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Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 67 & 68




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 67 & 68
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 


"Can't you at least tell me what's going on? You've been moody ever since the seer called you in to talk to you privately,what exactly did she told you?" Genny asked on their way back to the institute. 

Thane sighed and just kept on driving without saying a word,his mind was scattered,he was confused as well. 

He took his phone and dialed master Nyx's number. 

"Your highness...."

"The festival won't happen tonight,cancel it" He muttered and hung up right away. 

"Babe please you're scaring me, what happened? Why did you cancel the festival?" Genny asked and Thane stopped the car. 

He turned to her and she stared at him curiously. 

"You know I love you right?" He asked. 

"I know,and I love you too" Genny said. 

"You don't have to bother yourself on what's going on right now,I will take care of everything and make sure we end up together no matter what,I am yours and you're mine,okay?" He assured her. 

Even though Genny nodded,it only made her more scared. Why is he talking about no matter what they belongs to each other? Something is definitely going on. 

Instead of going back to the institute,Thane all the way to raven pack and they got to the palace.

🗣 Welcome your highness!

The guards greeted them respectfully,Thane grabbed Genny's hand and held her firmly as they walked in. 

They met the alpha and Luna on their way,they were also coming with guards behind them. 

"Thane!" Luna Liyana called in surprise. 

"Oh my dear Genny" She smiled. 

"Good afternoon mother" Genny let go of Thane's hand and moved closer to greet her properly,then the alpha as well. 

"What a surprise visit" Alpha Raven said. 

"Get the maid to prepare food for Genny,go on" Luna Liyana said. 

"No need,we are not here for that" Thane spoke up and Genny looked at him. 

"Is there a problem? You don't seem fine son" Alpha Raven said. 

"I'm not close to fine at all father,we need to talk" he replied. 

Even Genny was confused but soon the alpha led the way to the throne room and soon the four of them are settled on different seats. 

Genny close beside Thane,waiting for him to spill out whatever is in his mind. 

"Son,go on" Alpha Raven said. 

"We are just coming from the seer father" Thane said and went ahead to tell them exactly what the seer said about Genny's parents and about the heir. 

Genny gasped with wide eyes which came with tears instantly,they fell freely down her cheeks. 

The alpha and his Luna were quiet. 

"I want to believe you had no idea who Genny was,father,you got no sign at all? The moment you saw her...."

"Even if I did,would you have accepted? She's your mate" Alpha Raven said. 

"Yes she is my mate and that is why I came here directly,because no matter what there must be a solution,right?" Thane asked. 

Genny wiped her tears. 

The alpha called for a guard and he came in. 

"Go to Ravenna and tell her I summon her right away" He ordered. 

"Yes alpha" The guard bowed and left. 

"In the end it's Ravenna" Thane said. 

"You should calm down son,everything will be fine" Luna Liyana said. 

"But her parents,they aren't who I'm thinking right?" Alpha Raven spoke up. 

Thane held Genny's hand tightly. 

"Even if they are...she knows nothing about it. She doesn't even know how her parents looks like,so why would she suffer for what she knows nothing about?" Thane asked. 

"It's not about that Thane,it won't just affect her,but you as well. You wouldn't want her own curse for reflect with...."

"Father" Thane interrupted with a deep glare. 

Genny took her lips in and swallowed hard. 

*you can't break down in front of them,,don't do it. Our mate Is going to take care of everything* Tonith said.

*I know,but it hurts. If I can't give him a heir,what will happen to us?* Genny asked. 

*Let's trust our mate like he said,so stop crying* Tonith replied. 

They waited for about thirty minutes and finally Ravenna,the witch arrived. 

She entered the throne room in her usual red flowing dress,red lipstick and her long hair following her. 

"It's really unexpected and such an honor for the alpha to finally summon me after a long time" she smiled and Bowed. 

"I need your help" Thane spoke up. 

"Oh,it's the alpha prince" Ravenna smiled and turned,then glanced at Genny. 

"I know why I was called" she said,maintaining eye contacts with Genny. 

"Our future Luna is quite an interesting creature" she smiled. 

"What do you mean?" Luna Liyana asked. 

"Nothing much,she's almost like a witch like me. Just that she haven't discovered that yet,in a word,the moon goddess got your son an amazing mate" Ravenna said and the alpha nodded. 

"You said you know why you're here" The alpha spoke up. 

"That's right,,her family" Ravenna looked at Genny again,who was already nervous.

"The blood line of Gamma Alfreto" Ravenna said. 

"What?!!" Both the alpha and Luna sprang up immediately,leaving both Thane and Genevieve in confusion. 

(Note: A Gemma is the third-highest ranking Member in a wolf pack,after the Alpha and his Beta)

"Impossible!" The alpha growled and one chair from afar was thrown across the room,going straight toward Genny. 

Thane covered Genny up and the chair slammed against his back before breaking into pieces. 

"Son! Are you okay?" Luna screamed and tried running to him.

"Don't come close!" Thane yelled and turned to them with red eyes. 

He then faced Ravenna who just stood there calmly. 

"Her father was the Gamma? What was his sin and where is he now?" He threw the questions all at once. 

"He betrayed the pack! I once told you his story son,that was exactly what led to the curse you just broke!" Alpha Raven said. 

Thane held onto Genny,ignoring his father's rant. 

"Where is he?" 

"The destructive dungeon...in the institute" Ravenna smiled. 

