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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 21 & 22




Monarch - Episode 21 & 22

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


"Since I've seen it,go take it off and put on something else,,my queen" King Zayne said. 

Charlotte batted her lashes surprisingly.

She watched him sit down and lean firmly against the seat back rest then again gazed at her with his cute small eyes. 

"What are you waiting for?" He questioned her and Charlotte shook her head. 

"I suddenly changed my mind,I'm not going to school today" She said. 

King Zayne stared at her blankly and said nothing. 

"I want to spend the day with you" Queen Charlotte added when he didn't say a word. 

"I have alot of works,I will be too busy for whatever you're thinking" King Zayne said. 

"Then I will help" Charlotte said and placed her hands on the desk. 

King Zayne looked up at her and their eyes met,Charlotte stared at the small black mole on his face and suddenly felt like touching it. 

She quickly cleared her throat and looked away first. 

"I don't need your help,but you can stay if you want" The king murmured. 

A knock on the door made Charlotte pause from what she was about saying. 

"Your majesty,it's Hunter" The voice came. 

Then the door opened and Hunter walked in,,He bowed for them both before facing the king precisely. 

"Your majesty, here are the documents you're supposed to review and sign,there are few law cases too"  Hunter explained as he dropped the file on the table. 

"Alright" King Zayne said shortly. 

"If there's anything else you want me to do your majesty......"

"No you can leave,I will call for you when I need you" The king cut Hunter off. 

Hunter bowed and simply went out of the office. 

King Zayne looked at Charlotte. 

"Sit down,seems like you've gotten yourself some works to do" He said. 

Charlotte smiled and immediately sat down,just opposite him. 

"Just read out what each document is all about for me,then I will sign if I want to,or if you think I should sign it" King Zayne said. 

"Okay your majesty" Charlotte said and opened the big file,she started picking the documents one after the other and reading out like the king requested. 



Starr was sitting on a table,his phone in his hand and headset hanging around his neck,he would steal glances from Samara who was standing beside the window then continue operating his phone again without saying a word. 

"You've been staring at me for almost twenty minutes,you won't say anything?" Samara asked.

Starr looked at her. 

"What am I supposed to say?" He asked.

Samara frowned and crossed her arms. 

"Someone forgot we were best friends before you started getting close to my brother,don't snub me,I'm still older than you" She said. 

Starr rolled his eyes. 

"Here she goes again" he muttered. 

"What,but that's the truth" Samara snapped. 

"Yeah yeah right,,you were talking about a boy? Daniel? Is that his name?" Starr asked. 

"Yeah,I'm seriously trying to teach him a lesson for disrespecting me but nothing is coming to my head at all,the girls can't help either,that's why I called you" Samara said.

"Oh" Starr nodded. 

Samara walked over to him and stood in front of him,she placed her hand on the table. 

"So you gat to help me" She said. 

"Do I look like a fighter?" Starr asked. 

"No,I know you don't fight. But you're the only one who can convince the rest of the guys for me right?" Samara pouted. 

Starr shook his head. 

"Go meet them yourself,I'm not doing anything......"

"Hey!!" Samara screamed and Starr flinched. 

"What the heck,you know how much I hate screams" He snapped. 

"I'm sorry" Samara sighed out. 

"But I need your help,that's what I'm saying" She muttered. 

Starr said nothing and hesitated before speaking up. 

"What do you want exactly?" He asked. 

"The party tonight,can you invite him? I mean Daniel" Samara said and Starr frowned. 

"What?! Never,it's not for everyone,I don't want the house all crowded,and besides I'm not even aware that they are fucking hosting a party,Rocky just told me last night" Starr replied. 

"Just Daniel,you don't have to invite his friends,I know what I'm saying" Samara touched his lap. 

Starr groaned and roughed his hair. 

"Fine fine,I will talk to them,but who's supposed to go to him and invite him?" He asked. 

"Rocky or Grey can do that" Samara blinked. 

"What exactly are you thinking? You don't have a bad plan right?" Starr raised his brows and Samara chuckled. 

She cupped his cheeks and gently pulled his hair off his face. 

"Don't bother cutie,it's not that bad" She winked. 

Starr blinked and only stared at her. 


About two hours later, Daniel was just coming out of the lecture hall,it's his last class for the day and he was on his way home already. 

He didn't bother waiting for his friends,they all have their own cars and he's just there,still he always decline their help of dropping him off at home. 

"Hey dude" He suddenly heard from the back and stopped walking,with a simple curious frown,he turned back to see Rocky and Starr standing. 

Rocky smiled at him and walked closer,Starr stayed back. 

