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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 49 & 50




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 49 & 50
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 



"Dear evil spirits,is this bed good enough for s+x?" Thane looked aeound like he was really talking to them. 

"Thane!" Genny shouted in shock.  

Thane laughed out, the expression on Genny's face was so funny that he just couldn't hold it. 

"What's so funny about that? We are in the middle of a serious problem and you know that" She pushed him slightly. 

"I was just joking, c'mon,and besides you brought it up remember? Why start what you can't even finish?" Thane was trying hard not to laugh as he told her that. 

"You're so annoying, I was kidding also. Let's go out, everyone's waiting" 

Thane pecked her lips and held her hand,leading them out of the room, getting outside, everyone faced them with a sigh of relief. 

"Thank goodness you two are back,I was scared" Odessa moved closer and hugged Thane tightly before moving back again. 

"So what are we doing next??"  Kymani questioned, he was looking at Thane and then removed his gaze from him. 

"What else? You guys are going to the mansion right?"  Amaya asked. 

"Yeah,right" Sage answered and they started walking again, their eyes roaming around as they moved together. 

"Don't move away" Thane groaned and held Genny's hand more possessively. 

"She's not going anywhere brother" Odessa rolled her eyes and Genny laughed. 

"Jealous?" Thane smirked. 

"Indeed" Odessa scoffed and increased her pace. 

Beorn was walking beside Orion but his mind was somewhere else, Sage and Amaya haven't stopped talking, it's actually worse because he can't hear whatever they are talking about so seriously, their voices are too low for his liking. 

Orion noticed him and tapped his cheek which made him turn. 

"What" Beorn raised his brows and Orion almost laughed. 

"Do you think Sage likes Amaya? It's my first time seeing him getting interested in......"

"What do you mean by interested?" Beorn asked,cutting in sharply. 

"You know what I mean,seriously" Orion rolled his eyes. 

"He's not interested in her,stop exergerating" Beorn chuckled, but anyone could tell that it's fake. 

Orion decided to keep quiet after that. 

Indigo was walking silently beside Kymani who never spared her a glance, her eyes weren't on him either,she was only focused on Thane and Genny in front of them. 

Minutes later, Amaya stopped walking and pointed at the large tall mansion just on the left side of the road. 

"Wow,that's some mansion right there" Atticus exclaimed. 

"I know right? I wonder how something as beautiful as that got haunted" Maren said, opening her book. 

"I guess someone evil stayed there once" She muttered after reading something from her book. 

"Most haunted houses or evil spirits starts from the heart anyways,,I mean once those demons notice you have a wicked heart filled with evil,then they approach you" Ophelia analyzed and everyone nodded at the same time. 

"I actually didn't know you have so much sense up there" Maren spoke up and they laughed. 

"I don't think we should be laughing yet,,we have a lot of things to do" Odessa reminded them and Thane led the way, Genny stood close to him and they were both in front as before. 

"Amaya,are you going in?" Indigo asked and Amaya smiled. 

"I should" She muttered and looked at Sage but he wasn't looking at her. 

"I'm not scared since you're here" She held Sage's hand which made him turn. 

"Me? Really?" He dropped his glance at their locked hand and Amaya nodded. 

"I can't stay outside alone either,it's not safe" She said. 

"Oh.." Sage mumbled and said nothing more or less. 


Everyone was silent as they entered into the mansion slowly and carefully, the gate door was actually locked but it was opened by Ophelia with just one commanding word. 

"How come this place doesn't look like it's been years? I mean,it's sparkling clean!" Beorn said in surprise. 

"Beats me,I was about saying that. The heck?" Odessa also exclaimed. 

"Maybe the spirits don't joke with their morning routines" Orion spoke up and everyone exchanged glances, trying hard not to burst into laughter. 

But that joy was short lived when they heard a loud hiss from inside,,everyone turned toward the direction at once with terror and curiosity in their eyes.

"What was that?" Indigo asked. 

"I don't think that question should be directed to any of us here" Amaya shook her head and held Sage even more tighter.  

They all continue walking inside and once again it was silent,even in the house. No single dust or cobwebs to prove that the house is indeed haunted. 

"Now what the heck is going on here?" Thane groaned in frustration. 

"Like master Casen said,it's more rare to see demons working during the day" Genny said. 

"So you're saying we have to wait until night time?" Sage asked. 

"I don't think we have a choice than to wait actually" Odessa scoffed and sat down. 

Everyone looked at her as if trying to figure out if she's fine or not. 

"It's like I'm the only one who's tired here" Odessa chuckled. 

"I'm fucking tired" Ophelia immediately sat down too and like that everyone joined,sitting down all over the couches. 





It's been five straight hours since everyone scattered inside the mansion,waiting for whatever is going to happen but even after hours has passed,nothing out of the ordinary happened that they could point at. 

It was as if the evil spirits are waiting for the right time because right now almost everyone's getting tired,some are already doubting if truly there are spirits in the so called mansion,everything seems pretty normal,just too normal. 

