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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 23 & 24




Monarch - Episode 23 & 24

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


Zayne was hugged by his friends as soon as he entered,they almost squeezed life out of him but he didn't complain,he missed them same way they miss him as well. 

After the group hug,they faced Charlotte as well and greeted her which didn't take a minute before dragging Zayne away,forgetting the fact he was a king. 

The bodyguards wanted to go over to them and caution them but Hunter stopped them. 

"All you should be concerned about is monitoring his alcohol intake,let him have fun" He told them. 

"Alright commander" They responded. 

Charlotte sat down carefully close but quite away from Zayne and his friends,the party started immediately and Charlotte looked around the whole place,seeing everyone having fun but she doesn't even know a single person there aside,Samara and Erica,and obviously she can't go to Samara,in one word,Zayne is the only one she has in there but he was too engrossed talking with his friends. 

She just sat down there and took the glass of wine in her front. 

"I've missed you so much fucker" Rocky said. 

"Me too,I feel like slapping your head right now but your guards might beat me up,they look scary" Grey said and they laughed. 

"Try to control your hand till the party is over" Starr said. 

Zayne smiled and touched his hair. 

"I'm sure their teasing increased now that I'm no more available" he said. 

"Don't worry,I'm ignoring them in the best way I can" Starr said. 

"I can see you're doing well enough,I was worried you might give up half way" Chase said. 

"I'm doing pretty well,I can handle it. Not like I have a choice" Zayne muttered. 

"I don't know when I'm going to see you again so....let's drink and have fun tonight" Rocky said. 


They all took their cups and made a cheer before drinking. 

"What are you going to do now that the king is here?" Caro asked Samara and she sighed,she turned her back away from where she was staring at Zayne and his friends downstairs,she was upstairs with her friends. 

"I didn't know those annoying guys invited my brother,now I can't even think straight" Samara scoffed. 

"Seems like Daniel is enjoying the party tho" Natalie chuckled. 

Samara turned to look at Daniel,he was with some group of guys,that was befor the self chosen MC took a mic and called eveyone to order,he's also one of the guys invited. Red..that's his name. 

He's a known social media influencer with alot of followers too. 

"Everyone! I think we need to spice up this party more" He spoke up. 

👥 Yesss!!!

"Great one,let's have fun all fucking night and go crazy!!!!" He screamed. 

👥 Whoooo ohhhh 

Everyone clapped excitedly. 

"DJ! Give us something hot to create heat instantly" He said in a funny voice and everyone laughed. 

Immediately the DJ got to work as well,within two minutes,nobody was sitting down,everyone dancing. 

Aside Charlotte who was just sitting down,Hunter came in to give Zayne one of his phones and he went out to answer the call. 

Charlotte got up after a while with her glass of wine and also began to dance,keeping her distance away from others anyways. 

Tho her moves are not energetic but still it's obvious she's a baddie dancer,she was moving so neatly,trying so hard not to make any s+xy moves. 

She already got a lot of eyes on her but nobody dare to go close until Erica walked over to her and stood in front of her. 

"You look like someone who's having fun" She said. 

Charlotte looked at her and sipped from her wine,she ignored her totally. 

"Hey,I am talking to you" Erica snapped. 

Charlotte raised a finger up and immediately five bodyguards came over. 

"I'm sorry princess,but you need to leave" One of them said. 

Erica frowned and looked at Charlotte who smirked at her. 

The guards left with Erica and she continue doing her dance. 

A girl suddenly slides over to where Daniel was standing,leaning against the wall with a glass of liquor in his hand. 

The girl's hand ran through his chest as she danced s+xually in front of him,keeping eye contact with him.

"Wanna kiss me?" She asked,now standing right. 

Daniel stared at her without saying anything. 

"What,your girlfriend is here?" The girl asked and touched his cheek. 

Daniel chuckled and pulled her close by the waist,he was about going for her lips when someone grabbed his shirt from the back. 

"Come with me" Samara muttered and dragged him away,just like that. 

"What the heck?" The girl whined angrily as she glared at Samara taking Daniel away. 

