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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 63 & 64




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 63 & 64
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 



Genevieve yawned weakly on the bed,her eyes still closed as she tapped her side,hoping to find Thane and possibly cuddle with him since she wasn't ready to wake up yet,but her hand only touched emptiness and the duvet on the bed. 

"Babe?" She groaned and managed to open her eyes,she was alone on the bed. 

"Where is he?" She looked around the room but it's all obvious that Thane wasn't anywhere inside,she couldn't even get a grip of his scent at all. 

*Hey,where are you?* She asked through their mind link. 

*Visiting the pack,I won't take long,I promise* Thane replied. 

*I would have followed* Genny said. 

*Why? Odessa told me you two are going shopping today,you can use my card,on the nightstand,get pretty clothes and just wait for me,I love you* 

*I love you more* Genevieve replied and unlinked. 

She let out a groan again,she was feeling so tired. Right it's all Thane's work,last night was a bit too steamy. Obviously they've missed each other so much because if she hadn't pretended to sleep,Thane wouldn't mind fucking her all night all in the name of 'It's all Thorne's request'

"Liar" Genny scoffed and chuckled. 

*Like you didn't enjoy it* Tonith scoffed. 

*Tonith don't start this morning please* 

*You shouldn't be lazy,I was loving every moment until you slept off,you should have allowed me take over instead!* Tonith snapped. 

*Don't be a s+x freak Tonith,,now my legs even feels weak and I need to go out today as you know* Genny scoffed. 

*Go take a warm bath,you will be fine. You need to satisfy our mate if you don't want Thelma to do that* 

*Don't mention her name* Genny snapped and Tonith chuckled before going quiet. 

Genny left the bed,she was still naked so she just walked straight to the bathroom and dived into the tub,she let out a relaxing sigh as the almost hot bath touched her body. 

She closed her eyes. 

*I've been thinking,actually it's been way too peaceful,Thelma aside. Don't you feel weird?* Tonith asked,making Genny snap her eyes open.

*What are you talking about?* She asked. 

*I'm not sure either,but recently I've been getting some weird scent,,,you should have noticed as well if only you weren't busy crying* Tonith said and Genny blinked. 

*Tonith* She suddenly called. 


*I've not been getting visions lately,,is that part of the peace you're talking about? Did I lost my seer ability?* She rushed her questions. 

*Are you silly? Of course not,exactly what I meant by peace. But normally,this only means that....*

*Something bad is about to happen* Genny completed it and Tonith howled inwardly. 

*But don't worry,,I'm super sensitive as you know...you will figure out if something's going to happen* She assured and Genny sighed. 



Thane was sitting beside Alpha Raven in the throne room,he was all quiet as he watched the meeting going on,his eyes moving around among all the pack elders. 

It's all still about the threat message they got from the so called rougues who haven't summoned the courage to attack the pack yet,but obviously never going to miss that out. 

"I believe this is all Hebiany's work" One of the elders said and Thane furrowed his brows. 

Who's Hebiany??

"You think that traitor is still alive?" Beta Balto asked. 

"Of course Beta,that rumors have been going on for a while now that he's hale and healthy,the alpha should have given the order to destroy him completely back then" Another elder said. 

Beta Balto and Alpha Raven exchanged glances and Thane got more interested. 

"Who's....Hebiany?" He asked and everyone looked at him. 

"Your highness,you sure wouldn't know him,it's been years" One of them chuckled. 

Thane blinked,well of course he knows that their likes have some crazy life span and get to look young for many years,but still that doesn't mean he shouldn't know about him. 

"I don't deserve to know about the traitor sending threats to my pack?" He asked,making it obvious that he was pissed. 

"We are sorry your highness" They apologized.

Thane scoffed and glanced at his father who was also looking at him already. 

"This Will be the end of today's meeting,I Will call on you another time" Alpha Raven said. 

Thane sighed,he was seated in the same position until all the elders were gone,leaving just Beta Balto and the Alpha.

"You must be here for something important Prince" Beta Balto said. 

"Yeah" Thane said. 

"And why is your Beta not with you? You've been coming here alone for a while now" Alpha Raven spoke up and Beta Balto also stared curiously. 

"I told him to stay back,,I needed to come here alone today" He sighed. 

"What is the problem this time?" The alpha asked and Thane started his story. 


"What? My son is here? Since when?" Luna Liyana was surprised when a maid told her. 

"Yes your highness" 

"Get my dress for me" She ordered instantly. 

