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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 25 & 26




Monarch - Episode 25 & 26

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


"The kiss you wanted.....do it now" King Zayne uttered. 

Charlotte didn't waste a second,her lips captured his own instantly,eyes went shut and lips moving in sync. 

King Zayne wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her even closer,taking over the kiss in no time,he kissed her so deeply,their tongues connected and his hands just continue moving all over her body. 

Charlotte moaned sweetly,craving for more of his sweet taste,she got hold of his robe tightly as if she wasn't going to let him go. 

When the king finally stopped the kiss and tried breaking it,she ignored it and just continue kissing him to her own satisfaction before pulling back and opening her eyes,she found him staring at her. 

"Don't judge me....it's our first time" She mumbled poutly and moved back a little. 

"I didn't say anything" King Zayne said. 

"Your expression says it all,I wonder why you decided to give me my response today,after so many days,unfair" Charlotte mumbled. 

He said nothing. 

"Goodnight" Charlotte said and lay back on her back. 

"Come closer if you want" Zayne said. 

She shifted close and placed her head on his chest. 

"I didn't say you should put your head on my chest tho" King Zayne said. 

"I'm comfortable this way" Queen Charlotte said and didn't move back,she just closed her eyes like that. 

King Zayne stared at her for some seconds,he removed her hair from his face and sighed,he closed his eyes and felt Charlotte moved even close to his body,almost making him breathless. 

He opened his eyes again,she was hugging him in her sleep. He wanted to talk but just decided to keep quiet and allow her do her thing,after some minutes he also fell asleep. 

Outside,Hunter was standing behind a pillar,just some distance away from princess Calantha's suite. 

His eyes moving from one guard to another waiting for them to move away from the entrance but it's like something like that is not going to happen. 

"Dude" Someone suddenly tapped him from the back and he turned immediately with his hand on the gun trigger. 

"The f+ck,calm down" The person laughed. 

Hunter blinked in shock. 

"Lionel?" He called. 

"Yes bro it's me" Lionel smiled and immediately Hunter hugged him. 

"Didn't expect to see you again tonight,I was waiting for tomorrow" Lionel said before they broke the hug. 

"When the hell did you arrived? Have you met the king?" Hunter asked. 

"I just arrived dude,and the king sound just too cool to hear" Lionel chuckled. 

"Yeah,the last time you left,he was just the prince" Hunter muttered. 

"I've missed you dude,and the king too. Can't wait to see him tomorrow" Lionel said. 

"I'm sure he will be happy too" Hunter said. 

Aside Hunter,Lionel is the second personal guard of Zayne,the late king himself choose them to be with him ever since he was young,they are older than him anyway,so it's easy to say they raised and watched him grow. 

"But,what are you doing here?" Lionel asked. 

Hunter sighed and explained things to Lionel. 

"Then,,let's do that. How many minutes do you want me to buy for you?" Lionel asked. 

"Ten minutes,seven minutes to get what I want and the remaining three minutes to be out of sight,meet me in my room after that" Hunter said. 

"Cool" Lionel winked and walked away,Hunter watched him as he walked to the guards standing in front of the suite,he said something Hunter didn't hear and soon,he left with all the guards. 

"Smart @ss" Hunter chuckled,he looked left and right,clear,before running into the princess's suite. 

Princess Calantha sleep time is around 9pm to 9:30pm and now it's past ten so definitely she's asleep. 

Hunter jumped through the balcony and went in,taking the back door. He made his steps silent but fast. He passed through the bedroom and for real Calantha was sleeping. 

Like the king mentioned,since Calantha gave him the fake records,then the original one must be somewhere,unless if she disposed it. 

Hunter started searching,first was the wardrobe,but nothing,he opened the book shelf beside the bed,empty. 

He took his lip in and turned around to check if there's anywhere else then left the bedroom,he walked into the living room,obviously no one would keep something that important in the living room,he was already about giving up when he saw another door,without thinking he opened it and went in. 

It's a small library,Hunter started searching the whole place impatiently but making sure he arranged it back neatly the way he met it. 

And finally,looking into a small shelf,he found the documents. He took it and hurried out of the suite just the way he entered. 

He was just in time because as soon as he was out of sight,Lionel returned with the guards,then walked straight to Hunter's room as planned. 



