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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 43 & 44




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 43 & 44
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 



"What do I do? She's bleeding so much" The healer said in fear as she tried to stop Indigo's bleeding neck but it only got worse. Indigo was lying on the bed lifelessly. 

Master Casen sighed out,not knowing what to say exactly. 

The door opened and Thane came in. 

"How is she?" He asked. 

"She's not going to stop bleeding" Master Casen responded. 

"Move" Thane said to the healer which she immediately did. 

Thane removed the cotton around Indigo's neck to stop the blood,he looked around and found a knife,he took it and sliced it through his palm. 

The healer gasped silently,she watched as Thane's blood dropped on Indigo's open wound and slowly,the deep wound covered up. 


Thane dropped the knife and touched Indigo's head,her temperature just returned to normal. 

"Thank you so much your highness!" 

Thane said nothing and walked out of the room,he opened his palm and the knife cut also covered up. 

"How's it? Did you save her like Genny said?" Orion asked. 

"Yeah" Thane muttered. 

"But honestly,I'm so surprised. Did you really train her so well or she's just a fast learner?" Orion smiled. 

"Both" Thane replied and Orion groaned. 

"I'm so proud,now that bitch can keep quiet,at least for now" He scoffed and Thane chuckled. 

"Really?" He asked and Orion looked at him. 


"When are you going to tell me you've been sneaking around with my sister?" Thane asked and Orion's eyes widened. 

"What do you mean by sneaking around? I will see you in the morning,goodnight" He bowed and walked away quickly. 

Thane chuckled,staring at Orion until he was out of sight then he walked to his quarters. 

The guards outside bowed and opened the door for him,when he got inside the bedroom,it was empty but he could hear the shower working in the bathroom. 

"Fuck!" Thane groaned and fell on the bed. 

*Who said you're allowed to use your blood on that witch?* Thorne asked angrily. 

*She's dying...*

*Who cares,she looked down on my mate,her punishment is death,what else?* Thorne scoffed. 

*Why blaming me? It was your mate who insisted I heal her* Thane said. 

*You don't have to listen to everything,you know she's silly sometimes* Thorne scoffed and Thane laughed. 

*What's funny? I'm angry here....*

*I will tell her you're angry,so stop passing your aggression on me* Thane said and Thorne went quiet. 

Minutes later,Genny came into the bedroom. She was already putting on Thane's hoodie. 

"Do you feel cold?" Thane asked. 

"Oh you're back,how is she?" Genny asked. 

"And yes I feel cold" she added. 

"I healed her,she should be awake in few hours" Thane replied. 

"Thank goodness" Genny sighed out. 

Thane grabbed her hand and pulled her on his laps.

"Thorne is mad" he said. 

Genny blinked. 

"Why? Because of Indigo?" She asked and Thane nodded. 

"I don't want to feel guilty,and besides it's just a duel right? I don't know why she decided to throw her sword at me" Genny muttered. 

*Fine,but next time,I can't assure I won't kill her If she try to hurt you* Thorne replied and Genny smiled. 

"You're so cute Thorne,really cute" She said. 

"Stop it" Thane said and Genny laughed. 

"Anyways,you're not going to give me a gift? I won the duel" She said. 

"What do you want?" Thane asked. 

"Just you" Genny smiled and pressed her lips on his own. 

Thane smiled and his hand moved to her face,he was holding her softly as he kissed her deeply. Genny curled her hand around neck,grinding against him on his laps. 

A groan escaped Thane mouth and Genny broke the kiss. 

"How about we.....we....do it tonight?" She asked nervously. 

"Do what?" Thane raised his brows. 

"Stop teasing me,you know exactly what I'm thinking" Genny pouted. 

"But I want you to say it out,I love your voice better" Thane said and Genny bit her lips. 

"Let's have s+x" She uttered and Thane smiled handsomely. 


Genny kissed him again before he finished,she started unbuttoning his shirt. 

"Genny wait" Thane broke the kiss and stopped her. 

"What,don't you want this?" Genny asked with a groan. 

"But the last time..you said you're not ready,so why all of a sudden? It was just last night"  Thane said. 

"I just.....don't want to wait any longer,,it's only painful the first time right? We should just do it now so we can do it anytime we want" Genny muttered. 

"What? Anytime we want? Are you for real?" Thane asked with bright eyes and Genny nodded. 

