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Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Finale




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 71 & 72
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 


"The future Luna is pregnant your highness" The healer said and Thane's eyes widened. 

"What?! How come it's so fast?" He asked. 

"After the curse got lifted,have you two mated?" The healer asked. 

Alpha Raven and the Luna both glanced at Thane. 

"Of course,why not?" Thane muttered. 

"That's why it's so fast,since it was supposed to have happened already but it was delayed because of the curse" The healer explained. 

"Oh,thank goodness" Luna Liyana exhaled. 

"So what are you doing about his other mate?" Alpha Raven asked. 

"She will be fine,and we are going to make some rituals to unlink their mate bond,so nobody will get hurt" The healer replied and Thane was relieved,finally he will be at peace. 

"That's a good one,thank you" Alpha Raven nodded. 

Thane had to leave them in the throne room and went straight to his suite,Genny was just waking up when he entered. 

"You're back" She smiled and tried getting up. 

"Hey,easy" Thane instantly appeared on the bed within a blink. 

"What's wrong" Genny asked and Thane hugged her to himself. 

"A goodnews" He said.

"What's that?" 

"You're gonna have my baby" Thane whispered into her ear and her eyes grew wide. 

"Tell me you're joking" She said. 

"You're pregnant Genevieve,for me" Thane said and Genny screamed excitedly. 

"How come you sound more happier than I am?" Thane chuckled. 

"I'm happy" Genny muttered. 

"And Thelma will be taken care of as well,our bond will be broken" Thane said. 

"Does that mean,we are going to live just fine from now on?" Genny asked and Thane nodded.

"We are going to be in peace now,you and I will be together with no problem at all" He said and kissed her. 

Genny smiled into the kiss and reciprocated at once. 



Beorn woke up and opened his eyes. He looked around and saw Sage sitting on the floor, but he was asleep. He was very surprised.

'How is he still here? I thought he would go home' he thought. 

Beorn didn't move or make a sound. He just looked at Sage, who was sleeping peacefully. 

After a few minutes, Beorn slowly got up from his bed. He walked quietly to Sage and gently touched his shoulder. he woke up with a start and looked up at Beorn. 

He smiled


"What are you still doing here?" Beorn asked. 

"I told you I won't leave until you're no longer mad at me" Sage said. 

Beorn rolled his eyes. 

"You're making me the bad person" He mumbled and sat back down on the bed. 

"Sleep on the bed" He said and Sage joined him. 

"So are you still mad at me?"

"No" Beorn muttered and Sage pulled him close. 

"You don't even know how much I missed you,how could you leave just like that? You're so cruel" Sage said and and kissed his neck. 

"Stop it,just sleep" Beorn groaned. 

"I missed You" Sage pouted. 

Beorn scoffed. 

"Sleep right here,don't move away from me" Sage muttered,his hand around Beorn. 

Beorn said nothing and just closed his eyes again,only to be woken up by Sage who kissed him. 

"Don't do this,I'm trying to sleep" He groaned. 

"I'm trying to sleep but got distracted" Sage said. 

"Then face the other side"

Sage chuckled. 

"Fine fine,I won't do anything again,sleep" He said and stroked Beorn's hair softly. 

"I love You" he whispered and Beorn raised his brows. 

"Don't tease me with that...."

"I mean it though" Sage said. 

Beorn ignored him and just slept off. 

Sage continue staring at his face till his eyes also want closed. 



Today is a big day in the pack palace. A new Alpha will be crowned. Alpha Raven died in a war some months back and now Thane will be the new leader.

None of the pack elders opposed to this,they don't care about his young age at all. 

Thane is a strong and brave wolf. He fought in many battles against hundreds of enemy wolves, called "Shadow Pack". He won every fight, and his name became known as a great warrior,after his Father's death,he was determined to protect the pack and that's exactly what he's been doing. 

He made a promise to the late alpha on his death bed and he's going to fulfill everything. 

Thane's best friend and Beta, Orion, fought beside him in every battle. Together, The've been protecting the  pack and defeated their enemies.

Now, back in the palace, everything is ready for the coronation. The halls are decorated with colorful streamers and flowers. The throne room is filled with wolves from all over the pack. They are all excited to see Thane become the new Alpha.

The room is filled with the smell of delicious food. There are tables full of meat, fish, and fruits. Everyone is chatting and laughing, waiting for the ceremony to start.

Thane and Orion are getting ready. They are wearing their best clothes, and their fur is shiny and clean. They are proud and happy to be leading their pack.

The ceremony starts, and Thane is crowned the new Alpha. Everyone cheers and applauds. Thane thanks his pack and promises to protect and lead them well.

The celebration begins, and everyone is having a great time. Thane and Orion are surrounded by their friends and family, enjoying their special day. They deserve it after all their hard work and bravery.


Inside Genny's suite, the maids are busy getting her ready for her big day. Today, she becomes the new Luna! They help her into a beautiful red dress with sparkly silver threads. The dress fits her perfectly, and it shines like the moon.

The maids do her hair, curling it and putting flowers in it. They also put makeup on her face, making her look like a queen. Genny looks in the mirror and can't believe how beautiful she looks.

Just then, the old Luna, Liyana, enters the room. She smiles at Genny

"You look stunning, my dear." Liyana walks up to Genny and puts her hands on her shoulders.

 "I bless you, Genny, as the new Luna. May you lead our pack with kindness and wisdom."

"Thank you mother" Genny smiled. 

After Old Luna left,Genny heard her pup's cry and Odessa came in with her son, Thiago. 

"This pup is a trouble maker" Odessa said and Genny laughed as she carried Thiago in her arms. 

Thiago is just three months old,she was heavily pregnant during those times of war and she was targeted a lot of times but Thane protected them with even his life. 

