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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Alpha Boys - Episode 51 & 52



Alpha Boys - Episode 51 & 52


He fell heavily on his face to the black soil, his blood pooling around him.

"Hardin!!!" Jordan's echoing shriek shook the forest as he ran in with Killian and Zade.

They have shocked-to-death looks in their eyes.

They weren't even opportune to get to Hardin before more bullets and arrows flew to their direction.

They split and went different directions, hiding from the hits.

Thankfully, they're conversant with the property, and the shock left their bodies as fast as it came.

Killian retrieved his gun and rolled out of his hiding place, targeting a shadow not far from him.

Immediately he shot, blood splashed on a tree, and a masked man fell to his death.

A torrential rain of bullets came for him immediately, and he went down once again, rolling down the slope and dodging the metals, but he got hit on his arm anyways.

Thanks to his masochistic Gene, he couldn't even feel the pain till he got to that angle where he net three other masked men.

He jerked a kick at them, and their guns fell to the ground.

Before they could get over the shock, Killian threw a punch at the first one, breaking his jaw before giving him another one.

The weight of the punch threw him to a tree, and his backbone definitely broke as he landed on the ground.

The sound of cracking bones erupted.

The second one received a professional neck twist from him, and his head almost fell off his shoulder before Killian dropped his body on the ground.

The third one took to his heels...Killian went after him.

Meanwhile, Jordan and Zade are at the second side where the arrow shooters are, they're two.

A mad elbow from Jordan made the first one lose his oxygen, and another one on the chin made his neck snap.

Gallons of his blood poured out of him as he flew to a fallen branch.

Zade is with a knife, currently stabbing the second one on the side repeatedly till his intestines popped out.

The last stab went to his ear, and his blood dampened Zade's white shirt completely.

He threw his body down, then Killian appeared, dragging the body of the third shooter to them.

His legs are broken cos he crashed them against a tree, and his head has a large crack too.

Killian was looking extra-hollow as he dragged, and before he could get to them, Jordan and Zade rushed down the slope, back to Hardin's body.

Killian continued standing there, his shot arm bleeding so much as he dropped the body and looked around.

The shooters knowingly hid in the camera-blind spots.... The cameras didn't record them, and that's why the intruder alert didn't sound cos it works with the cameras.

How did they find out the camera-blind spots in the first place to the point of entering to attack? 

Who sent them?

This has never happened before, they've never been caught unawares before so it's f+cking with his brain right now.

He has been overthinking since two days ago, and now this? 

He might just run mad at this rate, and whoever did this should better go dig his own grave.

He'd get exactly what he asked for.

He was about to move when he suddenly sighted a paper lying on the ground not far from him.

He picked it up, and his eyes twitched when he saw it's an exterior sketch of this mansion.

Must have fallen from the shooters.

Who drew this?

How the fuck did this f+cking happen???

He started rushing down the forest, and as he ran, the scent from the paper hit his nose...

He'd recognize that scent anywhere, but it can't be, right?

'My Zinnia would never do this' was all he kept thinking till he got to Hardin's spot.

He's gone, obviously transported to the hospital by Jordan and Zade.

He ran back to the mansion and met Butler Finn waiting in front of it.

"Master Hardin... He wasn't breathing... He wasn't breathing" the old man cried, shaking with panic.

Killian just locked up and walked past him, gritting his jaws till he got to the park and drove the first car he saw out of the mansion.



More than ten professional doctors and assisting nurses rushed out of the hospital when the ambulance carrying Hardin arrived.

His blue shorts is soaked with blood already, and the fact that he's shirtless made it worse.

His shot chest and stomach is bleeding so mad that three stuffing  clothes is already full of his blood, and the fourth one that's on him is almost full too.

He was rushed in....Jordan and Zade had to run after the doctors....

 They even followed them into the theater for the surgery to remove the bullet.

They watched with twisted hopes as Hardin got cut by the doctors scalpel like steak.

"I swear to gawd this won't go well... I swear to gawd if he doesn't make it I'll go crazy. Hardin can't..."  Jordan almost started crying.

Their clothes are bloody too, both with Jordan's blood and the blood of the shooters.

Zade almost took over the operation from the doctors when it was taking too long, and then Hardin's monitor lines began going flat as more blood gushed out of him.

"He's bleeding again!" One of the assisting doctors shouted.

"His oxygen intake is dropping!" Another one said.

"Do something!! If he dies I'm killing every doctor in this room! Do something!!!" Zade yelled, and Jordan even grabbed the head doctor by the collar.

"Save him....bring him back!!!" He yelled, pushing the doctor off afterwards.

He got back to work, and then Aurora appeared by the door with two of her maids. She has tears in her eyes already as she watched through the glass door.

