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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 11 & 12




Monarch - Episode 11 & 12

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


As Charlotte walked on the throne ground,she could see Zayne some distance away,sitting on on the floor. 

She got to him finally and stopped in front of him,his expression still the same,he wasn't even looking at her precisely. 

"Good evening....your majesty" Charlotte greeted and bowed,then Zayne looked at her. 

"I brought the food,I made it myself" She said before dropping the food tray in front of him. 

She didn't even bother asking if she should dish it out,obviously Zayne won't respond to her. 

She dished out the quantity he might finish and got up again. 

She walked to the other side and watched Zayne stare at every meals in different plates then he picked the cutlery. He started eating slowly and Charlotte heaved out a sigh of relief. 

After few minutes,he stopped eating. He didn't finish all but he ate at least. 

Charlotte carried the rest and left him there again. 


Later that night,Queen Vynessa sent for Charlotte and now she's on her way to the queen's suite. 

She got there and the guards let her in instantly,she met the queen in the living room sitting there alone. 

"Good evening your highness" Charlotte bowed and queen Vynessa looked at her. 

"I heard you fed my son tonight and he finally ate" she said. 

"Yes your highness,the prince tried a little" Charlotte responded. 

"Have your seat,I have something to discuss with you" The queen said and Charlotte sat down nervously. 

"I will go straight to the point" she said and Charlotte nodded. 

"At this point in my family's lives,most especially my son,Prince Zayne,I don't think anything fake should be added. Forget about the fact that the late king himself choose you to be his wife,but I know you didn't come for that Charlotte,you came for the scholarship" Queen Vynessa said and Charlotte took her lips in.

"Personally for me,I'm never a fan of arranged marriage,I would have preferred it if my son get to choose by himself,because I don't want him to be unhappy for the rest of his life,no mother would wish that for her son. That Is why I called you here. I'm going to give you another chance to choose"

Charlotte listened carefully. 

"You are free to leave the palace Charlotte" The queen said and her eyes widened. 

"Your scholarship into the university still remain the same,nothing will be reversed,the King's words can't be reversed but I want you to make a decision by yourself,I know my son doesn't want you and you don't want him either,I don't want this to seem forced,I wouldn't force any lady on my son,I know he's quite hard to deal with but I love him more than anything else in the world,with his sister as well. So Charlotte,are you going to remain here as his fiancee and face whatever comes after or you are going to leave forever. Being a queen is never a joke,my son needs someone right beside him,and probably not someone who doesn't want him,he needs a real woman by his side,a queen" Queen Vynessa said. 

Charlotte shook her head. 

"It's true I came here for the scholarship your highness,but it also came with the sacrifice of me being his fiancee which I've accepted with all my heart, and,.I wouldn't leave the prince's side just because everything isn't going well between us now,I will do my best to make things right no matter what I want to be the woman by his side,to support him and back him up in every situation" Charlotte said. 

"I won't ask you this question again Charlotte,but always remember this day. That nobody forced you into the royal family,it is your choice and decision and you have to face any obstacles that comes with it,in the bad time and during the good times as well. That Is what makes a queen. Your classes starts tomorrow" Queen Vynessa said. 

"Class?" Charlotte asked in confusion. 

"Since you don't know anything about royal life and the world we live in,you need different lectures to fit in,starting from your dressing,your confidence,and others,tomorrow,you will get to find out. Including how to be a queen,you will be taught. Get prepared" The queen explained. 

"Thank you your highness" Charlotte bowed. 

"You may leave" The queen ordered and immediately Charlotte walked out of the suite. 



"Are you going to stay without doing anything mother?! How! Just how does this sound? Our brother? Our kid brother getting the crown over us?! He's going to become the king!!" Thorin shouted angrily. 

Queen Lirien was sitting down on the bed. 

"We are never going to accept this mother,do something......."

"What am I supposed to do? All the royal elders seems to be fine with the King's decision,who am I to stand against them all?" She asked. 

"You're the oldest queen for heaven sake!! Mother you're dulling our souls this Is the reason why father gave that bastard our throne" Thorin said. 

"I was shocked too,,I still find it hard to believe that your father would do this to me,after years of standing by his side" Queen Lirien said. 

"Whatever it is you can do mom,do it,the throne belongs to me,I'm the first son and the right heir to the throne" Thorin said and stormed out of the room angrily. 

Theny who have been sitting there without saying a word also sighed and followed him. 

A minute later,the door opened and Calantha entered. 

"Good evening mother" she bowed. 

