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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 31 & 32




Monarch - Episode 31 & 32

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 



The royal doctor just finished with the queen some minutes ago and since then she's been sleeping without waking up. 

After she lost consciousness in the restroom,fortunately a student entered shortly after and that was how she was found and immediately rushed from school. 

Lydia and Amaya were the only ones inside watching after Charlotte,worries all over their faces as they kept checking on her every second. 

"His majesty is here!" 

Immediately they heard that,they stepped to a side and waited for the king to enter. 

"Your majesty" They both bowed at once. 

King Zayne didn't really hear them,his focus was on Charlotte who was on the bed,her eyes closed and her lips dry. 

He stood in a position,looking at her for some seconds. 

"You two can leave" he muttered after a while. 

Lydia and Amaya bowed and immediately went out of the room,leaving just Zayne in the room with Charlotte. 

The king moved close to the bed and sat down at the edge,his eyes still on Charlotte,he placed a finger under her nose to feel her breathing. 

He touched her hair and stroked it a little. 

He sighed and removed his hand,he was about getting up when Charlotte suddenly grabbed his hand. He raised his brows and turned back to see her eyes now opened. 

"Charlotte" He called. 

"My king" Charlotte replied in a very soft and weak voice. 

"How are you feeling right now?" He asked. 

She shook her head and hugged his hand. 

"I would have died" She broke into tears. 

"I thought I was going to die....I was scared" She said in tears. 

King Zayne used his thumb to wipe her tears. 

"That's not going to happen,don't worry" he said. 

Charlotte managed to nod. 

"You should eat something and continue resting......"

"Stay with me" She muttered. 

"Not now....I have things to do" The king replied. 

Queen Charlotte slowly let go of his hand,then turned to the other side,backing him now. 

King Zayne sighed and got up from the bed. 

"Take care of yourself" He muttered. 

Charlotte said nothing,soon she heard the door close. 

"As if he cares" She muttered and rolled her eyes. 

"I'm still here" She suddenly heard his voice and her eyes widened. 

She faced him right away. 

"My king......"

"Who said I don't care?" He cut her off and she blinked. 

"I was just....I'm sorry" Charlotte mumbled. 

"You need some rest right now....."

"Remember you still owe me your time" She sat up on the bed. 

"Hmm" The king nodded and rubbed her hair. 

"I will let you know how it's going to be later,but not now" 

Charlotte pouted and nodded. 

"Can I leave now?" 

"Yes my king" She said. 

King Zayne got up and she stared at him till he was out. 

She fell back on the bed,but was interrupted again when the maids brought food for her. 

"Your highness,you need to eat a lot" Amaya said as they began setting up a small table beside the bed for her. 

"Thank you everyone" Queen Charlotte said. 

"It's our job your highness" They all bowed. 

She smiled but in her head she couldn't stop thinking,who would have done that to her? Who want her dead??. Just who in the world hates her so much to do that?. 


"Your majesty!" All the guards bowed at once as soon as King Zayne approached them. 

About ten guards were kneeling down,with fears obvious in their faces,other guards stood behind them. Lionel and Hunter on the other side. 

"All of them?" King Zayne looked at Hunter. 

"Yes your majesty....."

"So you're trying to tell me ten guards followed Charlotte to school and none of them were with her all through her lecture period?" The king snapped,immediately looking so pissed. 

"That's right your majesty......"

"What were you doing during those hours?" He cut in. 

All of them kept quiet. 

"I just asked a question if I'm correct" King Zayne said calmly. 

"We are sorry your majesty,but the queen warned us not to follow her around the school,so we just stay in the car waiting for her to finish up in school" One of them explained. 

"Oh" The king chuckled and nodded. 

"She told you to stop following her around and you agreed,you couldn't keep your eyes on her even in secret?! What are you getting paid for then?!!" He yelled. 

They immediately bowed their heads. 

"We are sorry your majesty,it's never going to happen again...."

"How sure am I that one of you didn't do that to her?" The king raised his brows. 

"No your majesty!! That's never going to happen,believe us your majesty! Please forgive us just this once!" 

King Zayne looked at Hunter. 

"Did you check the footage yet?" He asked. 

"It's the restroom your majesty,there's no...."

"I don't want to hear that shit" The king slammed and Hunter kept quiet. 

"You heard me,I don't care if it's the restroom or not. Catch the bastard who did that shit and bring him or her to me,maybe I can start my killing from the crazy person" He glared. 

"Noted! Your majesty!!" They all chorused. 

"I want to see that person within two days" The king muttered before walking away. 

The bodyguards all sighed and began murmuring. 

"You think this is the time for noise?!" Hunter half yelled. 

