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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 1 & 2




Monarch - Episode 1 & 2

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 



Zayne was sleeping in the middle of three naked girls on the bed,their hands all over his body. 

The moment was cut when his phone started ringing,one of the girls groaned loudly and took the phone. 

"My prince" She called and pecked Zayne's lips,he smiled from his sleep and took his phone from her,without opening his eyes he answered the call and put it in his ear. 


"Are you serious right now? Where the f+ck are you? It's almost time for the family feast!!" He heard Calantha scream and he sprang up from the bed.

"I will be there" he muttered and she hung up. 

His eyes widened when he saw about fifty missed calls on his phone,from his friends,mom,sister and Calantha as well,the some unknown numbers,definitely from girls. 

"Dammit" He mumbled and pushed the girl still laying on him off his body. 

"My prince,you're not leaving right?" One of them asked. 

"No I'm not,dumb@ss" He hissed and wore his shirt,the his shoes,he grabbed his phone and rushed out of the room. 

The royal family feast comes once every month where the whole family get to gather in the general dinning hall to have a special meal together and talk as well. 

And now he's almost late,He's got less than thirty minutes and obviously he wouldn't make it,where he is, is totally far from being close to the palace. 

The feast starts by 8:30pm. 

"Gosh,I made a promise to father last month" He roughed his hair. 

Of course he was also late last month that he had to make a promise in order to escape the King's wrath,and now he's in it again. 

"Your highness" The guards waiting outside for him immediately bowed as soon as they saw him. 

"Are you guys as useless as this?! None of you woke me up when you fucking know about the feast?" He asked angrily. 

"You warned us not to disturb you your highness" they bowed. 

Zayne hissed and entered the car as soon as the door was opened. 

"Make sure we arrive at the palace in thirty minutes or forget about your heads" He said. 

"Let's go" One of the guards ordered and immediately the car started,three other cars followed the first one and the speed began.



"Welcome your highness...."

Zayne ignored the guards and anyone greetings him and ran off toward the general dining hall,he was five minutes late already but at least his lateness isn't too much this time right?

By the time he entered the hall,everyone was settled,including the king,the food was out getting served by the maids so Zayne hurriedly sat beside Samara. 

"Good evening father" Zayne bowed breathlessly. 

King Ryker looked at him but said nothing at all. 

Samara frowned at him. 

"You stink of alcohol" She whispered. 

Queen Vynessa sighed and shook her head. 

"Where are you coming from Zayne" The king spoke up. 

"I was out with my....." He stopped when Calantha glared at him. 

"Actually,I was doing some school work with some school mates,sorry I was not checking the time,it won't happen again" Zayne said softly.

"At least you're taking your studies serious this time around" The king said and Zayne smiled. 

"Do you drink while studying? Coz I can smell alcohol from here" One of the twins, Thorin spoke up and Samara's eyes widened. 

"Is that true?" King Ryker asked and Zayne sighed.

"I took a bottle" He mumbled.

"A bottle indeed" Theny scoffed. 

"What's your problem exactly?" Calantha snapped at them. 

"You know he's lying and you're covering up for him" Thorin and Theny snapped back. 

"What's your business with that?" Calantha asked. 

"You can't lie to his majesty,it's an offense" Queen Lirien spoke up and they all became silent. 

"She's right your majesty,,please punish him for his wrong" Queen Vynessa said and Samara looked at her immediately. 

"That's enough,He's just five minutes late,,let's not spoil this special dinner" The king concluded and the noise stopped right there. 



"You know that's not fair mom! The last time I was late,you know what father did,but when he was late last night,he let him go and now today again,father isn't fair right now! It's even annoying that our sister always support that idiot" Thorin said angrily. 

"Can you reduce your voice? The King's judgment is the end and you can't go against that so keep your mouth shut" Queen Lirien said. 

"So why is his own so different? He's the bad egg and you know that,still father seems to treat him better than everyone,I can't even remember the last time three cars of guards follow us out,but he's the one who destroy cars every week,still father allow him have access to everything! We are four years older than him but it seems like he's our brother" Theny snapped. 

"Can you stop already?!" Queen Lirien yells. 

"Do something about it mom,we are tired and that's it,unless you want us to meet father by ourselves" Thorin said and stormed out with his brother. 

Queen Lirien fold her fists and exhaled loudly. 


"Ahh..ouch!" Zayne groaned painfully as Calantha dragged him into his room with his ear. 

She released him angrily and he screamed. 

"That hurts! And you know"

"You don't even know how much I want to hit you right now,must you give everyone what to talk about?" She asked. 

"Come on sis,you know it's not intentional" Zayne smiled. 

"Not intentional? Where were you when I called?" She asked. 

"You don't even want to know...."

"You promised me you were going to change!" Calantha snapped. 

"Let's start over again" Zayne grinned. 

"Gosh I'm tired of you already" Calantha shook her head and went out. 

Zayne fell on the bed and soon Samara came in. 

"I'm not in for your own version of scolding tonight Mara" Zayne mumbled without looking at her. 