"What the fuck is the meaning of this?" Daniel asked Samara when they left the party arena,he snapped her hand off himself and glared at him.

Samara glared harder. 

"You think you were invited here to start flirting with girls? You're so shameless" She said.

"Oh...so it was you" Daniel smiled. 

"I knew something was weird,but thank God I went with the flow,thanks for giving me a chance to be here,but you have no right to tell me what to do,I mean,I didn't beg to be invited,you did,so stay away" he said. 

Samara laughed. 

"For real? You should thank God my brother appeared tonight silly. And besides,those crazy girl flirting with you...what do you think will happen when they get to know you're just a darn scholarship student in my school?? You think they will come close to you again? They don't like poor people........." 

"Fuck you" Daniel said and turned to go only to find Charlotte standing there. 

"Your highness" He muttered and bowed. 

"Just because it's your school doesn't mean you are allowed to treat other students anyhow you want,because they aren't as rich as you are princess" Charlotte said. 

Samara scoffed. 

"I can't remember calling you to judge...."

"I'm just trying to tell you how rude you are,speaking to him like that. He's a scholarship student so what? I guess those people should feel the same about me as well because I'm also a scholarship student" Queen Charlotte said. 

"Your business" Samara said. 

"Acting that way only brings stain to the royal family and I won't allow that,apologize to him" She said. 

"What? Apologize to who?" Samara looked at her. 

"You know who I'm talking about" Charlotte crossed her arms. 

"And if I don't?" Samara also crossed her arms. 

"Do it" King Zayne appeared at the back and Charlotte turned instantly. 

"Brother I....."

"Do it....and I won't even be here to watch you do it. Let's see if you won't" King Zayne glared at her and faced Charlotte. 

"Time to leave" He said bluntly and walked away,Charlotte followed him. 

Daniel turned to Samara. 

"You don't have to apologize......"

"I'm sorry" Samara muttered. 

Daniel stared at her and without saying anything,he walked away. 

Samara bit her lip and roughed her hair. 

"Is there a problem? We are leaving so soon?" Charlotte asked once they entered the car and took off. 

King Zayne sighed and said nothing. 

"Tell me,I deserve to know whatever is going on,don't I?" She insisted. 

"I don't understand yet,but there's a problem with the company's account record. Huge money suddenly went missing with no traces and......going out at once that way without any returns is a big problem" King Zayne explained. 

"But...how come?" Charlotte asked,looking so confused. 

"That's what I will work on tonight,you don't have to bother" 

"I want to help you" Queen Charlotte said. 

"I will handle it,you don't know anything about the company so......'

"Please" Charlotte muttered. 

King Zayne nodded after a while. 



The party already came to an end and it was empty,everywhere looking all messy,waiting for the maids to come do it the next day.  

Starr was sleeping on a couch in the small lounge room,he just came there to stay away from the multitudes and ended up sleeping off. 

Rocky entered the lounge and shook his head when he saw him sleeping soundly on the couch. 

Grey and Chase are both in their different room already,both dead drunk. 

"Hey Starr" He called softly and tapped him a little but Starr didn't even move. 

Rocky sighed and carefully carried him from the couch. 

"Hmm" Starr grumbled in his sleep and Rocky chuckled while staring at his sleepy face. 

He left the lounge and went upstairs,he dropped him on the bed when they got to Starr's room. 

Starr slowly opened his eyes and they met with Rocky's own. 

"Are you okay?" Rocky asked. 

"Yeah,I am" Starr groaned and stretched. 

"You sure?" Rocky asked. 

"Of course....."

"You want me to leave? Or stay?" Rocky asked and Starr looked at him. 

"Stay? For what?" He asked. 

"I don't want to sleep yet,Grey and Chase are both drunk so I only have you" Rocky replied. 

Starr chuckled. 

"Beg me" He said. 


"If you can't beg,then leave...."

"Fine fine...please" Rocky said. 

Starr laughed and got down from the bed. 

"I'm going to take my bath,and..thanks for bringing me up here? I enjoyed it" He said. 

"Hey...don't tell me you were awake all through" Rocky frowned. 