"Hello" Daniel greeted with a slight bow,he surely knows who they are. 

"Daniel,right?" Rocky asked and he nodded. 

"Here" Rocky handed to him a mini card and he took it. 

"What's...this?" He asked and looked at Rocky. 

"You're getting invited to our house party tonight,all you have to do is show the securities your card and you will be allowed in" Rocky said. 

"But,why am I getting invited?" Daniel asked. 

"Just because,it's the last card left" Rocky said. 

"You don't have to accept it if you're not interested tho" Starr spoke up from the back. 

"Yeah,it's nothing important if you don't wanna come,but it's going to be cool" Rocky agreed. 

Daniel stared at the card in his hand. 

"I have to go do my part time job" He muttered. 

"Then you don't have to come,let's go Rocky" Starr said and started walking away. 

"Where do you work?" Rocky asked him. 

" A clubhouse,,,as a bartender" Daniel answered. 

"Just get permission for tonight,if you lose your job,I will get you another,make sure you're there" Rocky said lastly before going after Starr. 

Daniel stared at the card in his hand,he somehow felt strange about it but he just shoved it into his pocket and walked away. 

"You don't have to force him tho" Starr said when Rocky caught up with him. 

"I didn't force him,and beside aren't you the one who want him there?...."

"It was Samara,not me. And who knows what that witch is planning?" Starr scoffed. 

"Samara? What's her business with a scholarship student?" Rocky asked. 

"Only heaven knows,,and like heck I'm not interested in that party tonight,I will be in my room while you do your thing" Starr said. 

"Really? Even if Zayne is there?" Rocky asked and Starr's eyes widened. 

"Bloody liar" he snapped. 

Rocky chuckled. 

"We'll see" He said. 

Starr scoffed. 



Calantha stormed Into Thorin's suite with obvious anger on her face,some of Thorin's bodyguards running after her and trying to stop her from going inside. 

"How dare you touch me?!" Calantha shouted at the one whose hand touched her. 

Immediately they all froze. 

"Follow me again and you lose your jobs" She said and went inside,none of them moved again. 

Thorin was sitting in the living room with his legs crossed while smoking. 

"I see,you're here having fun" Calantha chuckled. 

Thorin looked at her. 

"What is it?" He asked dryly. 

Calantha dropped some documents on him angrily and Thorin frowned. 

"What's all these about?" He asked. 

"Why not check it out? You fucking thief....I don't understand,you withdraw three billion from the company's account in just one night?!" Calantha shouted. 

Theny and queen Lirien rushed in,they probably saw Calantha as she arrived into the palace with every anger inside her. 

"So...what's your business with what I do?" Thorin asked. 

"He's not even denying it" Calantha muttered and ran her fingers through her hair. 

"You removed money from the company when we've got shits to take care of? The mess that you fucking created....."

"So I can't even spend money anyhow I want?! I'm not the king doesn't mean I can't do what I fucking want! I'm twenty six not a baby you can talk to anyhow!!" Thorin yelled at Calantha and got up angrily. 

Theny immediately stood in front of Calantha and pushed Thorin's chest. 

"Dude calm down,just admit you are wrong for once,you have your own account,why the company...."

"Shut up and stay the fuck out of my business,it's father's money not anybody's own!" Thorin shouted. 

"Fine,what the fuck did you use the money for?" Calantha asked. 

"To have fun of course,what else?" Thorin asked. 

"What?! Fun?" Calantha's eyes widened. 

"So what are you going to do? Report me to your king? Go ahead,exactly what I want anyway" Thorin smirked. 

"You're going crazy,,you really want to see the company down right? Just because father didn't give you the position you've been living for your whole life,you're really insane Thorin,I understand now,but your plan won't work anyway,the matter isn't mine to judge,going straight to that king you detest so much and you know you wouldn't dare disobey his command if he's ready for your bullshit,you can't deny that" Calantha smiled. 

"You think that's the solution? You want to expose your brother? Just because of three billions?" Queen Lirien asked. 

"Did you just said just?! Mother?!!" Calantha shouted. 

"You know the way father run his company! He doesn't withdraw money from there anyhow!!" She screamed.

"So what? Your father is dead now,Thorin is the first son....."

"First son? With how many minutes?" Theny snapped. 

"You know I'm fucking getting irritated by this shitty belief of yours right? You think the throne rightfully belongs to him because he's the first son,first son my fuck. There's no first son anywhere,its first sons!" Theny shouted and stormed out. 

"You can't stop me mother,His majesty is going to see this" Calantha said. 

"And you think his mother is going to make him forgive you as well? The way you take him as your brother,does his mother see you that way? Thorin is your brother not him!" Queen Lirien shouted. 