The small library was upside down already,Calantha was going here and there trying to find the record document,actually she had planned to dispose it today in the office and now she can't find it. 

The door opened and queen Lirien cane in,looking pissed. 

"What do you mean by you can't find the document? Where did you keep it?" She asked. 

"I swear I kept it in this shelf mother,I'm so sure,I don't know how....."

"Are you saying someone entered your room and took it?" Queen Lirien snapped and Calantha looked at her. 

"Can anyone really come in here without my permission? Besides,it was here last night before I slept,I checked it,for real" She said. 

Queen Lirien said nothing and sighed. 

"You know what will happen if that record get into the wrong hands right? Then your brother is in trouble" She said. 

"I need to talk to Zayne" Calantha muttered. 

"Are you insane? Talk to him about what exactly? You think talking to him will solve anything? Find the records,that's the solution" Queen Lirien snapped. 

"Oh gosh...no" Calantha roughed her hair in frustration. 


"Good morning,your majesty!!" All the guards they meet on the way were greeting so loudly but King Zayne replied no one. 

He was walking so fast and a little bit impatient, Henry reported to him just now that he found the record,he didn't mention where he found it yet and Zayne was curious. 

The guards were even trying hard to match his page and energy,till they got to his office. 

Hunter and Lionel were standing at the entrance and they both bowed. 

King Zayne stared at Lionel. 

"It's so good to see you again,your majesty" Lionel said with a smile. 

"Welcome back" King Zayne said shortly and went in,the two followed him and met him already sitting down. 

"Here is it,your majesty" Hunter placed it right in front of him. 

King Zayne began opening right away and when he saw the main transaction record,he paused. The name Thorin was written boldly on it. 

He chuckled and bit his lips. 

"Where did you get this?" He asked. 

"Princess Calantha's suite" Hunter replied. 

The king smiled again and nodded before closing back the records. 

"What should we do now your majesty?" Lionel asked. 

"When am I supposed to have a gathering with the councils?" King Zayne asked. 

"In five hours time your majesty" They both replied. 

"Send them a message and inform them I want all of them to gather in the courtroom in one hour time,nobody is allowed to miss it,not even for a reason" The king declared. 

"Yes your majesty,I will do that now" Hunter bowed and walked out of the office. 

"Make sure nobody leave the palace,starting from now. Including Charlotte" King Zayne said to Lionel. 

"I will inform all the guards right away" Lionel bowed and also went out. 

Zayne exhaled and rest his back on the seat well. 



Charlotte was in jersey room,lost in thought. She already got dressed for school earlier when suddenly Lionel came to report to her that the king ordered everyone to stay in the palace until he brings back his word. 

She was worried,wondering what was going on,curiosity was already eating her up. 

Suddenly she heard the door open and she turned to see Lydia and Amaya walk in. 

"Your highness" They both bowed. 

"What's going on?" Queen Charlotte asked. 

"We are here to escort you to the court room" They both said and Charlotte raised her brows. 

"Court room?" She asked again. 

"Yes your highness " 

Charlotte was confused,it's going to be her first time going into the court room. 

"Give me some minutes" She said and went into the dressing room,she returned,wearing another dress. 

"Let's go" She muttered and removed her hair tie. 

They got outside and the bodyguard started following them as well. 

The walk to the royal court took some minutes,since the palace is a very big one. 

Finally they arrived at the court. 

"The queen is here!!" The royal announcer announced and all the guards outside bowed low. 

The large door was opened for her and she stepped inside alone,without any maids or guards. 

She could see all the royal councils and chiefs standing on their feet,she was surprised to see Queen Vynessa there also,sitting,Queen Lirien also present,then the two princesses and the twins princes as well. 

'What is the king up to?' Charlotte thought within herself. 

"Good morning your highness" The whole council bowed for her as she walked to take her own seat,just next to the king's own. 

Her eyes fell on Calantha who seems lost and she wonder what is wrong with her. 

They waited another ten minutes before they heard the announcer. 

"His majesty is here!" 

Instantly,the royal family got up as well,the door opened and King Zayne entered,Lionel and Hunter by his sides. 

Everyone bowed together at once but he didn't acknowledge anyone,his face was as cold as ice,he got the blank expression on his face till he got to his seat and sat dowm. 

Hunter and Lionel stayed behind the king and queen. 