"Dungeon...does that mean,they are not dead?" Genny asked. 

"That's right,but they are as good as dead" Ravenna replied. 

"How can my own curse be broken?" Genny asked and everyone glanced at her. 

"Yours? You don't want your parents out?" Ravenna asked. 

"You said they betrayed the pack,,,,the Alpha himself punished them,who am I to go against him?" Genny asked. 

Alpha Raven was shocked. 

"To break your curse,the dungeon must be opened and some rituals would be done,the last thing,I will tell you when the dungeon is opened" Ravenna said and Thane looked at her suspiciously. 

"When will the dungeon be opened?" He asked. 

"There's a book and a key,,then a spell will be needed,the chants might take three days,you can prepare before then. After three days,we will go to the institute,it might be dangerous but it's under control,as long as I am there" Ravenna said. 

"We are going to wait" Thane said.

"We will take our leave now" He turned to his parents. 

They bowed and walked out of the throne room. 

Nobody said a word until they entered the car again. 

"Aren't you mad at me?" Genny asked. 

"Mad at you for what exactly? Nothing happening is your fault,and it's my responsibility to protect you no matter what" Thane said. 

Genny shifted closer and locked their lips immediately. 

Thane kissed her deeply before breaking it,then he started the car and drove off. 



Genevieve and Odessa were walking side by side in the woods after a good run in their wolves form. 

"So the dungeon will be opened in three days time?" Odessa asked. 

"Yea,I can't wait" Genny sighed. 

"I wonder how your foster parents found you,do you think your parents might have dropped you somewhere safe so that someone would find you?" Odessa asked. 

"I have no idea,you might be right" Genevieve sighed out. 

"Anyways,I'm sure everything will be okay,my brother loves you so he would do anything for you" Odessa smiled. 

Genny suddenly remembered what Ravenna said,about her being a witch but still weak,she was still thinking when suddenly they saw a serpent walking over to them. 

Immediately Genny made a twist with her hand and the snake dried up 

Odessa gasped. 

"What was that?!" She asked. 

"I guess she was right" Genny mumbled. 

"Right about what?" 

"Being a witch and a wolf" Genny looked at her. 

"Whoa,that was insane just now" Odessa laughed. 



Beorn was already on the bed,but trying not to sleep because Sage wasn't in yet. 

Soon, the door opened and Sage came in,he locked the door right away and shoved his jacket off himself. 

"Where are you coming from?" Beorn asked. 

"Missed me?" Sage smiled.

"Yeah" Beorn muttered. 

Sage joined him on the bed and kissed him right away,he sucked on his lower lip and smiled into the kiss,he got on top to continue but Beorn broke the kiss. 

"Where are you?" He asked. 

"Nowhere serious,I was just around" Sage replied. 

"Just around? And you missed dinner? Are you hiding something?" Beorn raised his brows. 

"Don't exaggerate,I just got some breeze alone,I wasn't with anyone,you can smell the scents on my body" he said. 

Beorn cupped his cheeks and kissed him shortly. 

"I wish I can do this all day" Sage muttered and fell beside him,hugging Beorn to himself. 

"Do what?" Beorn asked. 

"Cuddling" he whispered,inhaling Beorn's scent,from his hair down. 

He got to his lips and bite his own lips. 

"You're so cute" He mumbled. 

"How cute?" Beorn asked. 

"Words can't explain" Sage said and Beorn blushed. 

"Stop it,I'm going to sleep. I've been waiting for you like an idiot" He said. 

"You can sleep,I will just stare at you,that's enough for me" Sage muttered. 

"Don't be naughty" Beorn chuckled. 

There was silence until Beorn broke it. 

"Do you wish I was a girl?" He asked and Sage looked at her. 

"Right now?" Sage asked and Beorn nodded. 

"No,If you were a girl,we wouldn't have been so close,and I won't feel this way either" Sage said. 

"Sweet tongue of yours" Beorn chuckled. 

"But I'm serious,,I really like you alot okay? I want my Beorn,just this way,nothing more or less,I love your face like this" Sage muttered and Beorn smiled. 

"Goodnight" He said. 

"Goodnight" Sage kissed his cheek. 



The atmosphere at the institute was tense and quiet. An eerie silence had fallen over the place, with most students instructed to stay in their dorms,the dungeon is getting opened today and the ritual will take place as well. 

Suddenly, Alpha Luna, Ravenna, and Beta Balto appeared together, their footsteps echoing through the corridors. They were followed by Thane, Orion, Genevieve, and Odessa close, Other top students, like Sage, Beorn, Kymani, Indigo, and those in Rank A, joined as well. 

According to Ravenna,some evil spirits in tbe dungeon might want to escape as well,so they are to prevent them. 

Finally, they arrived at a door hidden under the stairs. It was the same door that Genevieve and Thane had once tried to open but failed. 

Ravenna stopped in front of the door, her eyes fixed on Thane. The air was thick with anticipation, as if the very fate of the institute hung in the balance.

Ravenna turned to face Thane, her expression serious and solemn,it was totally silent as everyone waited curiously. 

"The last thing I talked about that I would tell you about" She said. 

"What is that?" Thane asked. 

"When the Alfredto's are out,the curse will be lifted and tbe rituals will be done,after that there's something you must do you highness" She said. 

"What is it?"

"They have to die in your hands,,,you will kill your mate's parents,by yourself" She said and everyone gasped. 

Genny's eyes widened. 

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