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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 19 & 20




Monarch - Episode 19 & 20

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


"Kiss me" She mumbled. 

King Zayne raised his brows. 

"On....my lips" She added,softly. 

Zayne stared at her for some seconds before chuckling and moving back. 

"Is that all you can think about right now that I am hurt?" He asked and the smile disappeared from his lips.

"I'm sorry" Charlotte muttered. 

King Zayne pulled his shirt down and turned toward the door. 

"Let me help with the treatment!" Charlotte ran after him. 

"No need,I can do it alone...."

"I'm your queen! Let me do it at least,please" Charlotte said and he faced her again. 

"Is this supposed to come last or first?" He asked. 

"I'm sorry,I got carried away...that's why" Queen Charlotte replied. 

In the end,he accepted and they both left for his chamber. 


"His majesty and the queen are on their way to his Majesty's chamber your highness" Queen Vynessa's maids came to report to her where she was. 

"How chamber? Right now?" Queen Vanessa asked. 

"Yes your highness" 

"Is things getting better finally?" Queen Vynessa muttered and let out a sigh of relief. 

"What's the good news? You look happy" Samara entered. 

The maids immediately bowed and walked away. 

"The king is finally getting soft to his queen" Queen Vynessa said. 

"That's faster than I imagined" Samara scoffed. 

"That's mean" Queen Vynessa said,that was when she noticed her outfit. 

"Are you going out or you're just coming?" She asked.

"There's a party,I won't take long,just two hours and I am back" Samara said. 

Queen Vynessa checked the time and it's exactly eight. 

"I will be expecting you by ten,once it passes,then you can face the king by yourself" She said. 

"You can't tell brother I went to a party please!" Samara immediately said. 

"It depends,if you keep to time then no problem at all" Queen Vynessa said. 

"Love you" Samara smiled and walked away. 

Hunter entered the library after the rest of the guards followed King Zayne and queen Charlotte. 

Earlier,he heard the queen scream and he was about to enter when he heard the king telling her to keep it down. 

But as the smart one,he was so curious to figure out what might be wrong. 

He put on the light and started looking around until suddenly she saw blood on the floor,his eyes widened and bent down,he touched the blood with his finger. 

"His majesty got hurt?" He asked no one in particular. 

He cleaned up the blood and left the library at once,trying to guess how he got hurt to the extent of dripping blood and he still doesn't want to let anyone find out. 

He was walking toward another building in the palace when suddenly he saw Thorin coming,he immediately hid behind a pillar and watched him enter into the car and drove out. 

Hunter looked around and when he saw nobody coming,he entered into Thorin's quarters. 

As much as he wanted to ignore,Thorin was the only one who entered the king's chamber today. 

He found his way into Thorin's room without getting caught,it didn't take him two minutes before he found the bloody knife in the bathroom sink and he haven't washed the blood off yet. 

"Bastard" Hunter mumbled angrily and clenched his fist. 

He got something to pick the knife and then left the room. 



Charlotte just finished treating the wound and now applying some oil for fast healing. 

She was expecting him to wince at least but no words came out of his mouth ever since she started,she finished applying the oil and then used the plaster. 

"All done" She muttered. 

"Thanks" King Zayne replied. 

Queen Charlotte touched the plaster again without raising her head,her eyes moved to the other part of his chest,he was shirtless actually. 

"I'm sure you're done" King Zayne muttered when she started touching his chest. 

"Oh....I'm sorry" She shifted back. 

He got up and left her in the living room for the bedroom,Charlotte bit her lips. 

"Your majesty, a maid Is here" She heard a guard from outside. 

'Should I answer?' She thought and sighed. 

"Come in" she spoke up. 

The door opened and soon the maid came into the living room,she bowed and dropped a tray on the table.

"It's desert for his majesty,I'm going to taste...."

"No its fine,I will do it" Queen Charlotte said. 

The maid bowed and went out. 

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop saying you will taste my food?" King Zayne came out. 

Charlotte looked up,he was now wearing his robe. 

"My life is important and yours is not?" He asked further. 