"I didn't force you" Starr stuck his tongue out at him before leaving the bedroom. 

Rocky chuckled and then smiled.

Starr returned some minutes later and met Rocky already on the bed with bucks of snacks in front. 

"Let's watch a movie together,here" he tapped on the space next to him. 

Starr joined him on the bed and sat next to him,Rocky was busy with the tv remote already. 

"I can't seem to find any movie on Netflix" He muttered. 

"Anyone is fine...as long as it's not scary" Starr said. 

"I was actually searching for a scary one" Rocky looked at him. 

"For what? You know I don't like it...."

"But I'm here right?" Rocky said. 

"Being with you doesn't make it less scary,what are you saying?" Starr scoffed and took the banana milk. 

"You're so mean" Rocky scoffed and Starr looked at him. 

"I'm just saying....."

"Here You go" Rocky cut in and dropped the remote,the movie he selected started playing,just a random romantic movie. 

Starr said nothing and just ate,,nobody talked either. 

"Are you angry?" Starr broke the silence after a while. 

"Why would I be?" Rocky asked. 

"I don't know,you just do things without thinking sometimes anyway" Starr muttered and Rocky looked at him. 


"Let's continue watching the movie" Starr cut him off. 

Rocky sighed out loudly and also focused. 



As queen Charlotte approached the king's chamber with her maids behind her,she could see rivers of bodyguards and maids at the entrance door and she wondered what was going on. 

Getting close,they all bowed at once. 

"Good morning your highness" They said at once. 

"What's going on?" Queen Charlotte asked Hunter. 

"His majesty is yet to wake up your highness,he has never woken up this late before,it's past eleven" Hunter said. 

"It's fine...I will go in" Charlotte said. 

"Yes your highness" Hunter immediately opened the door for her and she went in,Lydia and Amaya also followed,both holding a tray in their hands. 

"Drop them on the dinning table and leave" Queen Charlotte ordered them and walked to the king's bedroom instead. 

Getting there,he met him dressing up. 

"You're awake" Charlotte said in surprise. 

King Zayne looked at her and she bowed. 

"Good morning" she greeted. 

He replied with a nod. 

"Everyone's outside,worried" Charlotte uttered. 

"They should remain there" King Zayne muttered. 

"I prepared breakfast for you....."

"I'm not hungry" he interrupted and Charlotte sighed. 

"I understand you're worried right now about the company,but you can't skip meals because of that" She said. 

King Zayne looked at her. 

"Worried you just say? Do you even know what that means? I'm not fucking capable,because this shit has never happened before" He said. 

Charlotte kept quiet for some seconds before speaking up. 

"So.....what's your next plan? I just want to make sure you're fine and....."

"I don't know what my next plan is,but I have a lot to do today. Don't worry about it and go for your classes" the king said. 

"Please try to eat...just a little from the meal,I made it myself...."

"You should have asked me before doing it" King Zayne said before going out. 

Charlotte sighed sadly and took her lips in. 



"Here's everything you requested for your majesty" Hunter dropped the documents on the table. 

"I printed out all records since last month,and everyone in charge of funds in the company too are working on it and......"

"Did you get what I asked you to get from Calantha?" King Zayne questioned. 

"Yes your majesty" Hunter replied. 

"She gave me all these by herself" Hunter added. 

Zayne checked through everything and shook his head.

"Not what I'm looking for,something is missing" He muttered and fling the whole thing on the floor in frustration. 

"Fuck!" He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Why is everything so fucking empty with no single clue about how the money went missing?! Why!! Is anyone trying to mess with me? You said those bastards are working on it? Were they sleeping when the money left the account?!" He yelled. 

Hunter's head remained bowed. 

"And did Calantha really gave you these fake records looking all dumb?" King Zayne asked. 

"Yes your majesty" Hunter muttered. 

"I swear if I later find out about the person,it won't be cool. Firstly,all those silly accountants,financial officers and treasurers,I want them all gone before the end of today....."

"Your majesty....."

"I want them fired!" He yelled. 

"I understand,your majesty" Hunter said. 

