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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 69 & 70




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 69 & 70
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 



Thane's back was on Genny as she keeps on begging him to do what Ravenna said,she was in tears as well. 

She had refused to see her parents,she won't be able to endure the pain if she ever know what they look like. It's all better if she doesn't know their faces. 

"Thane please..."

"Genny,they are your parents,I can't do it" 

"For the sake of one future!" Genny cried out. 

Thane faced her. 

"Are you going to leave me?! Are you!! I can't give you an heir because of their sins!! Don't you love me anymore?! Don't you want to have your child with me?!" She cried and squatted,crying her eyes out. 

"Genny,you're getting me all wrong. I love you so much and you know that" Thane knelt in front of her and pulled her into a warm embrace.

"I'm sorry I made you cry,I'm sorry" He said as Genny cried on his shoulder. 

"Please do it...for my sake,for our sake" She said tearfully and Thane swallowed. 

"I will do it,but...I don't want to hurt you Genny" He said and Genny shook her head. 

"You will only hurt me when you leave me for another girl" She said. 

Thane wiped her tears and pecked her lips. 

"Stay right here and wait for me" He said and Genny nodded gently. 

Thane kissed her one more time before going out,then Gently broke into tears again. 



The door opened loudly and Indigo rushed in. 

"Right there" She pointed at Thelma who was almost unconscious on the bed and Thane ran close. 

"What happened to her?" He asked with wide eyes as he touched Thelma's head,her temperature more than high itself. 

"I have no idea" Indigo shook her head. 

Genny also entered and ran over to Thane. 

"What's wrong?" She asked. 

Thane carried Thelma at once in a bridal style. 

"The seer,I need to see her right away" He said,walking to the door. 

"I'm coming with You" Genny followed. 

Indigo also stood there looking confused as the two of them went out. 


"Why are we going to the seer? Do you have any idea what's happening to her?" Orion asked as he immediately unlocked the car. 

Odessa and Genny also looked at Thane who was dropping Thelma in the car. 

"She made mention of her getting hurt if I try rejecting her,like dying" Thane said. 

"What?!" Odessa and Genny screamed. 

"That's why I need to see her,maybe she might get a solution to this" Thane clarified and they all entered the car. 

"But...she will be fine right?" Genny asked. 

"Let's hope so" Odessa said and Genny shook her head. 

"If anything happens to her,then I won't forgive myself" He said 

"She will be fine" Thane said 



Luna was sitting on the bench with a book in her hand,her back resting as she stared at the book,but her mind was somewhere else. 

No one else but Zenith. 

It's beginning to seem like she doesn't have a chance with him anymore,Lila and Zenith are getting closer everyday and Lila wouldn't stop talking about him. 

Luna's everyday mood went down and she became moody,she would choose to stay quietly somewhere alone without talking to anyone. 

Thinking that would help her stop thinking about him but it only worsen. 

"F+ck my heart" Luna mumbled and broke into tears,she threw the book she was reading away and continue crying,her face buried into her palms. 

"What's wrong?" She suddenly heard the voice she's been craving to hear like forever,she raised her head and standing before her is Zenith,staring back at her. 

"Luna" Zenith called but she only cried more louder. 

"What happened?" Zenith moved closer to her and sat beside him. 


She cupped his face at once and slammed her lips on his own,Zenith froze,almost lost his mind for a second as she devored his lips hungrily. 

He broke the kiss.


She cut him off and kissed him again,even more deeper and soon Zenith started kissing her back. 

She hugged him tightly to herself,she sat on his laps and continue kissing him. 

Luna bite his lips lightly then continue sucking on his lower lip. 

Zenith's eyes widened,that feels familiar,that feeling,the lip biting,then sucking. 

He broke the kiss forcefully. 

"Zenith,please" Luna said and tried kissing him again. 

"Who are you?" Zenith asked. 


"We've kissed once,right? We've kissed" Zenith ssid and Luna gulped. 

"No, this is the first time" She immediately got up. 

Zenith grabbed her hand and shoved her ass back on the bench,making her gasp. 

"Don't lie to me and tell me the truth!" He yelled. 

Luna broke into tears,she had no choice than to tell him everything,her plan with Lila,how they deceived him and how she fell in love with him before everything ended. 

Zenith left her side with total shock written on his face. 

"Zenith,don't go" She cried and followed him,she held him. 

"I've been dying inwardly,I'm sorry I couldn't hold my emotions any longer,please don't tell Lila,I'm begging you" She said in tears. 

"Really? You're still going to protect your sister? You mean you don't mind If you never have me?" Zenith asked and Luna sniffed in her tears. 

"She's....in love with you" She said. 

"But I fell in love with you!!" Zenith shouted. 

"I should have known,the energy was totally different,I wasn't feeling myself! I couldn't even bring myself to kiss her!! I thought I was going crazy..Why Luna,just why!! Zenith shouted and Luna cried more. 

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry" She pleaded. 

Zenith sat down on the bench again,his hands running through his hair. 

"But....what do you mean by...you couldn't kiss her?" Luna asked.

"You heard me right,,when I kissed her,it felt totally different from what I felt when we kissed,maybe I'm too dumb,I should have noticed but I was blinded" Zenith said. 

"I'm sorry" Luna mumbled. 

"Come here" Zenith tapped his lap and she walked over to him,he made her sit on his laps then wrapped his arms around her body. 

"I should have recognized you,I'm sorry for making you wait so much" He said. 

Luna blushed and nodded softly. 

"What's going on here?" They suddenly heard Lila's voice and Luna froze. 

She immediately got down from Zenith's laps. 

"Lila,it's not what you're...." Lila slapped her before she could finish. 

"Lila!" Zenith shouted and immediately pulled Luna close to him. 