"Leave her alone,she doesn't want to see her own brother being the head anyway,not like I care,I don't see you as a sister either" Thorin said and smirked on her face before going out. 

"Mother,you're supporting Thorin......"

"I just fucking told you to keep quiet,he never took any money from the company and that's it!" Queen Lirien snapped. 


"I will get the information deleted tonight,his name won't appear there anymore" Queen Lirien muttered. 

"Once everyone learn about three billions sudden disappearance from the company account,that's going to be trouble for not just the company but Zayne as well,you know he's in charge of everything and......" 

"Good for him then,he's the king anyway. That's his duty,to face all the troubles,if the company get bankrupted during his reign,then it's a win for us,especially your brother" Queen Lirien said. 

"If the company get bankrupted during his reign?? Does that mean...you know about this?" Calantha asked.

"Right" The queen answered. 

Calantha swallowed. 

"Your own is to keep quiet and act like this conversation never happened,coz if anyone finds out,not just Thorin will be in trouble,Theny,you and I,,do you understand?" Queen Lirien snapped

"Yes....mother" She muttered. 

"Good" The queen smiled. 



Charlotte just finished taking her bath inside the bathroom,she stared at herself in the mirror and a reflex smile appeared on her lips. 

She had spent the whole day with the king,helping him with different things,it was tiring but not boring at,even though he tried his best not to flow with her conversations,in the end he couldn't just help it. 

Charlotte made him talk,they even had lunch together in his office. 

To her,it was a great decision to miss her lectures for today. 

She smiled again when she remembered one of their conversations. 


"So....you have no siblings at all?" King Zayne asked,back in the afternoon in his office. 

"None,I'm the only child and my dad is dead" Queen Charlotte responded,she was writing down some notes the king ordered her to. 

"How old are you?" He questioned and she looked at him. 

"Twenty one" 

"Oh...you're Samara's age mate" King Zayne muttered.

"The princess....doesn't like me" Charlotte mumbled. 

"If you give her a reason to,,but don't worry,Samara doesn't like people easily,so let her be" King Zayne replied and Charlotte nodded. 

"I'm sure you know my age" He said and Charlotte nodded again. 

"You act more intelligent than your age tho" She said. 

King Zayne said nothing. 

"I never wanted to do that" He muttered. 

"But you're a great king,I'm sure the late king is proud of you right now" Queen Charlotte said and Zayne looked at her. 

"You think?" He asked. 

"I'm sure,not think. Everyone's proud of you,including me" Charlotte muttered shyly. 

"You?" The king asked and she managed to nod. 

"I...in the beginning..I was thinking...you're going to be a bad ruler,judging by your attitude. But you proved everyone wrong,they must have been expecting you to mess up real quick" Charlotte said. 

King Zayne nodded. 

"I guess I disappointed a lot of people expecting me to mess up then...just too sad the woman I crowned as my queen is among them" He said and Charlotte gasped. 

"No no,I'm just saying. I love it this way,I'm sorry" She immediately said. 

"Focus on your work,we don't have much time" King Zayne said and it was silent again. 


By the time Charlotte finished thinking,her cheeks were totally red. She just walked out of the bathroom and was kind of surprised when she saw Lydia and Amaya inside,waiting for her. 

"Your highness" They bowed. 

Queen Charlotte noticed some thing on the bed.

"What's that?" She asked. 

"Oh,the king's servants brought it just now. The king want you to put this on and meet him downstairs,in the car..in twenty minutes" Amaya responded. 

Charlotte blinked and checked the time,its past seven already,where are they going. 

"We are going to dress you up immediately your highness,you can't keep the king waiting" They said. 

Soon,she was all dressed and Charlotte couldn't believe what she was wearing. 

It's a cream mixed with black dress,it's armless with just tiny ropes tied around her neck down her back,to crown it all,the gown is so short and just too sexy. 

"You look so good your highness" They said but all Charlotte could think about is..where are they going? With her dressed like this? 

She carried her bag after they helped her with her pretty heels,it was gotten by Zayne as well,she also wonder how he guessed her size correctly. 

Soon,she was out of her suite. Immediately the bodyguards started following her,some walking in front as well. 

Until they got to the king's car garage where he was waiting inside the limousine. 

The guards standing there bowed for Charlotte and directed her inside. 

King Zayne was sitting there sipping from a glass of wine,he looked at her as soon as she came in. 

His eyes roamed all around her body as she walked closer. 

"Knew it would look good on you" He muttered and Charlotte smiled. 