"Go do it now...now! Get out" King Zayne snapped and Hunter immediately walked out of the office. 

"Fuck" Zayne groaned and sat down,his eyes closed and his hand on his forehead. 



Samara has been sitting on the same  seat for one straight hour waiting for Daniel but he wasn't even going close to her. 

"Is he avoiding me?" Samara mumbled as she saw him serving some guys on the table next to hers. 

She raised her hand to call him,Daniel ignored her hand and left,another bartender came to her instead. 

She scoffed and just continue drinking. 

Minutes later,a guy joined her table. 

"Hey pretty" He smiled. 

Samara looked at him. 

"Wow....you're so pretty. Care for a dance?" He asked. 

"No problem" Samara said. 

She saw her guards trying to come over which she immediately stopped. 

The guy took her to the dance floor and they began dancing together. 

"Oh Dan,your girl is having fun now. Why did you insist on not serving her tho?" The second bartender said. 

Daniel ignored him and looked at Samara with the guy for some minutes before moving from them,he continue working. 

Meanwhile Samara was losing interesting in the dance already,her eyes went back to Daniel and sighed. 

"He's really avoiding me" She mumbled. 

"Hey,you're somewhere else" The guy with her said softly and touched her waist,Samara faced him. 

"I'm done..." she said. 

"Huh? Done?" 

"Yeah,it was nice dancing with you" Samara said. 

"But wait" he immediately grabbed her waist and pulled her back. 

"I should get your number at least....."

"No" She snapped. 

"Come on sexy,I just....."

"She just said no,stop forcing it and let her go" Daniel came over. 

Samara smiled secretly. 

"Hey dude,stay out of it" The guy said. 

Daniel glared at him and grabbed Samara's hand then took her away,he went straight outside. 


"What are you doing here exactly? Why are you showing up every fucking where?;" Daniel snapped. 

"Are you still angry?" Samara asked. 

"No I'm not,but stay away from me" Daniel said. 

"I don't want to" Samara rolled her eyes. 

Daniel frowned. 

"Next time I won't do a thing,so stop coming" He said and went inside. 



The rain was falling so heavily,the wind blowing so loudly as well. 

King Zayne was standing by the window,staring at nothing in particular,the only thing that filled his head was how to go about the company coming misfortune. 

He sighed and left the window side,he was already wearing the night robe,just getting ready to sleep but the sleep isn't coming. 

Just as he was walking to the bed,he heard the guard speak. 

"Your majesty,the queen is here" he announced. 

King Zayne said nothing and soon Charlotte walked into his room with a tray in her hand. 

"Your majesty" she bowed and dropped it. 

Zayne sat down on the bed. 

"I brought some warm tea with some medicine,I was thinking you might have a problem,sleeping" Queen Charlotte said. 

King Zayne nodded and she immediately gave him the pills which he used,then she poured some tea for him as well. 

He drank it and lay on the bed. 

"Aren't you going to sleep?" He asked when Charlotte didn't leave. 

"Oh..I...I was just...about to" She stuttered for no reason and turned to go. 

"You can sleep here" King Zayne suddenly said and Charlotte turned at once. 

"I can?" 

"You heard me" He looked at her. 

Charlotte climbed on the bed right away,she turned her back on him and left some distance between them. 

She was so nervous that she couldn't even breathe properly. 

Soon,she heard him switched off the light and she swallowed. 

She was too far from him that she was beginning to regret it,why did she move so far away? She wanted to cuddle with him,it's super cold. 

Just as Charlotte was thinking,she felt a hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her back,enough for their bodies to touch. 

"If you want to sleep that way,you should better return to your suite Charlotte" King Zayne uttered. 

Charlotte immediately faced him and moved more closer,their eyes locked. 

Queen Charlotte fed her eyes with his handsomeness , from his hair to everything just seems so perfect. She didn't know when she touched his mole. 

King Zayne said nothing and just stared as well,the way her eyeballs moved together with her lashes as she looked at him seems cute. 

"You can do it now" He muttered. 

"What..is that your majesty?" Charlotte asked. 

"The kiss you wanted.....do it now" King Zayne uttered. 

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