"All of you should get to work,especially those who follow her highness to school everyday,take responsibility if you love your lives" Hunter glared at them. 

"Yes....commander" They said. 

Hunter glared at them again before walking away angrily,Lionel said nothing and followed Hunter. 

"So what do you have in mind now?" He asked. 

"I don't know,you have an idea?" Hunter looked at him and he sighed. 

"Let's think" Lionel muttered. 



Charlotte was sitting in the living room alone,holding a book in her hand and munching on some snacks when she heard the door opening which made her raise her head. 

"Sis" She called with a smile when she saw Calantha coming in. 

"Charlotte,are you okay?" Calantha asked. 

"I came down here as soon as I heard the news" She added. 

"Oh,I'm getting better now" Charlotte said. 

Calantha sat down and sighed. 

"I've not been coming here because I thought you would be mad at me" She muttered. 

"Of course not,I'm not angry with you. The king is your brother and I'm sure he will come around soon,I'm not angry" Charlotte said and Calantha smiled. 

"I'm glad you understand me,but then about what happened,I heard it was an attempted murder. Who the hell would do that? I'm happy they didn't succeed" Calantha said with concern. 

"Thank you sis,you don't have to worry. I'm sure his majesty will take care of everything" Charlotte smiled. 

"Good thing you're trusting him now,I guess you two are beginning to get along"

"We are trying to be" Charlotte said and she chuckled. 

"Take care of yourself Charlotte,don't think too much about it,hmm?" 

"I understand sis,thank you" Charlotte replied. 

Calantha stood up. 

"Let's talk later" She said and went out. 

Charlotte bit her lip a little and sighed out. 

"Why am I getting even more worried?" She asked herself. 

"I hope the king is going to be okay no matter what" She mumbled silently. 



Starr yawned tiredly as he walked down the stairs,he roughed his hair and wiped it off his face. The living room was empty and silent. 

"Where's everyone?" He muttered and yawned again. 

He has been sleeping ever since they returned from school and he doesn't even know a thing. 

The aroma coming from the kitchen made him turn immediately,he was thinking the maids are around so he walked to the kitchen. 

Rocky was the only one in the kitchen,cooking. 

He didn't even realize when Starr walked in until he heard his voice. 

"What are you doing?" Starr asked. 

Rocky looked back and their eyes met,he stared at him longer,he was wearing joggers pants,no shoes or flip flops on his feet,reason why Rocky didn't hear him walk in,to crown it all he was wearing hoodie. 

"Are you cold?" Rocky asked. 

"I asked a question first" Starr muttered. 

"Preparing dinner for everyone,aren't you starving already?" Rocky asked. 

"Really?" Starr immediately walked closer to him.

"Whoa" he mumbled. 

Rocky was just in the process,he was slizing some onions and spring onions. 

"You're so fast" Start said. 

"Move a little bit away,you won't like onion stings" Rocky muttered and Starr obeyed. 

"What are you cooking?" He asked. 

"Shrimp Fried rice" Rocky replied. 

"I've never tried that" Starr mumbled. 

"It's my best food back home,mom always cook it for me,you will love it" Rocky said. 

"The chicken" Starr pointed at the baked chicken on the table. 

"It's still hot,don't burn your fingers" Rocky said and immediately took another set of gloves from the cabinet. 

"Come here" he said and Starr moved closer to him. 

He wore the gloves for him. 

"Why are you so obedient today tho?" Rocky asked. 

"Why are you acting cool today? You haven't teased me" Starr raised his brows. 

Rocky chuckled. 

"I thought you don't like me teasing you" He said. 

"No I don't,I'm just saying" Starr said and went over to pick one of the chickens while Rocky continue cooking. 

Starr came back with a chicken wing in his hand and Rocky looked at him. 

"Don't worry,I will stay with you until you're done" He said and Rocky nodded. 

There was silence after that. 

"Whoa...that's so cool" Starr mumbled in amazement. 

Rocky looked at him but he was focused on the food. 

"Stop staring at me and focus" Starr said and Rocky smiled. 

"Why are you smiling?" Starr asked. 

"Coz you're cute" Rocky replied. 

Starr raised his brows and sighed. 

"You keep saying that,it's not funny...."

"It's not supposed to sound funny" Rocky cut in and he raised the brows more higher. 

"Coz I'm serious,okay?" Rocky added. 

Starr blinked. 

"Stop it" He muttered and looked away. 

"Your cheeks are red" Rocky said. 

"No they not,you're so annoying" Starr snapped. 

'Okay" Rocky muttered and continue what he wss doing. 

Starr swallowed and breathe out. 

Rocky looked at him again. 

"Are you mad at me?" He asked. 