Back inside the Throne room,Thorne did the talk instead of Thane but now he's transformed back into his body. 

"That's hard" Balto looked at the Alpha. 

"I have to find a way without anyone getting hurt,,,I can't risk it,but having two mates is not what I want either" Thane shook his head. 

"You found her already?" Luna Liyana entered and Thane got up to greet her,she smiled and hugged him before sitting down as well. 

"Yes mother,I found her" 

"You don't want her?" She asked. 

"Mother...Genny is enough for me" Thane replied. 

"Either Genny or the new one...you have to pick one with the perfect attribute of the future Luna,being the first mate doesn't determine that. We need to know their powers,potentials,abilities if they deserve to be the Luna or not,may the best person win since you don't want two mates son" Alpha Raven proclaimed and Thane stared in confusion. 

"So....what are you trying to say?" He asked in low voice. 

"It means you might have to leave your feelings aside and do what the goddess have in mind when she decided to make you exist in all supernatural combination I don't even know!" Luna Liyana snapped angrily and the alpha immediately tapped her. 

Thane grabbed that at once. 

"What...what are you talking about?" He questioned. 

"Don't worry about it son,you don't have to know about that. To avoid more trouble" Alpha Raven replied and his brows furrowed even more in total confusion. 

"Are you keeping something from me...."

"Son!" Alpha Raven snapped and Thane was quiet. 

"Can we focus on what's on ground first??"

"Very soon,you won't be able to control you demon anymore...like you know,he has to reject his mate first before you can be able to" Alpha Raven said. 

"Fylia wouldn't do that, isn't that the reason why I'm here? He wants her" Thane said. 

"You should stop being harsh to your mate if you want to make things work,or you might keep on making him too angry to view things from your own side" 

"What is the plan then?" Thane asked. 

"We are going to test your two mates" Beta Balto spoke up. 

"Test? What test?" Thane asked and they all exchanged glances. 



Thelma entered into the room with angry glare on her face,Indigo turned from her bed and her eyes fell on her curiously. 

"Is something wrong?" She asked and Thelma faced her as well. 

"No...it's nothing" she said and sat down aggressively on the bed. 

She was just coming from Thane's suite but the guards choose to send her back,she wanted to see Thane so badly. 

"What are you?" Indigo asked and she looked up. 

"What am I?" She asked and Indigo kept staring at her. 

"It's weird...I can't figure you out,really weird" She uttered and Thelma chuckled. 

"I see you're curious"

"You're not a wolf or witch,then..what are you?" Indigo asked and Thelma scoffed. 

"Demoness" She replied and Indigo gasped. 

"Really?! It's the first time...wait...but demons aren't..."

"I'm not a dark demon,I don't suck people's blood" Thelma shook her finger. 

"I know where you're going,I'm not that type. We can say I'm same as the alpha prince's demon side" She said and Indigo thought for a while before gasping. 

"It's not what I'm thinking right??!" She got up. 

"What are you thinking?" Thelma raised her brows up. 

"The prince's demon side...you're not his mate right?" Indigo asked. 

"You caught on so easily,dear witch" Thelma smirked and Indigo's eyes widened. 

"This is insane,does he know about it?" She asked. 

"He's all over his precious one" Thelma sighed. 

"Obviously" Indigo scoffed and rolled her eyes. 

"I understand though,it's more like I came from nowhere to snatch her mate" Thelma muttered. 

"Snatch you say? You have all right on him as well,there's nothing so special about her anyway" Indigo hissed. 

"Of course I know I have rights,but he doesn't seem to like me at all,,but about her..she's pretty" Thelma chuckled. 

"Pretty my ass" Indigo rolled her eyes and Thelma laughed. 



"Wow....I love all the dresses" Juna said as they brought out everything they got from the mall. 

Juna actually ended up joining them since she also needed few things. 

"I told you girls I'm the best fashion icon you can ever find in Ravenwood" Odessa said and they laughed. 

"Actually I know,I never doubted you since you're the best dressed here" Genevieve said and Odessa flaunt her hair. 

"Do you have any idea if my brother is back?" She asked. 

"Not yet,He's not" Genny replied and started arranging her own clothes into the bag, Juna also.

"Are you girls leaving already? I ordered something for lunch" Odessa said. 

"We are going to wait then" Juna immediately sat down again and Genny laughed. 

"Foodie" she said. 

"Really? She loves food like me too?!" Odessa asked looking so happy. 