"Your majesty,is there a problem? You look angry" One of the officials said and they bowed. 

"Raise your heads" King Zayne stated and they obeyed at once. 

His eyes moved around the whole room,from one person to another. 

"Recently,someone stole three billion from my company" The king said and everyone gasped. 

The council began murmuring among themselves. 

"The money was stolen and the evidence and traces were deleted....or maybe I'm confused,what else are we supposed to call that?" King Zayne asked. 

"A thief your majesty!" The council chorused. 

Calantha shifted uncomfortably. 

"The past two days,I've been working day and night to figure out how the money disappeared but most especially to find out who did it and what the money was spent on" The king said and everywhere became silent. 

"And finally,I found it" He added. 

👥 Who's the person your majesty. 

"Before that...I wouldn't want to state out the judgment and punishment myself. So the reason why I called everyone is because,I want to know the punishment someone like that deserves,my father must have went through something like this before,and I would like to follow the same step he took"  King Zayne said. 

Queen Lirien's eyes already turned red,Calantha bit her lip,Thorin remain calm but inwardly he wasn't close to calm. 

"My officials,it's up to you,,say the word" The king said. 

"In the royal book of law,any person who is found guilty of theft will be punished excessively. He/She will be locked up in the prison for days which will be determined by his majesty,some beatings and with no food and water,until his majesty pleases" The oldest chief spoke up. 

"That's true..your majesty!!" The rest of them chorused. 

King Zayne smiled and gave a sign to Lionel and Hunter. 

Immediately they started distributing the records to everyone,the king ordered them to make a lot of copies and that's why they have alot. 

Lionel gave queen Charlotte her own too and her eyes widened when she saw it. 

"Everyone must collect a copy,everyone" King Zayne ordered. 

Lionel and Hunter gave it to everyone. 

Thorin couldn't even look at it. 

"Your majesty,it's the prince's name" Someone mentioned. 

"No,it's the thief's name,and you're right it's the prince" The king said. 

"My son is not a thief!" Queen Lirien shouted. 

"Oh...I guess the queen have an explanation for us" King Zayne said and everyone turned to her but she said nothing. 

"I'm going to give eveyone who's involved in this five minutes to explain to me where that money went to,if you can't provide a reasonable explanation,then you are to face your punishment" The king said. 

The whole place was silent. 

"Princess Calantha,you have no explanation as well? They found it in your room" King Zayne said coldly. 

"Your majesty,I'm sorry I......"

"If you don't have any explanation to what I asked for,keep quiet" The king cut her off. 

After five minutes and nobody spoke up,

"And here's my judgment" King Zayne spoke up. 

All quiet and curious to hear him. 

"Firstly,Prince Thorin who is my brother's position in the company will be taken from him,I will give Prince Theny a chance to continue working while waiting for when he will fuck up as well" King Zayne declared. 

"You can't do that!" Queen Lirien screamed and got up. 

"If anyone speak again,I will order the guards to throw you out,even if the person is my mother" The king said and Charlotte blinked. 

The whole place was quiet. 

"As for the princess,you're also suspended from anything concerning the company until further notice,whenever I decide to forgive you. Finally,I want Thorin to be thrown into the prison,for theft and first stressing me,and also for putting the company into debt trouble. He will be there for five days without food and water" King Zayne said and stood up. 

"Just because you're the king doesn't mean you can treat anyone the way you want!!" Queen Lirien yelled and the king faced her. 

"How dare you!" Queen Lirien yelled again.

"Five more days to Thorin's punishment,and with enough beatings" King Zayne declared,his eyes on queen Lirien. 

"You devil!" She yelled. 

"Another five days" The king said. 

"If you utter one more statement,you will join him" He added. 

Queen Vynessa got up and tried to talk

"Don't do it,mother" King Zayne said even before she could start. 

"Guards! Take him away!" 

Immediately they rushed in and carried Thorin out of the court room. 

"Anyone want to say anything? Is there anybody who want to go against what I just did?!" The king asked. 

All the councils bowed. 

"No one would dare,your majesty!" They chorused. 

King Zayne looked at queen Lirien,her eyes also glaring at him. 

"You might have something to say" He uttered. 

She swallowed and said no word. 

Like that,the king stormed out of the courtroom,Hunter and Lionel immediately followed. 

