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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 17 & 18




Monarch - Episode 17 & 18

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


Erica walked out slowly with a straight face,since she left the king's chamber,she haven't gotten herself.

Her bodyguards came to her and bowed,they opened the car door for her. 

"Are you going to school your highness?" They asked. 

"Take me home!!" She yelled angrily. 

"Yes your highness" They immediately bowed. 

She entered the car and they immediately drove out of the palace. 

Charlotte was standing in the balcony of her suite watching as Erica left the palace,she took her lips in. 

Her conversation with the king is quite faster than what she had imagined and now she's more curious to know what they talked about, are they planning to meet each other somewhere else? 

Why is she leaving so soon?

She was still there thinking when Lydia showed up. 

"Your highness" She bowed. 

Charlotte turned to face her. 

"Princess Calantha requests to see you your highness,,she's waiting inside your suite" Lydia said. 

"Thank you" Charlotte said and went inside. 



A sleek black car pulled up to the entrance of the school and immediately the students started screaming. 

The car door opened, Princess Samara stepped out, her outfits screaming luxury.  But it wasn't just her clothes that commanded attention - it was her presence.

👥 She's so pretty!

👥 School queen for a reason

👥 I fucking love her. 

The students kept on screaming and chanting. 

But Princess Samara didn't crack a smile. Her expression remained stoic, her eyes scanning the crowd with a hint of disinterest. She was used to this kind of attention, and it didn't faze her.

Surrounded by her burly bodyguards, she continue walking in all her pride,her long legs striding s+xily and her long hair following her. 

Suddenly, she spotted him - Daniel, standing by the window, looking like he's not interested in her presence,that's exactly her problem with him. 

Princess Samara's eyes narrowed, and she nodded to her guards.

 "Get him" she said, her voice low. 

"Yes your highness" They bowed.


The Royal Rebels,arrived at their classroom door,they were not surprised to find a sea of gifts waiting for them.

Their guards sprang into action, carrying the lavish presents inside. The Rebels exchanged glances and Grey chuckled. 

"They are not getting tired anytime soon" Chase scoffed. 

They started checking the gifts one after the other filled with expensive gifts from girls obviously,even the ones they can never use. 

However, Starr got more gifts than than all of them. In the past, Zayne used to be the center of attention, receiving the most gifts. But now that Zayne was no longer around, Starr had taken his place.

"Starr,they are f+cking obsessed with you" Chase laughed after reading the card on one of his gifts. 

Starr sighed,he wasn't really interested,he was already sitting on his own space,pressing phone. Grey and Chase were the ones checking all. 

"Your lips are so s+
xy,I want to kiss them!" Grey read out. 

"For Starr again?" Rocky asked. 


Rocky scoffed out. 

"Who will get our dear Starr's first kiss?" Chase grinned. 

"That's enough Chase,it's not even funny" Starr muttered. 

"I didn't write that,,there are alot more,should I read them?" He asked. 

"Don't do that,just throw them somewhere" Rocky said. 

Just then, Suzy walked into the class and all the boys eyes fell on her as she approached Rocky.

 "Hey, Rocky, can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked, trying to sound casual.

But Rocky ignored her, refusing to even acknowledge her presence. 

"Rocky!" She shouted. 

"I'm busy here" Rocky glared. 

"Is that why you've been ignoring my calls and snubbing me?" She snapped. 

Rocky sighed and got up. 

"Let's go" He said and walked out of the class,Suzy followed. 

Everyone exchanged glances after they left. 

"What's up with Rocky?" Grey whispered.

"Yeah, he doesn't even flirt with anyone anymore," Chase chuckled. 

"Maybe he's in love?" Grey asked.

"That word doesn't fit him" Starr scoffed and they laughed. 


Samara sat in the luxurious royal private lounge, sipping a glass yogurt. She was waiting for Daniel, her eyes fixed on the door.

When Daniel arrived, Samara's gaze narrowed.

 "So, you decided to show up," she said, her voice icy.

"I didn't have a choice." Daniel shrugged. 

"You fucking made your guards try to drag me,won't you rest? Dear precious princess" Daniel said bluntly. 

Samara's eyes flashed with anger.

 "I asked you for the bracelet, and you refused,you're proving stubborn,I already told you how expensive it is" 

Daniel sighed. 

"I told you there's nothing I can do about it,why are you making matters long? I don't have money and you know,you just want to stress me" He said. 

 "You're so rude" Samara snapped

Daniel raised an eyebrow.

 "What do you want me to do, Princess?"

Samara's faked a smile. 

 "I want you to be my slave boy. You'll do my bidding, and I will forget about the bracelet" She said. 

Daniel's eyes widened in shock.

 "You can't be serious."

Samara leaned forward, her voice dripping with venom.

 "Oh, I'm very serious. You'll learn to obey me, Daniel. And if you don't..."

She let the threat hang in the air, her eyes glinting with triumph.

Daniel shook his head. 