"Oh geez" Genny groaned and shook her head watching the two girls who are bow hugging each others. 

"I'm speechless" She muttered. 


Luna came out of the bathroom,she was still in her towel,the first thing her eyes fell on was the phone on the bed,still unlocked and was showing some chats. 

She walked closer and took the phone,it's Lila's own and Zenith actually sent a message. 

Zenith: Can we meet right now? I was planning to get ice cream since you told me you love it alot,what do you think?

Luna read the reply..probably Lila bad replied him instead of her. 

Lila: Where are you? 

Zenith: On my way to the car lots,you know my car right? Red color. 

Lila: Will be there. 

The phone dropped from Luna's hand and she took on her lower lips. 

Lila dropped the phone purposely for her to see their conversation. 

She sat down on the bed and she didn't know when tears escaped from her eyes. 

'Don't be selfish....he was hers from the start....you must maintained the space for a while..He's not yours' 

She told herself all that but still can't stop herself from crying. 

Why?? Maybe because she grew fond of him too much from their little moments together. 

He even took her first kiss already...she can't tell Lila that,or there might be trouble. 


"Hey" Lila waved as she sighted Zenith from the where he was leaning on the car. 

"That's fast" Zenith smiled,staring at her. 

"You look pretty" He complimented and Lila smiled. 

"Thanks,are we going now?" She asked. 

"Sure" Zenith opened the car door for her and she entered. 

Zenith stared at her for a second before closing the door. 

He also got in and then drove off.



Only few students were present, some doing things while others just stand somewhere minding their business. 

Sage was standing behind the big room,his eyes on Beorn who was busy with some of his random guy friends as always and forever. 

His eyes followed every steps he takes,his bright smiles,all his expressions,he just couldn't stop staring. 

Someone suddenly cleared throat beside him and he turned at once. 

"Hey" Ophelia smiled at him. 

"Yeah" Sage mumbled and returned his gaze back to Beorn. 

"Have you told him already?" She asked. 

"What?" Sage looked at her. 

"You were obvious during the trip that time...like I said" She chuckled and Sage was quiet. 

"I guess you told him already" Ophelia said. 

"Too bad my best friend still likes him,a lot" She said. 

"She doesn't.....she tried to.."

"Because she likes him too much....I'm sure you know what love is. Don't blame her too much,it's all in the past now" Ophelia said and Sage scoffed. 

Beorn turned from where he was and his eyes fell on Ophelia and Sage,he never knew Sage was there until now. 

His gaze lasted about one minute on Sage and Ophelia before looking away,his smile perfectly disappearing from his face. 

"See you around" Ophelia tapped his shoulder and walked over to some girls calling her name.

Sage also walked out of the lounge until he heard Beorn's voice behind him. 

"You didn't come here for me?" He asked and Sage faced him. 

"You were having fun" he said with a little smile. 

"What did you two talked about?" Beorn asked. 

"Nothing serious..if you mean Ophelia" Sage replied and Beorn rolled his eyes. 

"I'm serious" Sage said. 

"I didn't say anything" Beorn immediately snapped. 

"Your face is saying something else" Sage smiled and touched his cheek. 

"Don't do that" Beorn muttered. 

"You know you're always cute when you're angry right?" Sage bent his head a little to Beorn's height level. 

"I'm not angry.....I was just...." He paused. 

Sage smiled and tried kissing him. 

Beorn moved back.

"Wow,pay back?" Sage asked. 

"Glad you know" Beorn scoffed started walking again, Sage followed,chuckling. 


Thane arrived back in the school and was missing Genny more than usual,he wanted to see her that very moment that he didn't even know when he started walking over to her room instead of just calling her over.  

He felt so strange,the way he wanted his mate that very moment was crazy...it's not heat right? Is it??

They both had sex just last night,how can he be in heat again? Like right now??

He was passing through the silent passageway when suddenly he caught a glimpse of Thelma,she was also heading out,she didn't notice him first,he did.

The moment he saw her,,his demon side seems to take over even before he could even think of controlling himself. 

Just a blink of an eye,the speed was faster like a flash of light,pouncing on Thelma and pinning her against the wall took just a second. 

"Thane" Thelma called. 

His eyes already turned into red,flaming fire. 

They appeared in his room and within another second,he was already stripping Thelma out of her clothes. 

Thane was hopeless,he couldn't control it even though he wanted to,Thorne couldn't stop it either,then it became dawn on him....his wolf is not the one in heat. 

But his demon..Fylia. 


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