"I just....."

"I already told you...don't do too much" King Zayne said. 

"Then tell me what to do exactly,I don't even think I'm doing too much,I just don't want us to act like strangers anymore your majesty" Queen Charlotte said. 

King Zayne kept quiet and sat down. 

He picked up the fork and cut a little piece from the vanilla/chocolate cake,his favorite. 

He ate it and Charlotte watched him. 

"Are you eating or you just want to watch me?" He looked at her. 

She smiled and wanted to eat but there's just one fork. 

"Here,you can have it" King Zayne dropped the fork for her. 

"Thanks" She said took it. 

"You can leave when you're done,I will be in my room" The king said and left the living room.

Queen Charlotte rolled her eyes and dropped the fork,she lost her appetite right away. 

"Is he still avoiding me?" She sighed. 

After a while of waiting and he didn't show up again,she left the chamber. 



The whole club was loud and filled with people,the light are mixtures of red and blue,the dance floor was hot and full,ass shaking,twerkings and rocking. 

Some guys are just sitting by their tables while girls pleasure them,the air smells like weed and hard drugs. 

Among the people sitting and minding their business are Samara and her friends,Natalie and Carolina are drinking and also dancing. 

When they couldn't hold their dance any longer,they joined the people on the dance floor. 

Meanwhile there's Samara who just sat down there,with her dark shade and big heavy frown on her face,even though she's the hottest babe in the club at the moment,none of the boys dare make an advance toward her,not even her bodyguards are only few steps away,all looking hefty and mean in their all blacks. 

Samara wasn't helping matter either,her hard face is enough to drive anyone away from getting close. She was only nodding her head slowly to the music and sipping from her champagne. 

She raised her hand for more when she noticed she was running out,soon a bartender came over,and the bartender turns out to be nobody else but Daniel. 

He dropped the champagne on the table and their eyes met. 

Samara chuckled dryly and removed her shade. 

"Who wears shade in an almost dark clubhouse?" Daniel asked. 

"Not your business" Samara glared at him. 

"Here's your champagne good luck" Daniel said. 

"So you work here" Samara said. 

"Obviously,reason why I can't become your slaveboy,I may be poor but I have some dignity" Daniel said. 

Samara chuckled. 

"How much do they pay you weekly!" She asked. 

"Monthly" Daniel corrected. 

"Oh...how much?" Samara asked. 

"Ten thousand" Daniel replied. 

"I will pay you fifty" Samara said and Daniel's eyes widened. 

"For what?" He asked. 

"Since you hate the word slaveboy,let's say errand boy,what do you think?" She asked. 

"Oh wow,so nice of you" Daniel grinned. 

"See? So when will you start?" She asked. 

"I'm sorry but I will rather be paid two thousand yearly than to become your errand boy" Daniel said. 

"What?" Samara's eyes widened. 

"I can see you're not used to being turned down,but has anyone ever told you how rude and spoilt you are? Because I need money doesn't mean I will stoop so low to help you carry your bags and follow whatever you say,I'm poor not wretched and homeless. I don't work here alone okay? If anyone's going to help me out,definitely I wouldn't want it to come from you,you might just wake up one day and tell me you wash your underwears or even lick your ass,I'm sorry but I am not the type,look for someone else,with this few points of mine,I hope I was able to clear your mind off whatever you're thinking,have a nice night,your highness" He bowed and walked away,leaving Samara speechless. 

She swallowed and bite her nail. 

She carried her bag and stormed out of the club,the guards ran after her. 

Daniel saw that and his eyes followed her,but then looked away. 

"Are uou close with her?" Another bartender asked and Daniel looked at him.

"I mean,she's fucking sexy with a nice ass......" He stopped when he noticed the way Daniel was glaring at him. 

"Sorry man" The bartender said. 

Daniel rolled his eyes and left his side. 



Rocky was pushing the cart while Starr picked what they are buying,he was picking a lot and Rock just followed him. 

"Noodles,more noodles,a lot of noodles...." Starr kept saying as he dropped the noodles in the cart. 