"No fucking way, Samara. I'll never be your slave,no I won't,just because I'm poor doesn't mean I am going to do anything you want" He said angrily. 

Samara crossed her arms. 

"You're so disrespectful"

"We can say I took after you,coz you disrespected people too" Daniel said. 

Samara laughed. 

"Are we done? I have a class" Daniel said and walked away. 

Samara bit her lip,thinking of the best way to deal with him. 

"That silly boy" she mumbled. 



The meeting with the council just came to an end  The council members began to stir, gathering their papers and nodding to each other in quiet conversation.

King Zayne, seated at the head of the table, already focusing on something else on the table. 

The council members approached the king, bowing their heads in respect.

 "Thank you, Your Majesty," they chimed in unison.

As they began to file out of the room, Hunter slipped in unnoticed. He waited until the last council member had departed before approaching the king.

"Your Majesty," Hunter said, bowing slightly. 

"The queen sent some documents that require your signature" He said and King Zayne looked at him.

"What is it about?" He asked. 

"She made a request for some amount of money for the charities" Hunter replied and dropped the documents on the table for him. 

"How much is it this time?"King Zayne asked without looking at the document

"One million gold coins," Hunter replied.

The king signed the documents and handed them back to Hunter. 

"What else remains on my schedule today?" He asked as he got up. 

"A walk with the queen tonight your majesty" Hunter replied and Zayne raised his brows.


"It was the...old queen's request" Hunter replied. 

King Zayne sighed. 

"Fine,I will do it" he muttered. 


Queen Lirien paced back and forth in her bedroom, her mind racing with thoughts. She couldn't shake off the words of the man off her head. 

"King Zayne's reign is not absolute. If his rule becomes tyrannical, the council can force him to step down. And then, Thorin will be next in line for the throne." The man had told her this morning. 

She stopped pacing and gazed out the window, her eyes clouded with concern. Could it be true? Could Zayne's own council turn against him?

Does that mean Thorin still got the chance to take over the throne?

She needed to think fast about what to do,she can't continue watching like this and allow Zayne take over her own son's position,never. 



Prince Thorin was sitting down in the pool side, puffing on his pipe, surrounded by a cloud of smoke. 
Theny, entered showed up few minutes later, concern etched on his face.

"Thorin, what's going on?" Theny asked, waving his hand to clear the smoke.

Thorin glared at him.

 "Nothing, Theny. Just leave me alone."

But Theny approached him, his voice calm.

 "I know what's bothering you, Thorin. It's the throne, isn't it? You're worried about Zayne but you shouldn't be...."

Thorin's face twisted in anger. 

"I'm worried!!Why would you be worried anyway? You are not the one next in line."

Theny placed a hand on Thorin's shoulder. 

"Thorin, you need to take it easy. The throne isn't everything."

But Thorin shook him off, his eyes blazing. 

"You don't understand, Theny. The throne is mine. I was born for it. And I'll get it, no matter what."

Theny tried to reason with him, but Thorin cut him off.

 "Get out, Theny! Leave me alone. I don't need your advice or your concern."

Theny hesitated, then turned to leave.

 "Thorin, please...I just don't want any trouble for you...."

 "Out! Get out of my sight!"

Theny sighed and walked away. 



Grey was busy cooking in the kitchen, with Starr by his side, trying to assist.

"Okay, Starr, can you pass me the whisk?" Grey asked, not looking up from the stove.

Starr looked around, confused. 

"Uh, what's a whisk?"

Grey chuckled. 

"You don't know what a whisk is?"

Starr shook his head. 

"No, what are you going to use it for?" He asked softly. 

Grey laughed out. 

"Don't laugh,I'm trying to help you here" Starr scoffed. 

"Well, it's this long, thin thing with wires at the end. It's used for mixing."

Starr looked around, still unsure. 

"I don't see it."

Grey laughed again. 

"Okay, okay. I'll show you."

Just then, Rocky walked into the kitchen. 

"What's going on? You both in the kitchen?" He asked,leaning on the cabinet. 

Grey grinned. 

"Starr's trying to help me cook, but he doesn't know any of the utensils."

Rocky chuckled. "Well, Starr, you're in luck. Grey's a great teacher."

Starr smiled.

"What do you even expect?" He asked and Starr looked at him. 

"Don't even start" He said. 

Rocky raised his two hands up. 

"My bad,my bad" He said and Grey laughed. 

He showed Starr the whisk. 

"Oh right,I've seen this before" Starr said. 

Rocky and Grey exchanged glances,trying not to laugh. 

"Pass me the curry please? It's on the cabinet Starr" Grey said. 

Starr walked to the cabinet and suddenly stopped when he realized he's not tall enough to get the curry,he turned back to Grey. 

"Are you teasing me right now?" He asked. 

"No I'm not,oh sorry you're too short" Grey muttered and Rocky bursts into laughed. 

Starr exhaled loudly. 