"Mom is crying again,because of you" Samara said and Zayne sat up. 

"Why does she have so much tears in her eyes?" He asked and Samara frowned. 

"Are you for real right now? You don't even know anything!" She yelled and Zayne rolled his eyes. 

"I'm not in the mood for this right now,I need to sleep" He said and went into the dressing room leaving Samara there. 



Charlotte entered the house and met her mom in the living room knitting as usual,even though they stay in the poorest place in the city,still they are among the poorest people in that community. 

"I'm home" Charlotte announced and her mom,lady Niata looked up with a warm welcoming smile. 

"You're back daughter" She said. 

Charlotte ran to hug her tightly. 

"Don't tell me you've been working all day since I left" She mumbled. 

"I got an order,and I think she's someone rich,I need to make things neat" Lady Niata replied and Charlotte nodded. 

"Dinner?" She asked. 

"I made some rice,check the kitchen" Her mom replied. 

"Thank you mom" Charlotte said excitedly and went inside. 

Getting to her room,she undressed first and took a quick bath before taking her almost spoiled phone on the bed. 

She sat down and went through the university she's been aspiring for all her life,the admission for this year would close in just two weeks and still no hope,she definitely can't stay home this month again. 

She's already twenty years,all her mates are at least in their second year in the university,but for her,money is the problem and it doesn't seem like this year would be different either. 

"You can't give up Charlotte,don't give up" She told herself and walked out of the room. 



Inside Prince Zayne's bedroom, a small army of maids were in,about fifteen of them, trying to wake the sleeping prince from his slumber.

 Some of the maids surrounded his bed, gently shaking him awake. But Prince Zayne was a deep sleeper, and it took several minutes of prodding and coaxing before he finally sighed out. 

As he slowly opened his eyes, a collective sigh of relief echoed through the room. 

"F+ck...I hate school," Zayne groaned out, throwing off the covers and stumbling towards the bathroom.

Some minutes later,it was time to dress up,once again the maids settled in the dressing room while Zayne sat down on a chair,smiling and grinning while scrolling through his pad,only a towel around his waist. 

Some of the maids already drooling but they had to dress him up quickly or they would definitely lose their jobs. 

The dressing room is almost as big as a itself with clothes arranged in different collections. 

Shirts hung on one side, grouped by colors and styles. Jackets and blazers lined another wall, perfectly pressed and arranged by occasions and events. P@nts and jeans were folded and stacked on shelves, while dress shoes and boots stood at attention on floor-to-ceiling racks.

The shoe collection was staggering, with rows upon rows of sleek oxfords, shiny loafers, and rugged boots. It was a shoe enthusiast's paradise, with enough variety to stock a small store.

Nearby, a glittering array of jewelry sparkled on velvet trays. Chains, rings, and wristwatches lay coiled and waiting, ready to be paired with the perfect outfit. Glasses, too, had their own special station, with frames ranging from sleek and modern to vintage-inspired.

"Your highness,would would you like for the day?" They asked gently. 

Prince Zayne looked up from his phone, his eyes scanning the room as he decided on the day's attire.

 "The blue shirt with the white collar," he said, pointing to a crisp dress shirt.

 "And those black pants, the ones with the subtle stripe."

The maids and male servants sprang into action, gathering the chosen items and beginning the process of dressing the him up instantly.  

After dressing him up,some stepped back while some continue by styling his hair. 

As the prince stood before the mirror, his reflection stared back, resplendent in his carefully chosen outfit. He nodded in approval, and the maids breathed a collective sigh of satisfaction.

"Good job" He smirked,staring at his perfect reflection. 

"Hey dude!! Don't tell me you are not done yet!!" He heard some voices from the bedroom and he immediately knew who they are. 

He grabbed his pad and left the dressing room. 

His friends scattered around the bedroom,all dressed elegantly and richly,their outfits and styles obviously screams luxury and riches,they are the kings of the school no doubt. 

"Not again dude!!!" Rocky shouted with a groan. 

"Who fucking started this game of choosing the best dressed everyday?" He asked. 

"Grey actually,and I find it boring because we all know this idiot always go extra miles trying to look good even without the game" Chase scoffed. 

"Okay,I give up,let's just end this game here" Grey raised his hands in surrender. 

"Dude you even dyed your hair? I love it" Rocky said,touching Zayne's hair. 

"I've not even used half of my power" Zayne said and they laughed. 

"Don't be like that" Starr mumbled,he was the only one sitting on the bed,busy with his phone as always. 

His fluffy hair makes him look cute than anyone in the group,Even though he's always wearing glasses,still his cuteness can't be outshined. 

He just gives off this feminine vibes no matter how hard he tries to hide it,He's the youngest and shortest among them as well so they treats him more softly compared to others. 

"We should just leave" Rocky said,checking the time. 

"Yeah" Chase led the way. 

"So,how was last night? Dude we all called you but you choose to do what you want,don't tell me you fucked those three girls at a time" Grey said. 

"What do you expect?" Zayne asked. 