"Are we hosting a noodle party?" Rocky asked. 

"You will be cooking them for me,since you're so good in cooking" Starr faced him. 

"Oh I see" Rocky chuckled. 

"Chase and Gray want some strawberry milk" He said. 

"Yeah,right here" Starr said and packed a lot. 

"What about you?" He asked. 

"Whatever you're drinking" Rocky replied. 

"Banana milk" Starr said and Rocky nodded. 

Starr looked around and his eyes landed on where the banana milks are,he walked closer and raised his hand to pick them, he stopped and moved back. 

"Rocky,can you use long hand to pick them?" He asked and Rocky chuckled. 

"What do you mean by my long hands,just ask for help" He said. 

"As if" Starr scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

Rocky got them into the cart and they continue. 

The shopping is just for their junks and snacks. 

"Can we get pizza burgers on our way home?" Starr asked Rocky after they were helped with their stuffs into the car. 

"Why want burger when you have me?" Rocky asked. 

"Stop" Starr glared and Rocky laughed. 

"I told you how cute you always look whenever you glare right?" He asked. 

Starr ignored him and entered the car,Rocky joined him and started the car. 

"Burger and what?" He asked. 

"I'm going to call Grey if they also want anything" Starr said and dialed his number. 

"They want pizza and chicken" Starr said after he hung up the call. 

"Okay" Rocky said. 



They got home only find it empty,Grey and Chase aren't home. 

"They didn't say they were going out" Starr said. 

"Oh,I got a text" Rocky said and checked. 

"They went to get some wine" Rocky said. 

"Oh,but can't that wait? It's not like we are celebrating anything" Starr said. 

"There's going to be a party here tomorrow,all night" Rocky said and Starr's eyes widened. 

"How come I'm just finding out?" He asked. 

"Because they don't want you to say NO" Rocky winked and started going upstairs. 

"What party is going to last all night? Who did you invite?!" Starr snapped and followed him. 

"Alot" Rocky suddenly faced him and mistakenly bumped into him,almost making him fall. 

Rocky grabbed his hand and pulled him to himself,Starr's hands wrapped around him in the process,hugging him tight. 

"Don't worry,I wouldn't let you fall,I gat you" Rocky muttered. 

Starr blinked and immediately tried to move away from him. 

"Just one more minute" Rocky muttered and keep on hugging him. 

"Hey,what do you think you're doing?" Starr asked. 

"Hugging you" Rocky replied. 

Starr said nothing and stayed still till Rocky let him go. 

"You're weird" He muttered and went into his room. 

"I know,I don't understand either. I'm probably going crazy" Rocky said and sighed out. 



Samara was still fast asleep in her bed, snuggled under the cozy blankets. The maids had been trying their best to wake her up, but she just wouldn't budge. They gently shook her shoulders, whispered in her ear, and even opened the curtains to let sunlight flood the room. Still, Samara slept on, oblivious to the commotion around her.

Just as the maids were about to give up, Queen Vynessa entered the room,the maids immediately went out. 

"Samara?!" Queen Vynessa called loudly. 

"It's time to get up and ready for school don't tell me you've started skipping classes" 

Samara groggily opened her eyes, rubbing them with her fists. She looked disheveled, with tangled hair that resembled a bird's nest. Her locks were knotted and rough, sticking out in every direction like a wild tangle of brown wires.

With a gentle but firm hand, Queen Vynessa helped Samara sit up and swing her legs over the side of the bed. Samara's movements were weak and sluggish, like a puppet on strings. She stumbled out of bed and staggered towards the bathroom, her legs wobbly beneath her.

"What is wrong with her?" Queen Vynessa wondered. 

As Samara entered the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her hair looked like a messy haystack, with strands sticking out every which way. She tried to run her fingers through the tangles, but they got stuck halfway through. She looked like she had just rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom, which wasn't far from the truth.

Despite her rough appearance, Samara's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, a sign that she was slowly coming back to life. With a bit of prodding, she began to wash her face and brush her teeth, slowly transforming from a sleepy mess to a bright-eyed student ready to take on the day.