"I don't want to wait anymore" She muttered. 

"So you're ready to mate and be completely bonded with me? You know what that means right?" Thane asked. 

"I know....it's not as if I want anyone else but you,so let's just..." She tried kissing him again. 

"Let's wait till tomorrow" Thane immediately said and she moved back. 

"Huh? Why? You're not in the mood?" Genny asked. 

"No,not that. I just...want our first time to be really special,no rush. It's a mate bond,not just s!x" Thane mumbled and touched his hair. 

"Special? How?" Genny asked.

"I will think about it through the night..."

"You want to disturb my sleep with your thinking?" Genny frowned. 

"Of course not,don't worry,you won't hear my thoughts" Thane smiled and Genny frowned. 

"So you've been blocking me from listening to your....."

"Genny!" Thane groaned and she rolled her eyes. 

"Don't stress me,I only said that because I don't want to disturb you,please hmm?" 

"Fine" She scoffed and lie on the bed,she turned her back on him. 

"Are you mad at me?" Thane asked. 

"Goodnight" Genny muttered and Thane sighed. 

He got down from the bed,walking toward the closet room.

"Seriously? Are you leaving without trying to know if I'm mad or not?" Genny asked without turning. 

Thane raised his brows in confusion before facing her back.

"I asked you...you ignored me...."

"You only asked once" 

"Wow" Thane chuckled and joined her back on the bed. 

"I'm sorry if you're mad at me my Luna,you know I love you so much" He said and Genny smiled. 

Thane chuckled and shook his head before hugging her closer to himself,he kissed her forehead. 

"I'm going to take my bath,go ahead and sleep" He said and Genny nodded. 

Thane kissed her again before leaving the room. 



Beorn turned on his bed and his eyes landed on Sage's own only to find it empty,he frowned and spranged up. 

"He's not back yet?" He asked no one in particular. 

He was waiting for Sage to enter the room until he fell asleep and now he's still not back. Beorn climbed down the bed and immediately put on some clothes and his shoes,then left the room. 

It was so cold outside,thank god he was wearing a hoodie,he pushed his hands into the pocket and the hood over his head,his eyes roaming around trying to find Sage. 

He already walked about five minutes before he saw Sage sitting in between the poles along the passage way,doing nothing to point at. 

"Hey,what are you doing here?"  Beorn asked and Sage raised his head. 

"Oh...Beorn" He mumbled. 

Beorn frowned and walked closer to him. 

"I just asked you a question,what are you doing here in the cold? It's late,you don't want to sleep?" He asked. 

"I was trying to stay here until you're asleep,I didn't know it was already so late" Sage said,checking the time,he stood up,now facing Beorn. 

"What do you mean by trying to stay here until I'm asleep?" Beorn raised his brows.

"I just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable,and......."

"Is that why you've been trying to avoid me all day?" Beorn cut in. 

"I'm not avoiding,I'm just......"

"If you're going to start acting stupid like this,then you should have just controlled yourself more and kept your confession to yourself,who said you're making me uncomfortable,it's not as if you're going to force me to do what I don't want to do or you're going to hurt me,you're more stupid than I thought. You can just start sleeping outside then,who cares" Beorn scoffed and walked away angrily. 

He got back to the room and entered,he was about closing the door when Sage entered. 

"I thought you would wait until I sleep" Beorn glared.

"It's cold outside" Sage said and Beorn scoffed. 

"Stop being annoying,I woke up and couldn't find you here,do you know how worried I was?" He said. 

Sage smiled and moved closer. 

"I'm sorry" he muttered and stroked his hair. 

"You can sleep now" Sage added and dropped his hand. 

Beorn remain standing. 

"What,you have more to say?" Sage asked. 

"I'm not uncomfortable with you,,I'm never going to be,so stop thinking weird,trying to avoid me,I don't like it" He muttered and Sage nodded. 

"Goodnight" Beorn said and walked to his bed. 

Sage sighed and also fell on his,tiredly. He was already so sleepy,no doubt. 



"You didn't tell me we are going on a long trip,I should have dressed more" Odessa said. 

Thane has been driving for almost three hours. 

"Who said you don't look hot this way? And I just want us to have a proper date,not with the people in Ravenwood" Thane said and Odessa laughed. 

"You're so thoughtful,I was thinking that too actually" She said. 

"And also,I want to get some things" Thane added and Odessa nodded. 

