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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 59 & 60




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 59 & 60
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 


*She's....Mine* Thane's demon let out a growl in his head for the first time. 

Thane ignored the voice in his head and the girl in front of him and walked away,he stopped walking a second later and just decided to teleport,he appeared beside his car and unlocked it at once,he entered and drove out of the institute roughly and in full speed. 


Indigo opened her door after hearing the knock from outside,revealing an unfamiliar face standing right there,the girl smiled at her and waved. 

"Hi....I was told this will be my room,I'm new here" She said. 

"Oh..and the name is?" Indigo raised her brows. 

"Thelma" She replied. 

"Come in then" Indigo helped her with one of her box and she entered,Indigo closed the door. 

"This side is yours" She told Thelma and she smiled. 

"I love the room,it's really nice" She said but Indigo doesn't seem interested anymore. 

"I told you my name,what's yours?" Thelam asked. 

"Indigo,I don't think it's necessary anyway,I wasn't hoping for a roommate" Indigo rolled her eyes. 

Thelma said nothing more as well,she sat down on the bed and touched it about three time checking the softness and it's up to her taste. 

"Oh gosh" She smiled and lie on her back,she closed her eyes and her mind traveled back to Thane. 

"Why did he walk away like that?" She mumbled and sighed out,she managed to take off her shoes before falling asleep,deciding to take just a short nap while ignoring the fact that she was hungry that very moment. 




The hall was filled up as the students ate their dinner,tables filled with loud chattering from different angles. 

Genny was on the same booth with Odessa, Orion, Sage and Beorn. 

"You said you saw Thane leaving the school?" Genny asked Orion and he nodded,gently chewing the meat in his mouth. 

"I wonder where he went to without informing anyone,so unlike him" Odessa sighed out. 

"Speaking about him like that sounds like you guys are talking about one weak toddler" Sage said and they laughed. 

"I'm just worried,everyone's not gonna be cold hearted like you" Odessa scoffed. 

"I'm not cold hearted" Sage groaned. 

"Yes you are" Beorn scoffed. 

"Well at least I'm sweet toward you" Sage said and Beorn cleared his throat. 

"Don't pretend,it's obvious" Genny chuckled and Beorn smiled. 

Indigo came into the dinning hall with Thelma and few eyes followed Thelma. 

"Isn't that the new girl??" Orion asked and they turned to see her. 

"New? I've not heard about her" Odessa shook her head. 

"Me neither" Beorn scoffed and continue eating. 

"They really think she's pretty?" Sage raised his brows after listening to some guys whispering among themselves. 

"She's quite cute" Orion Chuckled and Odessa scoffed. 

"Our festival Is in three days,we should go shopping Genny" She said and Genny looked at her. 


"After tomorrow,we can go by then. Orion will drive us" Odessa suggested. 

"Why me? You can ask one of the guards to drive you if you can't drive" Orion said. 

"So you can start flirting around before I get back?" Odessa asked. 

"Why the heck?" Orion's eyes widened and they laughed. 

"I've never seen Orion flirting though" Genny said. 

"What if he's doing it in secret?" Sage asked and Orion smack his head. 

"You know I'm not like that" Orion said. 

"I'm with Orion,we all know Orion is the most amazing gentle guy you will ever meet after me" Beorn said and they ended up laughing again. 

Zenith was smiling from where he was sitting,he was on his phone texting Luna (thinking she's Lila) ever since their outing,they've been talking alot. 

"Are you sure you're not obsessed with this girl? It's getting too much,smiling like a goner shouldn't be the plan" One of his friends said. 

"Who cares" Zenith scoffed and they all shook their heads,staring at him with confusing written all over their faces. 

On the other hand is Luna as well,completely ignoring whatever Lila was telling her as they ate together,she was also on her phone,blushing every second. 

"Are you seriously still replying to that guy's messages on my phone?" Lila scoffed. 

"You know I always delete them after we are done,so don't worry" Luna said. 

"Don't tell me you've started falling for him..."

"Of course not" Luna immediately said. 

"Better,He's not a good choice,don't try it" Lila scoffed. 

Luna told Zenith she had to go and then, she deleted all their conversations before dropping Lila's phone. 

"Annoying" Lila rolled her eyes and Luna took her lips in. 

"If he want to go on another date with you,better find a way to reject him. I don't have time to start finding you a dress to look like me anymore" She said. 