"Whaaaattttt?!!!!!!" The boys exclaimed at once. 

"How the hell did you do that? And you are still breathing?" Starr asked in total shock. 

"Oh please,not everyone is gonna be like you" Chase groaned and they laughed. 

"Don't start with me this morning" Starr scoffed and Zayne chuckled. 

"Wanna learn from me?" He asked. 

"You should learn how to study first,what the heck" Starr snapped and the boys laughed,excluding Zayne. 

"Who said I needed education?" He asked. 

"At least you need to study before you graduate,don't you?" Rocky asked. 

"I don't think so" Zayne chuckled.

They all walked out of the suite together. 



Three luxurious cars - a sleek black Lamborghini, a silver Ferrari, and a matte grey Bentley - drove into the University highway, instantly drawing the attention of every student within sight. Heads turned, eyes widened, and jaws dropped as the cars came to a stop.

In the lead car, the matte grey Bentley, Prince Zayne sat alone,nodding to the music booming. 

 Behind him, Grey and Rocky rode the silver Ferrari, while Chase and Starr followed in the sleek black Lamborghini.

As the cars parked, the students erupted into a frenzy of screams and cheers.

👥 The Royal Rebels are here!!!!

they chanted in unison, their voices echoing across the campus.

 Grey stepped out first, followed by Rocky, then Prince Zayne, Starr, and finally Chase. They stood side by side,just the way they came out,their auras full of embodied charm, wealth, and power.

The screams intensified as the students devoured the sight of them properly. 

👥 Oh my god, they're so handsome!" 

👥 Their outfits!!!!

👥  They're absolutely smoking hot!"

One student, unable to contain her excitement, pointed at Prince Zayne and shrieked, 

"That mole makes me fucking wet!!" Indeed, a small, sexy mole beneath Zayne's left eye only added to his irresistible allure.

As the boys began their stroll towards the university building, cameras swarmed around them, capturing every step, every smile, and every wave. The students trailed behind, buzzing with excitement. 

👥 Gosh!! How can Zayne be as hot as this?!!!

👥 It's a crime!!

👥 Starrrrrrrr!!!!!! I love you!!!

👥 Grey please marry me!

Chase and Rocky bursts into laughter when they heard that and Grey chuckled. 

"They are taking it far now" He mumbled. 

Starr on the other hand wasn't even listening to all the screams,he was wearing his headphones all through and doesn't care either. 

They entered into their private class,the door automatically opened by itself. 

The private class is a technological marvel, designed to provide a unique and immersive learning experience. The spacious room was dimly lit, with the ability to control the lighting to simulate a nighttime atmosphere, even in the middle of the day. Five  ergonomic chairs and sleek lockers were strategically placed around the room, creating a comfortable and organized environment.

The walls were adorned with interactive whiteboards that doubled as projectors, allowing for seamless transitions between lessons and presentations.

As the boys settled into their seats, the lights dimmed further, and the projector whirred to life. The screen behind the teacher's desk flickered, and the words

 *WALK WITH THE KING* appeared in bold, golden letters. The show's theme music filled the room, and the boys immediately exchanged glances before they focused fully. 

*WALK WITH THE KING* is a unique show always starring the king and sometimes allowing viewers to get a glimpse of what the palace castle looks like. 

They are also allowed to ask the king some questions and also listen to him speak because the Citizens hardly get to see the king. 

The live show already went on for half an hour until the King suddenly said he had a special announcement to make. 

"Is he finally going to make the crown prince known?" Grey asked. 

"Why announcing? Everyone should know it's one of the twins anyway" Zayne scoffed. 

🎙 Go on your majesty. 

🎙 I'm in need of a noble and decent fiancee for one of my sons

"Wow,this is becoming interesting" Chase muttered. 

Zayne scoffed,he wasnt interested at all because he knows it's not about it. Obviously the king want a fiancee for his brothers,they are twenty six already. 

🎙 That's so interesting your highness. 

🎙 Yeah,there's going to be numbers of forms for the ladies interested,I want the range of ages between 19 years to 23,they will undergo some certain tests before I pick the right one for my son, and it comes with a lot of benefits. 

🎙 What benefits your majesty.

🎙 Hmm...she will get to live in the palace,enjoy the luxury,but most importantly will get to study in Royals University. 

"Whoa! Why is he taking this so far?!" Chase and Rocky shouted and they laughed,except Zayne. 

🎙 If I may ask,which of the Prince are you talking about??

🎙 The last Prince,Prince Zayne. 

"What the f+ck!!!!!" The boys all stood from their seats with wide eyes. 

Zayne sat there with dried throat,still trying to figure out what was going on. 

Is this a dream? 



Lady Niata was also watching the live show,obviously 90% of the citizens watches the King's show. 

"Wow" She mumbled after the king mentioned everything. 

"I'm going to apply for the form" Came Charlotte's voice from the back. 

Niata turned her head immediately. 

"Apply for what?" She asked. 

"I'm going to apply and pass,to become the prince's Fiancee" Charlotte repeated herself. 

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