"No,I'm hungry" Starr rolled his eyes and Rocky chuckled. 

"I'm almost done" He muttered. 

After some minutes,he was done. He was about dishing the food when Chase and Grey entered the kitchen. 

"Whoa! Rocky,you're a life saver,I love you bro" Chase slapped Rocky's head. 

"I see,that's what I get after cooking for you" Rocky said. 

"What else? You need a kiss?" Grey snapped. 

"Yes but not from you,bastard" Rocky snapped. 

"Who? Suzy?" Chase asked and Rocky looked at him. 

"Who's Suzy?" He scoffed. 

"What's with you these days anyway? She claimed that you've dumped her" Grey said. 

"Dumping is normal these days,why can't she just stay away" Rocky scoffed. 

"So you don't want any girl anymore?" Chase asked. 

"No I don't" Rocky muttered. 

"Why?" Starr asked and Rocky looked at him. 


"Bro can we eat now? I'm dying" Chase interrupted. 

"Hungry man" Rocky scoffed and they laughed. 



King Zayne was standing and staring at the portrait by the office wall,It's the picture of the late king,He was done with his work and now just bored of everything. 

His mind was faraway as he stared at the picture and he was imagining him still alive and doing his work instead of him. 

"Why did you leave so soon? Just....why" he muttered and sighed out loudly. 

He was still thinking when he heard a knock on the door. 

"Your majesty,it's Lionel" 

"Come in" King Zayne muttered and sat down on his seat. 

The door opened and Lionel came in. 

"Your majesty..Prince Theny is here to see you" Lionel said and the king frowned. 

"Prince Theny?" He asked again. 

"Yes your majesty" Lionel answered. 

"Let him in" The king said. 

Lionel went out and soon Prince Theny walked in. 

His eyes met with Zayne's own. 

"Why are you here....brother" King Zayne asked. 

Theny said nothing the first ten seconds,but all of a sudden he fell on his knees. 

King Zayne raised his brows. 

"I know I shouldn't be doing this,and Thorin deserve the punishment. But....it's more than five days already,he's been living without food or water,I'm scared...please,your majesty,forgive him...only this once" Theny pleaded. 

The king scoffed and stood up from his seat. 

"Are you seriously pleading on his behalf or you two planned it together?" He asked. 

'No we didn't...but he's my twin brother,I can't just sit and do nothing" Theny said. 

"What about my money then?" The king asked.

"The money is still in his account,I have his password,I'm going to transfer everything back into the company's account" Theny Immediately said. 

King Zayne said nothing. 

"Please,let him out of the prison,he won't repeat it again...."

"Get up" The king said. 

Theny stood up on his feet in front of him. 

"You're going to transfer the money when?"

"I can do it tomorrow morning...."

"Then my brother will be released immediately after confirmation" King Zayne said. 

"Really?! Thank you!" Theny said happily. 

Zayne said nothing and watched as Theny walked out of the office. 

He called Lionel after that and Lionel came in instantly. 

"Your majesty,I'm here" 

"Inform Charlotte to meet up in my chamber in one hour....the pool" King Zayne said. 

Lionel bowed and immediately left the office. 



"Goodnight Daniel!"


Daniel's shift just ended and he was on his way home,getting out of the restaurant he removed the cap on his head and run his hand through his hair before sighing out loudly. 

"Hey!" He heard someone and he paused to take a look. 

Samara was standing beside her car,staring at him. 

Daniel sighed and continue walking. 

"Stop!" She shouted again. 

Daniel started walking over to her and soon was standing in front of her. 

"Why are you here?" He asked. 

"Had dinner yet?" Samara asked. 


"Let's eat together...."

"Don't bother,I'm going to cook at home and eat. You should also go home" Daniel cut in. 

"Then,let's go together" Samara said and Daniel raised his brows. 

"Go where together?" He asked. 

"Your place" She replied. 

"Why? Are you trying to come with me and mock me again because my house wouldn't be big up to your taste?' Daniel snapped. 


"Isn't that it?" Daniel asked. 


"What the f+ck can I do to make you stop appearing in front of me and just let me be? I'm having a bad day already,every day but seeing you adds more to my hardship,did I offend you in some ways?! Why can't you just let me be and stay the fuck away!! Do you oppress everyone just because you're a princess and you're rich?!......."

"Hey!!!" Samara screamed and pushed him. 

"Are you that blind to see?!" She yelled back angrily at him. 

"What? Seeing me adds to your hardship? Fine! I will stay away from you,definitely you won't see me appear in front of you again,happy now? At least my face won't annoy you so much anymore,I'm already for making things hard for you" Samara said and entered her car,she actually came alone. 

She closed the door loudly and zoomed off. 