"Daniel" She mumbled and exhaled loudly. 

Thinking of the best thing to do with him but nothing is coming at all,nothing is coming to her head. 

She took her bathe and left the bathroom,the queen was already gone. 

Samara entered her dressing room to find her outfit for the day.

After she was ready,she left her suite and walked straight to the king's chamber. 


"Your majesty" Hunter entered just when the king finished dressing up,he insisted on dressing alone again this morning and the servants are getting worried already,wondering if the king is angry with them. 

But only Hunter knew what was going on. 

"Princess Samara requests to see you" Hunter said. 

"Let her in" King Zayne said. 

Hunter bowed and went out and soon Samara entered. 

"Your majesty" She bowed. 

Before the king could respond,she already ran to hug him tightly. 

King Zayne bit his lips to suppress his wince. 

"I've missed you" She pouted. 

The king broke the hug and Squeezed her cheeks. 

"I missed you too" He said. 

"Is something wrong?" King Zayne asked. 

"No,I'm fine. I am actually on my way to school,so I came to say hi before leaving" Samara replied. 

"Don't be late and just leave" King Zayne said. 

"I'm going to see you when I'm back from school today,we gat to talk" Samara kissed his cheeks and walked out. 

Hunter came in after that. 

"Is Charlotte going to school today?" King Zayne asked. 

"Oh,I have no idea your majesty,I can ask if you want...."

"No need,just asking" The king immediately said. 


"Are you sure my dress is not too short?" Queen Charlotte asked for the umpteenth time since they left her suite. 

"It's not too short your highness" Lydia and Amaya said. 

Charlotte checked her dress again,it's a short gown which stops right on her knees,she wore ankleboots to go with it and she was looking so hot,her hair down. 

"You two can go back from here" Queen Charlotte said as they approached the car she will be taking. 

Lydia and Amaya bowed and walked away. 

Charlotte was about moving when someone blocked her way,she stared at the legs first and then raised her face up,only to find Thorin. 

"Good morning prince" Charlotte said. 

"You're going to school?" Thorin asked and she nodded. 

"I can take you though,I'm going through that way" He added. 

"Oh...you don't have to bother" Charlotte smiled. 

"Well I want to" Thorin said. 

Charlotte raised her brows.

"Thanks for the concern but I'm fine" She said. 

"I insist tho" Thorin said and helped her with her bag. 

Charlotte almost followed him. 

"Where do you think you're going?" A voice suddenly asked from the back. 

"Good morning your majesty" The guards all bowed at once. 

Charlotte turned and her eyes met with the king's own,Thorin also turned. 

"Where are you going?" King Zayne asked her again. 

Charlotte said nothing and took her bag back from Thorin. 

"I'm taking her to school?" Thorin replied and Zayne chuckled. 

"Try it again and I will make you regret it" he glared at Thorin and faced Charlotte who immediately blinked. 

"Come with me,right now" The king said and started walking,Queen Charlotte followed and the guards. 

"Without the guards" King Zayne uttered and they all stopped at once,watching the king and queen leave. 

Zayne entered into his office and faced her. 

"You seriously wanted to follow him?" He asked. 

"He insisted and....."

"Don't be dumb Charlotte,you should know by now those who are my enemies in here,or are you pretending not to know a thing?" King Zayne snapped. 

"I'm sorry,your majesty" Queen Charlotte muttered. 

Zayne said nothing and stared down at her dress. 

"Your dress......" He started and Charlotte immediately looked at him. 

'Is he going to compliment me? For the first time?' She thought. 

"Is too short" He completed it and Charlotte blinked. 

"Who are you trying to seduce in school?" Zayne asked and her eyes widened. 

"Nobody,it's not that short,I just......"

Zayne looked at her and she stopped. 

"It looks pretty" He mumbled. 

"Huh?" Charlotte asked again to be sure. 

"Your dress looks pretty on you" He repeated and a smile appeared on her lips. 

"Since I've seen it,go take it off and put on something else,,my queen" King Zayne said. 





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