte from across the table, her arms crossed. Her eyes seemed to bore into Charlotte's soul, as if daring her to make a mistake. Samara's piercing gaze made Charlotte feel like an outsider, a feeling she couldn't shake off.

Charlotte, meanwhile, was a nervous wreck. She couldn't believe she was sitting among royalty – Queen Vynessa, Princess Calantha, and soon, the king himself. The weight of the moment settled heavily on her shoulders, making her feel like she was drowning in a sea of expectations.

Just then, the doors swung open, and the king entered. Everyone rose from their seats, bowing in unison. Charlotte followed suit, her heart racing with excitement and nerves. The king's commanding presence filled the room,making her more nervous. 

Once seated, the maids began serving the feast. The king turned to Queen Vynessa and asked, 

"Where is Zayne? He should be here to greet his fiancée." The queen's expression turned even darker, her eyes flashing with annoyance but she controlled it. 

Just then, Zayne strolled in, flashing his famous smile. He greeted Charlotte with a charming bow.

 "You look stunning,. I'm honored to have you as my fiancée." Charlotte blushed, taken aback by Zayne's sudden charm. She couldn't help but wonder if this was the real Zayne or just a facade.

Not just her,everyone was shocked. Did Zayne just complimented Charlotte? Just like that?!

Princess Calantha stared at him suspiciously but Zayne was already talking to Charlotte,making the king smile happily. 

Even queen Vynessa had to calm down,If her son likes her then she wouldn't mind. 

After about thirty minutes,Zayne stood up. 

"Charlotte,can I talk to you privately please?" He smiled. 

"Oh...yes" Charlotte said and got up,all eyes on them. 

"We will be back father" He smiled and went out. 

Charlotte also bowed and follow. 

Zayne stood somewhere silent and turned to her coldly,all the fake smiles on his face disappeared and Charlotte almost froze,even without him saying a word. 

"I just want to make the air clear enough,so we can both have peace in this darn palace...don't ever,I repeat don't fucking ever have it in mind that I am your fiance or whatever it's called. Well of course in front of the family,especially the king,we are couples. But don't ever try any shit outside that,do you understand me?" Zayne warned and Charlotte looked at him speechlessly. 

"I just asked a question" Zayne glared. 

"I understand" She mumbled. 

"When you see you...hide from my fucking sight,like he should have at least got me someone sexy who's my type" Zayne mumbled,glaring at Charlotte all over. 

Charlotte swallowed and sighed,trying to control herself,the way he was staring at her as If she's disgusting. 

"Zayne?" They heard Calantha'a voice and Zayne immediately grabbed Charlotte's hand. 

"Oh sis,we were just coming" He said. 

"I can see you two are getting along" Calantha said. 

"Of course,she's pretty" Zayne grinned. 

Charlotte also smiled. 

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