"Thank you" 

"Mother I heard your conversation with Thorin,you should stop that boy from whatever he's planning in his head,it's true he's the first son but father made his decision known and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Why are you sitting down here listening to the trash he's talking about......."

"Is there ever going to be a day when you will report your own brothers?!!" Queen Lirien yelled at her. 


"Can't you feel his pain? How about my own too? Why do you keep supporting the person who's not even your full blood..."

"You're mistaken mother, Zayne is my brother too,just like Thorin and Theny,he's my blood,stop trying to separate the family,we are all the same! Father tried his best for us before he left,can't we at least let the peace continue to reign? Can't we just support his decision? Zayne don't want this either,we all know he was never interested but he doesn't have a choice I'm begging you mother" Calantha said and went out. 



Charlotte was just coming from her royal lesson class,Lydia and Amaya walking behind her as always. 

They suddenly saw Prince Zayne walking toward their direction,with plenty guards following him up,including some of the royal executive who seems to be having a serious conversation with him their steps were so fast. 

Immediately,Chsrlpote and her maids stopped and bowed in respect,but Zayne only walked past them without acknowledging them. 

Charlotte raised her head and sighed,it's been ten days,seven days after his mourning ended and they haven't said a word to each other,not even once. 

He doesn't even seem to notice her presence in the palace,He's always busy with one thing or the other. 

Even without the crown yet on his head,there are a lot of unfinished business where the signature of the late king are needed to be reversed into his. 

A lot of meetings,prayers and more. 

He doesn't even have enough time for himself,his friends has been coming to the palace almost everyday but they never get to see him,they always ended up going back home without getting to meet him. 

"The prince is too busy these days,I feel so sorry for him." Amaya said and Charlotte sighed. 

So is that the reason why he can't at least wave at her at least? She's trying her best as well. 

She has been taking over some minor tasks in the palace as well and she's doing great,but it's getting tiring because Zayne doesn't notice anything she does at all. He might think she's useless. 

"You two can leave,I want to be alone" She said. 

Before they could decline,she already walked away. 

Getting to her suite,she met Thorin also coming to her,making her stop. 

"Good afternoon,prince" she greeted

Thorin slides his hands into his pockets and walked closer till he was standing in front of him. 

"I see you're trying so hard to fit in,I thought you don't like him" Thorin said and Charlotte frowned. 

"You don't really have to pretend to me okay? I know about everything,and besides who knows,I might really get the throne instead not him" Thorin said. 

"What are you talking about?" Charlotte asked. 

"I want you" Thorin said at once. 

"I see you've gone insane your highness" Charlotte bowed and Thorin frowned. 


"You should stop whatever you're thinking if you don't want me to expose your shit,have some shame it's annoying and disgusting,I want you" She said in his voice and hissed before going inside her suite,leaving Thorin standing there speechlessly. 



Rocky walked into Starr's room without knocking, He met Starr sitting on the bed, playing games on his pad. Starr was so focused on his games that he didn't even look up when Rocky came in.

Rocky smiled and walked over to the bed. He sat down next to Starr, who still didn't look up. Rocky watched Starr play his games for a minute, then he said, 

"Hey, what's so interesting?"

Starr finally looked up at Rocky, but only for a second. Then he went back to his games. Rocky laughed and shook his head.

Rocky reached out and gently took the pad from Starr's hand. Starr looked up. 

 "Hey, I was right in the middle of a game! That's not nice" he snapped. 

"I know, but I want to talk to you." 

"What,what,what !" 

"Easy,what the fuck" Rocky pushed his chest playfully and Starr rolled his eyes. 

"You are only here because Grey and Chase aren't home" he said. 

"I'm fucking bored,so stop playing hard and let's do something else" Rocky said. 

"I was actually about sleeping" Starr said. 

"You're so annoying dude" Rocky scoffed. 

"You're more annoying,just stay home please. I'm tired of going to school all week,without seeing Zayne too,it's all stressful" Starr said. 

"Do you miss him that much?" Rocky raised his brows. 

"At least he doesn't tease like you guys,especially you" Starr said and got down from the bed. 

"I can't help that actually,I love doing it" Rocky chuckled. 

"Good for you,but I'm hungry" Starr said and went out. 

Rocky followed. 

"Where are you going? Just order for food,you guys insisted you don't want maids around twenty seven" Rocky scoffed. 

"I'm going to cook" Starr replied and Rocky's eyes widened. 

"Who just said that?!' Grey and Chase rushed into the kitchen. 