"We look like each other,I don't need to try" Luna said. 

"Don't forget that guy somehow recognize me,,,don't forget you're impersonating me right now,if I'm interested in the next date since it's been a while I go out,I can just go by myself" Lila said. 

"Oh......if he's interested in another one?" Luna asked and Lila nodded. 

Luna said nothing and ate slowly,thinking about what Lila just said. 




A servant quietly entered the seer's chambers. 

"Seer, the alpha prince, Thane, is here" she said softly.

The seer's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze snapping towards the servant. She hadn't expected the prince's visit. She quickly threw off her covers and rose from bed, her movements graceful.

"Thank you, Elara," she said, her voice low and mysterious. "I will see him now."

With a nod, Elara led the way, opening the door to a grand room where Thane waited. His piercing eyes locked onto the seer, his gaze intense. The seer's heart quickened, her senses heightened as she approached him.

"Your highness" She bowed. 

"I need to talk to you" Thane said immediately. 

The seer sat down 

"I guess your mate arrived" She smiled. 

"I felt it...I did....but then,I have three more creatures inside me,does that mean they will all...."

"Of course not" the seer said. 


"That's because they've all accepted and settled with you wolf to accept your wolf mate as theirs as well" 

"Then why can't my demon accept that as well?! Why?! I can't cope with this,I can't,I don't want to see my mate cry,I can't afford to see her being sad because of me,can anything be done please? I don't want her,I don't" Thane said. 

"The demon is more stronger than anything inside you your highness,He's over them all,,others only succumbed to your wolf because he's stronger,but your demon is stubborn your highness,...."

"I can reject her right?" Thane cut in. 

"If you do that,you will be putting her life in danger just because of your Luna,,your demon mate might die,,,because of you" The seer said and Thane roughed his hair. 

"What am I supposed to do then? There should be a solution that doesn't involve death,there should be one...please" 

The seer was quiet for a while before shaking her head. 

"I have no idea,but maybe my eyes might be opened later" She said and Thane sighed out. 

"You can't leave tonight anymore your highness,my servants will prepare you a nice room to lay your head" She said and Thane nodded. 

"Prepare something for the prince to eat...."

"No,I have no appetite" Thane immediately said. 

The seer sighed and got up,then left him. 

Thane run his fingers through his hair. 

*Thorne...please talk to me,I'm confused here,I need you,like heck* He said in his head but silence followed. 

*Why are you trying to get rid of our mate?* the voice came. 

But it wasn't Thorne's own,definitely his demon side. 

*Fylia is the name* He said. 

*Fylia,why don't you want Genny?* Thane also asked. 

*You can't expect me to share her with all  others,I hate sharing what's mine* Fylia groaned and Thane scoffed. 

"This is driving me nut"  He muttered out. 




Genny stood at the back of the training arena, her eyes distant as she thought about Thane's impending return to the institute. He's yet to be back since his sudden departure, and her mind was filled with worries,she had tried communicating with him through the mind link but he never gave her a chance to. 

Meanwhile, the students were engaged in various training exercises. Some were practicing sword fighting, their blades clashing as they sparred with each other. Others were honing their archery skills, their bows and arrows at the ready. A few were even practicing magic spells, their hands weaving intricate patterns in the air.

The masters walked among them, offering guidance and correction where needed. The sound of clashing steel, the thud of arrows hitting targets, and the murmur of incantations filled the air.

Just then, Thelma came in and all eyes fell on her,she was late and besides everyone was still curious to find out what sort of ability she possesse. Thelma suddenly smiled at Genny and she frowned,wondering why. 

As Thelma approached her, Genny's gaze remained fixed on some distant point, her mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Thane.

 "Hi...You look pretty,I'm Thelma" she smiled. 

Genny nodded absently, her response brief. 

"Thanks, Thelma. But I'm busy right now."

Thelma's face fell, but she tried to hide her disappointment. .

"Oh...sorry about that" She smiled. 

Just then, Orion appeared, his eyes scanning the area before landing on Genny then walked over to her. 

"The prince is back" 

Genny's eyes widened,,without bothering to inform the masters she ran out. 

Thelma's eyes followed her and Orion raised his brows at her. 




As Genny entered Thane's quarters, he immediately swept her into a warm embrace. His arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her close as if he'd never let her go.

Genny's heart raced as she felt his warmth and strength envelop her.

 "Thane, where did you go?" she asked, her voice muffled against his chest.