Daniel rolled his eyes and started walking away as well. 

His phone suddenly started ringing and he answered immediately. 

"Mr Daniel"

"Doctor,is everything okay?" Daniel asked in a soft voice. 

"I'm sorry but,your sister's condition is getting worse everyone and might become worst if you don't pay bills for her surgery soon,she can't stay alive with the medicine anymore...."

"Can't you just do something and give me more time? I'm gathering the money already and........"

"We can't let it pass this month ending,that's all I have to say" The Doctor said and hung up. 

Daniel checked the date,his fingers shaking as he tried controlling his tears. 

It's 25.....

"Ahh...." He broke into tears and almost lost balance to walk. 

He just stood there,crying. 

From afar,Samara was inside her car,staring at him. 

"Silly kid" She muttered. 

She stayed there until Daniel boarded a taxi,then she followed the taxi. 

Minutes later,the taxi stopped and Daniel came out. 

Samara looked at the building where Daniel entered,it's one of the free apartments for homeless citizens. 

Her eyes widened and she immediately got down from the car,expecting him to come out again,maybe probably he went there to do something,but that never happened. 

She swallowed and bit her lip hard. 

After staying there for more minutes,she entered her car and drove off,her mind only filled with Daniel's thought and nothing else. 



Queen Charlotte was just ready to go to the king's chamber,she put on a night robe which cover up enough,she was putting on a sexy bikini underneath. 

Just when she was about going out,Lydia came in. 

"Your highness,Princess Samara is here" She said. 

Charlotte's eyes widened. 

"Samara?" She asked. 

That's new...Samara has never came to her suite before. 

"Let her in" Queen Charlotte said and Lydia went out. 

Samara came in just after. 

"Can we talk?" She asked. 

Charlotte sighed. 

"Five minutes,the king is waiting for me" She muttered and Samara nodded. 

"I need your help" She muttered. 

"My help?" Charlotte asked again. 

"Yeah" Samara replied. 

"How?" Queen Charlotte asked. 


After her conversation with Samara and Samara left,she also walked out of her suite and was immediately escorted to the king's chamber. 

Hunter took her to where the swimming pool is,as they approached the pool,Hunter went back and left her alone to go on her own. 

As she got close,her eyes were on Zayne who was sitting on the pool edge,smoking. 

Queen Charlotte raised her brows.

'He smokes?!' She screamed inwardly. 

King Zayne turned when he heard footsteps and their eyes met. 

'Why are you surprised Charlotte?' She scoffed inwardly and walked closer and closer. 

"You're here" The king said. 

"Yes your majes......Yes My king" she muttered. 

Zayne dropped his blunt and sipped from his wine. 

"You don't have a problem with me smoking right? You look surprised" He said. 

"Oh...no...I just...." She stopped when he dived into the pool. 

Charlotte took her lip in...some maids brought them some desert to snack on and another wine. 

They poured into a glass for her before walking away. 

"Why are you just standing there doing nothing?" Zayne asked and swam to the edge again. 

"I don't...know how to swim" She mumbled. 

"Come in" Zayne said and she looked at him. 

She slowly undid the rope in front of her night robe,she could feel the King's eyes burning into her. 

She removed the robe completely and faced him,he was really staring at her,with those sexy eyes of his. 

King Zayne stared at her blankly,feeding his eyes with every part he's seeing. 

Charlotte sat down first on the edge nervously before trying to get down into the water. 

King Zayne offered her his hand and she looked at him before holding him. 

Their eyes locked again and that moment,it was as if nothing else was moving in the world,just them lost in each other's eyes. 

"You're so....hot" King Zayne uttered after the silence. 

Charlotte blinked in shock. 

"Really hot" He repeated and she could feel her heart racing abnormally. 


Zayne placed a finger on her lips and she batted her lashes. 

He moved closer and positioned himself in between her thighs,she swallowed hard when their faces became so close,she could feel his fresh breath against her face. 

King Zayne smiled flirtily. 

"Nervous?" He asked. 

Charlotte nodded gently. 

"Kiss me" He muttered and she didn't think twice before placing her lips on his own. 

Zayne wrapped his hands around her in the process and carried her from where she was sitting,her legs wrapped around him. 

He broke the kiss but their faces remain close to each other. 

Charlotte bit her lower lip when she felt his squeeze her @ss cheeks. 

"Don't do that" Zayne said and Charlotte gazed at him. 

"Bite your lips again and I will fuck you right here" King Zayne uttered. 

Charlotte stared at him for a second and bite her lip..in a more flirty and s+xy way. 

The king blinked. 

"Do it" Charlotte muttered. 

King Zayne could feel it,that second his cock sprang up from it's resting  place. 

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