"Fuck you both" He scoffed. 

"Don't mind him,even life is short" Rocky said and moved closer to where Starr is,he stretched his hand to get the curry,making him close to Starr who shifted back but only hit his back on the cabinet. 

Rocky winked at him as he got the curry. 

"You don't have to be tall,just call me next time" He said. 

Starr pushed him and he laughed. 

"Enough of that,I'm cooking here" Grey snapped. 

"Sorry" Rocky chuckled and smiled at Starr again. 

"I will be in my room" Starr muttered and went out. 

Rocky bit his lips. 



Queen Charlotte stood in front of her closet, scanning the rows of elegant gowns and refined dresses. She was already preparing for her walk with the King, but she wanted to look perfect. 

"Bring me something else," she said to her Lydia and Amaya, dismissing the current selection.

They finally presented her with a soft, silk gown in a pale shade of blue. Charlotte's eyes lit up as she took in the delicate embroidery and subtle sparkle of silver threads.

"Ah, this is lovely," she said, her voice filled with delight.

The gown was a masterpiece of understated elegance, with a fitted bodice, a full skirt, and a delicate lace trim.

Queen Charlotte slipped into the gown, feeling the smooth silk glide over her skin. She gazed into the mirror, admiring the way the fabric seemed to shimmer in the light.

The queen's hair was styled in loose waves, framing her face with effortless elegance.

Finally, she was ready. She smiled, satisfied with her reflection. She looked refined, yet approachable – perfect for a casual walk with her husband.

With a gentle rustle of silk, Queen Charlotte glided out of her suite,the guards followed as well. 


In the king's chamber,King Zayne was also dressing up,he insisted on doing it alone this time. 

Just then, Hunter entered the room.

 "Your Majesty, Prince Thorin is here" 

 "Let him in." King Zayne said. 

Hunter bowed and stepped aside, allowing Thorin to enter. As soon as Thorin approached, his face twisted in anger and Zayne turned. 

But before he could react, Thorin pulled out a dagger and stabbed Zayne beside his stomach. Zayne gasped, clutching his side as he stumbled backward,grabbing the wounded place which is now covered with blood. 

"Do whatever you want Thorin,to get rid of me,I never wanted it anyway. And don't worry,I won't say a word about this" Zayne muttered and removed the knife from the side of his stomach and gave it back to him. 

"Leave" He said. 

Thorin glared at him and walked out. 

Zayne groaned in pain and sat down on a chair,he began looking for a bandage,his clothes already got covered up with blood. 

"Your majesty? Can I come in..." He heard Hunter's voice.

"No,,,I want...to be alone. I will be out soon" he replied. 



Queen Charlotte waited patiently, her eyes fixed on the path leading to the king's chamber, She had been waiting for what felt like an eternity, her heart racing with anticipation but the king isn't showing up. 

Just then, Queen Vynessa appeared in the distance, watching Charlotte with a knowing gaze. 

"The king isn't here yet" she sighed. 

But before she could approach, King Zayne emerged from the shadows, his eyes locked onto Charlotte's.

Charlotte's face lit up with a smile.

 "Your majesty, i've been waiting." She said. 

King Zayne said nothing and they started to walk. 

Their bodyguards followed at a distance, discreetly keeping watch as the royal couple strolled through the gardens.

"Shall we visit the stables?" Charlotte suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Zayne hesitated. 

"Next time, perhaps."

Charlotte's face fell, but she quickly recovered.

 "The library, then? I adore reading."

Zayne raised an eyebrow. 

"I'm not exactly a bookworm, Charlotte, but now I'm stuck with reading history books" He muttered. 

"How many have you read so far?" Charlotte asked. 


Charlotte gasped. 


Silence followed again. 

Charlotte wanted to talk but she doesn't even know what to say,King Zayne on the other hand just kept on walking without turning for once. 

Finally they got to the library, As soon as they entered the library, Charlotte's hand brushed against Zayne's side, inadvertently touching his wound. He winced, his eyes flashing with pain.

Charlotte's concern was immediate.

 "Your majesty, what's wrong?"

"Charlotte...I'm fine...." He said but Charlotte ignored it and lifted his shirt up,her eyes widened when she saw his bandage. 

She almost screamed, but Zayne's hand clamped over her mouth, silencing her. 

"Shh, not so loud..don't" he whispered.

Charlotte blinked,her breathing seized,the way he was so close to her was too much for her to take. 

Zayne released her mouth. 

"I can still scream,you're hurt!" Charlotte snapped. 

"Charlotte" Zayne glared and she swallowed. 

"I'm going to tell queen mother...."

"I just f+cking said you should keep quiet!" He snapped. 

"You're shouting....."

"How am I supposed to make you keep quiet?" Zayne asked,their eyes locked. 

Charlotte was silent for a while,she continue staring till she dropped the bomb. 

"Kiss me" She mumbled. 

King Zayne raised his brows. 

"On....my lips" She added,softly. 

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