Thane's grip tightened, his fingers tangling in her hair. 

"Do you trust me, Genny?" he whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

Genny's eyes fluttered closed, her body melting into his. 

"Always," she replied, her voice barely audible,but still wondering why he was asking. 

Thane's lips brushed against her forehead, sending shivers down her spine.

 "I went to take care of something important," he murmured in between the sweet kiss.

 "But I'm back now, and I'm not leaving your side again."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the tension between them was palpable. Their hearts beat as one, their love a tangible force that filled the room.

Slowly, Thane's hands traced a path down her back, his fingers leaving trails of fire on her skin. Genny's breath caught, her body responding to his touch.

Their lips met in another soft, sweet kiss. 

"Fuck...I've missed you so much" He groaned. 

"Me too" Genny moaned,connecting their lips again,their tongues linked in their mouth and Thane squeezed her @ss a little. 

"I love you" He confessed. 

"I love you more" Genny muttered. 




Beorn was walking along the passage way alone,pressing through his phone when Astrid approached him,a smile on her face. 

"Hey, Beorn...I've missed you" she pointed and Beorn smiled. 

"I've missed you too" He said. 

They chatted for some minutes and Astrid suddenly run away,trying to hide her already flushed face. 

Before Beorn could react, a hand shoved him into a dark corner. Beorn's eyes widened as lips crashed onto his, kissing him roughly. He struggled to break free, but the grip was too strong.

When he finally opened his eyes, he saw Sage's intense gaze staring back at him. 

"Sage...What are you doing?" Beorn demanded, his voice muffled by Sage's lips.

Sage pulled back, his eyes blazing with jealousy. 

"I've been searching everywhere for you, Beorn. Why were you talking to Astrid? What's going on between you two?"

Beorn's eyes narrowed. 

"Stop acting this way" He scoffed and pushed him off. 

"We were just talking" He said. 

"She was blushing" Sage groaned. 

"It's not my fault that I'm handsome" Beorn said and Sage scoffed. 

"I don't like that anyway" he mumbled. 

Beorn opened his mouth to speak up but he couldn't find the right word. 

"I like you so much Beorn,so much that I feel insane. But I'm scared" Sage muttered. 


"I brought this shit up,,,I would hate myself if I put you into trouble alongside with me" Sage said. 

"But I've always liked you anyway" Beorn pouted and Sage raised his brows. 


"I must have thought I only felt that way because we are best friends,until you....."

"Until I kissed you?" Sage asked and he nodded. 

"After that...I kept on thinking and I just...discovered I once thought of doing that as well...gosh I shouldn't be saying this,,let's go" Beorn said and immediately started walking away. 

"Tell me more Beorn" 

"Shut up Sage,,someone could hear you" Beorn snapped and Sage laughed. 

"You're so cute,I always feel like snuggling you all to myself" Sage cupped his cheeks. 

"Stop it" Beorn muttered. 

"You're blushing"

"No I'm not" Beorn rolled his eyes. 

Sage pecked his lips before walking away with him. 


Thane walked down the hallway, lost in thought,still thinking of how to inform Genny about what's going on.

 Suddenly, Thelma appeared before him, a bright smile on her face.

 "Hi"she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

"You remember me right? Yesterday...."

Thane tried to ignore her, but Thelma didn't hesitate. She ran up to him, her hands reaching out to grab his arm.

 "You feel it too, right?" she asked, her voice suddenly changed. 

Thane's eyes widened in shock as Thelma touched her chest.

 "I feel it too," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

 "You know I'm your mate, Thane."

Thane moved back,more shock on his face. 

"How did...how did you know?" He stuttered. 

"Because I can feel you...right here" She placed her palm on her chest. 

Thane gulped...what's going on? Why? Just why would she feel him too? He wanted to avoid her as long as he could!

Just then, Genny's voice rang out from behind them.

 "What's going on here?"her voice came out broken. 

Thane's heart skipped beats as he turned to her. 


"This isn't true right? She's not your mate Thane....right?" She asked,tearfully. 

"Well I am" Thelma replied. 

"He knows,definitely can't deny it" She added. 

Genny shook her head and immediately ran off. 

"Genny!!" Thane called and tried to run after her but Thelma was faster. 

She quickly dragged Thane back, her grip tight as she made him face her. 

"We have an unfinished business" She said and before Thane could react,her lips already landed on his own. 


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