"You are back" Rocky exhaled. 

"Did I just heard him saying he's going to cook?" Chase asked. 

"I said that,I will just....."

"Never!!!!" The boys shouted and Starr flinched. 

"You want to burn this house the second time? Never,not within my watch" Grey shook his head. 

"I told you guys I've improved....."

"By watching youtube videos? Haha,I laugh,but please you can't do practicals here" Chase said. 

"Just noodles...."

"No,I will make it and bring it for you,go out" Rocky said. 

They took the noodles pack from him and Grey dragged him out of the kitchen. 

"He stress me out" Chase exhaled and shook his head. 

Rocky chuckled. 

"I thought you two were supposed to take long" He said.

"I guess it's worse today,we were told this time around that we won't be able to drive him" Chase replied. 

'Im sure Zayne will tell us when he's ready,so that's enough already" Rocky said. 

"I know,I'm just worried about him,we all know that dude just pretends to be strong,he's a baby in the heart" Chase muttered. 

"He will be fine" Rocky said. 

"I hope so" Chase sighed. 

"You should cook for all,not just Starr please" He said before going out of the kitchen. 

"Now I'm your chef? Why can't Starr just eat good food and not noodles?!" Rocky shouted in the kitchen but nobody answered. 



Today was the day that everyone in Solaria had been waiting for - the coronation day, The whole city was in lockdown, and the palace was buzzing with excitement. Prince Zayne was finally going to become the new king. 

The palace was filled with important people from all over the kingdom. There were kings and queens from neighboring lands, princesses and princes, governors, and royal elders. Everyone was dressed in their finest clothes and attires, shining with gold, silver, and precious gems.

The palace was decorated like never before. There were golden curtains, shiny floors, and colorful tapestries hanging from the walls. The ceiling was adorned with glittering chandeliers, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers.

In the grand hall, a long table was set with delicious food and drinks. There were juicy meats, fresh fruits, and sweet pastries. The guests were enjoying themselves, eating and chatting, while waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Outside, the streets were filled with people cheering and waving flags. They were all excited to see their new king, Prince Zayne. The city was filled with music and laughter, and everyone was in a joyful mood.

Inside the palace, Prince Zayne was getting ready for the ceremony. He was dressed in a sparkling royal robe,made with pure gold,just the same material of dress that was made for Charlotte in the other room. 


Back in the grand hall,the guests were all seated, and the royal elders were standing at the front, waiting for the ceremony to begin. The atmosphere was tense with excitement, and everyone was waiting for the moment when Prince Zayne would become the new king.

And finally, it was time for the crowning,The royal elder raised his hands, and the room fell silent. 

"It is time for the crowning of our new king, Prince Zayne!" he announced. The guests all stood up, and Prince Zayne walked forward from his seat. 

It was followed by a very deep silence across the whole hall. 

Queen Vynessa was standing there,looking at her precious son with tears in her eyes,she was praying with all her heart for protection,Just protection. 

Calantha tapped her shoulder from the side. 

"He will be fine mother....he can do it,I trust him" Calantha said and Queen Vynessa nodded. 

On the other side is Queen Lirien,standing with just a blank expression on her face,the twins beside her as well. 

Only Samara was smiling brightly where she stood with her friends. 

"That f+ck boy is seriously getting crowned" Rocky chuckled. 

"I know right?" Grey smiled. 

"This crown means superiority!! The king is crowned and is always the first in everything surrounding the whole kingdom,both in and out. Every words that comes out of his mouth screams powers and must be obeyed! Right from the lineage of the late king..King Ryker,I hereby crown the youngest son of his,prince Zayne as the new chosen king of the kingdom of Solaria!"

The golden crown was gently placed on Zayne's head. 

"Bow to the king!!!!!" The royal announcer shouted and everyone bowed together at once. 

"May you live long your majesty!!!" They chorused. 

"The King's lady may now approach on the king's calling" The elder said. 

Zayne took the second crown on the alter. 

"Charlotte" he called simply and immediately Charlotte walked over to him. 

She knelt before him. 

"I hereby proclaim you to be my queen,your wish shall be the command of all,even in my absence,your words shall remain powerful,Queen Charlotte" Zayne said and placed the crown on her head. 

"Bow to the Queen!!!" 

Everyone bowed. 

"And from this day,King Zayne and Queen Charlotte shall rule over the kingdom of Solaria and all within it. Hail to the King and Queen!!!"

"Your royal Majesties!!!" Everyone chorused in harmony. 

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