"How dare you two!!! How dare you snitch on me!!!" Lila yelled while Luna kept crying. 

"Snitch on you?! You never liked me to begin with,that was why you made her act like you,isn't that right?!" Zenith snapped.

"That doesn't matter because now I'm in love with you...."

"Only when you found out I was getting close to your sister" Zenith said and shook his head. 

"Fuck you!!! Fuck both of you!!" Lila screamed and turned to go. 

"Lila wait! I'm sorry" Luna tried running after her but Zenith pulled ber naxm. 

"You did nothing wrong" he said.

Luna shook her head with her teary eyes and ran after Lila. 

"Fuck" Zenith grunted and sat back down on the couch. 



The door to Beorn's room opened and his sister,Sawyer entered. 

"Hey cute pup" She called. 

"What" Beorn mumbled on the bed,his eyes on the movie he was watching. 

He actually left the institute because he had an argument with Sage the previous day. 


Beorn frowned deeply as he tried linking with Sage again but it wasn't working,He's been trying his number as well but he wouldn't answer any of it. 

He continue walking and looking around hoping to find him sitting alone as usual in the passage way. 

He got to the passage way and the scene in front of him made him so mad,Sage with two girls? Laughing and flirting while he's insanely worried about him? 

Beorn walked over to them angrily. 

"Hey,come with me" He said. 

"Hey Beorn" one of the girls waved but Beorn shot her a glare before walking away. 

As soon as he entered the room,Sage also came in. 

"What was that?" Beorn faced him. 

"What are you talking about?" Sage asked.

"You fucking ignored my calls and blocked our mind links so I wouldn't disturb you while flirting right? Is that it?" Beorn asked. 

"My phone.....it must have been on silent mode,and I'm sorry,I just...."

"Such a silly excuse to give for flirting"

"I wasn't flirting with them Beorn,they flirted! And I don't understand why you're so mad about it......" He paused. 

Beorn took his lips in and nodded.

"Why am I so mad? I must be crazy" He muttered. 

"Beorn,I don't mean it that way,I just...."

"Fuck off" Beorn muttered and pushed him out of his way before going out. 


The next day he just packed few stuffs in a bag and came home,not like there's anything special they are doing there anyway. 

Ever since the incident of Thane killing Genny's parents and the ritual,the institute has been quiet and no activities is going on presently. 

The masters even told them there would be a long break soon,so Beorn just came home earlier than everyone else. 

"Mom said you should come downstairs for dinner" Sawyer told him.

"I'm not hungry" Beorn muttered. 

"You know mom doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to food,so you better get up and come downstairs" Sawyer said and went out of the room. 

Beorn groaned and dropped his phone on the bed before leaving the room grumpily. 

He got downstairs and went straight to the dinning room only to meet a shock. 

Sage was sitting there while his mom served him. 

"Oh Beorn,you're finally here" His mom,Amber said and Sage also looked up. 

"What are you doing here?" Beorn glared. 

"What do you mean? Does Sage need a reason to come here? Stop acting rudely and come sit down. 

Beorn walked to the last part of the dinning table,keeping a very wide distance between him and Sage snd avoiding him entirely. 

Sage on the other hand couldn't eat a spoon successfully without glancing at Beorn. 

After the food,Beorn got up and walked out without saying a word. 

"That arrogant boy..oh dear Sage did you two fought?" Amber asked.

"I did something wrong,but I'm going to apologize" Sage muttered. 

"Oh I see" Amber said. 

Sage got up from his seat and bowed before leaving,he went upstairs and knocked on Beorn's door. 

"Beorn....it's Sage"

"I don't want to talk to you,leave" Beorn's voice came from inside. 

Sage sighed,but opened the door anyway. 

"I told you not to enter!" Beorn shouted. 

Sage locked the door and Beorn frowned as Sage walked over to him on tbe bed. 

"I'm sorry" Sage said. 

"Sorry for what exactly? I don't know what you're talking about" Beorn muttered and took his phone. 

Sage took the phone from him and he glared. 

"I'm not in the mood to play" He said and tried taking his phone back. 

Sage smiled and raised his hand up,Beorn grabbed his hand which made him come close. 

Sage grabbed him and hugged him. 

"Hey,stop it" Beorn pushed him off. 

"I'm sorry,come on" Sage groaned. 

"I'm not ready to talk to you Sage,leave me alone" Beorn muttered. 

"I'm going to wait until you're ready to speak to me" Sage said and Beorn scoffed. 



Thane and Genny were standing in front of the alpha,Thane held Genny's hand tightly,not letting her go. 

"So you're going to neglect that poor girl?! She's dying all because of you!!" Alpha Raven yelled at Thane. 

They already got the news about Thelma,and she can't get better,only if Thane accept her as his second mate and mark her. 

"There should be another way" Thane muttered. 

"What other way?! Can't you just think for once?! Since you marked her,alot of people have been getting hurt!" Alpha Raven yelled. 

"I don't care father!! If Genny is not going to be my only Luna,then I will rather quit as the alpha prince as well!!" Thane yelled back and Genny's eyes widened. 

"What?" Alpha Raven looked at him. 

"You heard me,and don't ever blame my mate for any fucking thing that is happening,she's my mate so respect her as well,I won't take it lightly next time!!" Thane growled at him and dragged Genny out angrily. 

They got to his suite and he exhaled. 

"I'm sorry it's all...."

"If you finish it,I swear I won't talk to you for three days" Thane cut Genny off and she kept quiet. 

Just then,she suddenly got a strange feeling in her tummy and rushed out of the room,Thane immediately followed her till she entered the bathroom and started throwing up. 

Thane's eyes widened suspiciously. 

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