"Is master Casen pranking us? It's almost 9pm and still nothing is happening" Indigo scoffed. 

"I was about speaking up because right now I'm hungry,for real" Atticus agreed with Indigo and Maren laughed. 

"In the books I read___evil spirits choose to always attack when nobody expects,and I'm sure this is the right time" Maren smirked. 

"I don't think we should be arguing right bow because......." The other words got stuck in Ophelia's mouth when suddenly they heard a loud sound,like a deep hummm coming from the right angle of the mansion,before they could think of standing up,another one came from upstairs,yet another one then another,soon the whole house was shaking that they had to hold each other's hands to maintain their balance. 

"Someone do something!!" Amaya cried,she was already crying. 

"Meum safeguardium, meus shieldio Luminaria!!" Maren screamed out the spells and immediately everywhere became still,some fell on the floor as their eyes continue rolling. 

"That was fun" Thane muttered. 

"Fun?!" Odessa and Genny screamed and he laughed. 

"I never knew evil spirits love playing so much,that was like a roller coaster" Thane joked and everyone laughed but again returned to reality when they heard some scary cracks, almost immediately they saw the wall covered up with shadows of snakes. 

"The heck!!" Beorn snapped with his eyes wide open. 

Everyone stayed in their position,facing directly at the wall where they could see the the snakes shadows but then....where are the snakes?? They could only see the shadows,nobody moved or took a glance back until Ophelia looked back. 

"Ahhhhh!!!!!! Right behind us!!!!!" She screamed out. 

Everyone turned together at once,alas it was just one snake with connected heads about twenty,all mouths open. 

Genny almost lost her balance that Thane had to hold her back. 

"What's.....what's....that monster?" Odessa stuttered. 

Before anyone could think of replying,each heads of the snakes spread out and attacked each one of the twelve while the other eight surrounded Thane. 

Atticus was the first to destroy the one facing him and to his surprise the head didn't drop dead,instead it turned into a dark poisonous smoke which made him cough out blood. 

"Everyone stop!" Thane ordered and they all paused from trying to attack back,all eyes fell on Atticus who was dying,his blood was spilling all over the floor as he kept on coughing. 

"Atti!" Maren screamed out and rushed toward Atticus ignoring her own problem,she was able to catch Atticus before he could drop on the floor. 

Everyone turned back to see the snake gone...Thane also. 

"Where's Thane?" Odessa asked with wide eyes and almost ran but Orion immediately grabbed her before she could. 

"Thane!" Genny screamed and the next thing they heard was a clash downstairs. 

Everyone ran to the window to check but found nothing. 

Maren was trying to heal Atticus but nothing's working. 

"He's dying" She cried. 


All attention fell back on him and they rushed back toward them,by now his eyes was already closed. 

"Move away" Ophelia spoke up and they all obeyed. 

"It's a dark curse" Ophelia muttered and squatted next to Maren who was holding Atticus in her arm. 

Ophelia's eyes color changed and she started confessing out the the curse,according to her. 

Then the dark smoke he consumed came out of his mouth,,,Maren casted a spell out which destroyed the smoke at once. 

"He will be awake....soon" Ophelia muttered and everyone sighed out. 

"Genny!" Odessa suddenly screamed and all eyes turned again to see Genny almost collapsing. 

Orion sped over to her and caught her before she could fall,,her eyes are totally black but she was breathing. 

"Is she okay?" Beorn asked worriedly and Orion nodded. 

Genny opened her eyes at once and gasped loudly for breath. 

"That snake.....wasn't a snake" Genny shook her head. 


"Where's Thane? That snake is dangerous....the spirits are all gathered inside it...it's not a snake" Genny said in tears and ran out to search for Thane. 

Everyone did the same, Odessa and Orion running more faster. 


"I should have known" Orion spatted and some turned their faces to him. 

"The demon queen is the one behind all these shit,,how the hell does master Casen expect us to destroy them so easily?" he continued. 

"It was all obvious from the start since Thane mentioned that,can't believe those demons are just trap in need of blood. We almost died,guys,if Thane didn't stop us from touching that damn serpent,we would have all died" Maren spoke up with a loud sigh out. 

They are all back in Amaya's place, Thane found a way to make the spirits exit the mansion somehow. 

"It's a pity Atticus spilled for them,we should just destroy those monsters" Ophelia groaned. 

Thane sighed out,he couldn't utter a word,if they hadn't discovered what was going on faster,everyone would have gotten hurt,not just Atticus and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself,his work is to protect them all,even though they are here together for the same task...still. 

"We need to wait for Atticus to wake up before we leave" he spoke up after the silence and everyone nodded in response. 

"Who's hungry?" Amaya asked but nobody answered. 

"I understand how you guys are feeling,but the point is...you guys won at least for now. You are able to drive out those spirits out of the mansion Right?" She asked and sat down beside Sage, Beorn shifted away from her. 