Jordan went out to her, and when she saw his bloody body, she cried harder.

"How did it happen? What exactly is going on right now?" she sobbed gently.

"He'll be fine" Jordan assured, hugging her for comfort.


Killian's drive to the hospital wasn't very fast, and he even almost had an accident cos of his f+cking cloudy mind.

Zinnia wouldn't do it.

Zinnia wouldn't

That's what he has been thinking about, it doesn't make sense.

He pulled up at the park and opened his safe to bring out Zinnia's first sketch of him on her first day of school.

The one he has been keeping.

He compared it with the new exterior sketch, and his head banged. 

There's no single difference. The sketching style is completely the same and even has her sketch signature___Z-Fox in italics.

His bloody hands squeezed on the papers, and his mind went to the time he was questioning her about what Viktor discussed with her, and she talked about a sketch...


He came out of the car and met Sasha beside the car, crying loudly. 

"I heard about what happened, and I feel so sad that...

Killian pushed her out of the way and walked over her into the hospital, then a cruel smile crept to her lips despite her tears 

Killian got to the middle of the hallway and saw the doctors rushing in and out of the theater.

Aurora is crying, and Jordan is consoling her.

He stopped walking and looked at the sketches with him one more time....

Viktor, shall we?

His eyes turned a deeper shade of red as he turned around and started walking out of the hospital.

He got out and met Malachi just arriving with his convoy.

The guards shrouded the hospital surroundings, and he was escorted in, meeting Killian by the entrance.

"Who did it? Who was it?" Malachi asked with furrowed brows.

Without replying, Killian walked past him and left the hospital.

"I missed that look in his eyes. Glad it's back. Now that's the son I brought up" Malachi smiled before proceeding in.



Viktor didn't even bother to pick a dime from his things.

Immediately he got the news that only Hardin went down and the shooters lost the sketch, fear conquered him.

The plan was to get rid of the four boys completely since they're Malachi's backbone.

With them gone, it'd be easy for Ray his mother to take over the italian organization from Malachi, but now the plan flopped.

He needs to get out of here as soon as possible.

He didn't even take his car cos Killian would track it, so he left in a taxi 

A minute after, Killian's car pulled up, and he came down with that same empty look.

The door is wide open, so he stepped in .

He sensed the lifelessness immediately. There's no single soul in the house, not even the maids.

He went back outside and got back in his car then drove it roughly into the house, knocking down the walls so the car entered the living room.

The gas tank bursted, and the smell of gas filled the house as he came down and started walking away from the building.

The two sketches are still with him, one per hand.

The moment he took the tenth step away from the house, the house blew up behind him.

The explosion made his nerves rise, his veins dancing on his forearms as he imagined death's image in his head.



Honoria was already eating with the parents when Ludo came downstairs, dressed for school.

She hasn't set eyes on any of them since the slap she received last night. She had stayed in her room throughout.

She pretended not to see them and went for the door.

"Ludo your breakfast!" Honoria stood quickly.

"I'm not hungry" she replied and made to open the door...

"Come back here, sit down and eat your meal" Dona Bennett said, and Ludo scoffed before facing them.

"Nah...hell will break lose before I eat on the same table with you again" she shook her head and left.

"Ludo!" Honoria stood and grabbed her backpack 

"Bye Mama! Papa I'll see you later!" She rushed out, and the parents exchanged glances.

"Beggars are gradually becoming choosers" Don Bennett grunted.



With the hope of seeing Killian in school today and settling things with him physically, Zinnia finished dressing for school and came out to meet Gabriel.

He didn't drink alcohol last night which should be suspicious.

He's standing in front of her door, blocking her from going further.

"What?" She frowned.

"You can't step school today" he told her plainly.

"Are you for real? When did you gain the right to tell me what to do about the school you didn't send me to?" She scowled.

"Get back inside!" He snapped, pushing her back in.

She started struggling with him, but a slap from him made her slip in, her bag falling from her shoulders in the process.

Gabriel locked the door, and she started pounding it from the inside.


Gabriel checked his phone to reread the text he got from an unknown number some minutes ago.

• Your daughter, today is her deathday.

He dialled the number, but it's a dead end.

He ruffled his hair in confusion.



Britney's birthday party last night is the talk of the school, and the main mockery subject is the Bennett sisters downfall.

Despite her rise to fame, Britney couldn't bring herself to smile anytime she thinks about how Viktor actually humiliated her in front of Sasha last night.

She had to cut her cake alone and spend the rest of the night grieving with herself.

"Did you shag Jordan last night?" Priyanka suddenly asked.

"What! We only just started clicking! Please!" Karen quickly replied.

"So what did you both talk about?" Sunny asked.

"He told me he'd like to hangout on Sunday" Karen smiled.