"Your highness,the ceremony starts soon,His majesty is waiting already" A maid came in to tell her. 

"Thank you" Genny stopped breastfeeding Thiago and gave him back to Odessa. 

"Dear prince,I'm your mom today,either you like it or not" Odessa said and Genny chuckled. 

They were both urshered out with the maids behind them. 

They got to the ceremony hall and Genny was taken away while Orion joined Odessa. 

"I can't wait to have our also" Orion said and Odessa blushed. 

Oh,lest I forgot,The moon goddess finally answered their prayers by matching them and now they are mates. 

"I want twins,like Thane and I" Odessa said. 

"I can actually give you triplets" Orion said and Odessa laughed. 

"Bow to the alpha!!" They suddenly heard the loud screen from the announcer as soon as Thane got crowned. 

Immediately everyone's heads went down. 

"Long live Alpba Thane,the ruler of Raven pack" Everyone chorused all at once. 

Thane took the second crown on the crown plate and Genny bent in front of him in respect,then he placed the crown on her head. 

"Bow to the Luna!!!"

"Love live the Luna!" They chorused again. 

Then the party began in full. 



The grand royal dining hall was buzzing with laughter and chatter as the whole group gathered around the large table. It felt like an after-party, with everyone relaxed and joyful.

Thane sat at the head of the table, with Genny and Orion by his sides. Odessa sat next to them, beaming with happiness. The rest of the group filled in the seats, chatting and giggling.

Maren, Kalysta, Astrid, Ophelia, Indigo, Kymani, Zerek, Sage, Beorn, Lila, Luna, Atticus, Zenith and Juna all sat down also,enjoying the savoring taste of the meals the maids kept bringing to the table. 

"I still can't believe everyone made it,seriously" Odessa grinned. 

"Of course,what do you mean? I've been waiting for this all my life" Juna said and Genny smiled. 

"Thanks Bess" She said. 

"Whoa whoa,so what am I?" Odessa frowned. 

"Best best" Genny replied. 

Odessa fanned herself and everyone laughed. 

"Thank you everyone for coming" Thane spoke up. 

"You're welcome alpha!" They all chorused and he chuckled. 

"Can I talk now?" Kymani said in a deep voice and everyone faced him.

"My only concern here is Thiago,where's he? Heard he looks like me" Kymani said and they all burst into laughter. 

"Why would my child look like you?" Thane asked and they laughed again. 

"Here baby" Zenith fed Luna.

"Thanks honey" Luna smiled. 

"Hey hey,we are not supposed to play love here are we? Stop that" Juna immediately said. .

"It's nobody's fault that you're Single" Odessa smirked and also pecked Orion's lips. .

"I'm actually single too,can we mingle?" Kymani asked. 

"You think I have strength to date a vampire?" Juna raised her brows. 

"he's not a bad blood sucker again" Indigo corrected. 

"You heard her" Kymani squinches his face. 

Everyone continue eating and having fun,after eating they all moved to the lounge to party a little. 

Some dancing while some just sat down,with drinks in their hands. 

Beorn sat down beside Sage and placed his head on his shoulder. 

"Are you tired?" Sage asked. 

"Very tired" Beorn muttered. 

Sage smiled and ruffled his hair. 

"Hey love birds!! Join us over here!" Genny and Odessa screamed from the dance floor. 

"No please,He's tired" Sage said. 

"Okay I'm jealous" Orion chuckled and grabbed Odessa's waist. 

"Careful with the way you grab my sister anyhow please" Thane spoke up from where he was sitting with Kymani. 

"Noted your majesty" Orion said and laughed. 

Thane and Kymani actually got close,it was unexpected but it happened somehow. 

The party went on and on till midnight and soon everyone went to settle down in different rooms at the palace,there are more than enough anyway. 



Genny pushed open the door to Thiago's room, and her heart melted at the sight before her,she smiled brightly. On the bed, little Thiago was awake,his thumb in his mouth, his bright blue eyes sparkling like sunshine. The three-month-old pup, smile excitedly as Genny approached.

"Hello, little one!" Genny cooed, scooping him up in her arms. He nuzzled his head into her chest, and she felt a surge of love and joy.

Just then, Thane entered the room, a warm smile on his face. 

"I was already looking for you" he said, wrapping his arms around Genny from behind.

Genny leaned back into his embrace, feeling happy and content.

 "He's just too cute,He looks like you" Genny muttered,still staring into Thiago's eyes. 

Thane chuckled. 

"I know, right?" 

Thiago smiled as he watched them speak,his tiny tongue lolling out of his mouth.

Genny giggled.

 "Oh, he's smiling at us!"

Thane's arms tightened around her. 

"He loves us, just like we love him."

Genny turned her head, her eyes meeting Thane's.

 "We are sure the best parents,aren't we?" She asked. 

Thane's eyes softened.

 "We are. We're a happy family,you're the best wife and Luna ever,mother must not hear that" He whispered and Genny laughed. 

"You're so silly" she said. 

" Honestly, i'm so grateful for you, Thane. For us. For our little family,I don't even want to imagine my whole existence without you" She shook her head. 

Thane's voice dropped to a whisper. 

"I love you so much my beautiful Luna, More than words can say."

"I love you too, my Alpha. With all my heart" Genny said. 

Thane pulled both her and Thiago into his wide arms and hugged them tightly. 

Both mother and son also snuggled into his embrace,feeling all the love in the world. 

In a world of chaos, they found peace in each other's arms. Their love was a flame that burned bright, a beacon of hope in the darkness. Together, they knew they could face anything, as long as they had each other,being the strongest team and family until forever. 



You can also read: 15DAYS FIANCEE

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