"Yeah,we can hold our bodies with that" Odessa rolled her eyes and Amaya chuckled. 

"So you guys are leaving soon" She mumbled. 

"You're going to miss Sage I guess" Maren cleared her throat and Sage looked up. 

"Yeah....everyone of you" Amaya said with red cheeks. 

"Humans can't attend your school?" She asked further and they all shook their heads. 

"Oops" She pouted. 




Genny entered Thane's room and met him dressing up,it's been about three hours since they returned from Jwenguri and fortunately they haven't heard from the demons yet,but who knows their next plan?

Master Casen apologized after their complaints, not like the students got a choice anyway. 

"Where are you heading to?" Genny asked,hugging Thane from the back,she kissed his back and he let out a smile. 

"I need to go to the palace" Thane replied and turned her around,now they are facing each other. 

"You're leaving me" She pouted. 

"I will be back tonight,I'm not sleeping over" Thane kissed her shortly and walked out of the closet room,she followed him. 

"I heard about the institute closing down for now,why? Is that why you're going to the palace?" Genny questioned and sat down on the bed. 

"Yeah,father talked about rogue attack,I need to go to know what's going on exactly,to see if I'm going to agree with him about closing the dorms or not" Thane explained. 

"Oh" Genny mumbled. 

"Don't forget you promised not to sleepover,I can't stay here without you" Genny said. 

"I know" Thane blew her a smile. 

He finished dressing up and walked over to her on the bed,he pecked her lips then kissed her again. 

"I love you" He said. 

"I love you more" Genny smiled. 

"Will you stay here until I'm back?" Thane asked. 

"I might have to return to my room soon,but for now I am still here" Genny replied,hugging a pillow to herself. 

"You said you have something to tell me" Thane raised his brows. 

"There's a spy here Thane,, I saw it" Genny said. 

"You saw the face?" 

"No...but maybe it's what's going to happen in future? Or what? I'm lost" Genny shook her head. 

"Let's wait and see,,until I'm back" Thane muttered and she nodded. 

Thane kissed her again before he finally went out.


Sage entered the room and his eyes locked with Beorn's own,but almost like that Beorn turned away from him like he was invisible.

"Are you okay?" Sage asked. 

"I don't want to talk Sage" Beorn muttered. 

"Are you mad about something? You've been quiet like forever" Sage sat down on his own bed,facing him. 

"I didn't know you noticed" Beorn scoffed. 

"Am I the one you're mad at?"

"No" Beorn snapped. 

"So it's me" Sage chuckled and Beorn frowned. 

"What exactly is funny....."

"Is this because of Amaya?" Sage asked and Beorn blinked before laughing out,a fake one. 

"What do you mean by Amaya?" He muttered and looked away. 

"Are you jealous......"

"Stop it,,I'm not jealous okay? It's just annoying..one minute,you told me not to leave your sight,and the next minute you started flirting with a girl,,you even said she's cute,her? Cute? That's not even true,heck" Beorn scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

"Wow,,so that's why you refused to talk to me??"

"You started it" Beorn groaned. 

"Amaya Is cute though" Sage said and Beorn glared. 

"But you're cuter obviously,,and I don't like her that way you're thinking,geez. Stop acting jealous" Sage teased. 

"That's not really necessary you know? I said I'm not jealous" Beorn said. 

"Fine" Sage raised his hands. 

Beorn scoffed. 

"Heard about the rogues?" Sage asked,changing the topic. 

"I don't want to think about that honestly,,,they are about to separate us" Beorn said. 

"It's just the dorms....we are still coming to the school...."

"Never going to be the same" Beorn shook his head. 

"Yeah...I know" Sage sighed. 




Genny was almost yawning as she walked, she was leaving her own room and on her way back to Thane's own,she spent the day sleeping that she forgot to eat and now the only way she can have dinner is by returning to Thane,even though he's not back yet as promised. 

*𝐼 𝑔𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒* Tonith spoke up, Genny haven't stopped thinking about Thane.

*Yeah,exactly what I'm thinking,so don't worry I'm not angry,I'm just hungry* Genny yawned again. 

*Wait,there's a smell* Tonith suddenly called her attention. 

*What smell?*

*Someone's following us* Tonith replied but before Genny could turn. 

A hand gripped her from the back and began to strangle her. 

Genny tried kicking,tossing and all the skills she knows but it was fruitless,then the voice spoke. 

"I'm sorry,,if you never proved too stubborn,,queen mother wouldn't have gone so far and I wouldn't have to be the one to take you there" 

But Genny recognized that voice,,shaking her head in denial,,no it can't be,the spy. 

Genny pushed the body off herself with her special strength and she heard the person fall,then she turned. 

The sight in front of her made her blood freeze and she almost lost her breath as the person smirked to her face and choked her back against the wall. 

Genny couldn't move....

"On....Ondine" Genny stuttered. 


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