Charlotte also got up from her seat and walked out in a hurry. 

She didn't meet up with the king so see went straight to his chamber but was stopped. 

"I'm sorry but his majesty said he want to be alone" Hunter told her. 

Charlotte sighed and nodded,she turned back and walked away. 



The palace was shrouded in an unsettling silence. The king's judgment earlier that morning had left everyone on edge. His anger was felt and no one dared to disturb him.

Since morning, the king had locked himself in his chamber, refusing to see anyone. Guests who had arrived at the palace were turned away, told that the king was in no mood to receive visitors. Even food, carefully prepared by the palace maids, was rejected.

The king's fasting worried everyone. No one had seen him this angry before. The palace staff tiptoed around, fearful of provoking his wrath further.

Calantha, desperate to apologize, had tried to enter the king's chamber earlier. But the guards, barred her way as ordered by the king. 

Queen Lirien was still furious anyway,she haven't stopped ranting but she couldn't do anything for Thorin who was already in the prison for hours. 

Queen Charlotte, however, was more concerned than everyone else,she was so worried that he might get weak if he doesn't eat anything,it's been hours. 

She had to prepare food by herself again, simple yet nourishing meal. Perhaps, she thought, a gentle touch and a warm meal could soothe his temper.

As she approached the king's chamber,without her maids, the guards blocked her again. 

"We are sorry your majesty but......"

"Stay back" Queen Charlotte glared and they all stopped. 

"Open the door" She ordered. 

The entrance door was opened for her and she went inside,the door closed behind her again. 

She walked straight into the dining room to drop the food. 

She turned to go back only to find the king standing right there,staring coldly into her soul. 

"I'm sure I made myself clear enough that I don't want anyone...."

"I'm not anyone" Queen Charlotte cut in. 

King Zayne said nothing to turned to walk out of her sight,she immediately ran after him and blocked his way. 

"I know how you're feeling right now...."

"Leave" He cut her off. 

"Your majesty......."

"Charlotte leave!" King Zayne yelled and she swallowed. 

"I don't want to" She muttered and Zayne frowned. 

"You've been here since morning,it's time you stop your anger,please" She said. 

"How am I supposed to stop?! Do I have control over it? Do you understand what I'm feeling or you're just here to talk?" The king snapped. 

"But isn't this why I'm here?!!" Charlotte screamed out. 

"If I can't make you calm down just the way you're pushing everyone away then what makes me your queen?! How am I different from everyone else? How!!" She cried out. 

"Can't you see? Can't you see how much I care about you? Can't you see how worried you always make me? Can't you see how much I like you?! Can't you?!!" She shouted in tears. 

King Zayne looked away. 

"Don't like me....we had an agreement...."

"I don't care about that crazy agreement we once had,okay? I'm your queen and there's nothing you can do about it" Queen Charlotte snapped. 

"Leave" The king muttered. 

"Don't force me,I will not go...."

"Then what are you doing here? Should I use you to stop my anger? What exactly......."

"I don't care! Use me if you want,that's why I'm here anyway,use me anyhow you want"  Charlotte muttered. 

"You might regret what you just said Charlotte" King Zayne said and Charlotte looked at him. 

"I won't" She muttered. 

"That was your last chance to leave" He said. 

"I'm not leaving....." Before she could finish,he pulled her against the wall and locked her hands above her head,a gasp escaped Charlotte's lips. 

She looked up and her eyes locked with Zayne's own. 

"I'm giving you one last chance to leave or......."

"I don't...want to" She mumbled. 

King Zayne stared at her,surprised. 

He released her. 

"Just do it whatever you want to do and stop making me go crazy for nothing!" Queen Charlotte shouted. 

He looked at her again and slammed his lips against her own,in a crazy aggressive and hard kiss. 

It was different totally from the one they had last night,he was so possessive and dominant,Charlotte couldn't even follow his pace as he ate her up. 

He grabbed her waist and locked her more against the wall. 

She felt his hand grabbed his b👀bs and she moaned into his mouth. 

But when she thought that was all,he got hold of her nightie and ripped it off. 

A loud gasp escaped her mouth. 

"Your chance ended,you can't go anywhere now even if you want to" He whispered into her ear and Charlotte froze. 

He grabbed one of her b👀bs and squeezed it. 

"My King...." Queen Charlotte moaned. 

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