"Are we close? I'm seeing one beautiful city light close by,I should take pictures" Odessa smiled and immediately brought out her phone. 

"I don't have anywhere in mind,but definitely somewhere cool enough and fancy" Thane muttered,looking around as they finally entered the city. 

"We can just do one after another,how about we eat first? I'm hungry" Odessa tapped her tummy. 

Thane saw one big restaurant close by and immediately drove in,he parked his car where different cars were parked and they both stepped out of the car. 

"Wow,this place is so big and beautiful" Odessa said and Thane nodded in agreement. 

They were both ushered in by the security,they entered and one of the waitresses welcomed them,she directed them to an empty table and they both sat down. 

"You're welcome to our restaurant,please may I have your order?" She asked,smiling as she gave them both the menu. 

"Just give us something delicious enough that we are going to enjoy" Thane said and the waitress smiled. 

"Are you couples?" She asked and Odessa chuckled. 

"No" Thane muttered. 

"She's my sister,actually we are twins and we are here to enjoy our birthday privately" Thane explained. 

"Oh wow! I love twins!" The waitress gushed and Thane smiled. 

"Thanks" he muttered. 

"You're going to love what I will bring" She said and bowed before walking away. 

"Why are you so nice to her? I will tell Genny" Odessa scoffed. 

"Don't start yours please" Thane said and Odessa chuckled. 

About ten minutes later, the waitresses return with their food,the aroma of delectable dishes fills the air. They set the table with an array of culinary delights: tender grilled steak, savory pan-seared salmon, succulent stuffed mushrooms, crispy spiced up chicken, and a fresh green salad.

Just as the table is set, a birthday cake adorned with colorful decorations and candles makes its grand entrance, courtesy of another waitress.

"Whoa!!" Odessa clapped excitedly and Thane chuckled. 

The waitresses sang birthday song for them and asked them to blow the candles off which they did together. 

"Thank you so much" Thane said. 

"Oh don't mention,and you can cut the cake,you're going to love it" One of them said. 

"Thanks" Odessa smiled. 

The waitresses smiled and walked away. 

"Let's come here again next time" Odessa said,she already filled her mouth up with the steak. 

"Noted" Thane nodded and also picked his cutleries,he went for the cake first and tasted it. 

"Hmm" He nods in satisfaction. 

"Ahh" Odessa opened her mouth for him and he fed her. 

"Wow,I love it. We should cut some to give Orion and Genny right?" She asked. 

"Is that necessary?" Thane asked. 

"I will do it,you don't have to show your laziness here" Odessa scoffed and immediately asked a waitress for something she can use to pack the cake,they returned with a new plastic wrap. 

"Stop eating!" Odessa snapped at Thane. 

"Wait is this my birthday cake or Genny and Orion?" Thane raised his brows. 

Odessa scoffed and cut two big slices from the cake. 

"Too big" Thane muttered. 

"I never knew you love cake this much,I thought you only like meat" Odessa said. 

"Oh,my twin sister doesn't even know me" Thane place his hand on his chest with a fake sad face. 

Odessa laughed. 

The rest of the date went on well,they visited alot of places and soon it was evening. 

"We should go back Thane,it's almost five" Odessa said. 

"I should buy you a gift,what do you want?" Thane asked,holding her hand as they entered into one big shopping mall. 

"I don't really need anything but there's this pretty ankle boots I saw,it's quite expensive though" Odessa said excitedly. 

"From you don't really need anything to it's quite expensive" Thane shook his head. 

They found the boots fortunately. 

"Wow it's really pretty....I should get for Genny too....."

"Do you know her shoe size? Are you going to ask her?"

"No,a surprise" Thane replied. 

"I think we should wear same size,our height is the same and her legs aren't really that small" Odessa muttered. 

"Let's pick different colors,if it doesn't fit,then you can just take the two" Thane muttered. 

"Well I got her alot of clothes...."

"With my money or yours?" Thane cut in and she laughed. 

"What did you get for Orion?" Thane asked. 

"Nothing,just the cake" Odessa muttered. 

"Why? Let's get him something also" Thane said. 



Indigo was just leaving the healing room,she woke up hours ago but she refused to leave the room,trying to avoid the students stares on her,she waited until it's dark. 

She was walking in a hurry that she didn't know when she bumped into someone,she looked up to see Orion. 