"Respect!" Priyanka winked, and Karen chuckled.

"I haven't seen any of the Alphas, haven't seen Viktor or Sasha or the Bennett sisters, even Zee! Why is today a boring Thursday?" Sunny complained, and Britney suddenly screamed, gaping at her phone.

Others joined her to have a look, and the news they saw snatched their breaths.

Hardin Alpha.... Dead.

The school fell into chaos immediately, and students started rushing out.



Zinnia begged Gabriel to open the door for hours without success.

Her phone is in the bag which fell at the other side of the door, so she was idle in the room, making her fall asleep. 

At 6:05, her eyes opened, and she spranged up quickly.

She tried opening the door and luckily it opened.

Gabriel isn't in anymore. She grabbed her bag and exhaled, going back in.

"That trashy father of mine" she muttered, taking her phone.

Immediately she turned it on, several notifications started sounding like drums, and she had to gasp.

"Did something happen in school today? F+ck! I must have missed a lot!" She said, going to the blog.

Her phone almost fell from her at the first news she came across.

Hardin Alpha...Dead.

Blood literally stopped running in her system when she read the full news.

Viktor Ivanov sent shooters to the mansion, and with the help of an exterior sketch, they were able to infiltrate and bring Hardin down.

Viktor's house and properties has been burnt, and every single Russian in Italy right now is not safe cos Alpha Boys are currently thirsting for blood.

Viktor is wanted on all social media and street boards.

Italy is currently not smiling.

Wait... exterior sketch....

Her hands began shaking, and the phone finally fell from her hand.

She's sure she tore the sketch she drew and threw it in the bin, then...

"No...no...no!!" She yelled, rushing out of the house.

As if nature is against her that night, it began raining.

She was already crying as she entered her car and drove roughly down the street.

Her tears fell hotly and unstoppably till she got to the school.

She literally jumped out of the car and ran in the rain till she entered the building shakily, rushing to where the waste bin always sits 

She fell on her bu+t when she couldn't find the bin there anymore, and she shook her head.

"It didn't happen....it didn't" she hiccuped, standing up and running back into the rain with the intention of searching the over 100 bins in school, but then she came face-to-face with the popular figure right in front of the skyscraper.



She couldn't finish calling the name when he raised the exterior sketch up for her to see, and she almost screamed out.

It's exactly what she drew and shredded, then how come...

Her soul refused to interact with her body, and she felt ink covering her feet despite the rain.

Killian came closer, the sketch falling from him to the ground.

"You've been working with Viktor. You fooled me! That night I brought you to the mansion and you insisted on checking the exterior, the morning you went jogging with us, it was all for this? How dare you!" He spat, and the ink started climbing up her feet as she opened her mouth.

She literally couldn't breathe.

"I...I didn't! I never worked with Viktor! I drew that exterior but I shredded it and thrashed it I swear I...

"Stop f+cking lying!!! Am I a joke to you? You took me for a f+cking fool! Hardin is fighting for his damn life and my brothers are going mad! Mother dearest is crying, and me? I already lost it so shut the f+ck up and tell me nothing but the truth! When did it start? Where in the damned pit of hell is Viktor hiding?" He demanded like an animal on a prowl, his tone reeking of blood and vengeance as the rain beat them both.

His eyes aren't even like what she met on her first day. 

This one is so different, the darkness took over completely and he looks like a demon starved for blood.

He's devastatingly out of control...

"Cameo I...

Before she could finish, he already grabbed her throat, slamming her back on the nearest wall.

Zinnia stopped breathing for a while, and tears escaped her eyes again as she felt her heart and soul shattering.

"You do not call me that... don't call me!!!" He shrieked, and she rolled her eyes up, agonizing so much....

"Please....I ....I really didn't give him the....I didn't....I...

She started losing consciousness bit by bit, and Killian's hand wrapped tighter on her neck, his eyes so madly bloodshot.

The devil inside him is screaming at him right now.

"Snap her neck!"

"She doesn't deserve to breath!"

"Kill her!"

"End her!"

His head almost turned upside down as he choked her again, and her eyes went shut as she surrendered to his wrath.

Killian had to apply the thin ray of resistance that showed up.

He used his second hand to remove his right hand from her neck, and she staggered, her neck so red as she tried to breath.

He turned his back on her, and she felt hot stinging tears rushing down her eyes as the rain got heavier.

Her legs aren't stable on the ground. 

"Run....hide so I wouldn't find you. If I find you, I'll kill you" he muttered.

She remained standing by the wall, shaking, dying and gasping for air.

"Run!!!" He growled, and she took to her heels at once.

She fell on the stairs and sustained deep cuts on her knees, but she quickly stood, running down the stairs as her blood mixed with the rainwater.

She ran. She just...ran.


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