She wanted to say something but her words got missing,just sitting down there he was looking hot. His outfit also has the mixture of cream and black,he looks so fucking handsome,his sleeveless shirt exposed his tattoo and the earrings he was wearing shines brightly,they are gold. 

"Aren't you going to sit?" King Zayne asked. 

"Oh" Charlotte immediately sat down beside him,enough space between them anyway. 

"Where are we...going?" She asked. 

"Somewhere" He replied. 

"But...my dress is...."

"You can wear that because I will be with you anyway,you're not going alone" He faced her. 

'Oh...but...where are we going? It's nighttime...."

"Ahh....should I attend my parties without you next time?" King Zayne asked and Charlote gave him a shocking gaze. 

"I'm going with you because I don't want you to feel bad when you hear about it,I can at least go with you" He said. 

"But,we are coming back home right?" 

"Yeah,obviously" King Zayne replied and Charlotte sighed,she was suddenly nervous. 

"If you're nervous,you can stay back" He told her. 

"I'm not staying back,I won't allow you go alone and allow girls flirt with you" Charlotte snapped. 

"Okay" Zayne muttered and focused on his phone. 

The car started moving immediately,they were followed by a lot of guards,but none of them in the car the king and his queen are.

Charlotte poured herself a glass of wine and drank,Zayne looked at her but he didn't utter a word. 



The mansion is not crowded but the vibes was crazily hot,even though the party is yet to start. 

Almost all the invited guests are there,including some social media influencers who were invited by Grey,Chase and Rocky,Starr excluded anyway. 

Samara is there already,dancing and moving slowly and sexily to the music,her friends also present,all already drinking their life out. 

Suzy and Erica are together too,drinking and just taking pictures,they are best friends actually. 

Chase and Grey already got busy with some girls surrounding them and flirting with them,then there's Rocky who seems to be hiding from the girls searching for him,even Suzy has tried her best but he's not just giving her any light. 

Rocky entered Starr's room and met him on the bed. 

"What" Starr mumbled. 

"Are you seriously not joining us?" Rocky asked. 

"No I'm not" Starr replied. 

Rocky moved closer and took his phone from him. 

"Rocky please not now" Starr groaned. 

"Zayne is on his way,he just told me" Rocky muttered and showed him his phone. 

Starr sat up on the bed.

"Are you for real?" He asked and Rocky nodded. 

"So get dressed and come downstairs" He winked. 

"Fine,I will be there" Starr mumbled. 

Rocky stood up and walked out of the room,getting back downstairs,he was grabbed by Suzy to another side. 

"I see you've been avoiding me" she said. 

"Exactly,so kindly respect yourself and avoid me too,enjoy the party" Rocky snapped and walked out of her sight. 

"Princess!" Natalie and Carolina tapped Samara suddenly and she turned. 

"Daniel just arrived" Natalie said. 

"He looks so hot" Carolina gushed and Samara glared at her. 

"Sorry" Caro muttered. 

Samara looked at Daniel,a girl already walked over to him. 

Samara scoffed as she watched them now smiling and walking together. 

About five minutes later,a guard suddenly entered. 

"Everyone,his majesty just arrived!" He announced and everyone turned immediately,with total shock written all over their faces. 

Only the royal rebel boys aren't surprised,even Samara was shocked. 

Immediately everyone started walking out of the party room,to pay their respect obviously. 


Outside, The securities already filled the way,directing the driver to the place to park the car,other four cars followed the limo. 

Soon,they stopped right at the party entrance step. 

Everyone already outside,the bodyguards rushed out and opened the door quickly. 

King Zayne's leg stepped down first and the atmosphere already changed,then he came down completely,his two hands deep into his trouser with a blank nonchalant look on his face,ignoring the fact that he was already killing the girls with his hotness. 

"Welcome your majesty" everyone bowed in unison. 

King Zayne replied with a simple nod and smile. 

"No pictures allowed!" Hunter immediately said loudly to their ears and everyone dropped their phones. 

Erica who was already blushing,left the others and ran to the king. 

"I wasn't expecting you to come...I knew you were in a bad mood that day,since you're here now,then..." She smiled flirtly and tried holding his hand. 

King Zayne rolled his eyes and extended his hand toward the car door instead. 

Everyone blinked curiously and soon someone held his hand tightly,then Queen Charlotte stepped down from the limo with full confidence,looking so pretty. 

👥 Whoa,

👥 He came with the queen

Queen Charlotte's hand went into the king's arm like couples would. 

She glared at Erica who was already fuming with anger. 

"Clear off from my man,bitch....last warning" She said with a little smile which became a frown like it came. 

King Zayne said nothing and they just walked out of Erica's sight. 

Everyone stepping aside for them to go in. 


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