"Oh,it's our precious witch" Orion smiled and Indigo glared at him. 

"I see you are okay now,but I'm not sure about your mouth" Orion muttered. 

"What do you want from me?" Indigo asked. 

"To know your place of course,I'm not interested in you anyhow,don't be delusional" Orion scoffed.

"I was hoping that sword on your throat will do me a favor and let you lose your voice,it's a pity" Orion muttered and shook his head before walking away. 

Indigo fold her fist and made time continue walking only to find Kymani again,he was leaning on the wall staring at her. 

"I told you not to do anything silly" He said. 

"Mind your business" Indigo snapped. 

"You could have died,you really think if that sword hurt Genny,Thane won't kill you? You're somehow dumb Indigo" Kymani said. 

Indigo rolled her eyes and walked away. 

"What are you two up to?" Zarek popped up. 

"Nothing" Kymani sighed. 



The guards at the entrance bowed for Genny and opened the door for her,she entered into the living room and met Thane. 

"Hey" He waved with a smile. 

Genny rolled her eyes and sat down on one of the couches. 

"Come on,are you mad at me?" Thane sat beside her. 

"How could you leave for a whole full day?" Genny asked. 

"You know why,,Odessa and I haven't had fun together for a while so we....."

"You came back together and I've been with her for almost an hour,I ate the cake and I got all what you guys bought,but why did you tell me not to come here?" Genny cut in. 

"I was doing something very important,I'm sorry" Thane said and pulled her into a hug. 

"I missed you,it was so dry without you" Genny pouted. 

"Really? You didn't do anything at all?" Thane asked. 

"Orion and I trained together for some hours after you left in the morning,we had breakfast together also,then I went to my room,I slept for a while also" Genny explained. 

"That's good...so...the shoes,does it fit perfectly?" Thane asked. 

"Yeah,Odessa and I are same size" She replied. 

"You had dinner already"

"Of course,do you even know what the time says? Let's go to the room,remember we have an unfinished business together" Genny got up and dragged Thane with his shirt. 

"The way you're dragging me,my dick is rising already" Thane muttered. 

"Stop!" Genny laughed.

They opened the door room and entered,Genny suddenly paused. 

Her eyes widened in amazement as she gazed around the room. The soft glow of dim lights enveloped her, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere. The air was filled with the sweet scent of fresh flowers.

Thane had transformed the room into a romantic haven. Red and white petals covered the bed, creating a beautiful path to their special moment. Candles flickered, casting a golden light on the walls. The sound of soft music drifted through the air, adding to the magic of the moment.

The room was adorned with delicate decorations, each one carefully chosen to make the evening unforgettable. The bed, dressed in a snow white spread, beckoned to them.

"What do you think? You like them?" Thane asked behind her. 

Genny turned and hugged him tightly. 

"I love it! Alot!" She said. 

Thane smiled and hugged her back. 

"I told you I want to make our first time special" He said and they broke the hug. 

Thane took the red wine on the bed side stool and opened it,Genny clapped when it made the pop sound,Thane chuckled and poured the wine into the two glasses,he handed over one to her. 

"Cheers?" He smiled. 

"Cheers" Genny chuckled and they clinked the glasses together before drinking. 

After drinking,they dropped the glasses. 

"Is there anything else you would like to do?" Thane asked. 

"No,I had my bath already" Genny muttered and gently took off the long black jacket she was wearing,revealing the s+xy nightie she was putting on. It was totally transparent that Thane could see all the perfect view of every details in her body. 

She smiled shyly with the way Thane stood there motionless,feeding his eyes with her body. She was about looking away when Thane rushed to her and grabbed her at once,his lips smashed on hers,engaging in a rough but sweet kiss. 

A moan escaped Genny's lips when Thane's tongue slides into her mouth,he squeezed her ass with all possession. 

He broke the kiss shortly after. 

"Take that off" Thane said more like a romantic order,but Genny didn't think twice before sliding the nightie off her body. 

"Fuck" Thane cursed as his eyes fell on her naked self,his dick sprang up with no delay. His eyes scanned her body from her pointed pink nipples,perfect size of br+asts,down to her s+xy bellybutton,beholding her white smooth skin,down again to her clean and perfectly shaved most precious part down there. 

"It's a sin" Thane mumbled. 


"It's a f+cking damn sin to be this clean and s+xy Genny" He mumbled. 


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